Hey Everybody,
I just rejoined the list and it is great to still see a few familiar names
here. I bought a magic track pad and wasn't able to do to much with it. I
tried changing some of the settings to adjust the sensitivity but it didn't
seem to make any difference. So , I am just getting
Did you turn the track commander on in VO utility?
On 16 Jan 2011, at 08:35, Christopher Peppel wrote:
> Hey Everybody,
> I just rejoined the list and it is great to still see a few familiar names
> here. I bought a magic track pad and wasn't able to do to much with it. I
> tried changing s
Yes, I did.
On Jan 16, 2011, at 3:41 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
> Did you turn the track commander on in VO utility?
> On 16 Jan 2011, at 08:35, Christopher Peppel wrote:
>> Hey Everybody,
>> I just rejoined the list and it is great to still see a few familiar names
>> here.
Hmmm how odd, I have one too and it seems to work fine. What trouble are you
having exactly? Had you used the gestures before on say an Macbook or iOS
On 16 Jan 2011, at 09:18, Christopher Peppel wrote:
> Yes, I did.
> Thanks.
> Chris
> On Jan 16, 2011, at 3:41 AM, Chri
Hi, i'll try to answer your questions in their context below:
15 jan 2011 kl. 19.01 skrev Ben Mustill-Rose:
> Are you sure that the drive is actually spinning down? How functional
> is the rest of the os?
I'm sure because the motor stops and so does the reading/writing apparently.
Furthermore n
15 jan 2011 kl. 20.51 skrev Eric Oyen:
> its a driver issue where the drive controller is instructed to park and shut
> down. the only way I have found to resolve it is a full reboot by a not so
> friendly unplug and then power on and boot. this forces the on board
> controller to reset back i
I end up hitting the reset button, followed quickly by a power plug removal.
then plug it back in and restart. I have an older model iMac (intel) that seems
to have this problem in both 10.5 and 10.6 series OS'es. fortunately, its not
as common in 10.6. now if I could just get voiceover to stop
i have few that i am willing to share. is dropbox ok for you?
On 15 Jan 2011, at 18:07, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> No problem,
> I will cover sound fonts as soon as I learn how to use them. lol. BTW, do
> you know where I can get a few free sound fonts to try out the method Chad
> descr
Hello Sarah,
While in QuickNav, change the rotter to "Links" and then jump (Up or Down
arrow) to the link you want and VO Shift M should show the correct options.
Of course, this also works with the TrackPad commander.
On Jan 14, 2011, at 12:33 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> that is i
Hello Paul,
Besides the Google groups site that was already mentioned, you can also use:
Personally, I find this site easier.
On Jan 15, 2011, at 12:34 PM, Paul Hunt wrote:
> Hello everyone. Can someone tell me how to acc
Hi guys, I'm trying to log into the app store with my ITouch and it's asking me
to verify my credit card details. So, I checked it out and everything was
there except my credit card security code. I filled that in and hit the done
button and nothing happens. I've double double checked all the
I created a new group in my address book and now I want to do 2 things with it.
I want to rename it and I want to have my IPhone see it.
Thanks for the help
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group
Go do it on the mac, then go back to the touch. I had to do it a while
back, and that's the easyest way to go.
Brandt Steenkamp
MSN/Windows live: brandt...@live.com
Google talk: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
AIM: brandt.steenk...@gmail.com
Skype: brandt.steenkamp007
- Original Me
I got it. I had to sign out on the touch and then sign back in on the touch.
I'm pretty sure it had to be done from there since the whole thing about it was
me logging in from a second device. They would want to make sure that device
really was mine.
Thanks for the quick suggestion though.
I finally finished it two nights ago. Personally loved it and can see
myself playing it more. I hope they do more games like it and can't
wait to see more from these developers. Now I'm on the hunt for more
like it and the soul trapper type games. I haven't been lucky so far,
I finished it as well a few nights ago and really enjoyed it. One question:
is the ending a little strange? Without spoiling it for everyone, do both
doors give the same outcome? That was the only part of the game that left me
wondering, but I may be missing something visual. Need to get sided
I have two questions about nicecast. I just installed it and i
understand most of the interface , but two things:
- I see options for streaming to a built-in icecast server. All nice
and good, but what if you are like me and have a locked shut router? I
want to be able to stream to an external
Hi Chris,
No, I haven't used any of those devices so far. I went into the track pad
On Jan 16, 2011, at 4:24 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
> Hmmm how odd, I have one too and it seems to work fine. What trouble are you
> having exactly? Had you used the gestures before on say an Macbook or
Please excuse me for putting my 2 cents in but, I think the Original post is
still valid. It seems to have been lost in the war of words following though.
