how to get a sheet with chord names only?

2008-05-19 Thread Peter
us, but I simply can't find it. Maybe I'm just plain stupid, that's another possibility, but I'm not willing to accept that yet :-) Thanks, Peter.___ lilypond-user mailing list

Downloading the install file

2008-06-30 Thread Peter
Hi, I'm trying to download the install file for windows, but I keep getting the error message "Internet explorer cannot display the web page". I am using win xp pro, internet explorer 7. Any ideas? Thanks, Peter ___ lilypond-us

chords in fragments?

2007-06-10 Thread Peter
arsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #left \mark "refrein" \refrein } \score { << \akkoorden \noten >> \layout {} } %<<<<<<<<<<<< end here The result is like this:<> Notice the staircasi

Re: chords in fragments? fixed!

2007-06-10 Thread Peter
to be me :-) Cheers, Peter. I'm trying to `save' snippets of chords in variables, like I do with plain notes, and then combine them in score. The problem I have is that each separate part of chords appears on a new line, as shown in the attached picture. (Mac OSX 10.3.9

newby question

2004-04-27 Thread Peter
.g. the measure numbers) are too close to the staff, and collides with the notes. - Using the form S1*n \coda does not put the coda sign at the end of the nth measure, but right at the beginning. Bug? I've included the 'master' file for your amusement

Re: newby question

2004-04-27 Thread Peter
On 27-apr-04, at 22:51, Peter wrote: I'm just starting with Lilypond, Oh, I forgot... lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.1.37 on Mac OSX 10.3.3 Cheers, Peter. ___ lilypond-user mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: dynamic and midi velocity

2010-02-19 Thread peter
>>>>> "Bertalan" == Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) >>>>> writes: Tim Reeves wrote: Peter Chubb wrote: Lilypond uses a separate volume channel, rather than velocity, to control MIDI dynamics. There's a perl script

Re: Articulate makes the music good, but bad on two instruments

2010-06-27 Thread peter
Hi Haipeng, I'll take a look later today. Thanks for the bug report. Peter C ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyrics & Chords sheet

2014-11-16 Thread peter
>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Crighton writes: Peter> Hello all, I’m in the process of creating sheets that only Peter> contain lyrics and correctly aligned chords. (This belongs to Peter> other sheets with music in them, otherwise LilyPond probably Peter> wouldn’t

Re: Beaming on the quarter note

2014-11-16 Thread peter
> "Guy" == Guy Stalnaker writes: Guy> Phil, That was what I found :-) But unless I'm mistaken, one must Guy> use those directives for *every* time signature change. Thus if I You can do it once for each time signature you're going to use. \version "2.18.2" \score { << % Beam 4/4 at cro

Re: MIDI and Volta repeats in parallel music

2014-11-23 Thread peter
> "Michael" == Michael Ellis writes: >> >> >> Well, in this case you don't have any conflicting music in the two >> Voice contexts (because the \structure isn't a printed music >> voice). So you can simply leave out the \voiceXXX commands and >> you're ready. What's more, is there a reas

from relative to absolute

2012-02-16 Thread Peter
Greetings, I would like to input portions of my score in absolute. How do I turn off \relative? ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: N.C. symbol in chordNames

2012-05-08 Thread peter
Use 'S' instead of a rest. It will leave a blank area. (Sorry -- I have to top post from my phone. ) Peter Wannemacher --Original Message-- From: worshipgeek Sender: To: Subject: N.C. symbol in chord

Re: First time Voices user

2014-12-20 Thread peter
> "Br" == Br Samuel Springuel writes: Br> 1) Some notes that don't collide (to my eye), are getting shifted Br> as if they did. When the same pair of notes are set as a chord, Br> there is no shift. Clearly there's a difference between what Br> lilypond considers a collision between notes

Re: First time Voices user

2014-12-21 Thread peter
> "Br" == Br Samuel Springuel writes: Br> On 2014-12-21 12:20 AM, wrote: >> As both cases have the same stem direction one has to be shifted. >> Usually if you want two voices you either give them separate >> staves, or give one the \voiceOne and the other the \voiceT

