Hello everyone,
I am trying to figure something with my loops.
Lets say i stretched a loop over 8 bars, but i've chopped it up a bit to add
different parts from other loops.
IS there actually a way of splitting a loop within bars or beats to then take
one of those pieces and move them elsewher
Hi quick question about garage band is there a way to slice loops after
bringing them in?
if not is there a program that does it that's accessible.
i'm not sure i'm new at it.
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I meant to reply to one of Nic's recent posts, but deleted it. He suggested
that if VO goes silent one could enter terminal into spotlight and then enter
-- I forget the exact command but believe it was killallall -9 voiceover.
I tried this with and without the extra "all" and also
Hello Jeff,
You have the right command, but you write VoiceOver wrong. It is killall -9
Sent from my iPhone
On 24 Nov 2010, at 09:53, Geoff Waaler wrote:
> Greetings,
> I meant to reply to one of Nic's recent posts, but deleted it. He suggested
> that if VO goes sil
the killall command works. -9 will simply force it to quit. I prefer the use of
killall -HUP VoiceOver as it forces a reset of voiceover without going through
all the issues of restarting it via keystrokes. btw, you must capitalize the V
and the O otherwise it will not find the process name.
True enough. -HUP accomplishes the same thing, though, but of course the
parameters mean something different. I always just use -9 to ensure it actually
quits, and it's just as efficient in the long-run. And, it's less parameters to
GoogleTalk: chojiro1...@gmail.com
Thanks a lot.
Kawal Gucukoglu
On 24 Nov 2010, at 02:24 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
> Hello. go to edit from with in your contact and do 1 or 2 four finger flick
> down motions and there should be the del button for that contact in the lower
> right hand corner.
> S
> On Nov 23, 2010, at 2:17
hello all,
i wonder if there are any tutorials dealing with apple mail and pages with
voice over? thanks.
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Hi! There might be some more, but The ones I remember are those from Sarah
discussing some of the mail features, and Mike Arrigo doing a podcast on both
iwork and open office platforms. Those can give you an idea about the state of
the art. Sarah signs her mails with her contact in
Hi Kev!
I'll put comments after links!
On 23 Nov 2010, at 22:07, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
> I use a couple of travel sites for booking airfair and so on but recently
> I've had some issues with being able to input the dates to them. It could be
> a problem between the chair and keyboard but I thou
Hmm, well I am the wrong person to ask. I can't see why you'd want to do
anything with ITunes really. I guess I use it for the odd radio station and to
sync my ipod, but there's very little wanting involved. When I put a dvd into
the mac for the first time, it opened dvd player and started t
I am considering an Apple TV. I do have a question for those that know.
Can I connect the Apple TV to my home theater system using RCA
Chris G
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"MacVisionaries" group.
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I can't get it to play either, g
On 22 Nov 2010, at 17:50, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> What do you click on to make the video play? is it flash?
> Ricardo Walker
> rwalker...@gmail.com
> Twitter, Skype, and AIM: rwalker296
> Google Voice: 1-646-450-2197
> On Nov 22, 2010, a
As some of you might already know, Adobe recently released its public beta for
Audition for Mac, a relatively popular digital audio workstation originally for
Windows. It's most often used for basic multitrack recording, editing and audio
restoration. Most people working in the post-production w
I put the date in as month date and year with the slash in between. I really
haven't had much trouble other than those travel sites.
http://www.bookingbuddy.com was a problem for me too. I just used bestfairs in
July and something changed since then. I'l drop them an e-mail to see what has
It worked for me but to be honest, I didn't find it to be much usew.
Did someone else see the video and get anything out of it other than the fact
that you could hear VO in the background?
On Nov 22, 2010, at 1:01 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
> I can't get it to play either, g
> On 22 Nov
Hi all,
Thanks to Darcy, I have gotten Facetime to record audio by changing advanced
and then the record all streams in Audio Hijack. Is there any way to get the
mic not to be so loud? I can hear myself when Facetime is running as I am
recording. It is kind of low, so I have to turn the volume
Hi All,
I need some bluetooth headset that will work both to listen to music, using the
playback controls on the headset in both my macbook and ipod touch; but also
that can be used with skype and for recording in both the mac and iPod touch.
I've been looking all over for one that does all this
Give these ago
Just bought a pair and seem ok for £17!
Larry & Elliot GD (Guide Dog)
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionar...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Rafaela Freu
Hi Eric and Nic,
Thanks much -- the -9 seems to cause a restart, hence appears to have the
identical affect of the -hup parm.
On Nov 24, 2010, at 3:22 AM, Nicolai Svendsen wrote:
> Hi!
> True enough. -HUP accomplishes the same thing, though, but of course the
> parameters mean something dif
Hi Slau. that is a shame, but, I'm not surprised.
