The updates are handled by a microsoft update tool that should be installed
with office.
Should be able to update and it should ask you to update when you open the
apples like outlook for example. Not sure on the 15 to 16 jump but I would
think you could upgrade.
> On Oct 23, 2015, at 9:49 AM
I do not use Microsoft Office as Pages and Numbers work great for me, but I
have a client who has to use Microsoft Office for work and is on 15.14 which I
found does not work very well with VO when attempting to navigate page layout
as some pages show and some do not. Did I read correctly that 1
I have already reported this as a bug to Ms. Tables are worse in the latest
release. I need to try Andy suggestion but you shouldn’t have to do this.
Also there is navigation problems with documents if you scroll up by line by
line when in print view mode. Sometimes you cannot move to the next p
The way I dealt with tables was to resave the same document but in the doc with
macros format, .docm. I've not seen this format before but it is there in the
pop up button for the format of the documents. Then you should be able to
interact with the tables. You won't even have to interact wit
Hi list,
Just downloaded the preview, and accessibility seems pretty good on first
glance when creating simple documents, even when using some of the built-in
However, I tried using Word to open some existing documents I was working on at
work, but couldn’t seem to interact with the
option is to use the Iwork
> applications, which will open and save Microsoft Office documents.
> On Nov 30, 2013, at 6:18 AM, "Lee Jones" wrote:
>> Dear List, Does Microsoft Office for Mac work with voice over? On the apple
>> website there is a list of
Unfortunately, Microsoft Office on the mac is not accesible, Microsoft refuses
to fix these issues. Your best option is to use the Iwork applications, which
will open and save Microsoft Office documents.
On Nov 30, 2013, at 6:18 AM, "Lee Jones" wrote:
> Dear List, Does Microsoft O
fully are partially.
This applies even to ios apps. Microsoft office for Mac is not
accessible. However, there is an alternative called I work by Apple.
It is reasonably accessible.
Hope this helps
Sent from my iPhone
On 30-Nov-2013, at 5:48 pm, "Lee Jones" <m
The list provided on Apple's website contains just a few of the apps that are
Most apps, though not listed on Apple's website, will be accessible fully are
This applies even to ios apps. Microsoft office for Mac is not accessible.
However, there is an a
30, 2013, at 6:18 AM, Lee Jones wrote:
> Dear List, Does Microsoft Office for Mac work with voice over? On the apple
> website there is a list of applications that have been coded for
> accessibility. Does this mean that applications that are not on the list
> will not work. Does a
Dear List, Does Microsoft Office for Mac work with voice over? On the apple
website there is a list of applications that have been coded for
accessibility. Does this mean that applications that are not on the list
will not work. Does apple have to specifically code applications to work
This would be the opposite of future proof. It's a very fragile solution
where there is some 'overlay' of accessibility rather than integration.
It also means every time there is an update the overlay stops fitting
correctly and has to be reworked. Best thing is to no go there.
On 2/6/13 1
Hi Sarah and welcome to the list. This will be neet to be able to give feedback
directly to a Microsoft employee without talking around them or behind their
I just got through reading 63 messages on this thread. I am pleased to hear
that latest version of Office for Mac is now in Coco
Hi Devin. The only reason why RS Games is now self-voiced is because they
were having too many problems with it working with Voiceover. I do hope that
Office accessibility does come to the Mac.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
One thing I hope the MS team doesn't do is just make a blindie work-around for
us, like making the TTS speak the items, but they not truly be accessible with
voiceover. This is seen in programs like Sodbeans, an "accessible" IDE and
RSGames. This, in my opinion, is cheap, hacky programming, and
Hi there
If you're going to run Pages to learn VoiceOver, I think there is one more
command that you would want to know about. That is the Item Chooser which you
get to with VO i. Then you use down arrow to get to the things on the list and
VO space to make the choice.
Sent f
Hi All.
