Sorry about that; I was navigating the page once I was logged in.
Go to this page:
Do a text search for $3.99 and click on the link with these words. You'll be
presented with a cart.
I'd suggest doing a text search, because there is a lot of material on thi
I really wish you guys would stop spamming the list! We get enough traffic on
this list without receiving news letters about your company.
On Oct 1, 2012, at 7:00 AM, Scott Rumery wrote:
>> Delivering Access™ Newsletter
>> Apple Accessibility Consulting,
I will give bookle a try. So far, most of my ePub books are all DRM-free from
other sources outside Apple. Yes, iBooks for the mac would be the best because
you could then sync books and bookmarks over iCloud like you can between iOS
This will do for the time being.
On Oct 1, 2012,
I really wish they would fix the tables all over their site. Even my personal
library of books thus purchased is a mess too. VO will not go down past the
first detail row in the table. It jumps from row 3 back up to row 1 even if
you have a dozen rows in the table. I have never seen this ano
I have done this as well and figured out wat to do.
I am a mac newby so there may be a better way but I hit command0 and
that brings the mesage viewer back so you can interact with the messages
table again.
Don Breda
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goog
To move a file, first select the file in Finder and copy to clipboard with
Command-C; then go to the folder where you want to put it; then press
Command-Option-V to paste and delete original in same keystroke.
To rename the file, just hit the return key and type in the new name or edit
what is
Thanks. I will try that next time.
On Oct 2, 2012, at 10:51 AM, Don Breda wrote:
> I have done this as well and figured out wat to do.
> I am a mac newby so there may be a better way but I hit command0 and
> that brings the mesage viewer back so you can interact with the messages
> tab
Hello all.
I use the official Facebook app, along with the new integration
features, on my iPhone 4 running iOS 6.
Up until a few days ago, I could receive push notifications from my
close friends list, or Facebook in general, no problem! But now, I am
not getting them at all! I do however get
how well does it work?
will go look.
Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music
On 01/10/2012, at 6:12 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> There's a link on the Blindside homepage for the
It might be in Preferences, command-comma.
Christopher Hallsworth
On 02/10/2012 03:57, Emilio Hernandez wrote:
Hello everyone,
When I assign certain web sites to the bookmarks bar, so when pressing
command-1,2, or 3, ETC to launch, these sites appear as tabs on my screen.
How can I remove th
The game is actually much easier than the download process. Heh. Anyway, it's
just arrow keys and shooting is the spacebar. Very easy.
On Oct 2, 2012, at 5:09 AM, Maria Chapman wrote:
> Hi.
> how well does it work?
> will go look.
> thanks
> regards
> Maria and crew from
I'm not a mod or anything, but I think this is clasified as spam and
action should be taken. One message was bad enough, now we get the
news lettter too. I mean, if I had subscribed to the news letter,
obviously I wouldn't have an issue, but I feel like the list shouldn't
be a soundingboard for com
Can you read other companies' drm books on iBooks? my problem with iBooks is
that I've wanted quite a few books that weren't available from them? Also,
remember that you can read many drm and non-drm books in Adobe Digital Editions
2.0. Its current state isn't optimal since you have such limited
Hi. i could only find a purchase link. are we meant to purchase this game?
It's only 4 dollars australian but just wanted to make sure i was following the
right links.
Maria Chapman
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." -
HI. am downloading it now. it also gives me the link for a windows version
that's kind of cool.
Surely it wouldn't let me have both?
Maria and crew from australia
check out
where we play lots of great music
On 02/10/2012,
I would like to apologize to those of you that I offended by sending out a
promotion for an iTunes gift card that my company is doing. It was not my
intention to send out spam and for the record I do not think what I did is
spam, but I have noticed that a couple of you on this list thou
This has been standard since IOS 5.0. Voiceover and triple press home works
out the box.
Ricardo Walker
On Oct 1, 2012, at 12:04 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> As far as I know, you must first set up the
Thats because the phone was already set up with out Voiceover being enabled.
You must turn on VO with a triple press of home during the setup for those to
be the default configuration.
Ricardo Walker
On Oct 1,
Hi There
I do this all the time on Numbers. First, when you press command O en a file,
you should get the messaje that you are on layout. There are some other
choices, but that's the one you want first. You need to interact on that one.
Then, you should get a choice of tables. You can add tabl
Hmmm, I'm not sure.
In my opinion, I think that even doing this, it's a steal of a price compared
to other games for the blind. Also, this is supposedly one episode, so they may
be doing more. They say it takes an average of an hour to play, but I'm a slow
game-player, so it took me several.
