Well the first time I read it, I couldn[t put it together. Now I read this
side. Bla
On 11/01/2011, at 5:45 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> yeah really. I was a bit confused as well.
> S
> On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:15 PM, James Malone wrote:
>> Hmm. This does put an interesting side to the story.
I was trying the gamin app on the Belgium app-store but it seems not to exists.
There are some apps with gamin and gps in the name but this sounds like
something else.
Can you give the exact name of the program pls?
Thanx for your answers,
best regards,
Op 11-jan-2011, om 03:34
I signed up for one to one training and schedule my classes so that I get the
same trainer. We built a working relationship and she is learning voiceover as
we work together. I also learn from manuals podcasts and this list. The best
way to learn is teaching. Also remember that the Apple store p
Am I in the minority that doesn't care? :). Its not in the app store anymore.
After that, what difference does it make? I'm just glad I downloaded it before
they got rid of it. lol
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
On Jan
the point is, there is some problem with apple's app store policy and
opensource software (which VLC is supposed to be).
believe me, I have read the gpl up and down more times than I would ever want
to, and there is a clear conflict with apple's app store policy (specifically
placing D
I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front because
of what I'm going to say next. I have been with AT&T for nearly two years and
to be honest I have not had any problems with their customer service. Only once
did they make an error, which was something to do wi
Hi there!
I'm not a mod but be careful what words you use there has already been a
mention of this before by a mod!
I've kicked out the bad word!
I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!
On 11 Jan 2011, at 10:56, Scott Howell wrote:
> James,
> I am not loyal
Hi Laura!
I think someone mentioned this before!
I think they something about changing how the rapping is set in prefs
I liked in my text edit and there is a rap to page check box if yours is
checked then that might be your problem!
Uncheck it and see,if your check box is not chec
I had my moments with t-mobile. However, they are still the lowest price point
for cell service. They also worked with me on my current contract. Even though
the phone I have requires a data plan, they waived that requirement because of
my blindness. This clinches it for me. unless AT&T, S
Hi all.
I am using skype this evening to participate in an ACB Board of Directors
meeting teleconference call. I have found that in my trials of skype when
calling phones, I repeatedly get some system message about growl and when I do
the window chooser to try to disabled the darned thing, I g
Hi Colin. No, it shows multiple contact listings with all the same info. I
deliberately chose to show my address book contacts so that I could use my
skype out more easily. It's wild!
On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:56 PM, Colin M wrote:
Hi Marlaina!
Could it be that each contact is differen
Hi Scott:
I'd have to agree with you that at&t has generally given me very good and
responsive customer service when I've had to call in. Their network is
imperfect, as they all are. BTW: I'm unfamiliar with the term net neutrality.
Is that a Scottism, or an actuality?:) And what does it refe
•just press option key then the 8 key for each bullet you want.
• I mean that you hold down option and press 8.
• It is great and works like a charm everywhere I've tried it.
On Jan 10, 2011, at 4:23 PM, Joshua Loya wrote:
Hi all,
Can anyone give me advice on creating a bulleted list in
Hello all,
I have an iphone 3gs and a mac book pro with the latest version of itunes and
updates for my phone. i have been able to successfully sync my phone for apps,
podcasts and contacts. however when i try to sync music that i purchased and an
audio book of short stories, i get a message tha
HHi James:
Personally I've never been shoveled into a pile or flushed down a toilet. But
there is some language that should be. May I suggest expressing with a little
more tact. Even if you want to say "treated like sh**. We'd hear your
dissatisfaction loud and clearly.
Trust me, I'm not a p
It is some what like send space but, easer to use.
On Jan 10, 2011, at 9:41 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hey Louie:
> Thanks for this explanation. It sounds kind of like sendspace. Is that an
> accurate assessment, or am I confusing my 'puter programs?:)
> Carolyn
> On Jan 10, 2011, a
The short version is that carriers want to charge on a tiered system. My advice
to you and all is do a little research on this topic and get familiar with it.