Re: repeat, alternative, partial and full bar

2015-01-29 Thread peter
x27;d do it as \relative c' { \partial 8 d8 \repeat volta 2 { d4 d8 d } \alternative { { d4. d8 } { d2 } } d8 d8 d8 d8 d2 } Peter C ___ lilypond-user mailing list

proportional notation from MIDI file

2015-07-12 Thread Peter
worthwile to learn to work with it or that I have to look for another notation program to reach my goal. (until now I worked with Sibelius, but that program can not do this job.) Thank you. Peter ___ lilypond-user mailing list https

Re: Chordname - fret-diagram line - in different order

2020-05-14 Thread peter
>> \layout { \context { \FretBoards stringTunings = #guitar-tuning } } } Peter C

Re: Help with Midi

2020-08-20 Thread peter
> "David" == David Sumbler writes: David> What I should like to know is 1) how can I use drum and other David> untuned percussion sounds? 2) I notice that fluidr3_gm has David> dozens - probably hundreds - of extra sounds and instruments David> beyond the standard 128. How can I access the

Re: Combining part-files into full scores

2022-05-27 Thread peter
e } } } \include "piece1" \include "piece2" ... --- This creates a bunch of Midi files and a single PDF file. Peter C

Re: how to hide dynamics? Only solution is to have a dedicated midi music variable?

2022-06-06 Thread peter
spacing events in it. Otherwise, dynamics are per-voice. Peter C

Re: Gvim and lilypond and emacs

2019-02-27 Thread peter
ake the default editor point to something else. Peter C ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Turn lead sheet into a blank staff

2019-04-23 Thread peter
Sandro> I'm producing lead sheets with lyrics, melody and chords Sandro> and would like to extract from them som blank sheets with Sandro> just lyrics and chords so that players can take their notes Sandro> (for solos or arrangements). You could always just put an empty stave in parallel with

\partCombine when notes are far apart

2023-07-11 Thread peter
;4 e'' f''} partB={c' c' c' c' c' c' \stemUp c' c' } \partCombine \partA \partB Peter Wannemacher

Re: \unfoldRepeats for midi file

2017-12-10 Thread peter
eat volta 2 to play the tune twice. Peter C ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to layout in unison and part music score? (lyuser: message 9 of 20)

2018-02-03 Thread peter
\time 4/4 \key c \major g a b c | c1 } alto = \relative c'' { c4 d c e } tenor = \relative c' { c4 b a g | } bass = \relative c { c4 g e c } \score { \new Staff { \tune << \new Voice { \voiceOne \alto } \new Voice { \voiceTwo \tenor } \new St

Re: trill & midi

2018-02-06 Thread peter
> I would like to change the trill speed in the midi output. I tried to > change the "#(define..." like in the following code but without success. > Any suggestion? > \version "2.19.81" > \include "" > #(define ac:maxTwiddleTime (ly:make-moment 1/240)) > \score { > \articulate {\ti

Re: trill & midi

2018-02-06 Thread peter
>>>>> "peter" == peter writes: >> I would like to change the trill speed in the midi output. I tried >> to change the "#(define..." like in the following code but without >> success. Any suggestion? peter> When I was writing the trill c

Re: Multiple staffs

2018-02-25 Thread peter
> "J" == J Martin Rushton writes: J> to set a composition which starts with a single instrument before J> bringing in the whole ensemble. I don't want to break it up into J> multiple scores because I want the midi to play through as a single J> performance. Something like this? I think it

Halving/doubling durations

2017-06-14 Thread peter
\new Staff \relative c'' { \key bes \major \time 4/4 bes4 f g g | f es d8( c) bes4 } } by something like \halveDurations { music ... } It'd be fairly easy to write a music function that does this, but I wanted to ask first if there was on

Re: possible bug?

