Hello all.
I found a feature in Amadeus Lite to export a file as an iPhone
ringtone. I tried this, and it sort of works, except the whole file got
exported. I realize the limitation regarding iPhone ringtones in that
they must be no more than 30 seconds in length.
So can anyone tell me where I
i run Windows 7 with VMWare Fusion on my Mac, and JAWS works fine. Why would
FS´s official line be that they do not support it, since it is still on
Windows? Why should the hardware matter to them? It should only be a software
issue to them. I called them the other day with a question and ju
HI. to search for friends i'm afraid you need to use the mobile site and
change the user agent.
hope this helps
Maria Chapman
"The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." -
Mahatma Gandhi
On 24/09/2012, at 5:37 PM, christopher hallsworth
True. But, for what ever reason, that is the line they want to take. But I
agree, I wouldn't even mention I'm running it on Mac hardware or, that I'm
using a VM.
Ricardo Walker
On Sep 30, 2012, at 5:56 AM, Harry H
This is weird. Under Mountain Lion, I can't seem to read whether or not I'm
running 32 or 64 bit. OF course, I clicked on About this Mac, and then pressed
the more info button. It's not really important; but, it sort of bugs me a
little. Anybody figured out where it is yet?
I thought Mountain lion was only 64 bit?
On 9/30/2012 8:05 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
This is weird. Under Mountain Lion, I can't seem to read whether or
not I'm running 32 or 64 bit. OF course, I clicked on About this Mac,
and then pressed the more info button. It's not really importan
Mountain lion only boots in 64 bit, that's all it has which is probably why
it's not mentioned.
On Sep 30, 2012, at 7:05 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Okay,
> This is weird. Under Mountain Lion, I can't seem to read whether or not I'm
> running 32 or 64 bit. OF course, I clicked on About this M
Mountain lion only runs in 64 bit.
Ricardo Walker
On Sep 30, 2012, at 8:05 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Okay,
> This is weird. Under Mountain Lion, I can't seem to read whether or not I'm
> running 32 or 64
As did I. Not, mind you, that it matters; just dying to know.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On Sep 30, 2012, at 7:42 AM, Al Puzzuoli wrote:
> I thought Mountain lion was only 64 bit?
> On 9/30/2012 8:05 AM, Ra
Seems perfectly logical to me.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On Sep 30, 2012, at 8:20 AM, Mike Arrigo wrote:
> Mountain lion only boots in 64 bit, that's all it has which is probably why
> it's not mentioned.
> O
Yep, it do for sure.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
Skype name:
On Sep 30, 2012, at 8:26 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> Mountain lion only runs in 64 bit.
> hth
> Ricardo Walker
> rica...@appletothecore.info
> Twit
Hello all.
Following up on my previous post regarding an accessible ram manager for the
Mac, I came across a free tiny utility called purge.
This little gem has absolutely no interface what so ever. You just run it, it
does it's thing, and you have lots of free RAM once again. Seeing as there is
i use garageband for making ringtones.
God Bless.
Your friend in the music industry
On Sep 30, 2012, at 4:03 AM, Chris wrote:
> Hello all.
> I found a feature in Amadeus Lite to export a file as an iPhone ringtone. I
> tried t
A couple of suggestions that are far less expensive than Steve's below
first, do not write kobo, call them. More often than not they use a
customer service filtering email which may have no idea what to do with that
message. time for a human.
Second, kobo may not be the issue, b
Hello, I use a program called "Movavi video converter". I originally used
it on windows, and still do. But it is much more accessible on the mac.
What this program does, is take your AVI, MKV, and many other formats of
videos and puts them in the MP4 format soe that you can put them in to
You can run applications in 32 Bit mode if needed from the Get Info Window
in Finder with command-i if it is ever necessary. The Get Info window will
also tell you if the app happens to be a 32 Bit app as well.
Take Care
John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479
Hello list,
I'm trying to use nicecast to stream audio from my Mac. When I try to listen
to the stream, it seems to connect but, I can't hear anything although, I know
music is playing in iTunes. BTW, I'm using an airport express for my router.
Any help would be appreciated.