It seems silly to not be able to just set a default format of your choosing.
Especially since Word formats are pretty much what 90%
Why not just press tab? If the preview pane is up, which I believe it is by
default, just tab and shift tab will do.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
On Jan 15, 2011, at 4:38 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
> Hi guys.
Oh Cool!
Thanks for this.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
On Jan 15, 2011, at 9:02 PM, baker420 wrote:
> hi ricardo there's hammer sound and soundfonts.it
> i forgot about that sound generator group oops
> --
> You recei
Hi. Is this game blind-friendly?
On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 16:28, Vinny Pedulla wrote:
> I finished it as well a few nights ago and really enjoyed it. One question:
> is the ending a little strange? Without spoiling it for everyone, do both
> doors give the same outcome? That was the only part of
Yeah, it is. It even tells you when to disabe and re-enable VoiceOver. You
don't need ti to play the levels, but you do need to re-enable it to go to the
next level, no problem though since the serena tells you when to do so.
On Jan 16, 2011, at 12:50 PM, David Hole wrote:
> Hi. Is this
Oh no; very different endings. Listen carefully. I don't know which one is more
unsettling ... wonderful game.
On Jan 16, 2011, at 7:28 AM, Vinny Pedulla wrote:
> I finished it as well a few nights ago and really enjoyed it. One question:
> is the ending a little strange? Without spoilin
I agree, it would be nice but show me a word processor that does this apart
from MS Word? Companies would have to probably pay quite high to licence this
from Microsoft. When pages 09 came out it was the only word processor on the
mac that could read and write to the docx format. Not even Off
Ok why not try switching VO keyboard help on by pressing VO+k and then practice
using some of the gestures to get a good feel how best to get the magic
trackpad to respond. When you are finished practising then hit Esc. You can
also ad additional functions to your gestures to in the VO utilit
On Jan 16, 2011, at 9:50 AM, David Hole wrote:
> Hi. Is this game blind-friendly?
> On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 16:28, Vinny Pedulla wrote:
>> I finished it as well a few nights ago and really enjoyed it. One question:
>> is the ending a little strange? Without spoiling it for ever
You can e-mail the public link to me privately if you like at my e-mail below.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
On Jan 16, 2011, at 6:07 AM, joseph wrote:
> i have few that i am willing to share. is dropbox ok
Refresh my memory? Which of the 2 hyped up GB 6 features is this?
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
On Jan 15, 2011, at 7:39 PM, Ed Worrell wrote:
> Hello I was wondering if anyone has figured out how to use the groov
Its one of the 2 hyped up new features which are not accessible Ricardo L(
borrowed from Logic 9.
I would be happy with basic midi note editing. Man at the moment Reeper and
Sonar really do make me drool (and that is not a pretty sight I can assure you).
On 16 Jan 2011, at 18:48, Ricardo Walker
Someone was asking if what i meant was that pages didn't export to word at all,
and anne replied saying that no i was complaining quote unquote that it didn't
export or gave anoption by default to export to word. Name dropping for the
sake of name dropping is not in my coolbook.
Hello Steve. To rename your group arrow to the new group turn voiceover off
type the new name and turn voiceober on. Put at least one contact in it then
synch your Iphone after making sure that itunes is configured to synch contacts.
On Jan 16, 2011, at 8:36 AM, "cougar1...@gmail.com"
We could try to guess around the problem a bit...
Are these assignments for GB in general, or for a specific project. I
suggest perhaps could get 1 key assigned and then see what files have been
changed. If there is a modified .plist file, then that type of file is
just a XML file that can be
Just my two cents here, but i believe that assigning keys to loops is made
through a contextual menu of sorts, or anything GUI related. This makes for an
interesting probe of the UI elements and appending to an applescrit which will
provide the proces via system events.
Unfortunately, i ha
Hmm, all all of the files in the same directory? Applescript could get
textedit to do most of this work. In fact I think there was a recent post
for doing a "save as" function with Words and with minor mofifications that
same AppleScript should work with TextEdit.
