Re: dmg files.

2010-08-25 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Sarah, What is command shift c doing? Command plus c will copy, ready for pasting later, but what is command plus shift plus c that you mentioned? - Original Message - From: "Sarah Alawami" To: Sent: Sunday, August 15, 2010 2:14 AM Subject: Re: dmg files. You can move it to tras

RE: To Chris Moore!

2010-08-25 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi List, Just a quick question on adium, Does adium work with the jabba protocol / as a jabba chat client? -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of focus Sent: Monday, 23 August 2010 11:59 p.m. To: macvisionaries@g

Re: To Chris Moore!

2010-08-25 Thread Chris Moore
Yes it supports Jabber, simply go to the File menu and click on add account and you will see Jabber in the sub menu. iChat also supports Jabber too. Chris On 25 Aug 2010, at 10:11, Simon Fogarty wrote: > Hi List, > > Just a quick question on adium, > > Does adium work with the jabba protocol

Re: Can't Switch Through Applications Sometimes...

2010-08-25 Thread Ricardo Walker
When this happens, how many applications are running? On Aug 25, 2010, at 2:09 AM, Justin Kauflin wrote: > Hey everyone, > Just recently, I've been running into a strange situation on my MacBook > Pro. Sometimes when I boot up, I can load applications like Mail and Safari, > with no problem

google calanders

2010-08-25 Thread Simon Fogarty
Hi List, Just wondering if anyone has tried using google calanders rather than Ical, or inconjunction with I cal. Even further would be using google calanders with ical and say a nokia mobile phone? I'm in a situation where I need to use different cal's for different things and was tryi

Re: google calanders

2010-08-25 Thread Yuma Decaux
Hi, Theres a thing called spanning sync which does the ical google cal syncing which is pretty cool, but google cal users cant edit your calendar. I myself am setting a google apps cal i want to sync with ical for different groups and churning cogs to this effect good luck -- You received

Re: Gizmodo: Giz Explains: How Blind People See the Internet

2010-08-25 Thread Isaac Obie
Jerry, How do I find the article listed in this email? I went online but I can't find the article? What might I be doing wrong or not doing? thanks Isaac - Original Message - From: "Brett Campbell" To: Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 5:51 PM Subject: Gizmodo: Giz Explains: How Blind P

Re: Can't Switch Through Applications Sometimes...

2010-08-25 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi Justin. I'm also having that situation and have a Mac Book Pro and also run Fusion with Windows 7. So I wonder what it is. It's fine if I restart but I don't do that very often because I use Time Capsule which continues to back up. Kawal. On 25 Aug 2010, at 07:09, Justin Kauflin wrote: >

Re: iwork

2010-08-25 Thread Isaac Obie
Hello Anne, Is there a demo of iworks 09? Where might it be? Thanks. Isaac - Original Message - From: "Anne Robertson" To: Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2010 10:19 AM Subject: Re: iwork Hello Scott, You can get the information about font (type, size, colour) with VO-t in Pages, despit

Re: Gizmodo: Giz Explains: How Blind People See the Internet

2010-08-25 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
If you do a search for "your eyes" without the quotes, it will take you to the first line of the article there by skipping all the rubbish thats before it. It's a pretty interesting read, although I don't really agree with the hole most iPhone apps are inaccessible thing. Also, did anyone notice t

Re: Gizmodo: Giz Explains: How Blind People See the Internet

2010-08-25 Thread Larry Skutchan
One great way to find the article if you are using Safari is to use the reader. Just press Command+Shift+R. They should have mentioned that in the article, too. It is a great tool to get to the meat of the page. On Aug 25, 2010, at 7:55 AM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote: > If you do a search for "your

Re: Gizmodo: Giz Explains: How Blind People See the Internet

2010-08-25 Thread Ricardo Walker
Why don't you agree with the notion that most apps for the iPhone aren't accessible? It seems pretty accurate to me. There is over 100,000 apps in the iTunes store. You think there is at least 50,000 accessible apps? Keep in mind a lot of these apps are video games. On Aug 25, 2010, at 7:55

Re: Gizmodo: Giz Explains: How Blind People See the Internet

2010-08-25 Thread Ben Mustill-Rose
Because the way that it was written implied that they should be accessible. I know that it's possible to make audio games on he iPhone, but I don't think that the average developer should have to make a completely different game using methods that there not experienced with just so that blind peopl

IS There a VM Fusion Keystroke to lock the virtual machine window?

