I'd have to go with the Ipod touch
More storage, and more features overall. But I didn't think it had a daisy
player yet?
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries+ow...@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries+ow...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Matt Roberts
Sent: Wednesday, 9 December 200
if it did daisy i'd get a touch to
On 9 Dec 2009, at 08:46, Simon Fogarty wrote:
> I'd have to go with the Ipod touch
> More storage, and more features overall. But I didn't think it had a
> daisy
> player yet?
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries+ow...@googlegroups.com
> [mail
hi why doesn't the listen again widget v3.5 play anymore when
clickng a program
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionar...@googlegroups.com.
To unsubscribe from this gr
I'm trying to post to this list, but my messages don't seem to come through
as I don't get them back as list traffic. Testing 1 2 3 .
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionar...@googleg
HEllo, I received your message.
Greetings, Anouk,
On Dec 9, 2009, at 12:27 PM, Paul Erkens wrote:
> I'm trying to post to this list, but my messages don't seem to come through
> as I don't get them back as list traffic. Testing 1 2 3 .
> --
> You received this message because you are subsc
Well your messages are reaching the list regardless of whether you are seeing
copies of them or not. So, yep, your coming through loud and clear.
On Dec 9, 2009, at 6:27 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
> I'm trying to post to this list, but my messages don't seem to come through
> as I don't get them bac
Well, this explains why I couldn't find it. I did think I had seen
it, but I must have imagined it.
I usually keep the track pad off, because I found that my wrists were
moving across it as I typed, and I was accidentally making lots of
stuff happen that I didn't want to. :) But, maybe I'l
I have been using Adium for a while now (if you like, you can contact me on MSN
at blindchrist...@live .com, I forgot my AOL name as I only used it once).
Recently, I finally got to copying it from the Downloads folder and into
Applications which didn't seem to make a difference. When, ho
There was something in an older version about naughty behavior with adium, Did
the latest update get applied? If so they may not have gotten this behavior
under control.
On 2009-12-09, at 7:42 AM, Chris Hofstader wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been using Adium for a while now (if you like, you can con
My wife got up and I asked to borrow her eyes for a few moments. I had
mentioned that Adium and Syrinx Dock menus could no longer be reached since I
moved them into the "Run at Login" category. I then launched Mail and I could
no longer use its or any other running program's Dock menu.
I'll check for updates, thanks!
On Dec 9, 2009, at 7:55 AM, Kaare Dehard wrote:
> There was something in an older version about naughty behavior with adium,
> Did the latest update get applied? If so they may not have gotten this
> behavior under control.
> On 2009-12-09, at 7:42 AM, Chris Hofst
We just tried getting the Dock menus for running applications to pop up
without VO running and all seemed normal. Once I restarted VO, though, the
problem of the disappeared menus returned.
I did check for Adium version and it said I was up to date. I'll try Syrinx
now and see if it may
Hi Paul,
I had this problem, and I had to make sure my google mail inbox was showing all
I hope this will work for you.
Bob Hill
On Dec 9, 2009, at 6:27 AM, Paul Erkens wrote:
> I'm trying to post to this list, but my messages don't seem to come through
> as I don't get them back a
Hi, I use Google email and it is the same for me you want get a message no
matter what your setting is. What you can do is if using Outlook you can set
Outlook to give you a receipt. This way you know if your message is getting
to the group. You can also do a Bcc to yourself that way you know it is
We removed both Adium and Syrinx from the run at login feature, leaving nothing
executing at start up other than VO and Finder and problem remains that I
cannot get to the menus on the items associated with running programs on my
This is starting to really suck.
You recei
Hi Chris. I had the same problem when I wanted to keep my textedit
alias in the dock. The only way I could get to the shortcut menu was
to do VO-shift and M and then use the arrow keys to select the
shortcut menus. Hope this helps
cheers Thuy
On 09/12/2009, Chris Hofstader wrote:
> Hi,
> My wi
Hi, has anyone had a problem recently with ebay and safari? Anytime I try and
bring it up I get an error page from safari or safari shuts down completely.
Any ideas on what could be happening?