Ricardo Walker
hi, all,
I've decided i'm going to do what I can to encourage the developers of Calibre
to make the interface more accessible. As it stands now, there are many
work-arounds that have to be done to make it work. The only accessible
interface that works consistently is the command-line, and as fa
Help!!! Something terribly wrong with navigation of tables or something. When
I go to the below site and try and navigate the table, I can't go down through
the remaining rows. While inside the table of books, I use the VO-Arrow keys
to try and go on down past row 2 but it appears to be going
I just went to a familiar transit site and looked up a bus schedule and that
table navigated just fine. So it is the table on the Take Control Books site
that doesn't work for me.
Any ideas out there on how to get around their table?
On Sep 28, 2012, at 5:37 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi All,
After going up to the website it looks like the version for the Mac is not
available yet! I hope it will be soon though.
On Sep 28, 2012, at 4:18 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> www.blindsidegame.com
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" gro
Hello Steve,
I've just had a look at this table and it's a total mess! I can get further
down through it by using mousekeys, but the VoiceOver cursor won't go there.
This site is renowned for being horrible to navigate in any case.
Sorry not to have a better solution, but mousekeys is all that
what does this program do?
(twitter&Skype) kliphton72
)(iMessage, FaceTime&Email) kliph...@gmail.com
(life journal) kliphton.wordpress.com
Sent from Minister Miller's iPhone5
On Sep 30, 2012, at 11:18 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
hi, all,
I've decid
Someone posted:
"Mac, I came across a free tiny utility called purge.
This little gem has absolutely no interface what so ever. You just run it,
it does it's thing, and you have lots of free RAM once again. Seeing as
there is no interface, there is there fore no accessibility issues with
Hi folks,
It's been a while. I just downloaded Audacity and I need to convert about
80 or so 30 second mp3 clips to .wav. Is there any way in Audacity to do
this in one bulk operation? I really don't want to do them one-at-a-time.
thanks for any help,
You received this message b
I'm trying to figure out how to use the mouse keys again; I've only done this
some while ago. I certainly cannot find the checkboxes. Any review possible?
I can't seem to find anything in VO helps about mouse keys either.
Sorry for so much trouble. If these books weren't that interesting, I w
This is a cross post because I hope for several responses. I am
purchasing a braille display for an elementary student. This student
has excellent skills with access technology. The student will be
using it with an IDevice and a Mac running OS 10 and Windows 7. JAWS
is the screen reader on Wind
Hi Steve and Others,
I navigated the table entries by setting the web rotor to form controls. Then
if you use VO-U you can move down the list to the item you want and use
VO-Space or your Up+Down arrow keys to check/uncheck the box. By default the
listed entries will be set to "Mountain Lion",
Nicecast sounds pretty cool, was going to buy it today as part of the
10th birthday special offer, but haven't even tried it. So what can I do
with it? It says I can create my own internet radio station. If that is
the case do I need to mess about with port forwarding etc? I mean just
imagine b
A focus 40 Blue will work with IOS Mac and Windows w/ JAWS. HTH
Becky and Ceil
On Sep 30, 2012, at 2:42 PM, Marianne Denning wrote:
> This is a cross post because I hope for several responses. I am
> purchasing a braille display for an elementary student. This student
> has excellent skill
Hi Steve,
I don't need to use mouse keys to check the boxes on the Take Control site (see
my previous post), but here's a link to an old post from the macvisionaries
• Re: mouse keys
You can skip most of the exp
hello -
you can broadcast using either your own bandwidth from your internet.
so you would be using the built in server or you could set up a server with
shout cast, ichacast, or live365.
hope this helps
God Bless.
Your friend in the music industry
Okay, here's what I did.
I started where it says buy selected books button. i tabbed through the titles
and hit the spacebar only (not vo-space) to check the boxes. I was able to
simply hit enter/return on the category choice; I wanted to see all books. But
since I was then at the bottom of the
Hi All,
In honor of Rogue Amoeba's 10th Anniversary, all products on their web site
that are purchased today (September 30) have a $10 savings. Airfoil for either
Mac or Windows is $15 instead of $25, and if you want their combined Airfoil
bundle for both platforms it's $30 instead of $40. Aud
Thanks to you and Esther, I managed to order 4 books so far. It is a strange
experience indeed. I had some problem associating checkboxes with the right
books though but I was probably mix and matching when to use VO modifiers keys.