Ricardo, apparently that has been changed. AFB sponsored an iPhone workshop at
our recent ACB of Texas conference this past weekend. We decided to test this
because there was a discussion about tripple click home and whether this
standard any more. It didn't work on any of the iPhones we had pre
but I don't understand. How was this test conducted? Was it devices just
taken out the box or, restored to factory settings and turned on?
Ricardo Walker
On Oct 2, 2012, at 10:10 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
Hi guys.
There are some very good reasons to use 40 cells instead of 32 for some people.
This 40 cell one I have is much lighter than my Focus 40 that I'm about to give
back to the state of Texas.
For one thing, if you use Web Braille, the files are done with 38 cells as the
righthand margin.
Hi Ricardo.
I have done this test with several devices that sighted have had where they
have never turned VoiceOver on or off. It didn't work with theirs either. In
this case, some sighted folks had some iPhones there and they tried it on
theirs. It didn't work. So, it was recommended that peopl
Tim, the tripple click has always worked since I O S 5 by default, provided you
do it during the setup screens. At that point, it's enabled from that point
- Original Message -
From: Scott Berry
Sent: Monday, October 01, 20
I'm so sorry, I called you Tim, didn't I. Shows what happens when you get
accaried away checking e-mail, and aren't paying attention. My bad, Scott.
Forgive me. LOL!
- Original Message -
From: Scott Berry
Sent: Monday, October 01
Even if they did have a first generation, that wouldn't matter at all. This
has absolutely nothing to do with the hardware specification like what
generation... this depends on what version of IOS. Ever since I O S 5, you've
been able to do this.
- Original Message -
Hello everyone. To get around this, you could either purchase the device
online or insist that the store sell you a device that hasn't been touched
by a store employee. People in stores want to make sure everything is set up
before a customer leaves the store. For some of us, part of the fun is the
John, I'm an Apple trainer. I won't charge anything just to help get her set
up. Obviously passed that point, if she wants private lessons I could do them
ovedr Skype, or the phone but there would be a small fee. Just the initial
setup though, I never ever charge people for that. If she need
Again, as Ricardo said, the tripple click won't work by default, unless it
was pressed initially during the setup screen. If you all were trying to do
this after the IPhones had been set up and configured, that's then why it
didn't work on any of the units. Trust me, I've been a dev for quite
Well, I've seen mails from you before, so I didn't thought it was spam. I am
looking forward to receive my gift card, which I hope will work in the danish
Best regards:
Søren Jensen
Mail & MSN:
Den 02/10/2012 kl. 15.25
Okay, I hope everybody will excuse that I am going to post this to three lists
but at least I am going to send separately to each list. I thought this might
be really helpful to some who may have been as frustrated as I was.
I have bought several ebooks from I could read them
Right. But as I'm trying to explain, that is expected behavior. The term "out
the box" pretty much means just that. Voiceover being enabled with a triple
press of home only works when the device is being set up either, straight from
the factory when you first get the device and open its
I'm apparently only at 1.0.3, even though I vividly remember upgrading to what
I thought was 3.0. Probably the problem.
• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter: BurningHawk1969
• MSN:
• My home page:
You received t
I want to link those programs together for recording perposes. for podcasting
as well as music recording. I would also like to moniter myself while doing all
of this. you know be able to hear everything that is going on as well as myself
if i speak into the mic. I want to be able to speak and be
I got a brand new iPhone 5 delivered last Thursday from Sprint, and triple
click of the home button did not turn VO on right out of the box. When my
sighted husband got home, the set up screen was up asking what language I would
like, etc., but no VO with triple click home.
On Oct 2, 2012, at
i have a macbook running snow lepard.
- Original Message -
From: keith weatherly
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: connecting garageband sound flower logic and the line in
programs together
I want to link those progra
I would just use audio hijack pro and record all system audio. I think that
would be way easier and efficient.
Ricardo Walker
On Oct 2, 2012, at 12:18 PM, "keith weatherly"
> I want to link those programs
Did you check your volume? I got an iPhone 5 as weel from sprint and, triple
press of home did turn on VO, and on that very screen with the different
languages. The volume was turned down almost all the way. I did a 2 finger
flick up, and increased the volume.
Ricardo Walker
YOu know, I don't think I did that. H!
On Oct 2, 2012, at 1:09 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> Did you check your volume? I got an iPhone 5 as weel from sprint and, triple
> press of home did turn on VO, and on that very screen with the different
> languages. The volume was turned do
scott, i agree.
God Bless.