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
i know and webkit crawls it irritating the hell out of me
On 9 Dec 2009, at 14:06, May McDonald wrote:
> Hi, has anyone had a problem recently with ebay and safari? Anytime
> I try and bring it up I get an error page from safari or safari
> shuts down completely. Any ideas on what could be ha
Thanks, I tried the VO+SHIFt+M and no dice when I had Adium and Syrinx running
at login but now, for no reason apparent to me, it works without anything other
than VO running at login. It just gets curiouser and curiouser as we wander
through the looking glass.
Thanks again, you definitely sa
Hi I speculated to myself that possibly ebay added some contrary flash content
to it's home page. For whatever reason safari does not like it, but I've also
noticed the same thing happens when some send space ads pop up. I've seen it
somewhere else that escapes me just now, but there does see
Well, that's a major pain.
On 2009-12-09, at 6:16 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi I speculated to myself that possibly ebay added some contrary flash
> content to it's home page. For whatever reason safari does not like it, but
> I've also noticed the same thing happens when some send space ads
Hi Chris,
I haven't experienced the problem you describe, but you can stop programs
from running at login by going to the Account option under System
Preferences. I believe there is a tab called login and you can stop any
programs from here. I am not at my Mac right now, so I cannot give you ex
Have you tried pressing up arrow once you are on the item you wihs to ahve
the menu for?
- Original Message -
From: "Chris Hofstader"
To: ;
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 2:02 PM
Subject: More on Dock Problem
> Hi,
> We removed both Adium and Syrinx from the run at login feature
Hey Will,
Does this only happen when listening to a particular station? Are you sure
that it is still being actively developed or that the listen again links are
pointing to the correct place? Is there any special reason why you want to
use the widget? I find it just as easy to go the website o
Up arrow doesn't work at all anymore if the app is running. The VO+SHIFT+M
does work though. It's all too weird.
On Dec 9, 2009, at 9:48 AM, James & Nash wrote:
> Have you tried pressing up arrow once you are on the item you wihs to ahve
> the menu for?
> - Original Message -
> From:
Sounds like an interesting issue you're having. I never have anything set to
automatically run when I log in, but out of curiosity, I set Adium to do that.
I encountered exactly what you're describing. I can't get to the dock menus for
Adium at all, no matter what I do. What's interesting a
Hi Nick, Get Adium out of your start-up at login list and you will then be able
to use VO+SHIFT+M to get at the menus in the Dock for running programs. Adium
seems to have really caused trouble with keyboard activities and VO. I have no
clue whatsoever how to entirely restore things to the way
Is there some way to do this other than scrolling down the whole
list? I've tried Command with all four of the arrow keys, but with no
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email t
HI Donna,
Use VO-Home (VO-Fn-Shift-Left Arrow on a laptop) to move to the top
and VO-End (VO-Fn-Shift-Right Arrow on a laptop) to move to the end of
the messages list. This works for other lists as well.
Donna Goodin wrote:
> Is there some way to do this other than scrollin
Hi Esther,
That doesn't work either, VO-FN-Shift Up arrow takes me to the tool
bar, down arrow takes me to the last vertical splitter.
On Dec 9, 2009, at 11:10 AM, Esther wrote:
> HI Donna,
> Use VO-Home (VO-Fn-Shift-Left Arrow on a laptop) to move to the top
> and VO-End (VO-Fn
Oops, sorry, I meant left and right arrow, not up and down.
On Dec 9, 2009, at 11:10 AM, Esther wrote:
> HI Donna,
> Use VO-Home (VO-Fn-Shift-Left Arrow on a laptop) to move to the top
> and VO-End (VO-Fn-Shift-Right Arrow on a laptop) to move to the end of
> the messages list. This works
OK, I figured it out, you have to interact with the messages table
first. Thanks, esther.
On Dec 9, 2009, at 11:10 AM, Esther wrote:
> HI Donna,
> Use VO-Home (VO-Fn-Shift-Left Arrow on a laptop) to move to the top
> and VO-End (VO-Fn-Shift-Right Arrow on a laptop) to move to the end of
Yeah, it was only an experiment, so I removed it immediately. It's interesting,
Skype: Kvalme
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On Dec 9, 2009, at 4:56 PM, Chris Hofstader wrote:
> Hi Nick, Get Ad
Hi all:
I've been away from my Mac for a while, working away from home and I
have forgotten how to hilight and copy text from let's say a web page
to past in another document.