There may be a time when you will want to make your voice heard. I think it is
save to say that you do not want to be charged b
the way this may all play out is with competitive pricing. for example, when i
switched to the iphone and thus at&t, i got 100 fewer minutes and a $20.00
price increase. at&t tried to tell me i was getting a good deal because i get
calls free if i am calling another of its customers. but mos
I asked this question a few weeks ago and ended up reading my stuff in text
edit and checking the box that said wrap to window. I just looked for that in
pages for you and I can't find it. I actually like text edit now more than I
like pages, though pages is clearly a heavyweight app.
Thanks for this. I know sendspace isn't rocket science for most, but I'm
wondering if dropbox might be a better choice for file-sharing with the Mac.:)
Again thanks
On Jan 11, 2011, at 6:52 AM, louie wrote:
> Carolyn,
> It is some what like send space but, easer to use.
> On Ja
When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver does not
read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu doesn't see it and when
I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son reports that I am tabbing through
the preferences but nothing from VoiceOver. This is ve
I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox. Go to the
finder and try to gain access to it that way.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
> Hi,
I love dropbox. Especially the IOS app. You got to jump through hoops on the
Mac to get to preferences but, Its not something I need to do often. Actually,
I only needed to do so once since installing dropbox on my Mac.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Please explain what you mean when you say go to the finder and try to access
DropBox preferences? How do you get there from the finder?
Robert Carter
On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox. Go
If you had the unlimited plan and upgraded to a iPhone 4, you didn't lose
unlimited data. Not unless you changed your plan when you upgraded. I'm
pretty certain their are people on this list with iPhone 4s with the unlimited
data plan who can confirm this.
Ricardo Walker
My mistake. I meant to say the application chooser menu.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
> Hi,
> Please explain what you mean when you say go to the finder and try
I understood however, that the latest version of Drop Box has serious issues
with regard to slowing down Macs and synking problems. Have those issues been
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
Skype Name:
On Jan 11, 20
I haven't noticed a problem.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:15 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> I understood however, that the latest version of Drop Box has serious issues
> with regard to slowing down Macs
Hi William,
The App is named "Garmin StreetPilot," However, according to the Garmin website
it is currently only available in the US and Canada.
On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:54 AM, William Windels wrote:
> I was trying the gamin app on the Belgium app-store but it seems not to
> exists.
How do you get DropBox to show up in the application chooser menu?
Robert Carter
On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> My mistake. I meant to say the application chooser menu.
> Ricardo Walker
> rwalker...@gmail.com
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwal
OK, I didn't get Dropbox to show up in the app chooser menu, but when you're in
the Dropbox menu, press space on Preferences - enter or VO space don't seem to
work. Pressing the space bar will open the Preferences just fine.
On 11 Jan 2011, at 15:22, Robert Carter wrote:
> Hi,
> How do
It doesn't work now. It did about 2 weeks ago when I tried it last.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:22 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
> Hi,
> How do you get DropBox to show up in the applicatio
Hi all,
Well I encountered a rather odd problem that a total reinstall resolved once
before, but that just is not going to be an option whenever this comes up. I
have no idea what is causing this problem, but my internal DVD drive will no
longer view the contents of a disc. In fact every disc I
Yeah, I noticed that changed when I upgraded to the latest Drop Box just fine.
when I did that, I discovered that I'm now having the very same issues that
Sarah and other users were reporting.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
Skype Name
I just tried pressing the space bar on the prefs window and that doesn't work
any other ideas?
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
Skype Name:
On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:45 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> Yeah, I noticed that c
If you upgraded from the iPHone 3GS to 4, you did not loose your data plan. I
checked this out very carefully, but opted not to upgrade at that time. I
checked again recently and was told that the only way I would loose my data
plan, which is unlimited, is if I switched to one of the ex
Nope, you're right. I wasn't running the latest version of Dropbox. Installed
the newest one and can't access preferences anymore...
