Re: redownloading lion from app store

2012-02-06 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Two solutions come to mind here. 1. Look at your past purchases. You will see Lion there. There will, I believe, be an option to download again and you will not be charged. 2. Shut down your machine and then do the following. A. Press power then command+r. b. Now, after about 45 seconds

Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread Scott Howell
Ricardo, I thought about that, but here is a question that perhaps you will have an answer for. So, I have to use my APple ID to setup the Home Sharing. If I were setup a separate iTune library, how do I tell the Apple TV which library to use? In particular because the APple TV is connecting to

Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread Scott Howell
Hi Tim, As I said to Ricardo, this idea crossed my mind, but I am not sure how to tell the APple TV once I use my iCloud/iTunes ID which library needs to be used. I assume the first order of business it is to simply create the library by holding down the option key at startup and setting up the

Fwd: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread Scott Howell
> Tim and Ricardo, > > I figured out how to do this, but sadly I ran into one problem that I suspect > there is no solution for. In order to make this Home SHaring thing work you > have to have iTunes running and that library active which means I cannot use > my library. So, it amounts to all o

Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, I don't see why you shouldn't be able to use the same apple ID your using now in the new library. I'm not 100% certain of this but, I would think your Apple TV would share with whatever library happens to be active at the time. I'm pretty curious to know how this turns out. lol Ricardo W

Re: redownloading lion from app store

2012-02-06 Thread Anouk Radix
Hi Scott, i will try the past purchases option thanks for that, the problem with recovery is that i dont have wired internet and dont think recovery automatically connects to my wifi, but i will see what past purchases does. Thanks Greetings, Anouk, On Feb 6, 2012, at 10:29 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote

Re: my itunes is terrible since updating Lion.

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Blouch
Would this be easier via the terminal? Launch terminal and then type (or copy paste): cd ~/Library/Preferences then rm rm CB On 2/5/12 3:59 PM, Mr. L. Alexander wrote: in an update to this, these files can be found but an application calle

Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Scott, If you had a 1st Generation Apple TV with the built-in HD, this would work as once the Apple TV is synced, you wouldn't need to have the iTunes Library actually active. Now, of course, they're hard to find now and you need sighted assistance to set them up, but after that, you'd be g

Re: converting tapes to MP3

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Blouch
The actual process or bringing the audio in should require no extra hardware or software. As was previously stated, use a standard consumer stand-alone tape deck that has the typical RCA left and right out and use an RCA to mini headphone cable to run that to the audio in jack on your computer.

Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Blouch
As an aside, an old MacMini would also make a nice media computer if you want real storage and more than what an AppleTV will get you. The headphone jack is actually a digital optical output which you can connect to any typical surround-sound stereo to get the full 5.1 output from DVDs and such

Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread Scott Howell
Hey Tim, Well for now I scrapped the entire idea and just have to accept that everything is exposed. I wish I could use my NAS device for this, but apparently it will not work because the APple TV 2nd generation has to authenticate back to a running version of iTunes. Apple really needs to do a

Re: Mac app store help

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Blouch
So far I haven't had any updates to apps I purchased through the AppStore. If there are updates will they just show up in the regular Software Update process or do I have to go into the Mac App Store and get updates there? Would be nice if they would integrate it into the regular software updat

Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread Scott Howell
Chris, Yes a Mini would work in this case, but not looking to go that route. I'm done buying computers for a while. :) So, with that said my wife is a user on my Mac. I could obviously log in as her and setup iTunes and that would work great. However, I do not know how I could have us both logg

RE: Funny Siri story

2012-02-06 Thread Sarah May
Eric, I found that hilarious! I bet it was quite embarrassing to explain what happened to your co-workers. Sarah From: [] On Behalf Of Eric Caron Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2012 1:35 PM To: macvisionaries@googlegr

Re: Hi

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Blouch
Well, it requires something that seems like a monitor to be plugged in. With enough dongles and things you can make it think there is a monitor connected which resolves its issues. Here's a good chance to try and catch up on the archives where this topic was discussed and resolved although it s

Bugs in Mail

2012-02-06 Thread Becky Knaub
Hi Guys, Has anyone noticed that when you delete messages they don't leave the mail box unless you close and reopen the app? So if anyone's had this problem besides me after I updated? If so does anyone know how to get rid of it? Thanks Becky and C the cute black lab -- You received this mess

Re: time machine?