2010-08-25 Thread Alfredo
I have been looking ont he web and have found no shortcut key to lock the virtual machine window when I am in it. For example when I press the shortcut commandoption+tab, it send the command to the mac and switches me to another mac applicaiton window. I would like to set it up so that every key

Re: ical questions?

2010-08-25 Thread Hai Nguyen
While Mobile Me may fulfill the needs of some, it does not offer the ultimate solution for all. I have yet to find a way to sync contacts and calendar items to a Symbian device utilizing Mobile Me, which is the only factor that is preventing me from obtaining the service. When the light switch w

Re: ical questions?

2010-08-25 Thread Hai Nguyen
Thank you Scott for the great suggestion. I do indeed have this setting checked. On Aug 24, 2010, at 12:48 PM, Scott Howell wrote: > This may be a long shot, but do you have timezone support turned on? I had a > similar problem at work and turning this on seemed to take care of the issue. > You

Re: dmg files.

2010-08-25 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, I'm not Sarah, but I can tell you she is talking here about Command Shift C. This is the finder keystroke to take you directly to the computer area where-in are mounted all of your drives and drive images. So suppose for example that you put in a dvd full of data and now you are in finder

Re: Gizmodo: Giz Explains: How Blind People See the Internet

2010-08-25 Thread Rhonda Hornbacher
One great way to find the article if you are using Safari is to use the reader. Just press Command+Shift+R. They should have mentioned that in the article, too. It is a great tool to get to the meat of the page. On Aug 25, 2010, at 7:55 AM, Ben Mustill-Rose wrote: > If you do a search for "your

Re: iwork

2010-08-25 Thread Anne Robertson
Hello Isaac, You can download a 30-day trial copy of iWork from: Cheers, Anne On 25 Aug 2010, at 13:37, Isaac Obie wrote: > Hello Anne, > Is there a demo of iworks 09? Where might it be? Thanks. > Isaac > - Original Message - From: "Anne Ro

vo settings are trashed

2010-08-25 Thread erik burggraaf
Right, I am one extraordinarily irritated individual now. I was just computing along, minding my own business, when all of a sudden voiceover turned off then back on, and had reverted to all the default settings. This is the fourth or fifth time it's happened to me in the last couple of month

Re: vo settings are trashed

2010-08-25 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
No problems Eric. On 25 Aug 2010, at 16:43, erik burggraaf wrote: > Right, I am one extraordinarily irritated individual now. I was just > computing along, minding my own business, when all of a sudden voiceover > turned off then back on, and had reverted to all the default settings. This >

Re: vo settings are trashed

2010-08-25 Thread Bryan Jones
Yes, I think this has been happening to me lately in iTunes and Safari. I'll be working and Alex will be chattering away and all of a sudden he'll get quiet, then after a few seconds VO announces "VoiceOver On." I haven't gotten proficient enough with VO to do any real customization, so I can't

Re: apple script to hang up skype

2010-08-25 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi Sarah. I tried your method Sarah re Skype hang up call but it didn't work. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Kawal. On 24 Aug 2010, at 23:33, Sarah Alawami wrote: > But a script as far as I know has to be launched from the keyboard and i've > tried some keyboarding tools and you must include

Re: vo settings are trashed

2010-08-25 Thread Daniel Rowe
This happened to me yesterday. Luckally I had backed up my settings a few months earlier as it was doing it quite often. But I had changed a few more things since then so I'll have to boot off my backup drive, export the settings off that and import on my original installation. Most Annoying

Re: dmg files.

2010-08-25 Thread Chris Blouch
This is part of a set of finder navigation shortcuts related to the Go menu. Command shift A takes you to the applications folder while command shift U takes you to utilities. In a similar way D is for desktop, H is for your home folder and since D was already taken, O is for Documents. CB er

Re: vo settings are trashed

2010-08-25 Thread Ronit Ovadia Mazzoni
It's definitely happening to me and it's quite annoying. I don't know how to solve it. Ronit On Aug 25, 2010, at 8:56 AM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote: > No problems Eric. > On 25 Aug 2010, at 16:43, erik burggraaf wrote: > >> Right, I am one extraordinarily irritated individual now. I was just >>

Re: vo settings are trashed

2010-08-25 Thread Sarah Alawami
Yep I have that problem every once in a while. what I do now is export my settings once I get them right via file menu in the vo utility, vo f8 and reimport them. Works great. Sarah Alawami MSN: aim: website: youtube: http://youtub

Re: dmg files.