On 11 Jan 2011, at 15:48, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> I just tried pressing the space bar on the prefs window and that doesn't work
> either.
> any other ideas?
Nick, are you using the latest version of DropBox?
As best as I can tell, enter does open the preferences dialog but VoiceOver
doesn't see it. My sighted son watched me open preferences with enter and he
was able to read the preferences dialog as I tabed to the different options.
VoiceOver was
Do yourself a favor and set-up an appointment with the Apple store and bring it
in if this is an option. As long as you can reproduce the problem the should
be able to fix it at no cost to you and get he matter resolved and over with.
I had a problem with my track pad about a month ago, m
I cannot yet say that it will do any good, but, I just opened a trouble ticket
with the Drop Box folks about this issue. We all need to do this so they don't
just think it's me.
The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
Skype Name:
when i called at&t i was told i would have to sign a new two year contract, and
that would include the newer data plans. now perhaps the person was wrong, but
this is exactly what i was told.
--- On Tue, 1/11/11, Ricardo Walker wrote:
From: Ricardo Walker
Subject: Re: =What the Verizon
You were miss informed. You would have to sign a new 2 year contract but, you
didn't need to change your plan.
Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:24 AM, denise avant wrote:
> hi,
> when i call
I had that same problem, the solution was to take it to the apple store
and have the drive replaced. Hope that this helps.
On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:44 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> Hi all,
> Well I encountered a rather odd problem that a total reinstall resolved once
> before,
Just out of curiosity, is anyone following the live coverage of the Verizon
press event scheduled for 11:00 AM EST in New York? If you are like me and
waiting for another class to start as snow pounds silently down all around you
(and are devoid of a life:), then CNet is where it's happening. Of
Question here that you might not be able to answer...
WHen you use the option 8 it tells the Mac to enter the 'bullet' character.
Does pages turn a set of paragraphs each starting with the bullet character
into a 'bulleted list'? The best way to tell this would be to save as HTML and
then vi
... and this would be another case where changing the subject line would be a
good idea. :)
On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:28 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Yup,
> You were miss informed. You would have to sign a new 2 year contract but,
> you didn't need to change your plan.
> hth
> Ricard
If you believe it could be preference item, the best way to check this is to
set up an additional account in syste preferences and see if you get the same
results there.
I have read one recommendation to set up a Guest account, since then everytime
you log in it is a clean set of files / pr
Spotlight should still be able to find these, if the MP3 tags specify the
Artest / Album / Work correctly.
On Jan 10, 2011, at 7:03 PM, Colin M wrote:
> Hi Yuma!
> Whilst going through my Itunes problem sorting out my mess!
> I found a couple of my albums have a different name in the hd than the
Yes this is some process associated with the Quicktime framework. I found some
discussions of this process constantly increasing thread counts until it
crashed. So with multiple processors and multiple threads, the CPU levels can
go above 100%, though each thread can only use up to 100%.
Hi to anyone following this thread:
Is that update tied to any other app? Or, would I have the working one if I
haven't messed with mine? Secondly, is this something Accessibility knows
Carolyn H
On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:00 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
> Nick, are you using the latest
Hi Ray:
I'm not affected yet since I haven't played with the app yet. But, are you
saying this is a 3rd party app?
On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:03 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> I cannot yet say that it will do any good, but, I just opened a trouble
> ticket with the Drop Box folks about this issue. We
Hi John Andre and others:
There now appear to be multiple updates to Vuescan including 9.12 and 9.x.22.
Anyone know whether these are all related/safe?
