Am 27.05.11 05:14, schrieb Bob Alvarez:
I am installing Lyx 1.6.9 on a Macbook Air OSX 10.6 .
Quite interesting for me. I'm thinking over a change to Macbook
Air for having a lightweight and smaller computing possibility
when travelling.
The Wiki suggests BasicTex but this thread suggests
Am 27.02.2010, 05:08 Uhr, schrieb BH :
I'm not sure what you think is unclear in INSTALL.MacOSX. Do you have
proposed changes?
Not yet, I'm going to make a proposal here:
In the INSTALL.MacOSX, rows 91-96 it reads:
91 Then, cd to the top of the LyX source hierarchy, and enter:
93 ./aut
to announce that I compiled successfully the LyX 2.0 svn version on MacOSX
10.4 Tiger today.
Thanks to the hints from Julio Rojas and Guenter Milde, and the especially
the kindly helping of "BH" , all on
gmane.editors.lyx.general (ML within the thread
Am 25.02.2010, 17:00 Uhr, schrieb BH :
Mac is not Linux and so requires different procedures. Follow the
INSTALL.MacOSX instructions here.
Ay, Ay BH bewihelm, so according to INSTALL.MacOSX:
./configure --prefix=/path/to/ --with-version-suffix=-1.6
--with-qt4-dir=/path/to/QT4 --w
Am 25.02.2010, 13:27 Uhr, schrieb BH :
Follow the instructions in INSTALL.MacOSX. (It's somewhat more
involved than the above.)
Thank you Wilhelm, good tip (perhaps I overlooked it last time).
But I have 2 additional questions:
(after the preconditions and) after havin
Am 25.02.2010, 11:17 Uhr, schrieb Julio Rojas:
Get the trunk from:
svn co svn:// lyx-devel
Configure with:
./configure --with-version-suffix=-svn --enable-build-type=release
And the the usual:
sudo make install
Hi, friends,
I enter here hoping t
Informing me on
I downloaded and opened the or other .lyx example file.
Trying to pdf them resulted in the LaTeX error: bblmemoir.cls not found.
From TeXLive manager I didn't found such class or package, in the ctan
base I didn't found neither.
Can someone
Am 17.01.2010, 16:53 Uhr, schrieb Joachim Osnabryg, => me:
Remaining problem:
=> The pdf output of this table is flawed and misarranged in column 2
and 3, i. e. not usable for real purposes.
- With your corrected English version the output is correct -
I couldn't figure out,
Am 17.01.2010, 01:56 Uhr, schrieb Uwe Stöhr :
You haven#t used the new version, but the old one. Can you please
recheck this?
You are right, I didn't realize that you had made the correction in the
English version, not the German. Your corrected version, put on right
place within d
Am 17.01.2010, 00:51 Uhr, schrieb Uwe Stöhr:
I replaced the ~ now with a +, please check if this version:
works now for you.
Here not, sorry. Still the same errors. (See below)
Mac B
Dear Helpers,
Today I tried to make a pdf or dvi from the LyX Help doc/de
"EmbeddedObjects", but it stops with LaTeX errors at the floating table 22
before the section head 2.12.3. I report the first LaTeX errors below.
I am completely at a loss with this fact. I wanted to have the
Am 29.12.2009, 18:46 Uhr, schrieb Alex Fernandez :
If you followed the elegant procedure you just have to
click on Tools > Reconfigure and it will find eLyXer automatically
(LyX version > 1.6.5). That is why it was elegant
I agree! After the first run I'm really impressed!
A rather challanging
Today I installed elyxer (again),
I choose the "elegant way" as described in the user-guide, see
at the end of subsection 1.2.
The last Terminal command which I did on my Mac-OSX was:
sudo python inst
So far my final hint within this thread,
Weitergeleitete Usenet-Nachricht
Von: "Joachim Osnabryg"
Betreff: Re: Tufte layout? Here the patched tufte-common.def!
Datum: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 23:47:48 +0100
URL: news://
as promised, here you get the information, ho
necessary information to run the tufte-latex classes in
LyX, I repeat here from my answer there:
Weitergeleitete Usenet-Nachricht ----
Von: "Joachim Osnabryg"
Betreff: Re: Tufte layout? Here the patched tufte-common.def!
Datum: Sun, 20 Dec 2009 23:47:48 +0100
Hello LyXers,
as promis
get it. I'll give notice, when I know.
--- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ---
Von: "Kevin Godby"
An: "Uwe Stöhr", "Joachim Osnabryg"
Betreff: Re: tufte-latex 3.5 problems with LyX
Datum: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 06:39:12 +0100
Hello again, gentlemen.
