Hello Scott,

I too am trying to make friends with a new MacBookPro and probably need to 
pretend that my XP machine is not here when I'm using email or the web.

  I found the voiceOver documentation lacking in that instead of describing the 
regular system commands for performing functions, they document commands that 
are identical, yet unique to voiceOver which involve more key strokes.  One 
example is VO+m to activate the menu which takes three fingers on two hands 
while control+f2 accomplishes the same thing.  I also want as little to do as 
possible with the special VO cursor.  I'm not sure about interacting yet.  It 
seems analogous to JFW placing web pages into a buffer and activating the 
virtual cursor by default, except that you don't have to issue a four key 
combination (control+option+shift+downArrow) or a two finger flick via the 
trackpad commander to make this happen.  Same deal with text.  I have a lot to 
learn but the voiceOver manual describes having to interact with text and use 
five finger key strokes (slight exaggeration) to read anything, and I miss 
having the same keys available to everyone else such as arrow keys  without 
quicknav or locking VO mode which essentially changes the keyboard to navigate 
around.  So many have switched from XP so I know there's a better way.

  Anyway Sarah recently posted a site listing many standard system keyboard 
commands.  Its apparently not complete because control+f2 is not listed, but 
you may want to check URL: http://www.danrodney.com/mac/

  Also everyone recommends these instructional podcasts created by vision 
Australia, but the few I listened to didn't have any information that is not  
already documented in the voiceOver getting started manual.

  I too will be following this thread closely,, but I know I need to just start 
leaving my XP machines off and do as much as I can on the Mac in order to learn 
how to make navigation feel less cumbersome than it seems right now.  Take care.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Scott Granados 
  To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 1:23 PM
  Subject: Intro and nooby questions

  Morning all,
      Some of you probably know me from other lists and I've joined this one
  being an owner of a new Macbook Pro.  I have been a JFW user for going on 14
  years now but have never used a Mac until 2 days ago. I'm wondering if folks
  can give me a good starting point for orienting myself to this new way of
  doing things.  Are there some good pointers for familiarizing yourself with
  Voice Over in addition to the included tutorial?  Any getting started
  pointers would be appreciated or tips / tricks to help the transition from
  the windows JFW world to Mac.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  My
  professional area of expertese is Network Engineering and I have about 20
  years of experience in topics ranging from traffic engineering for large
  carrier networks, the finer points of running highly available large scale
  content provider environments and can pretty much offer tips on technologies
  ranging from your home wireless router on up to the latest Juniper M series
  or Cisco carrier class products so if there's any networking / connectivity
  questions I wouldn't mind adding my $.02.  Thanks in advance for any
  pointers and I'll try to keep the rooky questions to a minimum and will use
  google first before asking the obvious.

  Thanks all and take care

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