Carolyn H
On Jan 8, 2011, at 10:38 AM, John André Netland wrote:
> Hi all,
> Ed Hamrick, the developer of VueScan, has found the reason for
I am a bit new to scanning on the Mac. Well that is a small lie, a year ago
when I had sight I used my Canon MP630 to scan photos etc. But now that I have
no sight I would like to get into OCR for the Mac. I have an iPal Solo which
is fine for reading most things, but chuck a bank statement o
I would be delighted to submit a ticket on the accessibility issues now being
faced since an apparent update. Please somebody who used this before
yesterday, email me off list and let me know the changes and I, too will submit
a ticket. I hope everyone on this list who has a drop box account w
that was very weird the link worked perfectly today but last time it was not a
functional link and very interesting at an t is going to have to re think
it's no more unlimited data on the I phone stance since verizon is going t
offer unlimited data that will make alot of people go to ver
does everyone have to behave like children??? is this rmper room? we are adults
here ,and frankly anyone here who is old enough to read this shouldn't ave a
problem with it, unless they were raised in a convent and have never listened
to any modern music or seen a movie in the last 30 years...
I would love to do that, but we do not have an APple store handy and well um,
it is not under warranty any longer. Hell, this one stumped the techs when it
was under warranty. Yeah, I somehow neglected to get the Apple care, but won't
next time. :)
Of course I want an answer more than I just wan
Thanks, but I am more than certain it is not the drive. The drive was replaced
nearly a year ago. Again, this turned out to be a software issue since a
complete install of SL resolved the problem. SOmething is messing things up and
I'm going to try and figure out what. As I said, the one good th
Seriously, I'm so tired of these hyper sensitive blind wack jobs that would
have us speak in stilted restricted language. F*ck em!
If shit or damn or screwed is good enough for prime time television, BBC over
the air or over the air radio it's definitely OK for the list or one should
assume t
Yes, that is on the list as another test. I have not run this test or strapping
another clean install I have on an external drive and testing against that as
On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:58 AM, Jon Cohn wrote:
> If you believe it could be preference item, the best way to check this
Personally, the language doesn't bother me. But I don't think that people not
liking that language and asking someone not to use it is some sort of slap in
the face. After all, those this look like the type of list were that kind of
language is condoned? I can read hundreds of messages f
Hi Chris:
Ocr is built in, and I've started having success with it after a little help
from another user. If you're in the US, it's about $39.95. I'm using a canon
mp160 successfully. Just have to figure out how to fill in the edit boxes to
tell it what to name and where to save. I'm feeling
Hi Michael:
It's an issue of tact and a modicum of professionalism. I hear enough of the
f-bomb and sh* words elsewhere without having to read it in a supposedly
intelligent group discussion.
If that means I'm behaving like a kid, so be it. I'm a happy child!
On Jan 11, 2011, at 10:41
I totally agree. It is simply a matter of respecting everyone on this list.
Also such language is not acceptable on prime time TV, that's what the
watershed is for, not that that is relevant. Those who use such profanity
obviously have a limited vocabulary, restricting their ability to express
Hello Chris,
VueScan should work well with your scanner. I have a Cannon MP170 which I use
with VueScan. However, I'm not sure whether your scanner has an up-to-date
driver. I have to use the 32-bit version of VueScan with my MP170, but can use
the 64-bit version with my CAnnon Lide 700F portab
I agree, with VZ having unlimited data and Sprint having an unlimited plan
you'd think ATT would follow up with a similar offering.
I hope adding another carrier will bring competition in to the mix here and
improve offerings and performance for everyone regardless of the network.
On Jan 11, 2
Hi all,
I'm curious what you all know about the differences between the iPhone4 and the
iPod touch, other than the obvious phone capabilities of course.
I've had my eye on the iPhone since shortly after getting a mac, and as anyone
following me on twitter could tell you I kept a close eye on an
As much as I would normally avoid chiming in on this discussion, it is
necessary to keep in mind that that no one knows who is on this list.