There was a string of text I needed to copy this morning and had to
switch back and forth to read each word and type it in
Hi Mike,
You can select text using Shift along with the arrow keys--right left
to select words, up down to select lines. Then use Command-C to copy,
Command-V to paste.
On Dec 9, 2009, at 12:27 PM, Mike wrote:
> Hi all:
> I've been away from my Mac for a while, working away from
you can't now as it all using that damn iplayer which is flash based
On 9 Dec 2009, at 14:50, James & Nash wrote:
> Hey Will,
> Does this only happen when listening to a particular station? Are
> you sure
> that it is still being actively developed or that the listen again
> links are
> poi
Does the touch play daisy or NLS or RFB&D books? I did not think it
would play NLS or RFB&D. Although I realize not everyone has access
to these services so it depends what you want to play on your device
to decide which one will be best for you.
On Dec 8, 2009, at 4:31 PM, Matt
You want a very simple solution, a way to use eBay without having to
install something, without having to stand on your head or perform any
cyber rituals? Instead of going to ebay.com, direct Safari to:
All will then be just fine. Not too terribly fancy, but it works for
ah works grand. now all i need to o is work out how i get the "news"
popup menu back in safari for newspaper feeds etc
On 9 Dec 2009, at 18:22, Howard Dupuis wrote:
> You want a very simple solution, a way to use eBay without having to
> install something, without having to stand on your head o
After the latest OS10 Java vm update, I'm not having problems with ebay. So, I
think it's probably a java applit causing the problem.
On Dec 9, 2009, at 8:16 AM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hi I speculated to myself that possibly ebay added some contrary flash
> content to it's home page. For w
The NFB had to push the release of their e-book reader to January
sometime. I personally would prefer Amazon to make their apps
accessible. Why can't they just make it so that it works with the TTS
already built in to the iphone and the mac? Then voiceover can just
read the books to us a
Hello all,
I saw a discussion earlier and the subject line was something like
back on a mac. Well someone mentioned NVDA on windows seven. I have
not installed windows on my macbook. However I've considered it
simply because I'd like to try using zoomtext to try to look at photos
as I d
Daisy is not supported on the touch.
Matt Roberts
Sent from my iPhone using VoiceOver
On Dec 9, 2009, at 1:17 PM, Christina wrote:
> Does the touch play daisy or NLS or RFB&D books? I did not think it
> would play NLS or RFB&D. Although I realize not everyone has access
> to these services s
NVDA is basically a free screen reader for the Windows platform. It works with
programs such as Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and
somewhat with Outlook. In case you don't know, Microsoft Excel is an
application for doing spreadsheets and Outlook is the email program that c
Currently the software to do so does not exist to the best of my knowledge.
However, it is possible and could be done provided someone developed such an
App. Thus it is possible that would be addressed by the NFB EReader, but of
course I have no idea exactly how this will work or what it will su
Hello Christina,
I have both Windows and a MacBook Pro computer. In addition to using Jaws
in Windows 7, I am a longtime user of Zoomtext which I am also using in
Windows 7 on my Windows based computers.
You are correct in that, at present, Zoomtext 9.1 does not work in
virtualized environment
Thanks to all of you for your input. It seems as though the other players
don't have as many of the PDA type functions as the Touch. That's too bad as
we would have a universal way to read all kinds of formats, but I guess we
can't have everything right?
On Dec 9, 2009, at 11:08 AM, Matt Robe
I seem to have the same problem as Donna in that these keystrokes on my MacBook
Pro behave as she describes. Could it be having emails sorted into threads and
On Dec 9, 2009, at 11:50 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi Esther,
> That doesn't work either, VO-FN-Shift Up arrow takes
Hi Chris,
No, it's a question of whether you interacted with the table (VO-Shift-
Down Arrow) before using the keystrokes to move to the top and bottom
of the list with VO-Home or VO-End. Without first interacting, you're
moving to the top and bottom of the app window. I didn't think to add
No, b/c I don't have email sorted into threads.