On 15 January 2011 03:25,
Hmm, I believe I could write a little apple script to create an alias for
the selected item on the desktop. I wonder if that would work just for file
/ folders or for other items :--
tell ap First guess:
tell Application "Finder"
set a to the selection of the frontmost window
set thedeskTop
Could you not just create a shortcut in VO utility for the keyboard commander?
On 16 Jan 2011, at 19:45, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
> Hmm, I believe I could write a little apple script to create an alias for
> the selected item on the desktop. I wonder if that would work just for file
> / folders o
I guess I am having a senior moment but I can't seem to find where to configure
what to sync in IToons.
On Jan 16, 2011, at 11:19 AM, Paul Hunt wrote:
> Hello Steve. To rename your group arrow to the new group turn voiceover off
> type the new name and turn voiceober on.
I have noticed that we are now able to have audio tracks follow time and tempo
via quantizing. Isn't this what groove matching was?
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
On Jan 16, 2011, at 2:02 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
> Its one of
I've started getting into GarageBand. Thanks Ricardo for your podcasts, they've
helped. I'd also welcome any other tutorials people have done. I do have a
somewhat weird question, but I want to tackle it right away because I'll need
to do it.
Normally, instruments tune Middle C to somewhere aro
Hi Listers,
Which apps do you all use for Twitter, beside Syrinx and Nambu?
Any app suggesttions are welcome.
Ezzy Bueno
I sought the Lord, and he answered me.
--Ps. 34:4
Sent from my BrailleNote Apex
Phone: (512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sillyezzie
Groove matching? nah! it will never catch on *grin
On 16 Jan 2011, at 21:00, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> I have noticed that we are now able to have audio tracks follow time and
> tempo via quantizing. Isn't this what groove matching was?
> Ricardo Walker
> rwalker...@gmail.com
> Twitter, Skype, an
I believe I tried that but it didn't work.
On Jan 16, 2011, at 11:57 AM, Chris Moore wrote:
> Could you not just create a shortcut in VO utility for the keyboard commander?
> On 16 Jan 2011, at 19:45, Jonathan Cohn wrote:
>> Hmm, I believe I could write a little apple script to create an a
yeah I loved the game and will do a live podcast on it, not the whole thing as
that would take hours and I know my listeners don't have that kind of time.
lol! but man what a rush that game was!
On Jan 16, 2011, at 7:03 AM, Caitlyn and Nicky wrote:
> I finally finished it two nights ago. Person
I have a book well it's movie, that I want to make unbookmarkable. Having
trouble though The script says: The variable loc is not defined.
Anyone know how I can fix this? I got it off Dougsscripts
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
No I don't think so. the right one was a bit confused but you have to sit
through it and listen closly.
On Jan 16, 2011, at 7:28 AM, Vinny Pedulla wrote:
> I finished it as well a few nights ago and really enjoyed it. One question:
> is the ending a little strange? Without spoiling it for everyo
Hi there,
I think I came rather late to this particular thread, but what game is this and
is it for the Mac?
On Jan 16, 2011, at 5:00 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> yeah I loved the game and will do a live podcast on it, not the whole thing
> as that would take hours and I know my l
unable to get any further!I'm still at level one and
On 16 Jan 2011, at 22:00, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> yeah I loved the game and will do a live podcast on it, not the whole thing
> as that would take hours and I know my listeners don't have that kind of
> time. lol! but man what a rush that game
For the I phone and can also play it on the I pad.
On 16 Jan 2011, at 22:04, Christopher Peppel wrote:
> Hi there,
> I think I came rather late to this particular thread, but what game is this
> and is it for the Mac?
> Thanks.
> Chris
> On Jan 16, 2011, at 5:00 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
k what about creating an apple script or an automator action to open the
download folder? This could then be triggered from the keyboard commander.
On 16 Jan 2011, at 21:57, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> I believe I tried that but it didn't work.
> S
> On Jan 16, 2011, at 11:57 AM, Chris Moore wrote
That was my suggestion a few days ago. It works for me quite fine.
Here the script again. Just save it as scpt and give it a shortcut in the
keyboard commander:
tell application "Finder"
open folder "Macintosh HD:User:YourUser:Downloads:"
end tell
Just replace "YourUser" with the user na
Hi Austin,
GB is fixed in 440 Hz, which seems to be a standard in both Europe and the US
now. The software instruments will have this tuning no matter what you do, but
if you don't use them, and don't use the tuner in GB, you'll still find GB
valuable. Of course, you can use drum or percussion
It's for the i phone and i pad/i pod touch. I don'tknow if there's a
version for the mac. If you've got one of the other i devices, though,
grab it, it's well worth the price, although personally I didn't think
it was that expensive, as far as games go at $6.99 cdn.