Your friend in the music industry
On Oct 2, 2012, at 8:50 AM, Scott Davert wrote:
> I'm not a mod or anything, but I think this is clasified as spam and
> action should be taken. One message was bad e
i personally hate that program.
use the sound driver called sound flower. it's smaller and works better.
use the program linen to monitor everything.
if anyone needs help with it add me on Skype so as i can walk you through it
my Skype id is djtimothy1
God Bless.
Your friend in
I'm going to install Windows7 on my late 2011 iMac soon and am wondering about
this very important and useful key - the windows logo key. Obviously its not on
the Apple USB full-size keyboard, but is there an alternative mapping after you
install the bootcamp support drivers? How about the "appl
You'll need to install sharp keys on windows.
The windows key by default is the command key. At least on my MacBook.
Sharp keys will have to change a key such as the right command or option to the
applications key.
Hope that's helpful to you
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 2, 2012, at 12:04 PM,
The command key is the windows key, at least that's how the mac maps it on a
windows-style usb keyboard connected to my mini. As to applications, there is
not, but remember that the same functionality can be gotten to by pressing
shift-f10. I know it isn't as convenient, but it is something to k
You're welcome & good luck,
On Oct 1, 2012, at 9:07 PM, Nicholas Parsons
> Thanks CJ and Steve!
> I'll check these out. I have an international Bookshare membership and I
> believe I've seen those O'Reily books before in some search results, so
> hopefully I can get them. Thank
I read them as HTML in Safari on my Mac. Remember, the key is to add them to
your bookshelf via favorites. Unless you do that, you can only see a teaser
for each chapter @ a time.
Hope this helps,
On Sep 30, 2012, at 9:17 PM, Cheree Heppe wrote:
> Cheree Heppe here:
> I tried t
Great, I assume that the option key maps to the alt key on pc keyboards?
- Original Message -
From: Chris Bruinenberg
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 3:04 PM
Subject: Re: windows logo key alternative on Apple keyboard?
You'll need to ins
Again based on my mac's mapping of a windows keyboard, yes. Too bad there's no
function key mapping for windows keyboards, as I'd love to have the function
keys (f1-f12) work like they do on a dedicated mac keyboard.
On Oct 2, 2012, at 4:04 PM, "Phil Halton" wrote:
> Great, I assume that the op
I download YouTube videos with an app called MacTubes. There are many
unlabeled buttons but the help tags make the app accessible.
On Oct 1, 2012, at 7:18 PM, Maria Chapman wrote:
> Hi. I have youtube to mp3 converter, which works well. I'm working on a
> presentation i have to do though
Gigi, you're still not understanding though what we're trying to explain.
This explains why it didn't work.
The tripple click of the home key won't work unless several conditions have
been met.
1. The user gets the IPhone out of the box for the first time, powers it on
for the very first ti
Hi Chris.
I know, it works. I tried my brothers iPhone 4s and it does not turn voiceover
Your correct with everything you said and it all makes perfect sense.
Chris Bruinenberg
On Oct 2, 2012, at 3:23 PM, "Christopher-Mark Gilland"
> Gigi, you're still
Hello, thanks to the help I received earlier I am getting numbers to work now.
Is there a way to go to the end of a document in Numbers and Text Edit? I am
using the Apple wireless keyboard so don't have a page down key that I know of.
Thanks again.
You received this message because you
Hello all.
Thank you all for trying to help with my problem regarding the Facebook
app and push notifications.
I ended up restoring my iPhone 4 runnning iOS 6 from an iCloud backup.
It is all sorted, and my iPhone is more responsive now than before the
Thanks once again.
I thought the end of a document was command-down arrow. At least it
works in Text Edit and any edit text fields, but it is broken in some
tables, such as the message table in Mail.
Christopher Hallsworth
On 02/10/2012 23:56, Agent086b wrote:
Hello, thanks to the help I received earlier I am
Thanks, I thought Command down arrow was to insert a row below the one you are
On 03/10/2012, at 9:18 AM, Chris wrote:
> I thought the end of a document was command-down arrow. At least it works in
> Text Edit and any edit text fields, but it is broken in some tables, such as
> the me
Hello all, I can prove that Triple Click home to turn VoiceOver on still
works in iOS 6 at least after a factory reset and at least on an iPhone
4. This is how I restored it from an iCloud backup without sighted
Christopher Hallsworth
On 02/10/2012 23:23, Christopher-Mark Gilland
Can I use this app to convert Youtube to say MP3? Thanks!
Christopher Hallsworth
On 02/10/2012 22:46, ROD SKENE wrote:
I download YouTube videos with an app called MacTubes. There are many
unlabeled buttons but the help tags make the app accessible.
