Am 17.01.2010, 01:56 Uhr, schrieb Uwe Stöhr <>:
You haven#t used the new version, but the old one. Can you please
recheck this?
You are right, I didn't realize that you had made the correction in the
English version, not the German. Your corrected version, put on right
place within directory, could be run with success. (On Mac, I had
to open it from within the package directory.)
You can see if you are using the correct one by checking that the
problematic table 2.22 contains now a "+" instead of a "~" in the third
table column.
I managed to make the same correction in the German version within the directory and compiled it then from LyX window "Help/Hilfe >
Eingebettete Objekte" with result, too.
Remaining problem:
=> The pdf output of this table is flawed and misarranged in column 2 and
3, i. e. not usable for real purposes.
- With your corrected English version the output is correct -
I couldn't figure out, what's the difference in LyX or in LaTeX code.
In my corrected German version the code is:
\caption[Ausrichtung mit dem \protect\LaTeX{}-Paket
\textbf{dcolumn}]{\label{tab:Ausrichtung-mit-dem}Ausrichtung mit dem
\textbf{dcolumn}. Bei allen Spalten musste getrickst werden, um die
gewünschte Ausgabe zu bekommen.}
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{Einheiten} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Einheiten} &
12x24\,$\mbox{Flaschen}$ & 12x24\,$\mbox{Flaschen}$ & 12\times
1024x768\,$\mbox{Pixel}$ & 1024x768\,$\mbox{Pixel}$ & 1024\times
32x6\,$\mbox{cm}$ & 32x6\,$\mbox{cm}$ & 32\times
If you can give advice, it would be appreciated.
Thank you so far, think to change all the language versions for the next
LyX release, I advice… ;)
Mac BacicTeX 2009 - TeXShop 2.29 / TeXworks 0.2.3
LyX 1.6.5 - MacBook Pro intel OSX 10.4.11 Tiger