The only question I have: How interested might Microsoft be to make the Mac 
more attractive to blind users?

Am 03.02.2013 um 17:18 schrieb Annie Skov Nielsen <>:

> Hi.
> I agree with you Christer.
> Here in Denmark it is exactly the same situation.
> A very important thing will be to make tables and all text areas accessible. 
> We are having major problems with tables on the mac as VoiceOver users, they 
> are not accessible in any application. To make ms office accessible will be 1 
> of the most important steps forward for mac users.
> Best regards Annie.
> On Feb 2, 2013, at 12:12 PM, Krister Ekstrom <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi there.
>> As i said in an earlier letter, even we in Sweden would love for MS Office 
>> to be fully accessible on the Mac. I've heard assistive technology vendors 
>> over here say that until the day Office becomes accessible, the mac isn't a 
>> viable alternative in the work situation, so therefor it would be great 
>> indeed if accessibility would come to MS Office.
>> /Krister
>> 2 feb 2013 kl. 08:59 skrev Jürgen Fleger <>:
>>> Hello,
>>> just to let Sara and the others know: The german Mac users are also 
>>> absolutely interested in an accessible MS Office for Mac. Word processing 
>>> is one of the biggest issues for blind Mac users in my country. Apples 
>>> iWork could  also be more accessible in certain functions and it's to 
>>> complicated to use especially for beginners.
>>> All the best from Germany
>>> Jürgen
>>> Am 01.02.2013 um 21:02 schrieb J.P. <>:
>>>> Welcome Sara, 
>>>> I am glad you made it on the list. I'm excited to see what comes of this. 
>>>> To my fellow peers on this list, Sara and I have been communicating 
>>>> everyday for a week. I can assure you she is interested. Just by the 
>>>> questions she has asked. I personally wrote a note to Microsoft about the 
>>>> lack of accessibility. sara contacted me the very next day. I appreciate 
>>>> that when I explained about our lists, she took the initiative herself to 
>>>> join. I contacted the moderator last night to expedite getting her here. 
>>>> It's more genuine coming from her. Me not being the middle man. 
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