I'm saying you can have two different users both logged into the same
Mac and both with their own instance of iTunes running. Give it a try by
creating a second account and then switching to that user without
logging out of the current user. If you launch iTunes you'll find a
pristine library with settings all its own.
On 2/6/12 10:45 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
Yes a Mini would work in this case, but not looking to go that route. I'm done
buying computers for a while. :)
So, with that said my wife is a user on my Mac. I could obviously log in as her
and setup iTunes and that would work great. However, I do not know how I could
have us both logged into the same machine and I think what you are saying is
you have two different Macs in this scenario?
Seems to me the problem is that iTunes has to be running and that library
active. If I could get around that I probably would solve my problem. :)
On Feb 6, 2012, at 10:40 AM, Chris Blouch wrote:
As an aside, an old MacMini would also make a nice media computer if you want
real storage and more than what an AppleTV will get you. The headphone jack is
actually a digital optical output which you can connect to any typical
surround-sound stereo to get the full 5.1 output from DVDs and such.
That said, I did try just duplicating the iTunes app to try and run two
instances, but no luck, they share the same preference files. What did work was
setting up another user on my Mac and having that second user logged in running
iTunes. That instance had it's own library and preferences so I could share two
libraries from the same machine with two users logged in.
On 2/6/12 10:11 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
Hi Scott,
If you had a 1st Generation Apple TV with the built-in HD, this would work as
once the Apple TV is synced, you wouldn't need to have the iTunes Library
actually active. Now, of course, they're hard to find now and you need sighted
assistance to set them up, but after that, you'd be golden. I was also
thinking about iTunes Match on the 2nd Gen Apple TV, you'd be able to use a
matched Library in that situation except, at the moment, it only applies to
iTunes music files, not movie and TV shows. You might also have volume
restrictions from your ISP that could interfere with this idea as well.
Not helping much, am I?
Hmmm, you could stoop to putting Windows on your Mac as well so that you could
run Fusion or Parallels, thus having two Libraries running simultaneously from
the same machine. I don't particularly care for Windows though, even though I
have to use it at work sometimes.
I'll think some more and let you know if I come up with anything.
On 2012-02-06, at 4:34 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
Tim and Ricardo,
I figured out how to do this, but sadly I ran into one problem that I suspect
there is no solution for. In order to make this Home SHaring thing work you
have to have iTunes running and that library active which means I cannot use my
library. So, it amounts to all or nothing. So, that idea ain't gonna work.
On Feb 6, 2012, at 6:02 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
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Tim Kilburn
Fort McMurray, AB Canada
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