Along those same lines, I've investigated both reaper and studio 1 from
Presonus and didn't have any luck with either.
Also, cuebase and digital performer aren't accessible, but that is old news
at this point.
It's a shame.
Open contact
Choose edit
Scroll down to bottom
Choose delete remove contact
Confirm action
Hope this helps.
On Nov 24, 2010, at 3:34 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> Thanks a lot.
> Kawal Gucukoglu
> On 24 Nov 2010, at 02:24 AM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>> Hello. go to edit from
Was wanting to start a topic of PT Accessibility, but since we're already
talking about it, I actually had some questions about it.
How much can you do with protools? Can you do automation, audio, midi,
different plugins, things like that? Also, I'm doing a career center program
for audio produ
Whoa -9 and -hup do * not * do the same thing.
-9 is a kill all with no graceful shutdown. -HUP is a restart, -1 is a
graceful shutdown.
On Nov 24, 2010, at 8:41 AM, Geoff Waaler wrote:
> Hi Eric and Nic,
> Thanks much -- the -9 seems to cause a restart, hence appears to have the
> ident
Ah, leave it to Scott to bring us some grace.:) I haven't a clue what y'all
are talking about. But I guess I should know this in case Alex ever decides to
give me the silent treatment. I don't recall an initial post on this but
better save these in a backup for future reference.
To all who ca
Hi there folks,
I know that firefox for the mac is not accessible, but ubuntu and windows is.
Are there a free option for running either on the mac that's accessible with
VO? I'm not planning on buying much software wize for the mac. The darn thing
is already expensive.
Brandt Steenk
kill is a unix command for stopping a process. The kill -9 is like yanking the
rug out from under something. There is nothing graceful about it. Some
processes should never be stopped using it. If you really need to blow a
process away, you may just be better off to reboot your mac.
On Nov
Good afternoon all,
The following Apple script will cause VO to restart gracefully. I suggest for
optimum efficiency to associate this script with a keyboard shortcut so that it
can be executed with one keystroke in the event VO freezes.
On No
Hi Brandt,
The option you have is to buy VMWare Fusion and either run a copy of Windows as
a virtual machine or you could also run Vinux from http://Vinux.org.uk which
is a free option if you don't want to purchase another Windows license. You
would still have to purchase Fusion though.
I will not use a script that I can't read the source.
How do we know that script will not cause all kinds of troubles on our Macs?
How about sharing the source code?
On Nov 24, 2010, at 10:32 AM, Hai Nguyen wrote:
> Good afternoon all,
> The following Apple script will cause VO to restart gracef
Have you tested them with skype? do you use them with the mac and an ios devise
for both both audio input and output?
Thanks a lot,
Rafaela Freundt
E-mail/MSN: rafafreu...@gmail.com
Skype: rafafreundt
El 24/11/2010, a las 11:37, LaMcAs escribió:
> Hi
> Give these ago
> http://www.7day
here you go. I understand and should have sent the source code the first time.
--Author Hai Nguyen Ly November 24, 2010
This Apple script will open Terminal.app and run a kill all command forcing
VoiceOver to restart. Once the command has been activated, Terminal will quit.
This script works
Another way that works.
tell application "VoiceOver"
delay 0.1
end tell
On Nov 24, 2010, at 10:50 AM, Hai Nguyen wrote:
> here you go. I understand and should have sent the source code the first time.
> --Author Hai Nguyen Ly November 24, 2010
> (
I've not used them on Skype ... yet but do intend to.
I'm still trying to work out how to get the headset to see 2 devices - my
iPhone and iPod at the same time just a matter of scanning the manual in.
With a Bluetooth receiver (one is also recommended on the page @ £3.99 I
believe), which I've b
Serotek Corporation, the leading provider of accessible multi platform and
cloud-based solutions which can be accessed from anywhere, is proud to
announce the release of DocuScan Plus. This innovative software allows
persons to scan and read documents from any computer with an attached
This works, but I also get the following error:
VoiceOver got an error: Connection is invalid.
I also noticed that this method takes longer for VO to restart.
On Nov 24, 2010, at 12:59 PM, louie wrote:
> Another way that works.
> tell application "VoiceOver"
> quit
> delay 0.
Oh the kill command is a throwback to the unix underpinnings of the mac. On
unix devices you use the kill command to restart or kill a prcess. Processes
have id numbers and process names which can be used to identify the process you
want to restart or kill.