2017-10-26 Thread Peter
Thank you so simple On 26 October 2017 14:55:40 BST, Pierre Perol-Schneider wrote: >Hi Peter, > >\override Beam.breakable = ##t > >should solve your problem. >See : > > >Cheers, >Pierre

Re: Lyrics to rests?

2008-05-21 Thread Peter Johnson
\tag #'music { f8 f4 f8 f4 f | r8 f4. f2 | \times 2/3 {f4 f r4} r8 f8. f | \times 4/5 {f4 f f f f } } \tag #'countingrhythm { \repeat unfold 16 { f8 } \repeat unfold 8 { f4 } } } << \new RhythmicStaff \keepWithTag #'music \notation \new Dev

Re: Problem with accidental not appearing

2008-05-28 Thread Peter Johnson
Griff, The f#16 at the start of the second passage is not a partial: remove this command and it's OK. Looks like with \partial the d# is (incorrectly?) carried over from the previous uncompleted bar. Peter Bugzilla from [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > I have cut down the

Re: Problem with accidental not appearing

2008-05-28 Thread Peter Johnson
fis'8.( g16) a( fis g b) dis,( e fis c) b8.\trill( a16 e16 e''( d) b( c) a( fis) dis'( e) b g e e,8. } } \book { \score { \allemande \header {piece = \markup {ALLEMANDE \tiny {"(" \note #"4" #1 "= 72)"

download failure

2008-06-01 Thread Peter Helner
Dear Sies! When I, according to instruction (to activate lilypond)put the "welcome to lilypond" on the desktop and drop it on the lilypond-icon i only get an errormessage. Greetings from Peter Helner ___ lilypond-user mailing list lil

how to set different line-widths for different movements within same score?

2008-06-07 Thread Peter Kaplan
I would like to set two short movements of a piece on the same page, but with different line-widths (one movement's lines set at 18cm, the other's left to vary with the text). What is the easiest way to implement this, within a single score? Can I apply a unique \paper { } block to each individ

Re: how to set different line-widths for different movements within same score?

2008-06-07 Thread Peter Kaplan
Kieren MacMillan> writes: > > Hope this helps! > Kieren. > Indeed! Thanks much. Now I just need to figure out how to straightforwardly adjust staff sizes between the different movements. Set Global-Staff-Size does a nice job adjusting everything at once, but it seems this comm

Re: how to set different line-widths for different movements within same score?

2008-06-13 Thread Peter Kaplan
Kieren MacMillan> writes: > > As for "straightforwardly"... Does anyone know why it is that "layout- > set-staff-size does not change the distance between the staff > lines"?? It's quite a pain to try to figure out the correct magstep > adjustment for every different score and/o

Re: Divisi and Unison

2008-06-13 Thread Peter Kaplan
Peter Kaplan> writes: > So, is there a lilypond slashcommand to > render the little diverging arrows (point- > ing "northeast" and "southeast") that appear > at the end of a staff that's about to be > divisi beginning in the next sy

Re: Divisi and Unison

2008-06-16 Thread Peter Kaplan
Kieren MacMillan> writes: > >> So, is there a lilypond slashcommand to > >> render the little diverging arrows that appear > >> at the end of a staff that's about to be > >> divisi beginning in the next system? > You might start with the following: > arrow = \markup { \fontsiz

Re: Divisi and Unison

2008-06-16 Thread Peter Kaplan
Francisco Vila> writes: > Here goes another (uglier) starting point: > > arrows = \markup { \postscript #psarrows } > > { c'1-\arrows } > > % end Thanks, Francisco! Unfortunately when I try to implement this code, lilypond fails to recognize \postscript. I'm in v.2.10.33-1, so I

Re: transpose notes to new key?