Furthermore, what you say and how you say it is how others view you as a
person. Perhaps you do not care (not pointing at any one person); however, keep
Hi Yuma and Sarah,
I haven't personally run into this problem with QTKitServer, but I did some
searching on the Apple Support Discussion forums, and came across a thread
titled "QTKitServer hogging CPU". Most of the cases where this process starts
running and hogging your CPU can be traced to a
Hi Yuma,
As a followup to my suggestion to try unchecking the "Show Icon Preview" option
in Finder, I realized that an easier way to disable this en masse is simply to
use Command-J (shortcut for "Show View Options" from the View menu on the
Finder menu bar), and then VO-Down arrow to the "Show
Hi Justin,
You can't use an external bluetooth gps with the IPod touch. There is a
specially made cradle for the Touch that gives you gps capability. And you can
use Navigon, but many other "helper apps" like around me or where to require a
connection, so you'd either have to plan ahead when you
Absolutely correct Scott,
There are actually People on the list that know professional
communications require a standard protocol that is applied when
conveying information.
In the Professional business realm these kids would never get a gig!
This message was sent by m
Cool, so why do some others also use Abby Fine Reader Express too?
On 11 Jan 2011, at 18:42, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Chris:
> Ocr is built in, and I've started having success with it after a little help
> from another user. If you're in the US, it's about $39.95. I'm using a
> canon m
Hi there!
I said this earlier and the mod said if people do not watch what they say they
would be put to read only!
And as far as bad words go I use them a lot, but no need on here!Colin
I'm far too bad for Heaven!
The Devil is afraid I'll take his place!
On 11 Jan 2011, at 19:46, Scott Howell wr
Guess I replied to that last message too quickly lol, Ann thanks for that and
clearing things up. Think I will download trial versions of both of these
So you can't scan directly into Abby and bi-passing VueScan then?
On 11 Jan 2011, at 18:42, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Hi Chris:
> Ocr i
Sprint did that for me too for my phone as well! I still want an eyephone
though! Heather
- Original Message -
From: "Eric Oyen"
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: =What the Verizon phone means for Apple
I had my moments with t-mobile. However, they are s
Hay Hay folks, tone it down please! We don't need to get angry over
differing oppinions. So please for the sake of the list, please leave the
negative remarks off list. Just agree to disagree and leave it at that!
73 Heather
You received this message because you are subscribed to the G
Hi all,
I have a shared folder on my dropbox and I am not the owner of the folder but I
have all the necessary administration rights to login as owner.
The problem is that the mail-address of the owner will desapear in a few days
so, I would like to become the owner with this mail-address.
I think it's pretty clear then that you've never had a gig.:)
To say that the language in our department is salty is an understatement and
that's not unique to my company or even profession. I've worked on the inside
for everything from banking to medical and mostly Internet services / carrier
Hi all
I took the big leap yesterday of purchasing a Mini Mac. Now comes the fun of
learning how to use it. My only previous experience with Apple is using my
iPhone which I love. The problem I have run into is that I didn't purchase a
mouse and bluetooth assistant comes up automatically when I
Just hit control-option escape to open Force Quit. Vo-right arrow till you
hear force quit, and as long as it's on bluetooth assistant, it'll shut it
down. I have this happen often, but it'll get solved when I get a trackpad,
which I can't wait for!
On Jan 11, 2011, at 4:42 PM, Paula Wab
wait what
they sell trackpads separately now? What are they used for? Do they
work like a normal mouse if you don't use them with vo?
On 1/11/11, Jane wrote:
> Just hit control-option escape to open Force Quit. Vo-right arrow till you
> hear force quit, and as long as it's on bluetooth assistant
It's the er magick grackpad. or something like that. I guess it does.
On Jan 11, 2011, at 4:48 PM, Oriol Gómez wrote:
> wait what
> they sell trackpads separately now? What are they used for? Do they
> work like a normal mouse if you don't use them with vo?
> On 1/11/11, Jane wrote:
Hey Scott and All;
First off, -not sure you were intending to target me or the other mods with
your post, but hey, I kind of need to speak for the group. So here goes.
-My request has nothing to do with my blindness, and as to whether I'm a
wack-job or not, well, I suppose the proof that I am,
I've had no problems with at&t customer service, how ever I can see where you
are coming from. It looks like though that prices are going to be the same as I
read an article so we'll see.