Ms Office for windows is equal to the Mac version. Only reason why it is so
accessible is by third party vendors, not by Microsoft. Microsoft provided the
DOM environment to permit third parties to create scripts in any language to do
custom actions. So JFW and Window-eyes, plus other w
I would suggest you visit the Apple web accessibility pages. this is a good
starting point. There is documentation on the Mac itself for Voice-Over which
will also give you help.
Shortcut of commands to help:
command f5 activates/deactivates Voice-over. Note, if you are using the default
HI. the voice over tutorial is also good.
Blessings! Maria Joe and loving guide Karly.
Email/ I Message: &fb
twitter: bubbygirl
skype: bubbygirl1972
On 05/02/2013, at 4:39 AM, SaraFord wrote:
> Hi Everyone!
> Wow, thanks for al
Hi Sarah
Esther, as usual, has given wonderful information to help you get started. But
I would like to say that, having learned that several screen readers, I have
always found it easier to learn one in conjunction with other programs. In this
case, text edit and finder would be good choices so
Hi. I only use office at college. I have windows on a vm on my mac, but the
fact is, that I can't afford office anyway. I do what I can with the word
processors i have and then if there is something that must be done in office I
do it at college. However if office did become accessible on th
My input here is that what you are stating is that by the time Word and Excel
become accessible most people either won't switch or like something better.
On 2013-02-04, at 5:31 AM, Max wrote:
> A few notes on MS Office for Mac OS from my perspective:
> -In my experience both Word and
Hello Sara,
Some more quick additions of sources of information on VoiceOver related
I mentioned earlier in the thread that you can find out a lot about previous
discussions on these lists by using the Mail Archives web page for this list at:
Hello Sara,
The quickest resource to point you to is Apple's VoiceOver Downloads page:
That contains the link to the current VoiceOver Getting Started Guide (that is
also on your computer if you start up VoiceOver with Command-F5), and
> Hi Everyone!
> Wow, thanks for all the responses! I appreciate the warm welcome. I’ve
> read all the comments, even though I'm replying to the middle of the
> thread. And I have taken notes. I’ve also learned that there are also
> other areas I need to investigate that I wouldn’t ha
c a viable alternative to Windows
for blind people would not seem a likely incentive for Microsoft. Hence I am a
little puzzled why so many people seem to be posting about this issue, rather
than about what in particular Sara and her team at Microsoft could do to make
Microsoft Office for Mac more acc
Absolutely Max, when Microsoft have accessibility out of the box then I'll say
they are committed. I'd also like to see word and the I phone.
On 4 Feb 2013, at 01:31 PM, Max wrote:
> A few notes on MS Office for Mac OS from my perspective:
> -In my experience both Word and E
A few notes on MS Office for Mac OS from my perspective:
-In my experience both Word and Excel are unusable. In Word I
cannot actually write and read back what I’ve written. In Excel, I can’t
navigate and manipulate cells. For these reasons I do not use either
programme on the Mac. R
many people seem to be posting about this issue,
> rather than about what in particular Sara and her team at Microsoft could do
> to make Microsoft Office for Mac more accessible.
> Personally, I'm already using a Mac, as I guess are most people on this list.
> Making
he Mac a viable alternative to Windows
for blind people would not seem a likely incentive for Microsoft. Hence I am a
little puzzled why so many people seem to be posting about this issue, rather
than about what in particular Sara and her team at Microsoft could do to make
Microsoft Office for Mac
Just to add some. My wife has it. I can access most menus but none of the
editing area. This is why I don't use word. I need access to view the document
I am building. I have not explored this thoroughly by any means. I wish to have
it accessible because it is a good program, but will either pat
The only question I have: How interested might Microsoft be to make the Mac
more attractive to blind users?
Am 03.02.2013 um 17:18 schrieb Annie Skov Nielsen :
> Hi.
> I agree with you Christer.
> Here in Denmark it is exactly the same situation.
> A very important thing will be to make
Hi Sara,
I don't have MS Office for the Mac and can't give you any specific details on
its inaccessibility . However, I want you to know I would purchase it if I
heard on this list it became useable with Voiceover. Thanks for your interest
in making MS Office accessible.
On Jan 31, 2013
I agree with you Christer.