2008-06-17 Thread Peter Chubb
probably have to define the snippets you want for each mode with no key sig, then transpose. So: majorTriad={ \key c \major c e g} minorTriad={\key c \minor c es g} Lydian={\key c \major c e gis bes] Then transpose. -- Dr Peter Chubb peterc AT htt

Lyric hyphen / glissando

2008-06-18 Thread Peter Johnson
d line (as does the lyric extender). Is this a bug in the lyric hyphen? Sadly coding isn't my thing, but I'm willing to help test and document any solution. Thanks. Peter %%% EXAMPLE OF LYRIC HYPHEN AND LINE BREAK \version "2.11.49" \paper { ragged-right = ##t

Better Midi!!!

2008-06-18 Thread Peter Chubb
ops, which talk to ... -- a robostix that controls fifteen solenoids, an air pressure modulator, a fake tongue and some fake lips to operate the reed. The clarinet itself is an unmodified Yamaha student model, albeit with a plastic reed. -- Dr Peter Chubb

Re: Is there a way to force a bar to have a smaller width?

2008-06-20 Thread Peter Johnson
\newSpacingSection s2 HTH. Peter On 20 Jun 2008, at 01:01, Steven Weber wrote: I’m writing some harp glissandos, where the first several notes of the gliss are written out for accidentals, then the rest of the measure is just the wavy gliss line to the next note. I’ve got it looking right, except

using the cut-time symbol for 4/2 etc.

2008-06-30 Thread Peter Kaplan
peter ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: different rhythmic units for tuplet's numerator and denominator

2008-07-07 Thread Peter Johnson
#'text = #tuplet-number::calc-fraction-text \autoBeamOff g16 \times 2/3 { a8.. b c } | d2 } There's plenty to read up about this topic in the manual. Peter -- View this message in context:

Re: different rhythmic units for tuplet's numerator and denominator

2008-07-09 Thread Peter Johnson
letNumber to show the note length as well as the ratio. What this does do is calculate the tuplet durations, the ratios, and draw the music. Of course, depending what you're writing, it might be easier to set up some re-usable patterns. Hope this helps. Peter %%% \version "2.1

Re: different rhythmic units for tuplet's numerator and denominator

2008-07-11 Thread Peter Johnson
ut why the "\once override " line inserted in the makeTuplet function is ignored. Maybe it should be possible to add a \note to the 'numerator and 'denominator elements in this block, but I just can't work it out. Can anyone help solve this? Cheers. Peter \version &q

Re: broken octaves

2008-07-27 Thread Peter Chubb
rom the current context, but I don't know how. -- Dr Peter Chubb peterc AT ERTOS within National ICT Australia ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-

Re: A new melody with existing chords

2008-07-31 Thread Peter Chubb
> "Thermo" == Thermo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Thermo> I have a one page lyrics, melody and chords lilypond format Thermo> file. Thermo> Now I would like to add a flute melody over the same chords on Thermo> a new page, then add a guitar melody over the same chord Thermo> structure. So it

Better Midi!

2008-08-05 Thread Peter Chubb
s work I've done in scheme) so there're probably major improvements that can be made. articulate.tar.bz2 Description: Binary data -- Dr Peter Chubb peterc AT ERTOS within National ICT Au

Re: Better Midi!

2008-08-07 Thread Peter Chubb
>>>>> "Trevor" == Trevor Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Trevor> Hi Peter Trevor> Just tried your Looks really promising! A Trevor> couple of early comments. It may be obvious, but \articulate Trevor> should only be used in a

Augmentation dot problem in 2.11.55

2008-08-08 Thread Peter Johnson
seen this on different set-ups? Thanks. Peter %% tested input file \relative c'' { \clef treble \time 3/4 g2. a4. b c8. d e d c4. b a2. g } %% ends

Re: Ties & Tuplet Full Length

2008-08-13 Thread Peter Johnson
; { \times 2/3 { 2 1~ } \break 1 \break 1~ \break \once \override NoteColumn #'X-offset = #1.25 1 } \layout { ragged-right = ##t indent = 0\cm \context { \Voice tupletFullLength = ##t } } %%