On 16/01/2011 5:04
Hi Ricardo and all,
The quantize feature for audio was also accessible in GB5, the difference
between audio quantizing and the new groove feature, is that you allocate a
track to be followed by other tracks, just like you do with the ducking
feature. I've not seen a way to do this with VO yet.
do't forget you have taxes now I think mine came to about 7 and some change.
On Jan 16, 2011, at 3:00 PM, Caitlyn and Nicky wrote:
> It's for the i phone and i pad/i pod touch. I don'tknow if there's a version
> for the mac. If you've got one of the other i devices, though, grab it, it's
> well
That is what I had to do as well. I would get to the same point that you got,
with the same resaults.
On Jan 16, 2011, at 9:47 AM, brandt wrote:
> Go do it on the mac, then go back to the touch. I had to do it a while back,
> and that's the easyest way to go.
> Regards,
> Brandt S
Initial look very good (will drill deeper next time I download transactions).
Regards, Jef
On Jan 14, 2011, at 5:42 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
> Yesterday, SEE Finance was updated to better support VoiceOver. According to
> the change log, most buttons have now been labeled with other enhancement
Hi All,
I've been getting many of my college textbooks in Daisy format and was
wondering what programs, if any, are available for reading it on the Mac.
Given the topic of this list I'd hope they'd be VoiceOver friendly.
Barring this, are their any apps for the IPod Touch or IPhone that might fi
The preview pain is not up on my friend's machine; it was turned off but I
think since he is now reading this list, he's got all the instructions he needs
to turn it on. I really like preview pane. He was told by another friend that
it is easier to turn it off because once focus hits an unread
I like this game as well. I do find that I have to keep vo on though to turn
successfully, but I think that's more user error than anything; you know,
garbage in garbage out, :)
On Jan 16, 2011, at 9:55 AM, Jane wrote:
Yeah, it is. It even tells you when to disabe and re-enable Voic
In the Get Info dialog, you can set VO hot spots to the Next button and the
Track title field to quickly jump from one track to the next. I don't know if
there's a quicker keybaord command for this.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
lol. I play totally with out vo except to switch levels.
On Jan 16, 2011, at 7:00 PM, Marlaina Lieberg wrote:
> I like this game as well. I do find that I have to keep vo on though to turn
> successfully, but I think that's more user error than anything; you know,
> garbage in garbage out, :)
Hi Chris and others:
I'm curious now. I just opened a Word attachment. I then saved it in
documents, where it stayed a "dot doc" file. I went into documents and opened
it with text edit, made some changes, and then saved it again as a " word file.
So, I'm not clear what's the issue here?
hey all my problem is this i chaingd my display name in adium but when
i checked the logs of the conversations i was having at the time it
was still the same it hadn't changed does any one know what the
problem is and how to solve it?
your help with this problem would be most welcome!!!
kind rega
hey all does any one know how acsesabel the latest verssion of adium
is? in past versions voice over wouldn't read past the first message
in conversation logs is this still the case in the latest verssion?
your help with this question would be most welcom!!
kind regards trahern.
You received
Go into accounts, find the account you want to change, click Edit, and look in
the Poersonal Tab I think it is and you can change it there.
On Jan 17, 2011, at 1:02 AM, trahern culver wrote:
> hey all my problem is this i chaingd my display name in adium but when
> i checked the
Using latest Adium, works great.
On Jan 17, 2011, at 1:06 AM, trahern culver wrote:
> hey all does any one know how acsesabel the latest verssion of adium
> is? in past versions voice over wouldn't read past the first message
> in conversation logs is this still the case in the la
When it did that to me I actually had to uninstall twice and start over before
it fixed itself. I don't know if it was a bug or not.
On 2011-01-16, at 10:02 PM, trahern culver wrote:
> hey all my problem is this i chaingd my display name in adium but when
> i checked the logs of the conversations
Hi Jeff,
I now have a banking account set up for Checking and a credit card account.
I've imported transactions in from a Quicken file with a Quicken Interchange
Format extension file and there are all there. The only problem I've
encountered is that after setting up each account, the transa
69 matches
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