I'm using a
Am 20.12.2009, 22:10 Uhr, schrieb John Kane :
No attachment :(
not yet, but soon I'll give notice where/how to get the patch.
Thanks for the help though.
as a matter of course…
by, joachim
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger
An: "Uwe Stöhr", "Joachim Osnabryg"
Betreff: Re: tufte-latex 3.5 problems with LyX
Datum: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 06:39:12 +0100
Hello again, gentlemen.
I've attached a patched tufte-common.def file that you can try it. It
should allow you to use \title and \author in ei
Am 20.12.2009, 16:06 Uhr, schrieb John Kane:
You should not have to but as I mentioned above I am not sure that it is
automatically included in a Latex installation so you may have to
install tufte-book there.
I don't think that is is shure that the newest version is already within
the CTAN
I regard it necessary that the LyX user must be enlightened about the possible functions of the .lyx~ backup files and how to handle with it in the "Tools > Preferences > Look & Feel > User interface" pane! (This to developers and documentalists)Am 20.12.2009, 06:07 Uhr, schrieb Diego Queiroz:Th
Am 20.12.2009, 00:25 Uhr, schrieb Diego Queiroz:
If you don't want the backups, just uncheck the proper boxes in "Tools >
Preferences > Look & Feel > User interface".
Gracias, but only I'm still uncertain, what the "proper boxes" there are.
The mines are in German, but "Sichere Originaldokumen
The files with the filename-extension ».lyx~« which LyX creates each time
you begin a new document are obviously the »LyX backups« for which one may
assign a special directory where they go. Otherwise they are saved in the
same directory as the .lyx file itself.
As far I suppose these .ly
Dear LyX-users,
With the help of my last talks here and elsewhere I have my LyX and LaTeX
installation (see footer) imbedding tufte-latex now spruced up again on
Mac. I breathe a sigh of relief… just before the highdays of the turn of
sun and year! Thanks to Uwe Stöhr and all contributers!
For n
Thank you, Rob & Uwe, for your hints!
In fact I had a very confusing situation, yesterday: first the problem
described, then, after trying to heal it, none of the existing files of
that doc class could be run properly.
I'm not able to describe exactly all what I tried and have done. Now, w
Since sometime, when in LyX I choose File => new and then with within the
standard new document class (article), I choose Document => Options and
within the Options window, section document class, choose "Handout
(Tufte)", I get the LyX error:
Die Dokumentklasse tufte-handout konnte nicht g
Admirable LyX Layouter,
in the framework of actualization of my MacTeX installation I installed
the brand actual version 3.5.0 of the tufte-latex classes from
Running the actual LyX example files (with the actual LyX layouts from
Uwe Stöhr) I get the LaTeX e
Am 15.12.2009, 21:36 Uhr, schrieb Rob Oakes :
However, I would actually recommend that you use MacTeX. While it is a
bit of a hard drive pig (3 GB), I've had troubles with other LaTeX
distributions on Mac (including BasicTeX). … Manually trying to sort
this out is tremendously frustrating.
Has anyone tried some BasicTeX version for MacOS with LyX with succes?
This time, for reasons of disc space economy, I prefered not to migrate to
full MacTeX 2009, but rather installing the BacicTeX.dmg (2009) from for then, whenever
Am 28.11.2009, 15:07 Uhr, schrieb John Kane:
I wonder if anyone can help me with Tufte layouts?
Helo, John,
I have the Tufte layouts running - with the newest svn-version of the
tufte-latex package
and the new LyX layout files, but on MacOSX. I'm hesitating to answer you
because I'm not eno
Am 30.10.2009, 02:40 Uhr, schrieb Uwe Stöhr :
To make LyX files created with the old layout work, you need to open the
LyX file with a text editor and replace
- "CharStyle:SmallCaps" with "SmallCaps"
- "CharStyle:AllCaps" with AllCaps
- "CharStyle:NewThought" with "NewThought"
Very good, I'll
Am 29.10.2009, 17:31 Uhr, schrieb Uwe Stöhr:
The next version doesn't use this layout file version but this one:
very fine!
Can you please test it out? (To get it work you need to have my
Am 29.10.2009, 23:17 Uhr, schrieb rgheck:>
Further to comments the other day, attached is a package that implements
some simple functionality of the bigfoot package. It seems to work for
my purposes. Unfortunately, in developing it, I realized that we do not
yet have counters for custom insets. S
Big problem for me, but also for the next release of LyX:
tufte-book.layout - works well,
tufte-handout.layout doesn't work with actual release of Tufte (2009 May
Please watch, Uwe, Jürgen
& all Tufte-interested LyX-Developer & User:
While the new tufte-book.layout, created by Uwe Stöhr
Am 28.10.2009, 02:15 Uhr, schrieb Uwe Stöhr:
Before you proceed please first try out the recent version of the layout
file and the example document, see my previous email.
