Lol, that's hilarious.  I just found out my dad's gf just got the IPhone, and 
apparently has the same trouble with it not understanding her, and he told me 
she calls it a "dumb bitch;" not sure how Cerie responds to that though lol.
  I thought it was pretty wild when he told me that though.  Just out of 
curiosity though, is her voice really as robotic as the demonstrations they 
show on some of those TV shows where they've programmed her to say really 
off-the-wall stuff?
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Gigi 
  Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2012 8:32 AM
  Subject: Funny Siri story

    Hi guys 
  I have to tell you guys this funny Siri story. After Siri misunderstood me 
two or three times, I snapped at her. I said "those California guys need to do 
a better job and teach you to understand southern talk. "After giving me back 
what I had said, she said "give me another chance." Well, she didn't give me 
the music I had asked for, but by this time, I was laughing so much it didn't 

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