Here in Denmark it is exactly the same situation.
A very important thing will be to make tables and all text areas accessible. We
are having major problems with tables on the mac as VoiceOver users, they are
not accessible in any application. To make ms office ac
I'm sure you're right about forms, the forms I personally had to read were on
the web.
You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
Sent from my Mac Book Pro
On Feb 3, 2013, at 9:05 AM, Keith Watson wrote:
> It depends on the form that you
It depends on the form that you get. Some of the forms have complex tables and
elements that text edit don't handle very well. Sure you can get the gist of
the letter but there are elements that are add to the docs in order for them to
be 508 compliant per SSA requirements. And text edit does no
I know a number of people who are employed who have to use office because
that's what their employers insist upon. Making MS Office would make the Mac
such a viable solution. Freedom Scientific and GW Micro wouldn't like it, but
we would!
You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! -
Sorry, I meant to say, most of my work "revolves" around Microsoft Office, :)
On 3 Feb 2013, at 12:02, Chris Moore wrote:
> lol so it is not just me then Riccardo, I am finding the same problems with
> Numbers. Shame really, as it could be quite a nice app.
> If MS Office was accessible, I
lol so it is not just me then Riccardo, I am finding the same problems with
Numbers. Shame really, as it could be quite a nice app.
If MS Office was accessible, I would buy it within a heart beat. Most of my
work resolves around using MS Office on Windows, but for everything else, I try
to us
I'm afraid that's how I've come to look at it as well, as an entertainment
- Original Message -
From: "Ricardo Walker"
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac! Important: read and leave
First, I want to apologize for my earlier message. I did not know that there
was someone from Microsoft he was reading this and willing to work with us.
Sarah, I very much appreciate your willingness to listen and to begin to work
with us on accessibility. When I try to use Microsoft office on t
I might be a little late for this thread. But I wanted to reply and give my
thoughts anyway. I would love for Microsoft office to be accessible on the map.
I work at a university and everyone uses Microsoft. I have to open other
peoples documents on pages and then save them as word docs. Sometim
Thank you all so much for giving your feedback. This is exactly what I was
hoping to come from this endeavor. I think Sara was a little shocked when I
told her what I had to do to run Office. With her willingness to read this
post, and then joining leaves me encouraged. The fact that so many of
Actually, the correspondence I have received from SSA as Word documents read
just fine in TextEdit.
You can have an off day, but you can't have a day off! ---The Art of Fielding
Sent from my Mac Book Pro
On Feb 2, 2013, at 9:41 AM, Keith Watson wrote:
> Sara,
> Let me j
Let me just say that I am encouraged by this thread. I would dearly love to see
the Office suite become accessible on the Mac, for more than just being able to
create documents for use by most of people who I communicate with on a daily
In 2009 the NFB won a federal suit against t
You have echoed my thoughts and concerns so well. Many with whom I have dealt
in the rehab field do not see the Mac as fitting into the average workplace,
and a huge reason for this is lack of MS Office voiceover accessibility. In a
sense, the unwillingness of microsoft to step up to the plate a
ld Windows machine. It also hasn't stopped many, many blind
> people I know from using Macs.
> If Microsoft Office for Mac were accessible with VoiceOver, however, I'm sure
> I and many other blind Mac users would become instant loyal purchases of
> Microsoft Office for
Hi there
I haven't had that problem of my Mac getting hot since I doubled the memory in
my MacBook Pro to 8 Gigabytes. Now it doesn't get hot anymore, And it seems
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 1, 2013, at 8:14 PM, Ricardo Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> lucky you. haha. I have
Hi there.
As i said in an earlier letter, even we in Sweden would love for MS Office to
be fully accessible on the Mac. I've heard assistive technology vendors over
here say that until the day Office becomes accessible, the mac isn't a viable
alternative in the work situation, so therefor it wou
just to let Sara and the others know: The german Mac users are also absolutely
interested in an accessible MS Office for Mac. Word processing is one of the
biggest issues for blind Mac users in my country. Apples iWork could also be
more accessible in certain functions and it's to compl
Personally, the inaccessibility of Microsoft Word for Mac didn't stop me from
switching over to the Mac. I run a Mac without Windows installed, but I do
still have an old Windows machine. It also hasn't stopped many, many blind
people I know from using Macs.