Sorry, Uwe,
for unknown reasons - insufficiency of my newsreader? - I hadn't had your
e-mails in the gmane.editors.lyx.
Am 27.10.2009, 21:42 Uhr, schrieb Jason Waskiewicz:
My best idea is that there could be a conflict with the \lipsum package.
I have a similar computer setup to yours (Mac with Leopard -- though
mine is a PPC). I've had no trouble on that machine or on my Linux box.
Thank you for your endeav
Am 18.10.2009, 21:59 Uhr, schrieb Jason Waskiewicz
I recently made a .layout file for the Tufte-book class.
Very commendable undertaking! I would be very glad, if we got a well
performing layout file for that! (After my extensive use of Spitzmüller's
layout for the Tufte-handout class.
Am 05.10.2009, 22:03 Uhr, schrieb Jack M. Lyon
Jack M. Lyon wrote:
--I need a command that will convert paragraph breaks to newlines in the
LaTeX text inside the paragraph environment verse1. So the text in LyX
will look like this (styled as Poem):
My name is Ozymandias, king of k
Thank you very much, Richard, for your kindly and detailed help!
First I uninstalled the aspell installed with MacPorts and tried to follow
your instructions.
Am 28.08.2009, 14:25 Uhr, schrieb Richard Talley:
First, install cocoAspell and make sure it's working properly with LyX
as an
Could it be that the spellchecking possibility in LyX with Aspell or
CocoAspell is a big piss take, at least on Mac-OSX?
I have worked till today without spellchecker in LyX, but I should install
one for my convenience.
Now I worked about 8 hours to install and configure (Coco)Aspell for Ly
Am 24.08.2009, 13:28 Uhr, schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
NOTE that no Mac OS X binaries will be provided for this release, due to
a regression on this platform that was detected after 1.6.4 was released.
Expect a minor update that addresses this problem to be released soon.
OK, that means patienc
sorry, again with changed subject (still hoping for help):
Hi LyXers, especially on Mac-OSX:
With my German keyboard on Mac-OSX normally I can get with
alt+a | d | e | o | t | p | + | x | c | m | l | ö | ä etc.
the following special letters/symbols:
å | ∂ | € | ø | † | π | ± | ≈ |
With my German keyboard on Mac-OSX normaly I can get with
alt+a | d | e | o | t | p | + | x | c | m | l | ö | ä etc.
the following special letters/symbols:
å | ∂ | € | ø | † | π | ± | ≈ | ç | µ | @ | œ | æ etc.
which I find very practical.
But because of the key-bindings in LyX (ma
Am 05.04.2009, 00:46 Uhr, schrieb Steve Litt
If it's longer
than 5 pages, I use LyX or Komposer (a WYSIWYG HTML editor).
Sorry, Steve, do you mean
or Nvu - HTML-Editor (for Windows)
or Nvu Composer (for several OSs)
or something else?
Am 13.03.2009, 03:18 Uhr, schrieb Alex Fernandez:
It seems that your Python is not understanding the decorator syntax
for classmethods, which were introduced in Python 2.4:
I believe, but I'm not the one to understand these things.
The following command
Am 12.03.2009, 16:43 Uhr, schrieb Alex Fernandez
Version 0.4 (20090312) is uploaded:
OK, I dared to download and uncompress it.
And proceeded to the first step, with the response:
joachim$ ../elyxer userguide.lyx userguide2.html
File "../elyxer", line 2
Am 11.03.2009, 02:08 Uhr, schrieb Alex Fernandez
eLyXer is very much a work in progress, since it only supports a
pretty small subset of LyX features
Being very impressed of the quality of the example
I suppose that
margin notes in LyX
Konrad Hofbauer schrieb:
But probably an incomplete python25 installed by macports, i.e., you are
missing some modules (the py25- stuff in macports).
You can either
1) run lyx2lyx from terminal, try to find out which modules it is
missing and install those from macports or
I tried that
Konrad Hofbauer schrieb:
Have you changed something in your python installation
(e.g., installed python3)?
Months ago, I installed MacPorts, because I wanted to use
rtf2latex2e (with LaTeX and LyX).
I did some other install and uninstall with MacPorts meanwhile,
the uninstalls I did careful
Yesterday, I still produced lyx letters with my own templates.
Today - whyever - I wanted to start with File => New and got the
error message:
stammt von einer anderen LyX-Version, ab
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