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Blouch
Right, so any malware floating around on your Windows box can now mess with your mac files. This is why I run McAfee or the like on my Windows virtual machines. But the end result is that there is nothing irreplaceable on my virtual machines so I can toss it in the trash and start over if I nee

Re: redownloading lion from app store

2012-02-06 Thread Steve Holmes
Surprisingly, when I did a re-install using the recovery partition, it did use my previous system settings so it went on to my wireless LAN without incident. Since this was a first for me, I was very pleasantly surprised and shocked that the recovery partition would include VO; usually such enviro

Re: time machine?

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Blouch
I know VMWare will create extents in defined size chunks such as 2GB. So when you create the virtual machine you tell it to have a 40GB hard drive, but it doesn't go off and make a 40GB file on your hard drive. Instead it makes a 2GB file. Once you write enough stuff to fill that up it allocate

Re: time machine?

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Blouch
TimeMachine just needs to backup to a Mac disk volume. Whether that is an internal hard drive, an external Firewire/USB drive or a drive mounted over a network from a remote machine/server is not really important. As I previously mentioned, I use desktop Mac with a big drive for TimeMachine bac

Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Blouch
I'm saying you can have two different users both logged into the same Mac and both with their own instance of iTunes running. Give it a try by creating a second account and then switching to that user without logging out of the current user. If you launch iTunes you'll find a pristine library w

Re: Mac app store help

2012-02-06 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi, you have to go into the Mac app store and then go to updates. Ricardo Walker Twitter:@apple2thecore On Feb 6, 2012, at 10:44 AM, Chris Blouch wrote: > So far I haven't had any updates to apps I purchased through the AppStore. If > there a

Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread Scott Howell
Chris, Yes I understand that is possible, but unfortunately and unless I am missing something here, the issue is I would have to log in as that user and launch iTunes. THis means I could not be logged in as myself because it would not be possible to effectively have two instances of iTUnes runn

Re: Bugs in Mail

2012-02-06 Thread Scott Howell
This may not be a bug in Mail, but the imap implementation such as found with Gmail. On Feb 6, 2012, at 11:37 AM, Becky Knaub wrote: > Hi Guys, > Has anyone noticed that when you delete messages they don't leave the mail > box unless you close and reopen the app? So if anyone's had this problem

Re: Bugs in Mail

2012-02-06 Thread Steve Holmes
I find with gmail and IMAP, the best way to "Delete" messages for good is to Move them to Trash while in a mail client. Yes, there is a delete function on the web site which actually deletes messages (if trueth be known, it moves them to trash too). Anyway, that's what I do in mutt, thunderbird,

Re: Hi

2012-02-06 Thread chris hallsworth
Gosh, I don't mean to sound harsh, but that sounds like a lot of hassle! Let's hope Apple fixes this very soon. Cheers! Christopher H On 06/02/2012 16:08, Chris Blouch wrote: Well, it requires something that seems like a monitor to be plugged in. With enough dongles and things you can make it

converting m4a to wav or mp3

2012-02-06 Thread Angie Giltinan
Hi all, do any of you know a program to convert m4A audio files to wav or mp3? Any info about his would be most helpfull! Thanks in advance! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@g

Re: Strange wireless network problem

2012-02-06 Thread Bejarano, Rafael P.
I regularly connect to the network from the Mac OS side, as I mentioned. It's only when I try connecting from the Windows side that I have a problem. I've tried setting up the network not to be password-protected, just to see if that made a difference, but it doesn't. Rafael On Feb 6, 2012, a

Re: Mac app store help

2012-02-06 Thread Kirsten Edmondson
Chris, on the app store icon in my dock it will tell me I have updates and how many. Now I can actually update them too. Sent from my iPhone On 6 Feb 2012, at 16:58, Ricardo Walker wrote: > Hi, > > you have to go into the Mac app store and then go to updates. > > Ricardo Walker > rica...@a