If Microsoft Office fo
Hello Sara,
Thank you for joining the list and asking for inputs about MS office.
It's difficult to give detailed feedback because the text area of
Microsoft Word for the Mac, where all the actual composition and user
interaction takes place, cannot be accessed at all with VoiceOver. My
lucky you. haha. I have had success with numbers but, It makes my macbook pro
extremely hot while open, I actually get worried.
Ricardo Walker
On Feb 1, 2013, at 8:25 PM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
> Hi there
> I am hav
Welcome to the list Sara.
I am so excited your working with MS office for the mac to make it accessible.
I agree with all that have posted here how effective and efficient it would be
to have excel and word and office products accessible.
Thank you for working toward a solution and I would be ha
If you want something to change, then you have to be involved. Regardless of
what has occurred in the past, we have an opportunity now to get some changes.
Sara, I have already sent you quite a detailed email from your blog. I also
will send you some private communication from my work acc
Hi there
I am having no problem using numbers with my business, but I would like to say
a few things about Excel. I hope that when you get voiceover to work with Excel
that it's easier to set up then it is with Excel and Jaws. When I was using
Excel and jaws, I never could remember those command
Thank you Sarah for having an earnest look at the MS Office situation for blind
mac users. Since the latest release has been ported to the 64 bit coco
framework, and that menus work fine with voice over, the bulk of the work wil
be to make sure axaccessibility tags are added to every non
Of course this is my own opinion. But I think that hurdle is real high on
making voice over as accessible with office, as Jaws or window eyes. The way
that jaws interacts with spread sheets, is way beyond what voice over can do
with numbers. But I wish you luck. I am a small business owner m
I honestly think that the lack of Voiceover accessibility of the MS Office
suite holds back many potential Mac users from switching over. For example,
I've spent much time talking with adaptive tech specialist, rehab and state
agencies and, most see the Mac as a entertainment console in
Hi there
I have a question here. Does the Mac version of office read numbers and pages
files? In my case, if I did decide to get office once you guys get it working,
I have a whole bunch of numbers and pages files. I would hate to have to
convert all those files. Thanks bye.
Sent fro] On Behalf Of SaraFord
> Sent: Friday, 1 February, 2013 11:00
> To:
> Subject: Re: o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac! Important: read and leave
> comments!
> Hi all,
> Thank you J.P. for starting this threa
Subject: Re: o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac! Important: read and leave
Hi all,
Thank you J.P. for starting this thread and for inviting me to the group! My
name is Sara Ford. I'm a Program Manager on the Office for Mac team. Since I
recently joine
Thanks John and Sarah. I agree this access to Office is vital in my
line of work with cooperating with clients we work with in our field.
Gabe Vega
Commtech LLC
Phone: (623) 565-9357
On Feb 1, 1:02 pm, "J.P." wrote:
> Welcome Sara,
> I
Welcome Sara,
I am glad you made it on the list. I'm excited to see what comes of this. To
my fellow peers on this list, Sara and I have been communicating everyday for a
week. I can assure you she is interested. Just by the questions she has asked.
I personally wrote a note to Microsoft about
Hi Sarah.
Welcome to the group as well.
Microsoft office to be honest would be the last hurdle i would have to jump to
be able to use the Mac fully as my main machine for uses while in college.
The bardest thing with office, is the edit areas. I hope that Microsoft office
becomes accessible in th
Hi Sara,
Thank you for joining the list and hearing the stories of the blind Mac
users. Office is undoubtedly an important productivity application for many
people. I have three current clients that could benefit from accessibility to
Office, and I sincerely hope that Microsoft intends to
> Hi all,
> Thank you J.P. for starting this thread and for inviting me to the group!
> My name is Sara Ford. I’m a Program Manager on the Office for Mac team.