On Oct 1, 2012, at 7:18 PM, Maria Chapm
Let me know if you all need that audio demonstration still. I'm not about!
to reset my IPhone to demonstration this, but I'd be happy to do it with the
IPod, seeing I mainly only use that thing as a testing device for things
like this anyway.
- Original Message -
From: "Chris
There is a page down key it is Function+Down arrow
The Function key is probably the key left of the VO keys.
You can hit VO+K tu turn on key description and here all of the Function arrow
keys to see what thay do.
Donovan Osborn
On Oct 2, 2012, at 3:56 PM,
Yes there is.
First of all:
fn+left arrow=Page up
fn+right arrow=Page Down
fn+Up arrow=Home
fn+down arrow=End.
In Text Edit at least, can't speak for Numbers, command+left arrow=beginning
of line
command+right arrow=End of line
Command+Up arrow=top of file
command+down arrow=bottom of file.
you're slightly confused. In tables, you can't do command+down arrow. What
you gotta do in a table, is to hit fn+vo+shift+right arrow.
If you do left arrow instead of right arrow you'll jump to the top of the
I know that sounds cocka mainy but trust me, it works.
For those
That might be true in numbers, Max, but in Text Edit, those commands
definitely! work. They also should wortk in Pages, as well as pretty much
any text field area.
- Original Message -
From: "Agent086b"
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 7:22 PM
Subject: Re: Go to end of d
You know Chris, I'm not totally sure if it does mp3's. the last I looked it
didn't, unfortunately. That is the only thing I don't like about it. That
and there are a few unlabeled buttons, but you probably by now I'd assume
know about the vo+slash to label things manually. For what it is, it
I was under the impression that up and down was home and end and left and
right was page up and down. Do I have it backwards? I do it so second
natured I don't really think/annalyze it. LOL!
- Original Message -
From: "Donovan Osborn"
Sent: Tuesday, October
when's a good time to get up with you?
- Original Message -
From: Timothy Clark Music
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2012 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: connecting garageband sound flower logic and the line in
programs together
i personally hate that
I like the Brailliant BI40. It's not bulky.
On Oct 1, 2012, at 3:52 PM, Scott Berry wrote:
> Do you have any braille displays in mind? Humanware has some. So does
> Freedom Scientific.
> Scott
> On 9/30/2012 12:42 PM, Marianne Denning wrote:
>> This is a cross post because I hope for seve
me too, just have troubles using it things like using the keyboard to do
command-l and pull a links list. If anyone could point me in the right
direction I'd love ya. I have done the rtfm, but am still at a loss.
On 2012-10-02, at 10:10 PM, Sarai Bucciarelli
> I like the Brailliant BI4
Hi all,
I'm back for another in my unintentional Newbie Tips series, where I explain
something I just found that I wish I'd known months ago.
This time it's the web rotor, available in any "html content" item. When vo is
focused in one of these, press vo-u to bring up the web rotor. Left and rig
Want a weird problem? Here goes. While running Skype, and after a while of
just sitting there, I will suddenly hear a Skype alert telling me a contact has
gone on or off line; and then, I hear "system dialog". But, when I go to check
using VO+F2, nothing but that one window open. Any
Thanks this works. I have read all the keyboard commands I can find, but I have
not seen the below.
Is there a series of help files for different applications?
How do you all find out about these?Thanks again.
On 03/10/2012, at 10:54 AM, Christopher-Mark Gilland
> Chris,
> you'r
any time you see me online.
God Bless.
Your friend in the music industry
On Oct 2, 2012, at 9:28 PM, keith weatherly wrote:
> when's a good time to get up with you?
> - Original Message -
> From: Timothy Clark Music
> T
HI all,
When editing a repeat event in Calendar a dialogue is displayed asking whether
you wish to change all future events or only the current event. However,
VoiceOver does not automatically focus on this dialogue. Moreover, it is
impossible to keep editing or even stop editing the event once
I have noticed that typing very quickly on my Mac using Alex that it is not
very responsive (not keeping up as I type). Now, I do have keyboard speech
set to echo characters. Switching to Samantha seems to be a bit better but I
was just curious what others impressions are as far as a good v
never paid much attention to it as it seems to work fine here on my mac. what's
your ram and such?
God Bless.
Your friend in the music industry
On Oct 3, 2012, at 12:58 AM, Jeff Bishop wrote:
> Hello,
> I have noticed that
Hi Ray,
You might try a VO click on it. It may have gone out of focus because of a
blank screen or screen-saver. Try VO-shift-space wherever you happen to be and
see if it comes back.
On Oct 2, 2012, at 8:01 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Okay.
> Want a weird problem? Here goes.
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