2010-08-25 Thread Sarah Alawami
cmd shift c gets you to the computer icon which lists all of your drives and dmg files that are mounted. It is a faster way to eject a drive as you just hit cmd e after selecting the dmg to eject. Take care. Sarah Alawami MSN: aim: website: http://music.m

Re: apple script to hang up skype

2010-08-25 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hmm really? Yeah it should work. Just copy the menu item which looks like this Hang Up to the clip board and link that to cmd shift h to the skype application from with in the keyboard shortcuts, applications section. You want to edit in the table to the right. Take care. Sarah Alawami MSN: ma

Re: Can't Switch Through Applications Sometimes...

2010-08-25 Thread Sarah Alawami
I am but I don't know under what conditions this happens. It happened to me last night after I had done a windows session and had to reboot but sometimes it will happen even when I just turn on the thing wit out being in a windows session. On Aug 24, 2010, at 11:09 PM, Justin Kauflin wrote: >

Re: Can't Switch Through Applications Sometimes...

2010-08-25 Thread Sarah Alawami
IN my case 2 lol! and it will happen right at boot up. you will just hear desktop and thats it, or just finder and that's it. Take care. Sarah Alawami MSN: aim: website: youtube: Podcast: http://marrie.

Intro and nooby questions

2010-08-25 Thread Scott Granados
Morning all, Some of you probably know me from other lists and I've joined this one being an owner of a new Macbook Pro. I have been a JFW user for going on 14 years now but have never used a Mac until 2 days ago. I'm wondering if folks can give me a good starting point for orienting myself to

Re: Intro and nooby questions

2010-08-25 Thread Donna Goodin
Welcome aboard, Scott. this is a great list, I think you'll find it very helpful. Take care, Donna On Aug 25, 2010, at 1:23 PM, Scott Granados wrote: > Morning all, > Some of you probably know me from other lists and I've joined this one > being an owner of a new Macbook Pro. I have been a JF

converting google videos and youtube to mp3

2010-08-25 Thread Josh Kennedy
Hi Are there any programs for the mac that will let me convert youtube videos and videos from google video into standard audio mp3? Josh Kennedy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send

Re: converting google videos and youtube to mp3

2010-08-25 Thread Chris Moore
Try going to On 25 Aug 2010, at 18:37, Josh Kennedy wrote: > Hi > Are there any programs for the mac that will let me convert youtube videos > and videos from google video into standard audio mp3? > > Josh Kennedy > > > > -- > You received this message

Re: VmWare Fusion 3.1.1

2010-08-25 Thread Chris Blouch
Ever find anything? The volume level difference between VO and Jaws is substantial. Only workaround I could think of was to turn the VO volume way down so that Jaws is about the same and then bring the overall system volume way up. CB Scott Howell wrote: Mike are the volume levels the same?

Seeking enlightenment in regards to iTunes equalizer

2010-08-25 Thread Brett Campbell
Hello, I've noticed that a few list members use DJ apps etc. I'm hoping someone can provide tips tweaking the equalizer settings in iTunes. I recognize listening preferences is entirely individual, so I'm asking that someone explain what each setting changes in the sound. I count a total of

Re: Intro and nooby questions

2010-08-25 Thread Geoff Waaler
Hello Scott, I too am trying to make friends with a new MacBookPro and probably need to pretend that my XP machine is not here when I'm using email or the web. I found the voiceOver documentation lacking in that instead of describing the regular system commands for performing functions, they

Re: Intro and nooby questions

2010-08-25 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, check this out. I learn something new every time I read it. Best, Erik Burggraaf Check out my first ever podcast tutorial, Learn braille using the braille box. Visit and click podcasts to read more and subscribe. On 2010-08-2

Re: safari troubles

2010-08-25 Thread Paul Erkens
Hi Chad Baker, This happens to me as well. In safari, when reading ahead, voice over crashes and restarts itself. I cannot solve your problem, but I just want to let you and others know that the problem is not unique to your mac. I have my welcome message turned of, but voice over seems to c