Re: converting m4a to wav or mp3

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Blouch
Can't you do this in iTunes? Load the tracks up, select them in iTunes and then choose Convert to MP3 in the Advanced menu. CB On 2/6/12 12:38 PM, Angie Giltinan wrote: Hi all, do any of you know a program to convert m4A audio files to wav or mp3? Any info about his would be most helpfull! Tha

Re: Hi

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Blouch
Yup. Question is whether this is a software or hardware glitch. If it's hardware we might not see a fix except in newer boxes. CB On 2/6/12 12:31 PM, chris hallsworth wrote: Gosh, I don't mean to sound harsh, but that sounds like a lot of hassle! Let's hope Apple fixes this very soon. Cheers!

Re: Funny Siri story

2012-02-06 Thread Jessica
Lol, that's hilarious. I just found out my dad's gf just got the IPhone, and apparently has the same trouble with it not understanding her, and he told me she calls it a "dumb bitch;" not sure how Cerie responds to that though lol. I thought it was pretty wild when he told me that though. Jus

Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Blouch
You can be logged into one box multiple times as different users, each running a copy of iTunes. Each instance of iTunes has it's own library and preferences. So I was logged into my laptop both as myself and an account I called Test. Each one ran iTunes and had sharing turned on. Then on anoth

Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread TIM KILBURN
Hi Scott, > > If you turn Fast User Switching on in system Preferences, then you can > actually have two users logged in at the same time. You should then be able > to run iTunes from both accounts like Chris mentioned. When using Fast User > Switching, you can just go between the various log

Re: Funny Siri story

2012-02-06 Thread Buddy Brannan
Siri sounds exactly like whatever voice you're using withVoiceover. Or, if you're not using Voiceover, she sounds like whatever voice is your default language. Which means she might sound like Daniel. But for a bunch of us, Samantha. I, personally, have switched my Voiceover to be Karen. Now,

Re: Funny Siri story

2012-02-06 Thread Jessica
Oh wow, that sounds interesting. I've always been curious about that, seeing as how the cut-up's they did on TV with it, made it sound a lot like Ms voice command. - Original Message - From: "Buddy Brannan" To: Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 10:38 AM Subject: Re: Funny Siri story

Re: converting m4a to wav or mp3

2012-02-06 Thread Angie Giltinan
I opened the file in itunes, started it playing, then went to the advanced menu, but could not find an option to convert to mp3 Any more help would be greatly appreciated! On Feb 6, 2012, at 1:21 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: > Can't you do this in iTunes? Load the tracks up, select them in iTunes an

ical investigation

2012-02-06 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi listers, Why is it that I seem to have 5 calendars, while I didn't set up any? If I go to ical on the mac, and I hit the calendars button in the toolbar, I have home and work on my mac, but I also have them in another section, namely icloud. Are these different calendars? -- You received t

Re: converting m4a to wav or mp3

2012-02-06 Thread Red.Falcon
Hi Angie! Yes just go to itunes prefs command+comma! And under general scroll to the import disc settings and set it to mp3 under encoding button! then go to the ok button and you'll be good to go! :] But remember all imports from then on will be mp3! Colin I'm far too bad for Heaven! The Devil i

Re: converting m4a to wav or mp3

2012-02-06 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Angie, I use amadeus pro all the time. I don't know if you ever used it, but if you already bought it it's a breeze. Just hit command shift n after you start amadeus pro, and a new batch converter window will appear. You have a formats tab, where you set what you want your new files to become

Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread Scott Howell
Ah, now you two gents are just to clever. See I had not really had a need for fast user switching, but now knowing this I can have my cake, doughnuts, and coffee as well. Now the only final question is since I use my Apple ID, does that other user have to be me or can I make it a test user if I

Re: converting m4a to wav or mp3

2012-02-06 Thread Angie Giltinan
Wow, that was really helpfull, I was considering purchasing amadeus pro anyway, this may be the good enough reason to do so. Can I find it on the app store? Thanks! On Feb 6, 2012, at 2:48 PM, Paul Erkens wr ote: > Hi Angie, > I use amadeus pro all the time. I don't know if you ever used

Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Blouch
I guess that depends on how much content you have tied to that ID. For me I would keep it the same. CB On 2/6/12 3:34 PM, Scott Howell wrote: Ah, now you two gents are just to clever. See I had not really had a need for fast user switching, but now knowing this I can have my cake, doughnuts,

MenuTab has no windows

2012-02-06 Thread Traci
Hello all, When I accidentally get an app into has no windows mode, how do I restore it? For the moment, it is MenuTab has no windows. Thank you, Traci Sent by Macbook Air Mail -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this

question about spell check

2012-02-06 Thread Eugenia Firth
Hi guys. I have seen posts on this, but I think I missed something somewhere. I know the command semicolon is the command to call up spell checking. What is the command to replace the misspelled word with the correct one? I'm usually using TextEdit these days, but I also have the problem in e-m

Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread Scott Howell
Well I answered my own question and thanks a lot gents. I set this up and it works exactly as I had hoped. In fact the really great side benefit is the library has only those things my wife and kid want which is the movies. Now we don't even need the DVD player. :) On Feb 6, 2012, at 1:30 PM, C

Re: Bugs in Mail

2012-02-06 Thread Chris Westbrook
That's weird, I'm using imap with gmail and when I delete a message thread, not sure where it goes lol but it is gone from my mailbox at least. On Feb 6, 2012, at 12:13 PM, Steve Holmes wrote: > I find with gmail and IMAP, the best way to "Delete" messages for good > is to Move them to Trash whil

Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread Tim Kilburn
Hi Scott, The Username of the user account is immaterial to the Apple ID. If most of your media content is tied to your Apple ID, and in order to use Home sharing properly, you'll probably need to use the same Apple ID. This will not use up a computer authorization as that is already handled

cool discovery of keyboard viewer

2012-02-06 Thread Ioana Gandrabur
HI all, For those of you wondering what each key on the keyboard does, especially if you are using multiple layouts for different languages, I thought I would share my nice little mac discovery in case some don't already know it. The feature called keyboard viewer is accessible with vo and if no

Re: Home Sharing question

2012-02-06 Thread Scott Howell
Hey Tim, Yep it works and the way I worked around the issue of the media was to keep it on an external drive and do not let iTunes import it. Since this is what I wanted to do from the beginning, I got what I intended accomplished. The whole idea was to put the movies and other video content on

Re: ical investigation

2012-02-06 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, Paul, The home and work calendars are set up automatically by ICAl. The ICloud category would be the backup if you were to sync them. HtH, Teresa "Everything is interesting if you go into it deeply enough."--Richard P. Feynman On Feb 6, 2012, at 11:42 AM, Paul Erkens wrote: > Hi listers,

Slow boot time with Lion. Opinions wanted.

2012-02-06 Thread Matthew Campbell
Hi everyone. I'm just wondering if any of you are experiencing slow boot times when running Mac OS 10 Lion on you're Macs? I did a time estimation just now and found that from the press of the power button until VO is heard on the log in screen takes roughly 1 minute and 43 seconds. I'm running

Re: Slow boot time with Lion. Opinions wanted.

2012-02-06 Thread Ray Foret Jr
Well, Mat, truth to tell, I too have noticed this. You and I appear to have taken almost exactly the same measures. There are others on this list who have, unless memory deserts me, also indicated this issue. They indicated that even a fresh installation does not seem to solve this. My guess

Re: Slow boot time with Lion. Opinions wanted.

2012-02-06 Thread Matt Dierckens
Hi ray and matt,I to have experienced this issue. Matt Sent from my macbook pro On 2012-02-06, at 8:58 PM, Ray Foret Jr wrote: > Well, Mat, truth to tell, I too have noticed this. You and I appear to have > taken almost exactly the same measures. There are others on this list who > have, unle

RE: Slow boot time with Lion. Opinions wanted.