On Dec 9, 2009, at 2:29 PM, Chris Hofstader wrote:
> I seem to have the same problem as Donna in that these keystrokes on
> my MacBook Pro behave as she describes. Could it be having emails
> sorted into threads and collapsed?
AFB has a review at www.afb.org/aw
On 9 Dec 2009, at 10:17, Christina wrote:
> Does the touch play daisy or NLS or RFB&D books? I did not think it
> would play NLS or RFB&D. Although I realize not everyone has access
> to these services so it depends what you want to play on your de
Pretty much every time I make a video with the Mac and upload it to
youtube it cuts it off. It used to be less frequent, but now, it
happens almost all the time. But it doesn't happen with the videos I
created on my netbook. So until I get said machine back, I'm looking
for either an online or a
I don't see my messages either but when somebody response to something that
I've sent I can be relatively sure that my message made it. Quite often if you
look in a thread if it's continuous, you can see your post in that thread. I
think that my sent messages end up in the trash rather th
You might also want to see if those stations are available on ITunes. I use
the ITunes radio on a regular basis.
On Dec 9, 2009, at 9:34 AM, william lomas wrote:
> you can't now as it all using that damn iplayer which is flash based
> On 9 Dec 2009, at 14:50, James & Nash wrote:
>> Hey W
I'm purchasing a new mac in a couple of days and I need to run windows for a
couple of work related apps.
I saw emails on this list a couple of weeks ago discussing a problem with the
jaws key on a mac.
Using the laptop keyboard layout in jaws the caps lock becomes the jaws key.
Why would this
Hi, might want to use satogo on the Windows side also. As far as a
magnifying solution you might want to try magic from Freedom Scientific you
can use it and use it in conjunction with Jaws. Both of these can be ran in
a Demo mode that will let you use it for ever in a 40 minute mode. Just some
In my experience with Jaws on a virtual Windows machine on a Mac I
had, I found Jaws to be somewhat sluggish and stuttery. So I used a
copy of Supernova that I had for Windows XP; it worked so much better
than Jaws. I don't know if they fixed any glitches in Jaws since Jaws
9, (the releas
MP4 is a container format, not a vieo format. Mov and MP4 are actually
identical, they're the same file format though they often contain
different codecs. If your videos are being cut off when you create
them with quicktime and not when you do so on the netbook, check your
export settings on eac
Hi John,
The issue of the JAWS insert key on the Mac only arises if you are
trying to use JAWS with Windows in a virtual environment (Fusion)
where it coexists with the Mac OS X and where you are using a keyboard
without a numeric keypad. It does not arise if you are using BootCamp
hey guys question about google docs i cant seem to get voice over to
access some of google docs the most important part create new
button i was in class today the outhers got it to work with jaws i
figure i am doing something wrong help help
You received this message because you are
Why wouldn't using the laptop layout for jaws that uses the caps lock key as
the jaws key work on a laptop mac?
Also, why would you need additional software for remapping the keyboard if you
decide this approach vs a jaws script?
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com [mail
Hi John,
I should probably keep out of this discussion and let experts who use
this configuration (JAWS with Windows in VMware fusion on a laptop)
answer. You may be able to us a laptop configuration. However, the
basic problem (and difference) of a virtual machine environment is
that yo
I was incorrect on the name of the database I was thinking of. The
relational database is: Panorama,.
There is a 45 day trial period if you want to try it out.
On Dec 4, 2009, at 5:08 PM, John W. Carty wrote:
> This is the simple response I received from apple concerning file
> maker p
Hi all,
Just wanted to share a tip I just got from Accessibility. I had
written them seeking an alternate option to move to top and bottom of
message lists, as I find the million-key combination for home on a
Macbook to be difficult enough to be most annoying. The suggested the
Good one, Donna! Thanks for sharing option+up or down arrow (held for
a bit)..
Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just wanted to share a tip I just got from Accessibility. I had
> written them seeking an alternate option to move to top and bottom of
> message lists, as I find the milli
cool! it works! thanks!