Re: safari troubles

2010-08-25 Thread Scott Granados
I thought I was losing my mind. I'm having this same behavior as well. Is there a fix? I need to use google.:) - Original Message - From: "Paul Erkens" To: Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 11:19 AM Subject: Re: safari troubles Hi Chad Baker, This happens to me as well. In safar

safari, blackboard, and downloading files

2010-08-25 Thread Greg Aikens
Hello all, My school uses the Blackboard platform for accessing course materials such as power point slides and course assignments. I can access the site and navigate fine, but I cannot figure out how to download the files I need for my courses. When I pull up a context menu on the link to try a

Re: safari troubles

2010-08-25 Thread Donna Goodin
I just tried three different Google searches and am not seeing this behavior. Weird. Donna On Aug 25, 2010, at 2:27 PM, Scott Granados wrote: > I thought I was losing my mind. I'm having this same behavior as well. > > Is there a fix? > > I need to use google.:) > > - Original Message --

Fw: For Scott G. Out of box, then what?For Geoff

2010-08-25 Thread Carolyn
Hi Scott: I'm going to clean up and recycle a post from earlier this month wherein I tried to answer a few questions and give another lister a couple things that helped me in getting started with the Mac from JFW. Hope these help some. Having cleaned it up, I also appologize to Geoff and other

Re: safari troubles

2010-08-25 Thread Scott Granados
Is there a way to restore VO to factory defaults? Maybe a refresh is in order, or cache clearing? - Original Message - From: "Donna Goodin" To: Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 11:57 AM Subject: Re: safari troubles I just tried three different Google searches and am not seeing this

Re: For Scott G. Out of box, then what?For Geoff

2010-08-25 Thread Scott Granados
This is great, thank you and everyone else. What did I do before the Internet to learn things? Amazing, thank you all again. - Original Message - From: Carolyn To: Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 11:44 AM Subject: Fw: For Scott G. Out of box

Re: safari troubles

2010-08-25 Thread Carolyn
Hi Paul: I think it was a case of something that got messed up with an update. Best fix I've come across is to install webkit and open it before attempting to run Safari. HTH Carolyn - Original Message - From: Paul Erkens To: Sent: Wednesday, A

Re: Intro and nooby questions

2010-08-25 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Welcome Scott, great th see you on here. I suppose you know how to interact with tables? Also you will see a command key on the left of the space bar. So for instance, if you want to copy any bit of text, you can hold the command key, high light the text with shift command (let's say if you a

Re: safari troubles

2010-08-25 Thread William Windels
he all, I am very satisfied about safari and I have downgraded to 4.5 but I have still some troubles. About crashes of voiceover: Perhaps you can report that to : with the following info: so, could you please send us the following files so that we can analyze the cras

Re: safari troubles

2010-08-25 Thread Scott Granados
Where do you get webkit? - Original Message - From: Carolyn To: Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 11:46 AM Subject: Re: safari troubles Hi Paul: I think it was a case of something that got messed up with an update. Best fix I've come acro

Downloading in safari?

2010-08-25 Thread Scott Granados
Hi, so I have vmware fusion in my download list, I find a clear button and a 1 downloads button. How do I start the process? I don't see a download button. Thank you Scott P.S. Thank you for all the help, I'm starting to get oriented and starting to really dig safari. -- You received thi

Re: Seeking enlightenment in regards to iTunes equalizer

2010-08-25 Thread Mark BurningHawk Baxter
the boxes with the lower number of HZ, on the left side, adjust the amount of bass; the next four or so will tweak the midrange of a sound, and the last few will adjust the high end or treble of a sound. You can't do any damage; you can always turn it off again or just not save the changes

Re: Downloading in safari?

2010-08-25 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi Scott. There is no download button. Fusion is the best as I use it for my windows needs. Your file should download once you press enter on it. Then interact with the download list, by interacting with VO shift down arrow. Then if you vo right arrow to the right, you will see an indicator

Re: Downloading in safari?

2010-08-25 Thread Scott Granados
Interesting, so my download seems hung up. I'll keep experimenting. Boy this is onehell of a learning curve but I can already tell the effort is well worth it. - Original Message - From: "Kawal Gucukoglu" To: Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 2:32 PM Subject: Re: Downloading in saf

Re: VmWare Fusion 3.1.1

2010-08-25 Thread Scott Howell
This issue is being worked by the folks at VMWare. I have filed a bug report and they stated they would be in touch as soon as they could determine how to correct the problem. Needless to say, it will be in a software release. On Aug 25, 2010, at 1:58 PM, Chris Blouch wrote: > Ever find anything

Re: Downloading in safari?