Re: Please forget LM MG NR IR SL AU

2008-08-13 Thread Peter Wright
Starting point - On 12/08 18:11:15, Nicholas Wastell wrote: [ in response to Graham ] > If you don't like the rtfm questions, don't answer them. There are, > fortunately, some folks on the list with an ounce of patience and > good manners. Hm. Gee, that was subtle. :) Valentin (quite reaso

Re: Large white space on score

2008-08-14 Thread Peter Johnson
e distance from your titles to the music. More in Notation Reference 4.1.2. Peter -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at ___

Chords for accordeon music

2008-08-17 Thread Peter Lensselink
Hello, How can I get the chords (left hand) for Accordion music below the righthand musical notes? Is this possible? Regards Peter ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Ties & Tuplet Full Length

2008-08-17 Thread Peter Johnson
e break, but my knowledge of scheme doesn't reach to that. More practically, I'd suggest you lay out your score and then tweak any individual chords where the ties don't look right. Peter -- View this message in context:

Re: Ties & Tuplet Full Length

2008-08-18 Thread Peter Johnson
iple as setting up global dynamics. More in the snippets list. Example attached. Peter -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User maili

Re: another emacs osx question

2008-08-18 Thread Peter Johnson
way I can change this? > > > ___ > lilypond-user mailing list > > > > Don't know anything about emacs, but are you enclosing your full file path in inverted commas? - "/Users/yourName/Documents/Thi

Re: Questions relating to hymnals

2008-08-20 Thread Peter Chubb
> "Carl" == Carl Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Carl> I'm working on a hymnal, and I have some questions Carl> about some things I need to do for it, layout-wise. Carl> 1) How can I number the hymns (i.e., number each score). I can't Carl> use strict page numbering, since multiple hymns

Re: Printing bar number 1

2008-08-27 Thread Peter Johnson
ever it appears (try setting currentBarNumber to -1 at any point in the score). Peter ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: a script / tool for transposing a lilypond staff / source file by a given interval and output result as a new file

2008-09-07 Thread Peter Chubb
ut. I've reported this a couple of times to the bugs list, but been ignored. Try this: \score { \transpose c' bes << \relative c' { c1 } \relative c' { \transposition bes d1 } >> \midi{} } You s

Re: emacs question

2008-09-10 Thread Peter Chubb
27;lilypond-mode is loaded). Please test before andersvi> including anywhere. You should use shell-quote-argument, which is already in (x)emacs. Peter C ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: any accompanyment software taking lilypond as input files?

2008-09-10 Thread Peter Chubb
ong with it. Tricky part is that a Midi sequencer has no soul .. so there's no possibility for rubato Peter C ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: error: no rhythmic group to end

2008-09-11 Thread Peter Johnson
x27;t been able to see how to fix it, but if you have just one or two cases you could substitute sopranosoloDynamics = { s4 s2.^\< s4*2/3 s s\! } Peter ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Transposing help.

2008-10-26 Thread Peter Chubb
org/cgibin/piece-info.cgi?id=645 I To transpose the score, put the \transpose directive before the \unfoldRepeats directive in each \score{} block. And as was said in a different message, you need to convert the source to a more recent Lily. -- Dr Peter Chubb http://www.gelat

Problem with grace note on first beat of first bar

2008-11-02 Thread Peter Wright
Hi all, I've run into an interesting problem - it's strange enough that I'm starting to suspect it might be an actual bug (though the odds are still probably in favour of me misunderstanding something). Here's a two-bar illustration of the problem - first, with an empty bar and then acciaccatura

Re: Problem with grace note on first beat of first bar

2008-11-02 Thread Peter Wright
Hi David, On 02/11 07:45:18, David Bobroff wrote: > I only glanced at your PDF output but I suspect you've hit a known > issue and there is a workaround. See: > > > > Scroll down to "Known issues and

Re: Problem with grace note on first beat of first bar

2008-11-02 Thread Peter Wright
went askew. On 02/11 08:03:45, David Bobroff wrote: > Peter Wright wrote: [ snip ] >> Note my last example specifically, where there are no other staves to >> synchronise - and it still goes wrong: >> >>