> Since I recently joined the Office for Mac team, I asked J.P. to describe
> his experiences. Previously at Microsoft, I wo
as needs to be made accessible. It would be nice, if we could use
> tables in microsoft office for mac. Here in Denmark MSoffice is a must have.
> It gives some problems for us, who love using our mac.
> Best regards Annie.
> On Jan 30, 2013, at 10:55 PM, wrote:
I've used MS Office for Mac on my friends 2011 model MacBook Air when it was
running Lion. I found the text area to be completely inaccessible.
VoiceOver could navigate between the toolbar, menu items and the text area, but
could not interact with the text area. Typing produced no results,
31/01/2013, at 4:04 PM, Annie Skov Nielsen
The text areas needs to be made accessible. It would be nice, if we could use
tables in microsoft office for mac. Here in Denmark MSoffice is a must have. It
gives some problems for us, who love using our mac.
Best regards Annie.
On Jan 3
, at 1:55 PM, wrote:
>> o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac!
>> Important: read and leave comments!
>> Hey guys!
>> I contacted Microsoft this week about the accessibility of Office for Mac. I
>> have been in contact with a very nic
The text areas needs to be made accessible. It would be nice, if we could use
tables in microsoft office for mac. Here in Denmark MSoffice is a must have. It
gives some problems for us, who love using our mac.
Best regards Annie.
On Jan 30, 2013, at 10:55 PM, wrote
The 'chrome' of the office applications are accessible to the extent
that the menu and buttons are built from standard controls so they
inherit accessibility for free. Of course anything custom fails so the
font and size menus can't be actioned, although I can interact with them
and manually ty
If Microsoft was interested in making MS Office accessible on the Mac, it would
have happened a long time ago. Microsoft has access to all the data that all
developers have regarding how to create apps that are Voice Over accessible.
They simply don't really see it as a priority imo.
You can ha
Hi there again
I am glad this lady is reading these posts because I want to point out that a
lot of times when blind people go to the Apple Store to get there Max, people
who don't know it's inaccessible, encourage the person to get Office for the
Mac. Then, the blind person gets home, only to f
Hi there
For myself, I have not used Microsoft office for the Mac, specifically because
I was told it was inaccessible. Also, I don't want to pay $150 to find out.
However, it's my understanding that Apple provides information to developers on
how to make voiceover work with their software. Ther
Hello. I use Microsoft Office every day and would like to give feedback. I
already have the Windows version. If Sarah can provide a copy of the software
and a nondisclosure agreement I'll be happy to test the versions side by side.
On Jan 31, 2013, at 2:34 AM, "J.P." wrote:
> Hey guys,
> We
Hello J.P.,
MS Office is totally inaccessible since we can't read or write in its programs.
It's all very well being able to access the menus, but with no access to text
areas of any kind, it cannot be described as anything other than totally
Also, you're not likely to get many r
Hey guys,
We are always saying how inaccessible Office for Mac is. The head of
Microsoft's Mac accessibility team is reading this post. Those of you who have
used the software, please give examples where we know it's inaccessible. Sara,
who head's their team is giving us an opportunity that a l
We thank you profusely for reading this, and for contacting the team regarding
Microsoft Office for Mac accessibility. Also, you are unable to get to the menu
bar (ribbons in Office for windows), with voiceover. So it's impossible to
write in Word, or get to any other options
gt; o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac!
> Important: read and leave comments!
> Hey guys!
> I contacted Microsoft this week about the accessibility of Office for Mac. I
> have been in contact with a very nice woman who is now heading up Microsoft's
> Mac accessibility. I e
Update! The person I'm dealing with is Sara. She asked me to ask if you could
give examples. For example lack of labeling, scenarios, etc. I am also
including a link where you can contact her Microsoft blog directly
Thanks, J.P.
You received thi
o. t.: Microsoft Office for Mac!
Important: read and leave comments!
Hey guys!
I contacted Microsoft this week about the accessibility of Office for Mac. I
have been in contact with a very nice woman who is now heading up Microsoft's
Mac accessibility. I explained to her that Office fo
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