2010-08-25 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Scott, Just remembered, if the download does not work, can you do voiceover shift M and arrow down until you get the file to download? Voice over M is like shift F10 on a windows keyboard or the application key to bring up the context menu. Tell us if that helps. Kawal. On 25 Aug 2010, at 22

Re: vo settings are trashed

2010-08-25 Thread Ricardo Walker
I think this is just a voiceover gremlin. :). It strikes at unpredictable intervals. It hasn't happened to me in a very long time though. (knock on wood) I suggest exporting your VO settings and saving somewhere so if and when it happens again, you can just import them back to voiceover and y

viewing only new messages in main

2010-08-25 Thread Michael Thurman
Hi there is there an easy way to just see your new messages in main since google seems incapable of actually deleting messages and not shoving them back into my mail ap again and again. I have almost 1000 messages in my in box and am abotu ready to just blow them all away and start over IF I cou

adium and irc and growl

2010-08-25 Thread Michael Thurman
has anyone found a more recent version of adium that actually works with growl? the beta I downloaded a bit ago doesn't have it's growl stuff wrking yet, so doing irc with it is a real pain to in fact I'mstill using a windows machine to do irc chat pretty sad since I have a mac and fiugred tha

Re: safari troubles

2010-08-25 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Scott, Great to see you on here. I think this link should start the download of the latest build of webkit WebKit r65825 hth On Aug 25, 2010, at 3:26 PM, Scott Granados wrote: > Where do you get webkit? > > - Original Message - > From: Carolyn > To:

Re: viewing only new messages in main

2010-08-25 Thread Sarah Alawami
Hello go to the date column and sort down with vo shift backslash then go to view, hit enter on sort by thread and view and collapse by thread. Now when you go to the top of the email table you can just read the new ones by opening the thread with the right arrow and collapse it with left arro

Re: safari troubles

2010-08-25 Thread Kawal Gucukoglu
Hi Ricardo. I'm not sure what Web kit does. Should it compliment Safari? Or does it replace Safari? Is it easy to use and is it better than Safari? Kawal. On 25 Aug 2010, at 23:35, Ricardo Walker wrote: > Hi Scott, > > Great to see you on here. > > I think this link should start the downl

Re: adium and irc and growl

2010-08-25 Thread Sarah Alawami
I dunno since i don't use the beta and i uninstalled growl. If you can go back to th elatest version which was Adium 1.3.10 Take care. On Aug 25, 2010, at 3:29 PM, Michael Thurman wrote: > has anyone found a more recent version of adium that actually works with > growl? the beta I downloaded a

Re: safari troubles

2010-08-25 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi scott, You can reset voiceover to the default settings by opening voiceover utilities with control option F8, then press control f2 or control option M to go to the menu bar. The setting to reset is found under the file menu. hth On Aug 25, 2010, at 2:38 PM, Scott Granados wrote: > Is ther

Re: Downloading in safari?

2010-08-25 Thread Sarah Alawami
>> There is no context menu in the download list as far as i can see. I had >> hung downloads wherein I had to serf back to the site and re download then >> clear the or what ever it was. Sarah Alawami MSN: aim: website: http://music.marrie

Re: safari troubles

2010-08-25 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hi Kawal, I recommend webkit if you find safari acting up like the behavior some list members are describing. Webkit is the underlying engine that safari runs on if I understand it correctly. Installing the nightly build of webkit has many of the bug fixes that will find its way into safari i

Re: safari, blackboard, and downloading files

2010-08-25 Thread Ricardo Walker
Hello, Have you tried pressing option enter on the link that contains the file you want? This works often for me. hth On Aug 25, 2010, at 2:28 PM, Greg Aikens wrote: > Hello all, > My school uses the Blackboard platform for accessing course materials such as > power point slides and course as

Re: safari troubles

2010-08-25 Thread Scott Granados
Nice, thanks I'll check that out. Don't think I have much set though but it may clear out mistakes. I think the safari issue is something else that others are experiencing here. Today not so much, I'm happy it's working so far. Once I get Fusion up and running I'll at least have a familar

Re: viewing only new messages in main

2010-08-25 Thread Sarah Alawami
Oh and i'll follow up. I forgot to add to my reply to create rules. you can do this from with in the message or while you are pointing to it. 1. highlight the message and hit cmd ca-ma. 2. tab or shift tab to rules button and vo space on it. 3. tab to or vo right to add and vo space on it. 4.

