On Tue, 18 May 1999, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> >>>>> "Michael" == Michael Hanke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Michael> tex, it appears in red. So it will be set correctly. But it
> Michael> is not "relyx"ed! Is there a possibility for doing that
> Michael> easily?
> Did you try to import your amslatex document into LyX? Then you could
> just cut and paste between the two documents.
Yes, I did. I wondered if there is an easier way like relyxing on the

|  Michael Hanke                Royal Institute of Technology   |
|                               NADA                            |
|                               S-10044 Stockholm               |
|                               Sweden                          |
|  Visiting address:            Lindstedtsvaegen 3              |
|  Phone:                       + (46) (8) 790 6278             |
|  Fax:                         + (46) (8) 790 0930             |
|  Email:                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]               |
|                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |

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