Something like
kill -1 1 reruns the
List members who have followed the recent discussion on "moving to a
computer-based entertainment system" may be interested in DVDRemaster
Pro, which is on sale for half price ($24.99) for the next 12 hours as
today's MacUpdate promo. Some of the advantages over the free
Handbrake ar
I can answer your 2nd question. Lets say you want to get rid of 2 bars of a
piano track in the middle of a 16 bar verse. You can use the split region
command (command T) to have these to bars as there own region. Then delete the
region these 2 bars occupied. Now you will find you have a
Hi list:
As of last night, Adium refuses to work properly with facebook chat. It says
I'm connected to facebook chat, but none of my contacts show up in my online
list. However, if someone writes me a message, they'll show up. They show up
forever, though. Even if I know they're no longer o
that;s great but for those of use who are not terminal savi just hit cmd vo f8
and esc whenthe practice area comes up. This will get the hang to go away.
Oh and for those who are having trouble send your consol messages to
accessibil...@apple.com. One person already did it.
On Nov 24, 2010, a
We're looking at buying dad an MBP for Christmas. He has an iPhone 3gs that he
uses on Windows. How can we safely transfer his iTunes content, Apps, contacts,
favorites, etc from the iPhone to the Mac?
Sarai Bucciarelli
Personal to win Amazon and other free gift cards, Come join me on
To dovetail onto this discussion, does anyone know if it is possible to put
music and other content on a drive, attach to an AirPort Extreme router, and
allow streaming to the Apple TV? I thought I had read somewhere that an update
to the Extreme's software would allow for this. However, I could
I had no problem getting this to work when using Safari. I just clicked on the
play button and waited a few seconds, and off it went.
On Nov 22, 2010, at 1:01 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
> I can't get it to play either, g
> On 22 Nov 2010, at 17:50, Ricardo Walker wrote:
>> Hi,
I'll gladly answer your questions and I'm sure others might have something to
offer but, for a few good reasons, it would be much more beneficial for you to
join the Pro Tools Access mailing list and let's have the conversation there.
Please do me a favor and repost this message there. T
I am having the exact same problem.
On 24 Nov 2010, at 19:33, John D. Lipsey wrote:
> Hi list:
> As of last night, Adium refuses to work properly with facebook chat. It says
> I'm connected to facebook chat, but none of my contacts show up in my online
> list. However, if someone writes me
I have this problem to.
On 11/24/10, Chris Moore wrote:
> I am having the exact same problem.
> On 24 Nov 2010, at 19:33, John D. Lipsey wrote:
>> Hi list:
>> As of last night, Adium refuses to work properly with facebook chat. It
>> says I'm connected to facebook chat, but none of my conta
Actually,kill sends a signal to a process. Hup, or 1, usually restarts a
process. However, it is up to each program to define how it reacts to any
The two exceptions are the kill signal (9) and the stop signal (26 I think).
These signals can not be seen by the program. The OS shuts dow
Hi, all,
I'm wondering how to enter the date for to-do item? It seems that I can simply
type it in, but at times, I hear something filled in automagically, so it's a
bit confusing. The VO hint just says it's an edit field, but I have the feeling
it's more than that.
You receive
Hi all,
I've just discovered Stickies, the app for sticky-notes. It seems that it's
simply a notepad for jotting down this or that. Am I missing something, or does
it not have a way to set up reminders with popup windows and that sort of
thing? Does one just leave the text window open till the
There was a play button? You using a Mac or Windows?
On 24 Nov 2010, at 19:50, Scott Howell wrote:
> I had no problem getting this to work when using Safari. I just clicked on
> the play button and waited a few seconds, and off it went.
> Scott
> On Nov 22, 2010, at 1:01 PM, Chris
I am using a Mac and Safari.
On Nov 24, 2010, at 3:55 PM, Chris Moore wrote:
> There was a play button? You using a Mac or Windows?
> On 24 Nov 2010, at 19:50, Scott Howell wrote:
>> I had no problem getting this to work when using Safari. I just clicked on
>> the play button and w
I follow Mike Calvo so I tweeted him about this as he announced it on there. I
would encourage as many others as possible to do the same. He replied
appollogising and saying that my tweet helps prove the demand.
His username is rather easy to guess.
On 24 Nov 2010, at 19:14, heath
If you interact with the field, you can use the VO-arrow keys to adjust the
On Nov 24, 2010, at 4:16 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
> Hi, all,
> I'm wondering how to enter the date for to-do item? It seems that I can
> simply type it in, but at times, I hear something filled in au
Stickies visually emulates what so many people sometimes do with sticky notes:
they literally stick them right on the screen. If the program is running, the
notes will be visible on screen. They do have an option for transparency so
people can leave them up and not be too distracted. I don't kno
What more did you want to get from the video Kev?
For the people who haven't been able to get it to play, Esther kindly
posted a direct link to the video on youtube. I don't have it to hand,
but it was near the begining of this topic.