It was almost easier to add more books to the cart and then
There's a link on the Blindside homepage for the download. I got the game for
the Mac. Go to the following page and do a VO search for "DMG" on the page.
On Sep 30, 2012, at 10:00 AM, craig J Dunlop wrote:
> After going up to the website it look
It converts ebooks between many different formats, but is currently
inaccessible on the Mac with the graphical user interface.
On Sep 30, 2012, at 10:20 AM, Kliphton wrote:
> what does this program do?
> Kliphton-SR
> (twitter&Skype) kliphton72
> )(iMessage, FaceTime&Email) kliph...@
I'm trying to use the built in server. My devices seem to be connecting but,
No sounds is being played. Any suggestions?
Ricardo Walker
On Sep 30, 2012, at 3:21 PM, Timothy Clark Music
> hello -
> you ca
I've seen reference to AirFoil. What does it do and what equipment does one
need to use it? Thanks.
On Sep 30, 2012, at 3:36 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi All,
> In honor of Rogue Amoeba's 10th Anniversary, all products on their web site
> that are purchased today (September 30) have a $10 s
When I used tab and shift-tab, the checkbox and the title of the book were
associated so that I didn't have any problem telling what I was ordering. They
were spoken together and as long as I didn't try to use vo-keys but just the
space bar, each checkbox was checked though it didn't say "checke
Hi al,
No not the only one. I'm also having problems with Air Server. Not
with the audio but with video. I have an Imac and running Mountain Lion.
It was working fine until the last 2 updates.
On Sep 29, 2012, at 4:33 PM, Al Puzzuoli wrote:
> Hi,
> Just wondering if others ar
I think you can use this coupon as many times as you want before the sale runs
out. Cheryl's suggestion of using tab and shift tab to navigate is very
robust. There's another way you can view all the listed books: one of the
entries under links that shows up after all the specific topics is "Y
May I say something without sounding very rude, as I tend to normally do?
How much effort really did your friend put into it? Second of all, no offense
but are you basing this opinion on that of what your friend said, or that on
what you personally yourself has seen? I totally totally agree
Hi Teresa,
thanks for checking this out. I always expect the worst from FB when it comes
to users' privacy, so it didn't set off any alarms at all. Sorry all for the
false alarm.
On Sep 29, 2012, at 9:09 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Here's more info:
> http://www.snopes.com/comput
Why do all that? Can they not turn on voiceover by tripple clicking the
home key from the initial setup, or if nothing else, turn V O on within
ITunes? If they're blind, it's gonna be a little hard tapping
- Original Message -
From: "Pam Fra
That's ridiculous! VM or not, Bootcamp or not, you're not trying to support
the O S, or the hardware, you're supporting your screen reader, and as long
as the damn thing runs... Hoy... I yi yi!
What more reason I won't touch jfw with a 5000 foot poll. For me, it's
either Window-Eyes, prefer
To the best of my knowledge, 32 bit was dropped in Lion, so I think if you're
on M L, you're most likely definitely on 64 bit. It doesn't show, as there's
no need to, seeing it's gonna be 64 round about. Please, someone correct me
should I be incorrect. I'm willing to stand corrected.
Airfoil allows you to wirelessly transmit audio around your home or
office. The minimum is a machine running Airfoil and another machine
running Airfoil Speakers. Airfoil however supports Airport Express and
other compatible devices, Airplay features in iOS, Apple TV, and so on.
On 30/09/2012
Ok so if I use the built in server does that broadcast across the
internet or will I still have to do some port forwarding.
On 30/09/2012 20:21, Timothy Clark Music wrote:
hello -
you can broadcast using either your own bandwidth from your internet.
so you would be using the built in server
Wouldn't you just to go "about this Mac," and it should tell you your processor
type, and then go look that up on Google? If it's 64-bit capable, and you're
running newest latest softest warmest kitty, you're running a 64-bit system.
