Am Mittwoch 30 Mai 2001 12:05 schrieben Sie:
> f's in math mode seem to be kerned strangely, is there a way round this,
> or am I hallucinating after too much coffee?
> Thanks!
> Sarah


It's not really strange. It is the difference between math mode italics and 
text italics. In mathmode, 'ff' means the product of two variables, while in 
text mode, it is simply the ligature. Below please find a lyx file 
demonstrating the effects. (Note: amsmath->on).


BTW. It's lyx 1.1.4fix3
|  Michael Hanke                Royal Institute of Technology   |
|                               NADA                            |
|                               S-10044 Stockholm               |
|                               Sweden                          |
|  Visiting address:            Lindstedtsvaegen 3              |
|  Phone:                       + (46) (8) 790 6278             |
|  Fax:                         + (46) (8) 790 0930             |
|  Email:                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]               |
|                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |
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\begin_inset Formula \( different\text {\, different\, \textit {different}} \)


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