On Jan 10, 2011, at 11:18 PM, James Mannion wrote:
> The link worked fine for me as well. I hope the IPho
OH yeah I didn't think of net nutrility. Hmm Yeah that's somethign to think
about as those I think passed a few weeks ago.
On Jan 11, 2011, at 2:56 AM, Scott Howell wrote:
> James,
> I am not loyal to any company, which I feel has to be stated up front because
> of what I'm going to say ne
You can do that wiht at&t, as long as you are nusing an iphone. I looked at the
pdf someone gave me. I don'thave it anymore though as my drive crashed. *frown*
On Jan 11, 2011, at 4:59 AM, Eric Oyen wrote:
> well,
> I had my moments with t-mobile. However, they are still the lowest price
> point
Oh no I upgraded from the 3 to the 4 and I have my unimited still..
On Jan 11, 2011, at 5:54 AM, denise avant wrote:
> hi,
> the way this may all play out is with competitive pricing. for example, when
> i switched to the iphone and thus at&t, i got 100 fewer minutes and a $20.00
> price incr
Apparently the agreement with Verizon is not exclusive, so there is always a
chance the iPHone could end up on the Sprint network as well.
On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:28 PM, heather kd5cbl wrote:
> Sprint did that for me too for my phone as well! I still want an eyephone
> though! Heather
No I didn't sign a 2 year contract. the guy said my contract still ends in june
of 2012.
Take care.
On Jan 11, 2011, at 7:28 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Yup,
> You were miss informed. You would have to sign a new 2 year contract but,
> you didn't need to change your plan.
> hth
> R
I can. yeah looks like it and I mantioned to someone in a recording that I did
not put on this list.
On Jan 11, 2011, at 5:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
> Hi,
> When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver does
> not read this window on my machine. The Window Choose
I tried from the finder and I still can't get access to it. Odd that someone of
us see it and others don't and we are all I hope using the latest version.
On Jan 11, 2011, at 6:13 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> My mistake. I meant to say the application chooser menu.
> Ricardo
I emailed the dev personally about this a few months ago and they are aware of
it. I guess I need to do it again.
On Jan 11, 2011, at 7:03 AM, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
> I cannot yet say that it will do any good, but, I just opened a trouble
> ticket with the Drop Box folks about this issue. We a
On thing that bugs me with ATT, is you can't get on wirelessly to the
iPhone and use it as a hot spot. At least right now you can't, unless I'm
missing something...
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Hello Chris,
On 11 Jan 2011, at 21:25, Chris Moore wrote:
> So you can't scan directly into Abby and bi-passing VueScan then?
Not with your scanner.
I'm constantly trying to collect information on scanners that work directly
with ABBYY FineReader, but the quest is proving elusive. They appear
Just one more thing: You can use image capture which is already on your mac to
do the scan part. Carolyn
On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:25 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
> Guess I replied to that last message too quickly lol, Ann thanks for that
> and clearing things up. Think I will download trial ve
You can, for 30 dollars a month but if you have the unlimited you loose it and
2 gigs a month won't cut it. lol! not for theathering.
On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:02 PM, Chris Harrington wrote:
> On thing that bugs me with ATT, is you can't get on wirelessly to the
> iPhone and use it as a hot spot. At
Hi Chris:
Funny you should ask. I just wasted a vast amount of time trying to figure out
how to correctly tell the is program how to file things I scan, and getting ...
getting ... back on my d*** PC.:)
Ok, to be fair, I don't know that Vuescan does orientation, (such as "page is
upside down."
Not wiht my MDF device which is a cannon printer scanner coppyer.
On Jan 11, 2011, at 3:14 PM, Carolyn Haas wrote:
> Chris:
> Just one more thing: You can use image capture which is already on your mac
> to do the scan part. Carolyn
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 1:25 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
>> Gu
You can but you have to jailbreak your device and use some special non approved
The verizon device will have this feature. That's a real edge. I'd almost
switch for that but honestly I think the ATT network will be faster than VZ's
EV-DO 3G system. I may jump ship on the IPhone
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