On 24/11/2010, Scott Howell wrote:
> I am using a Mac and Safa
Thanks. I know there's contextual functionality going the other way to place
something in another program into a sticky, but haven't played with your idea
On Nov 24, 2010, at 3:04 PM, Slau Halatyn wrote:
> Stickies visually emulates what so many people sometimes do with sticky
> no
Thank you. I'll give that another try.
On Nov 24, 2010, at 2:10 PM, Scott Howell wrote:
> If you interact with the field, you can use the VO-arrow keys to adjust the
> date.
> Scott
> On Nov 24, 2010, at 4:16 PM, Teresa Cochran wrote:
>> Hi, all,
>> I'm wondering how
That is a loaded question and I'll have to behave myself. I just htought a
little discussion of the device and that sort of thing would've been helpful.
On Nov 24, 2010, at 6:15 PM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote:
> What more did you want to get from the video Kev?
> For the people who have
Hey list,
So yea voice over is on the appletv. But just a question for those who do have
it, have any of you been able to see your own movie playlists when browsing
On my appletv i get unknown playlist instead of all the different playlists and
folders i've created on my itunes library
Hi sarai:
When you plug the iPod into the mac, iTunes will ask to sync, or to transfer
the stuff from the iPod to the library. I'm sure someone here can give you a
better step by step explanation if needed. But, it really shouldn't be a
problem at all. The other option is to simply perform iP
2 questions:
1. what twitter program can I use on a mac that is accessible
2. whats the name of the twitter account I need to send a message to?
pardon if I seem a bit dense, but I just got home from a tandem trail ride and
I let my blood sugar drop a bit too low. enjoyed the trail ride thoug
How can you move to the first item in a list? Say I want to go to the last
message in my e-mail and I'm at the top of the list, what is the command or key
sequence to get there?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
Hi Kev,
For mail, the easiest way to move to the top or bottom of the list in the
messages table is to press the Option key and hold down either the up or down
arrow key and just wait a little bit. This answer is not VoiceOver specific
and came as a response to Donna from the accessibility te
That works. It gave me the oops, not this sound and I thought it wasn't gonna
Thanks Ester,
On Nov 24, 2010, at 10:14 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Kev,
> For mail, the easiest way to move to the top or bottom of the list in the
> messages table is to press the Option key and hold
Hi Heather,
I don't know, but Abisee has announced that the EyePal now works with the Mac.
Just got the official announbcement.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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To post to this group, send email to macvisionar...@googleg
The earlier version of the Apple TV had the ability to connect with RCA
composite and component connections. The new model is HDMI only as far as I
know. The problem then arises that the older model is not VO compatible at
all, usable but not compatible. Sorry.
On 2010-11-24,
That is really cool to here! Heather
- Original Message -
From: "Les Kriegler"
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: I wonder when it will come to the mac?
Hi Heather,
I don't know, but Abisee has announced that the EyePal now works with the
Mac. Just got t
Some thoughtful person sent me this link in a facebook message. The solution
seems to work, and I think it will be how they'll implement facebook chat
connectivity in future versions of Adium. Hope it works for everyone.
You received this message bec
Looking at the specs this evening I noticed there is something called an
optical audio port. Not an RCA but another means of connection never the less.
Sent from my iPhone
On 2010-11-25, at 12:18 AM, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> The earlier version of the Apple TV had the ability to
Hello everyone,
Today I downloaded Skype into my Mac. What do I need to do to
make it accessible? How do I get it to open IM messages in
separate windows?
Thanks for the help you can offer.
Ezzy (Sent from my BrailleNote Apex)
(512) 553-8553
Skype: SillyEz
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sillye
I use growl for the helper app (chats, etc). you can go into preferences and
set up how chats are spawned, etc. if I had more time, I could give you some
anyway, if you get some better help, add technomage-hawke to your Skype list.
thats me
On Nov 24, 2010, at 10:52 PM, Ezzy Bu
First, interact with the list by pressing VO-down-arrow. Then use VO-shift-home
to go the top of the list. Also, you can use VO-shift-end to go to the bottom
of the list.
On Nov 24, 2010, at 7:05 PM, Kevin Mattingly wrote:
> How can you move to the first item in a list? Say I want t
Hi all,
I have an odd problem. When I press option-t with scripting enabled in VO
utility, I get about a ten-second latency. I'm not sure if it has anything to
do with my Vinux operating system via VMware Fusion running in the background,
but that has been the last major change in my computer u
Reading the tech specs on the apple.com site it has optical audio out.
Would just need to get an optical audio out cable. I know my home
theater has the input for that. Should sound even better.
On Wed, 24 Nov 2010 20:48:55 -0700
Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> The earlier version of t
Press the option key and press and hold the up or down arrow, this will take
you to the start or end of a list after a couple of seconds.
Have a lovely Thanks Giving buddy, and just so you know I woke up to 5 inches
of snow this morning! My dog is going nuts, he is acting like a 4 year ol
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