• Mark BurningHawk Baxter
• AIM, Skype and Twitter: Burni
Hi all,
I'm having a problem with the rate of the system voice. I went to set my rate
in System preferences under Dictation and Speech, then set certain apps to
automatically speak events. In Skype, my rate is honoured, but in Messages and
Growl, it seems to use the default rate, which is extre
it only goes to the server at your house.
i believe you can send a public address it would then go to those who are able
to connect.
you should use http://www.listen2myradio.com for streaming.
it's free.
use shoultcast and set it up.
then you can give everyone your listen2myradio link an
I'm also interested in learning CoCo. What is the URL for Safari Books Online?
What formats does Safari use for the books? Thanks so much.
On Sep 29, 2012, at 3:15 PM, CJ Daniel wrote:
> Hi,
> Download Xcode from the app store. It's a complete IDE for the Mac, which is
> completely free.
Thanks to all who answered my questions. I am sorry I did not reply before
but I am up to my ears in boxes as I prepare for some major alterations to
my house. I am therefore also behind with my emails.
I think I gave rather a bad example with something as simple as making text
bold. I am in t
Hi Chris.
It sounds like you should be interacting with the body of the text, and maybe
you interacted with the heading. I gather you are in Mountain Lion. I had more
trouble with Lion with Pages.
Also, when you want to find items sometimes the item chooser is your best bet.
Try typing control
Programs such as onyx and cocktail also have these features.
On Sep 30, 2012, at 9:51 AM, Matthew Campbell wrote:
> Hello all.
> Following up on my previous post regarding an accessible ram manager for the
> Mac, I came across a free tiny utility called purge.
> This little gem has absolutely no
Hi Lisette, Steve, and Others,
I think you can use Adobe Digital Editions to read that PDF. It works on Kobo
ePub books that are protected with Adobe's ADE DRM, and it also works on
library downloaded eBooks that you can check out on the web from libraries that
use OverDrive. (You can read th
Ok, I admit I haven't used the app for 6 months or more, but the last I used it
you couldn't get out of one channel and go to another channel using VoiceOver.
Has that changed. Finding the first channel went fine, but there was no
accessible way to change channels.
- Original Message --
Hi Esther
My problem is knowing how to get the pdf into my kobo app on my iPhone. The
epub books just sync automatically, but the pdf doesn't appear to. Any ideas?
On 1/10/2012, at 1:28 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Lisette, Steve, and Others,
> I think you can use Adobe Digital Editions to
just hit the home button 3 times
On 9/30/2012 2:19 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
Why do all that? Can they not turn on voiceover by tripple clicking
the home key from the initial setup, or if nothing else, turn V O on
within ITunes? If they're blind, it's gonna be a little hard tapping
thats why u tell them u are running it on a pc.
what they don't know won't hurt them.
On 9/30/2012 2:23 PM, Christopher-Mark Gilland wrote:
That's ridiculous! VM or not, Bootcamp or not, you're not trying to
support the O S, or the hardware, you're supporting your screen
reader, and as long as
if u are running the server locally then most likely u will have to
forward ports
its usually ports
8000 and 8001
On 9/30/2012 2:39 PM, Chris wrote:
Ok so if I use the built in server does that broadcast across the
internet or will I still have to do some port forwarding.
On 30/09/2012 20:21,
I think it is www.safaribooksonline.com. Or, it might be www.safaribooks.com.
Anyway, they've got a 10-day free trial. After that, the basic subscription is
$19 a month. That might seem a bit expensive, but I love the access to so much
technical information.
There are several formats
Have you gone to the Kobo website and made sure that this is only available as
a pdf? I seem to remember that some books had more than one download option and
once you buy the book you can download it in any format. Also, have you tried
opening your library on the device you are trying to get th
Btw I put all of those drm-free take control pdfs through calibre and they
convert to text with no problem.
May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable to You, Lord,
my rock and my Redeemer.
(Psalm 19:14 HCSB)
On Sep 30, 2012, at 7:28 PM, Esther wrote:
Hello all,
is it possible to not have the Spotlight bar always on the screen?
