Re: A Newsgroup For LyX

2002-03-10 Thread Michael Hanke
I abandoned following newsgroup since it is more convenient to obtain informations without an explicit request. Regards, Michael -- +---+ | Michael HankeRoyal Institute of Technology | |

Re: Using latex in lyx

2001-11-28 Thread Michael Hanke
le as far as I know. BTW. This is high on my wishlist because I use them extensively. Michael -- +-------+ | Michael HankeRoyal Institute of Technology | | NADA

Re: List environment nesting

2001-10-24 Thread Michael Hanke
enumeration. > > Wrong. The correct solution is to change the layout of the <- paragraph to > "Standard" and nest it into the enumeration (Depth = 1). Thanks. This is the solution. Michael -- +---+ | Michael Hanke

Re: List environment nesting

2001-10-24 Thread Michael Hanke
rom the inner environment, the outer environment counter is incremented too early. Michael -- +---+ | Michael HankeRoyal Institute of Technology | | NADA| |

List environment nesting

2001-10-24 Thread Michael Hanke
t 2. text text text and so on. After leaving the itemize environment I obtain always a new (enumeration) marker in the line marked by <---. How can I avoid it? Thank you. Yours, Michael -- +---+ | Michael Hanke

Re: Kerning in math mode (a bit OT)

2001-05-30 Thread Michael Hanke
d text italics. In mathmode, 'ff' means the product of two variables, while in text mode, it is simply the ligature. Below please find a lyx file demonstrating the effects. (Note: amsmath->on). HTH Michael BTW. It's lyx 1.1.4fix3 -- +-------

Re: Barracuda -- compile error

2001-04-17 Thread Michael Hanke
Am Mittwoch 18 April 2001 01:15 schrieben Sie: > Hi, > > is there anybody using barracuda (for more info see > I tried to compile it on my > RedHat 7.0 but it failed (see attached log). I am using barracuda quite extensively. I had no problem compiling it (on a

Re: numbering of equations

2000-05-15 Thread Michael Hanke
On Mon, 15 Mai 2000 you wrote: > > "M" == M Braun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > M> H Andre I would say that anybody writing a Ph.D. thesis would > M> welcome this feature, since in a thesis you typically number all > M> equations irrespective of wether you refer to them or not! > > Let's s

Re: lyx 1.1.1 and Sun's CC 5.0

1999-11-01 Thread Michael Hanke
On Mon, 01 Nov 1999, you wrote: >Michael Hanke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >| Having a closer look at the include files, I found out that and >| are incompatible!! This seems to be a compiler error. Changing all >| occurences of cstdio to stdio.h resolves the problem.

lyx 1.1.1 and Sun's CC 5.0

1999-10-31 Thread Michael Hanke
REAT thing in conpliance to the official 1998 C++ standard such that one can use other compilers than gcc? Thank you very much. Michael -- +---+ | Michael HankeRoyal Institute of Technology | |

Re: Tables stuff

1999-09-08 Thread Michael Hanke
1.2 version! Maybe, I can help here: the array package as explained in the latex companion sect 5.3 can be a solution. Michael +-------+ | Michael HankeRoyal Institute of Technology | | NADA

Re: Parts in Contents

1999-08-31 Thread Michael Hanke
oning commands do not show up in the table of contents. You have to add them by hand to the toc using Latex: \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\protect\numberline{}Introduction} I do not know if there is a lyx-variant. Hope that helps. Michael +--------

RE: Footnote Symbols

1999-08-17 Thread Michael Hanke
r which one's do this -- take a > look at "The LaTeX Companion" if you have one handy. It is footnpag. Michael > +---+ | Michael HankeRoyal Institute of Technology | |

Help: Footnotes in tables

1999-08-03 Thread Michael Hanke
Hi, I just met a problem which I was unable to solve ( didn't answer). I need to use footnotes in tables. LyX (v 1.0.2) does not allow to set them. Is there a workaround? Many thanks. Michael +---+ | Mi

Re: "piecewise" relyx?

1999-05-18 Thread Michael Hanke
On Tue, 18 May 1999, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote: > >>>>> "Michael" == Michael Hanke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > Michael> tex, it appears in red. So it will be set correctly. But it > Michael> is not "relyx"ed! Is there a possib

"piecewise" relyx?

1999-05-18 Thread Michael Hanke
not "relyx"ed! Is there a possibility for doing that easily? Thank a lot. Michael +---+ | Michael HankeRoyal Institute of Technology | |

fonts (fwd)

1999-05-11 Thread Michael Hanke
:49:30 +0200 (MET DST) From: Michael Hanke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: fonts Hi, I just met another problem: I have a large screen now. While Ican change the fontsize of fonts in the document very easily using the popup, this is not possible for the fonts in other w

Re: fonts

1999-05-09 Thread Michael Hanke
t widget)? Do the dependent widgets resize correspondingly? BTW. On a 17" monitor with 1152x900 resolution, everything looks perfect. Thanks, Michael +-------+ | Michael HankeRoyal Institute of Technology | |


1999-05-08 Thread Michael Hanke
menus, popup windows and the like be changed? Am I missing something? Thanks. Michael +---+ | Michael HankeRoyal Institute of Technology | | NADA

Graphics include

1999-05-08 Thread Michael Hanke
latex preamble works but seems to be a heavy gun. Moreover, how can I add certain optimal parameters to the \documentclass command? Thank you very much Michael +---+ | Michael HankeRoyal Institute of Technology

lyx and SUN CC 5.0

1999-01-02 Thread Michael Hanke
. Michael -- +---+ | Michael HankeRoyal Institute of Technology | | NADA| | S-10044 Stockholm | |