Peggy Fleischer
Jude 1:24 Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present
faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,
1:25 To God our Savior, Who alone is wise, Be glory and majesty, Dominion
Isn't it cool! Glad not to have to mess with Vo-home anymore!
On Dec 9, 2009, at 5:39 PM, Esther wrote:
> Good one, Donna! Thanks for sharing option+up or down arrow (held for
> a bit)..
> Esther
> Donna Goodin wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Just wanted to share a tip I just got from Accessi
You're welcome. Glad it was helpful.
On Dec 9, 2009, at 5:48 PM, Peggy Fleischer wrote:
> cool! it works! thanks!
> Peggy Fleischer
> peggyfleisc...@bellsouth.net
> Jude 1:24 Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to
> present you
> faultless Before the presence
Hey this worked for me too, thanks.
On 2009-12-09, at 10:22 AM, Howard Dupuis wrote:
> You want a very simple solution, a way to use eBay without having to
> install something, without having to stand on your head or perform any
> cyber rituals? Instead of going to ebay.com, direct Safari to:
> ht
I have a headphone/microphone combination headset with two male jacks. One is
for the headphone and one is for the microphone. On the back of my Mac Mini, I
can only feel two female jacks and they are located right next to each other.
When I plug in the headphone jack, I can hear the audio w
The problem with using caps lock as insert is that Vmware is only another
application to the mac so hitting caps lock will set the caps lock on as far as
your mac is concerned.
You are still sharing all the keyboard so any key combination you hit in
Windows still acts as a potential mac key comb
I just found out that you can use the option up arrow command that Donna
posted for getting to the beginning and end of documents as well. Let me tell
you, that will save me a lot of time.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
The Association for the Blind of Western Australia is pleased to offer Beyond
Books Beyond Barriers (www.guidedogswa.org/library/)
Beyond Books Beyond Barriers is a library of over 50,000 titles both in the
public domain and some copyrighted works which can be produced on demand in to
Hi Carleen,
carlene knight wrote:
> I just found out that you can use the option up arrow command that
> Donna posted for getting to the beginning and end of documents as
> well. Let me tell you, that will save me a lot of time.
You can move to the beginning and end of documents with Comm
I meant command, not option. sorry. I've had a bad computer day. :)
On Dec 9, 2009, at 4:20 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Carleen,
> carlene knight wrote:
>> I just found out that you can use the option up arrow command that
>> Donna posted for getting to the beginning and end of document
I told you guys I was having a bad computer day. Esther, I forgot to
thank you for the info. What would I do without you guys and your infinite
On Dec 9, 2009, at 4:20 PM, Esther wrote:
> Hi Carleen,
> carlene knight wrote:
>> I just found out that you can use the opt
NVDA is a free open source screen reader. It is a competater of jaws or
window-eyes. It offers braille support, dll and sapi software synthesizer
support, msaa support, scripting capability, and very good to excellent support
for open source aplications like firefox, thunderbird, and o
Though I like Voiceover and the OSX format, I do wish there was a secondary
program like NVDa as it can read some web pages that neither JAWS nor Voiceover
can. One in particular is a lot of the link labels at www.eddietrunk.com.
On Dec 9, 2009, at 4:38 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hello,
Would you please turn off your receipt function? It is quite annoying.
- Original Message -
From: "Joe Plummer"
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2009 2:33 PM
Subject: RE: questions about NVDA
Hi, might want to use satogo on the Windows side also. As far as a
magnifying solution you
You say that NVDA works with Open Office. How well does it work? For some
reason, I thought it wasn't going to be usable until Sun switched over to
Iaccessible 2.
On Dec 9, 2009, at 7:38 PM, erik burggraaf wrote:
> Hello,
> NVDA is a free open source screen reader. It is a competater of ja
Thank you for this Donna! I've gotten into the habit of remembering the
sender's name or subject of a specific email near the bottom of a long list of
emails so I just type a few letters and VO takes me there. A tip I picked up
from I believe it was Cara Quinn and the www.lioncourt.com Tips se
Hi Donna,
I just wanted to add, that in the mail messages table if you press
option-up arrow or option down-arrow (short key press without holding
down for about a second), you can navigate to the next or previous
message in the same thread, even if you have not selected "Organize by
82 matches
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