
I just met another problem: I have a large screen now. While Ican
change the fontsize of fonts in the document very easily using the
popup, this is not possible for the fonts in other windows. The
letters in the latex preamble window are almost unreadable on my
screen. How can the fonts of menus, popup windows and the like be
changed? Am I missing something?



|  Michael Hanke                Royal Institute of Technology   |
|                               NADA                            |
|                               S-10044 Stockholm               |
|                               Sweden                          |
|  Visiting address:            Lindstedtsvaegen 3              |
|  Phone:                       + (46) (8) 790 6278             |
|  Fax:                         + (46) (8) 790 0930             |
|  Email:                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]               |
|                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |

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