Using mac system prefferences -> keyboard to map mac capslock to left
Then in windows use sharp keys to map control to capslock.
I use jaws or nvda but it doesn't really matter which.

 Kind regards

Jeff Bishop <> writes:

> Sorry, this confused me a bit. So, which screen reader in Windows are you
> using? Are you saying that you remapped the capslock key to the control key
> in VMWare's keyboard mappings? If so, you then are mapping what to what in
> SharpKeys? Are you telling SharpKeys to then map the CapsLock key on the
> keyboard to the Insert Key? Sorry for this.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bart Bunting [] 
> Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2013 8:12 PM
> To: Jeff Bishop;
> Subject: Re: VMWare Fusion 5 with mapping Capslock to Insert
> This has been discussed quite a lot on the list if you look through the
> archives.
> Multiple aproaches are suggested.
> keyremap4mac is meant to support this.  I've had it working but found it
> flakey.  That's just my experience though, yours may vary and there may have
> been bug fixes.
> Personally I remap the capslock to control in the mac keyboard prefs and
> then use sharpkeys inside windows to remap it to capslock.  
> This works perfectly with the only down side being you no longer have a left
> control key in windows.  I don't value my left control very highly when in
> windows so this solution works for me.
> Bart
> Kind regards
> Jeff Bishop <> writes:
>> Hello,
>> Has anyone gotten the capslock key to function as the insert key when 
>> using VMWare Fusion Version 5.02 with Window-Eyes or JAWS? There is an 
>> AppleVis article on this but multiple people that I know are having 
>> difficulties getting that to function after following the steps exactly.
>> We have also tried mapping using Fusion's keyboard mapping in 
>> Preferences to make the CapsLock key act as the Insert key. When doing 
>> this it appears as the capslock function doesn't work (doesn't 
>> capitalize letters) but the screen reader announces caps on and off.
>> Any clues here?
>> Jeff
>> --
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> Bart
> -- 
> Kind regards
> Bart

Kind regards


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