Re: safari troubles

2010-08-25 Thread Ricardo Walker
Oh, and I recommend exporting your voiceover preferences. Sometimes it will just reset on you for no reason. Open up the VO utility and you will find export settings in the file menu. If you ever need to get your settings back, you just go to VO prefs again and go to import under the file me

Re: Downloading in safari?

2010-08-25 Thread Carolyn
Scott: If I'm understanding your question correctly, you're showing "download list", and then perhaps some names of files, and then the message about clear/delete files that have been downloaded. When you get this message, you wouldn't know it, but the download is already going on in the backgr

Re: Downloading in safari?

2010-08-25 Thread Scott Granados
Kawal, this worked perfectly. Thanks! - Original Message - From: "Kawal Gucukoglu" To: Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 2:32 PM Subject: Re: Downloading in safari? Hi Scott. There is no download button. Fusion is the best as I use it for my windows needs. Your file should down

Re: Intro and nooby questions

2010-08-25 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
Hi Scott: First of all. Keep in mind that Jaws isn't like Voice over, and Snow Leopard isn't like Windows. In orther words, they'll behave differently, so take all your preconceived expectations, and shelve them. You will be able to learn what is necessary without expectations. Second, go to ww

Re: Intro and nooby questions

2010-08-25 Thread Kimberly thurman
Scott, congrats on the new MBP. Good to see you here from the MSP list. I got my MBP back in December and really do love it. At first, patience will be your best bet. From what I know of you from other lists, you will have no trouble at all.Have you made the jump to iPhone yet, or just t

bookshare books

2010-08-25 Thread Rafaela Freundt
Hi list, I was just wandering if it is possible to read bookshare books on the iPod touch. any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks all, Rafaela -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "MacVisionaries" group. To post to this group, send email to macvisiona

Weird wireless Issue with Macbook Pro

2010-08-25 Thread Sarai Bucciarelli
All: This morning I had a weird issue. Neither my MBP, nor work laptop could connect wirelessly to the Linksys WRT54G router. I reset the router and modem. The Windows PC could connect, however the MBP said Airport has assigned itself the IP address Failed to connect to the Inte

Re: bookshare books

2010-08-25 Thread Sarah Alawami
Nope. they are in dasi 3.0 while the dasi reader on the apps store only supports dasi 2.0. Sorry to be the barrer of bad news but it is what it is. Sarah Alawami MSN: aim: website: youtube: Podcast: http:

Re: bookshare books

2010-08-25 Thread Rafaela Freundt
Thanks Sarah, but i've heard about this indaisye app? do you guys know what it is? it doesn't read bookshare books does it? thanks again, Rafaela El 25/08/2010, a las 20:39, Sarah Alawami escribió: > Nope. they are in dasi 3.0 while the dasi reader on the apps store only > supports dasi 2.0. So

Re: bookshare books

2010-08-25 Thread Sarah Alawami
No i have no clue. That's the first I've heard of it. If it doesn't support dasi3 it win't read bookshare, rfb&d and nls. On Aug 25, 2010, at 7:17 PM, Rafaela Freundt wrote: > Thanks Sarah, but i've heard about this indaisye app? > do you guys know what it is? it doesn't read bookshare books does

Re: bookshare books

2010-08-25 Thread Rafaela Freundt
it seems it does, i read on the app store it supports standard daisy 3 but i don't wanna risck˚ $20 something if it won't work. oh and something else. Do you guys know if there is another way of reading bookshare books on the mac not using safari? because when i'm reading a book in safari and the

Re: Can't Switch Through Applications Sometimes...

2010-08-25 Thread Justin Kauflin
It can be just one window or 4. It doesn't seem to make a difference. Very strange thing. Justin On Aug 25, 2010, at 5:30 AM, Ricardo Walker wrote: > When this happens, how many applications are running? > On Aug 25, 2010, at 2:09 AM, Justin Kauflin wrote: > >> Hey everyone, >>Just recent

Re: Can't Switch Through Applications Sometimes...

2010-08-25 Thread Sarah Alawami
Do any of you see a pattern to this, cause in my tired mind I can't. The only fix for me and it looks like everyone else is to reboot. Take care. Sarah Alawami MSN: aim: website: youtube: Podcast: http