Am 25.02.2010, 17:00 Uhr, schrieb BH <>:
Mac is not Linux and so requires different procedures. Follow the
INSTALL.MacOSX instructions here.

Ay, Ay BH bewihelm, so according to INSTALL.MacOSX:

./configure --prefix=/path/to/ --with-version-suffix=-1.6 --with-qt4-dir=/path/to/QT4 --with-included-gettext --enable-optimization=-O2 --disable-stdlib-debug

Only: which /path/to/QT4 ???

Only counted the MarcPorts, I have 8 qt4 ports (see below), the path to which of those might be the correct one?

And is »--with-included-gettext « really part of the command string or an alias where to put some other path or other information?

By $ gettext --version I got the answer:
gettext --version
gettext (GNU gettext-runtime) 0.17

Sorry for my ignorance, may I have a tip for this, too?

Anyway thankful,

port search qt4
cutecom-qt4-mac @0.20.0 (comms)
    Graphical serial terminal

GLC_lib @1.1.0 (graphics)
C++ class library that enables the quick creation of an OpenGL application
    based on QT4.

py-pyqt4 @4.4.3 (python, devel)
    PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit

py25-pyqt4 @4.7 (python, devel)
    PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit

py26-pyqt4 @4.7 (python, devel)
    PyQt4 is a set of Python bindings for the Qt4 toolkit

qt4-mac @4.6.2 (aqua)
    Qt Tool Kit (Native Aqua Version)

qt4-mac-devel @4.6.1 (aqua)
    Qt Tool Kit (Native Aqua Version)

qt4-x11 @4.4.3 (x11)
    Qt Tool Kit

Found 8 ports.

MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger - Aquamacs Distribution 1.9
GNU Emacs 22.3.1 (i386-apple-darwin9.8.0, Carbon Version 1.6.0)
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - LyX 1.6.5

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