
My mistake.  I meant to say the application chooser menu.

Ricardo Walker
Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197

On Jan 11, 2011, at 9:09 AM, Robert Carter wrote:

> Hi,
> Please explain what you mean when you say go to the finder and try to access 
> DropBox preferences? How do you get there from the finder?
> Thanks,
> Robert Carter
> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:06 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm able to access preferences in the latest version of dropbox.  Go to the 
>> finder and try to gain access to it that way.
>> hth
>> Ricardo Walker
>> rwalker...@gmail.com
>> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
>> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
>> On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:58 AM, Robert Carter wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> When I attempt to access Dropbox preferences with VoiceOver, VoiceOver does 
>>> not read this window on my machine. The Window Chooser menu doesn't see it 
>>> and when I tab, VoiceOver is silent. My sighted son reports that I am 
>>> tabbing through the preferences but nothing from VoiceOver. This is version 
>>> 1 of DropBox. I believe that the preferences window was accessible to 
>>> VoiceOver in the earlier version but doesn't appear to be in the current 
>>> release.
>>> Can anybody else verify this?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Robert Carter
>>> On Jan 10, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Bejarano, Rafael P. wrote:
>>>> If you figure it out, Please keep this list posted. I tried to download 
>>>> the DropBox app, and I did not find it accessible with VO.
>>>> Rafael Bejarano
>>>> ________________________________________
>>>> From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On 
>>>> Behalf Of Marlaina Lieberg [1guide...@gmail.com]
>>>> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 11:09 AM
>>>> To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
>>>> Subject: I am now on dropbox but need help with the app
>>>> Hi all.
>>>> A friend who is a window-eyes user has invited me and I am now on drop 
>>>> box.  However, her description of what she has and what I have on my air 
>>>> are two completely different things.  If it is not too much trouble, could 
>>>> someone give me a brief or not so brief explanation of how the heck I use 
>>>> this?  My friend has things like a my drop box folder and other folders 
>>>> which I do not have.  She says that all she does is paste files into her 
>>>> drop box public folder, which I do not seem to have, and she can then send 
>>>> links to those files to whomever she wishes.  I don't know enough or 
>>>> understand enough to ask other questions, :)
>>>> Thanks in advance for any assistance you guys can give.
>>>> Marlaina
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