2012-02-06 Thread Missy Hoppe
Hello. I, too, experience incredibly slow boot times with lion. I'm using a 2011 Macbook Pro 724LLA or whatever that model number is, and I'm guessing your estimate of 1 minute 43 seconds is about the same for my boot time. More annoying for me than the slow boot time, though, is that under lion,

RE: Slow boot time with Lion. Opinions wanted.

2012-02-06 Thread Daniel Miller
Hi, I've reported that issue several times to apple. They're aware of it, and are working on a fix, at last response from the support people. Things like this take time, however, so don't expect it to be fixed tomorrow. Now keep in mind, I also experienced and still am experiencing what you guys a

Re: Slow boot time with Lion. Opinions wanted.

2012-02-06 Thread Walter Harper
I am having the same issue Sent from my iPhone On Feb 6, 2012, at 9:42 PM, "Daniel Miller" wrote: > Hi, > > I've reported that issue several times to apple. They're aware of it, and > are working on a fix, at last response from the support people. Things like > this take time, however, so do

Very unhappy with Pages

2012-02-06 Thread Bejarano, Rafael P.
Hello, all, Has any of you found the current version of pages to be less accessible than prior versions? There are buttons that are not read by Voiceover, and the Header and Footer fields are not spoken either. It may or may not be relevant, but I am running Snow Leopard on an iMac. Rafael

I'm back!

2012-02-06 Thread Shawn Krasniuk
Hey Cara and everyone. I'm happy to announce that I'm back on the list. Although for some reason I'm getting emails from January 24 and it's February 6? Weird. Anyway, since I didn't get an answer because of this whole thinking that I was banned and having to re-subscribe, I'll ask my question a

utorrent and accessibility?

2012-02-06 Thread Eric Oyen
I used to use torrent as my default torrent transfer agent (torrent makes getting linux distress so much easier). the only problem is that I cannot find the details pane. I also can't tell when a torrent is done or not. this is so frustrating. it seems that the only torrent client that would be

Re: utorrent and accessibility?

2012-02-06 Thread Wes Smith
Utorrent works fine for me, I can see everything Sent from my iPhone On Feb 6, 2012, at 9:59 PM, Eric Oyen wrote: > I used to use torrent as my default torrent transfer agent (torrent makes > getting linux distress so much easier). the only problem is that I cannot > find the details pane. I

Re: utorrent and accessibility?

2012-02-06 Thread Eric Oyen
ok, how did you manage this? I am running OS X 10.6.4 and all I get is the pulldown menus, toolbar items, empty scorell area and some frame elements. also, I attempted to register on the uTorrent forums and was faced with a shockwave flash captcha that won't play sound here. so? what settings

Creating Presentations USING KeyNote

2012-02-06 Thread ezzie bueno
Hello: Can you lovely people please help me with the basics of creating PowerPoint presentations using KeyNote? I've never created a presentation before. Thanks, Ezzie Ez Bueno Sent from my BrailleNote Apex Got Facebook? Get daily jokes on your newsfeed! -- Yo

Re: Slow boot time with Lion. Opinions wanted.

2012-02-06 Thread Teresa Cochran
Did you also change the setting in System Preferences general pane to remember all open windows in an application? Having said this, I have also noticed slower boot times with Lion. Teresa I'm a pantheist; I worship Pan. On Feb 6, 2012, at 5:32 PM, Matthew Campbell wrote: > Hi everyone. > I'm

Anyone Using Google Chrome with VO?

2012-02-06 Thread Teresa Cochran
Hi, all, Upon a cursory look at vO with Google chrome, I notice no major accessibility booboos. Does anyone else use VO successfully with this app? I'm finding that I don't really care to use a separate voicing app for one particular web browser, because I have to turn off VO, and turn it back

Re: Slow boot time with Lion. Opinions wanted.

2012-02-06 Thread Ray Foret Jr
I believe that I have the setting to remember all windows and applcations unchecked. Sincerely, The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!! Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!! Skype name: barefootedray Facebook: On Feb 7, 2012, at 12:24 AM, Teresa Cochran wrote: > Did y