Also if I can't get rid of that bar until it is needed. Can I stop it
displaying the text VO has just read?
My wife finds this confusing when she is helping me with a problem.
You received this message
The Braille Edge 40-cell display from Hims is another competitive option.
On Sep 30, 2012, at 12:17 PM, Becky Knaub wrote:
> Hi,
> A focus 40 Blue will work with IOS Mac and Windows w/ JAWS. HTH
> Becky and Ceil
> On Sep 30, 2012, at 2:42 PM, Marianne Denning wrote:
>> This is a cross pos
As far as I know, you must first set up the "Triple-click Home" to "Toggle
VoiceOver" before that functionality will work. Pressing that out of the box
will not turn on VO unless Apple has changed the default lately. As mentioned
earlier, it may be easiest to configure the Universal Acces
When in the Finder, press cmd-space to toggle Spotlight on and off.
Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
On 2012-09-30, at 9:36 PM, Agent086b wrote:
> Hello all,
> is it possible to not have the Spotlight bar always on the screen?
> Also if I can't get rid of that bar until it i
they changed that in ios5
On 9/30/2012 9:04 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
As far as I know, you must first set up the "Triple-click Home" to
"Toggle VoiceOver" before that functionality will work. Pressing that
out of the box will not turn on VO unless Apple has changed the
default lately. As
I thought I heard that too but I tried it recently on an iPhone 4S and it did
not work there. I don't know its upgrade history, nor was I aware of what mode
the phone was in at that moment. I was shown the phone in a case and I thought
I'd be smart and see if VO would turn on with triple click
Cheree Heppe here:
I tried them because my agency is offering the books as enrichment and career
enhancement materials.
I had no luck reading those books on an IOS device. Either I got it really
wrong or they aren't accessible to any significant degree.
Whatdid you say was your work-around?
Hi Teresa,
I remember sending you this information about some scripts that Jonathan Chacôn
wrote for Calbre. At the time (back in April) I couldn't get to the blog site
links, and thought they might have been permanently taken down, but the URLs
all seem to be working now. I think that workin
Hi, that appears to me to only put you in or out of the Spotlight bar. Or do I
have that wrong.
On 01/10/2012, at 2:06 PM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> When in the Finder, press cmd-space to toggle Spotlight on and off.
> Later...
> Tim Kilburn
> Fort McMurray, AB Canada
When you toggle out of Spotlight with Command-space it will also no longer
display the text that VoiceOver has just read, which is what I believe you
asked for. The only other way to clear this and still have Spotlight active is
to delete your search terms (e.g. select all with Command-a,
This may have been asked before but I don't recall answers just now. I'm
wondering if there are any apps for the Mac to read epub books ala iBooks
fashion? Sure Ibooks is fine on the iPod but when I'm home in front of my mac,
I would like to be able to read them there instead without altering f
Thanks, I did not understand after leaving Spotlight that would stop the text
being displayed.
Thanks for clearing that up for me.
On 01/10/2012, at 2:41 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi,
> When you toggle out of Spotlight with Command-space it will also no longer
> display the text that VoiceOv
Hi all, I solved the Spotlight bar problem.
All I needed was to turn off Captions in VO. Now the Spotlight bar is gone
until I want it.
Thanks again for the help.
Thanks again.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post
Hello Chris,
In Pages, leaving the text area using VO removes the selection so you can't
apply a style. You have to set a hotkey for the style you want and just press
it in the paragraph to which it should apply.
You can check on what style is in operation by setting a hotspot on the Styles
Hi. not sure i quite understand these instructions. I haven't done much with
Can someone explain to me how to go pick a style and then set a hot key so it
can be applied to text in pages?
God Bless! Maria from australia
Newbie mac user.
will get you fb as we
Thanks, Esther. I'll give that a shot.
I'm wondering now if there is a way to get the various plugins for Calibre
through the command-line. The GUI interface doesn't allow VO to read the
advanced preferences.
On Sep 30, 2012, at 9:24 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Teresa,
> I remem
81 matches
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