I'm having issues finding albums. I was searching for artists. To find albums,
I have to use item chooser.
On Dec 29, 2012, at 5:14 PM, Steve Holmes wrote:
> With every successful search I did last night, I found albums just fine. In
> fact, this worked so well that I completely wiped out a
Hello and happy New year,
Is there an Pandora app that would be accessible on my mac. I would also love
it if I could use airPlay with this app. I cannot figure out how to use Pandora
through the web/Safari and I was hoping there was an alternative. :)
Sent from Christina's i
I'm not sure how to respond. Does anyone know how he could get on this
list? See below. Thanks.
-- Forwarded message --
From: Gery Gaubert
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2012 11:47:45 -0600
Subject: macvisionaries list
To: mehg...@gmail.com
I tried to subscribe and got a message that said I
The owner/moderator of the list will see his subscription request and should
respond. Apparently it can take quite a long time, but this wasn't the case
with me -- it was approved quickly fo me.
On Dec 31, 2012, at 12:16 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> I'm not sure how to respond. Does anyone kn
Hi! There's a wonderful little app called pianopub that works great as a
accessible pandora interface. I don't have an exact
link handy, but if you do a google search for something like download pianopub,
you should be able to find it easily enough.
Good luck!
From: macvisionari
Okay, I'll tell him. Thanks.
Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 31, 2012, at 13:22, Harry Hogue wrote:
> The owner/moderator of the list will see his subscription request and should
> respond. Apparently it can take quite a long time, but this wasn't the case
> with me -- it was approved quickly fo
I don't mean to be rude either, but it appears that the mods don't really
seem to manage this list hardly at all as they need to do. I don't wanna
tell them their jobs, as that isn't my place, but if he has to be invited,
which wouldn't surprise me, I doubt he's gonna get on very quickly.
How long though is long? I mean, 3 months? Give me a break! I could see 3
days, maybe even 3 weeks pushing it, especially if things were hectic around
there, or were back logged etc. but come the heck on! 3? months? a fourth
of a year? Good! Grief!
Thank you kindly,
Christopher-Mark Gil
I believe that one of the moderators explained to the list that he'd be
traveling over the holidays and would not be able to check his mail often. I'm
sure that any issues or list business will be taken care by him when he is able
to check his mail/have internet access. How about showing a
Hmmm, I did it by signing up in google groups; I think it took about a week
which was a little long. I don't know if it helped that I was already in google
groups or if moderation has changed or what happened. I didn't receive anything
that said I needed to be invited, just that the moderator ha
John, I do have respect, and I apologize if you were offended at my comment,
but what you need to understand is that this hasn't been going on just in
your word, his word, over the holiday. This has been going on for over a
year that the mod hasn't seemd to really be very responding with myself
It took about a month for me to be accepted.
On Dec 31, 2012, at 11:16 AM, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
> Hmmm, I did it by signing up in google groups; I think it took about a week
> which was a little long. I don't know if it helped that I was already in
> google groups or if moderation has changed
So complaining about it and pointing out what has been discussed here a
few times by others will do what? I have two other friends waiting to get
their subscriptions approved as well. As someone who moderates his own list, I
can tell you that it's difficult enough to always have a handle
Is that person moderating the Macvisionary list? I thought he was just
moderating the VI Phone list. I thought that Kara moderated the Macvisionary
list unless i'm wrong?
On 31 Dec 2012, at 07:01 PM, John Panarese wrote:
> I believe that one of the moderators explained to the list th
Thanks. I thought I found it but I keep getting an error stating the server
isn't responding and Safari cannot open the page. I also tried to follow the
link to the developer and it wouldn't work either. This is the link I was
using. Let me know if this is the wrong one.
Hi Phil,
I also recently used MainStage to get the extra loops, but they didn't show up
in GarageBand on my system, either. Here's what I did to get them there:
1. In Finder, go to /Library/Audio. Note that I'm talking about the Library
folder in the root of your startup disk, and not your user
Hi all,
It's about an hour to go until 2013 here. I hope everybody has an awesome year
ahead. Let's all see in the new year with killer parties and plenty of fun!
Gavin Grundlingh
Phone: +27 (0) 83 713-6191
Secondary Phone: +27 (0) 79 157-2466
Fax: +27 (0) 86 617-5792
Email: g.batw...@
John, I said that I was sorry you didn't like my opinion. I can't offer you
nor anyone else anything more. And thus, I won't. This thread is over as
far as I am concerned. I'll reply to this last batch that has come in,
should there be any more, but past that, I'm done with it.
I said how
I think you're correct. I think it is Cara. At one point, Mark Taylor was
co moderating, but dono what ever happened with that.
Thank you kindly,
Christopher-Mark Gilland.
Founder of CLG Productions
- Original Message -
From: "Kawal Gucukoglu"
Sent: Monday, December 3
Cara is, I believe, list owner of both the ViPhone and Mac Visionaries
list. Raul is currently a moderator. Remember that the lists each have
several hundred subscribers to them and who knows how many requests and other
list related messages go to them. It might not be the best system and
I am rather new to the Mac Mini and I would like to do a clean
install. Are there any podcasts etc. that might be able to tell me how
to go about installing Mountain Lion?
On 12/8/12, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> Yes a Clean install does start things fresh but you will have the
There sure are.
In fact, I do podcasts, and my episode 3 goes through making the needed media
as well as a clean install of M L.
You can see my list of podcasts on the podcast directory of iTunes at
Hope that helps. If you need, c
Caliber is a downloadable free ebook management software. The nice thing you
can do with this application and the right plugins is to take the drm off of
books you have purchased from B&& or Amazon so that you can use these books on
whatever device you want. This use to require all kinds of mess
Hello, have been playing around with handbreak, think I have most things
figured out except one. How do you add more than one selection to your q? I
want to select all the video tracks, since it's a TV show DVD, but can't figure
out how. Thanks.
Kliphton Senior
(Email&iMessage) kliph...@gm
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