Re: lilypond print jobs consistently disappear to dev null

2008-11-16 Thread Peter Chubb
S and XPDF's output. Federico> # failed print output from kpdf Federico> There's a permissions error on this one. -- Dr Peter Chubb peterc AT

[Choral] Voices/staves - moving from tenor/bass to T1/T2/B1/B2 and back

2008-11-24 Thread Peter Wright
Hi all, I have a sneaky suspicion I'm approaching this problem in completely the wrong way, and I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to do it in a way that works. I'm trying to typeset a choral piece which starts out with just a tenor line and a bass line. No problem. Then the tenor line and ba

Problem with trying to create parts

2008-12-05 Thread Peter Newton
t files without any "include" commands. Thanks for any help. Peter Newton -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User mailing list archive at __

Re: Problem with trying to create parts

2008-12-05 Thread Peter Newton
ectory, and the process continued to work. Peter Newton Peter Newton wrote: > > I am a new user of Lilypond. I am trying to follow the instructions for > creating a score and parts found in the Templates section of the user > manual on page 327 (or page 336 of the PDF version, going b

Explicit durations in Lyrics behaving strangely

2008-12-15 Thread Peter Chubb
to or associatedVoice. A4 -- des2 -- te,4 fi -- del2 -- es, The output looks OK. Why does Lily care about associated voice, if all lyrics have explicit durations? -- Dr Peter Chubb peterc AT http://www.ertos.nicta.c

Compatibillity lilypond - noteedit and other quetions.

2007-07-10 Thread Peter Terpstra
file: (this lilypond tekstfile Is already edited by hand al lot) noteedit file: pdf sheet: With kind regards

outlining fingerings

2007-07-11 Thread Peter Terpstra
= cGuitarXCBVoiceB \GuitarXCBVoiceB \context Voice = cGuitarXCBVoiceC \GuitarXCBVoiceC >> \set Score.skipBars = ##t \set Score.melismaBusyProperties = #'() >> } %%\layout { ragged-right= ##t } \paper { linewidth = 170.000 \mm textheight = 250.000 \mm } ~End The pdf file: With kind regards, Peter -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: outlining fingerings

2007-07-11 Thread Peter Terpstra
ing between 2.8.x and 2.10, but I have been using > this for guitar pieces which I have set. Yes this works! Wel I have have here te lilypond.pdf documenteation from the lylipondsite, which is about version 2.11.26. I did nit found newer documentation. Thanks a lot! Kind Regards,


2007-07-12 Thread Peter Terpstra
ed SCM_T, expecting '=' \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = "II " error: errors found, ignoring music expression I got this from the lilypond.pdf documentation from the lilypond site, but

Re: TesxtSpanner

2007-07-13 Thread Peter Terpstra
. Kind regards, Peter -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: TesxtSpanner

2007-07-13 Thread Peter Terpstra error: syntax error, unexpected SCM_TOKEN, expecting '=' \override TextSpanner #'bound-details #'left #'text = "II " error: errors found, ignoring music expression

Re: TextSpanner

2007-07-14 Thread Peter Terpstra
ied it with this: \override TextScript #'outside-staff-priority = ##f fis2-1^\markup{ \italic II } g-2 An this works! P. I still have a lot of problems with other things, trying find relief in working with denemo but this software is crashing too often. And i don't know if this wo

Re: TextSpanner

2007-07-14 Thread Peter Terpstra
are very hard to use for my purpose. Kind Regards and many thanks for your advice! Peter PS: Exuses for my bad English. -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Two bars - 3 voices.

2007-07-17 Thread Peter Terpstra
Dear readers, Tried already many things from the documantation from this, every time i run stuck. Then i start al over and try again. I want to have two bars for guitar 1 and guitar 2, each guitar has 3 voices. It must also produce an good simultanius midi. What is the best setup for this? Kin

Re: Two bars - 3 voices.

2007-07-18 Thread Peter Terpstra
Valentin Villenave in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : > I don't exactly know what you need, but here's my advice: install the > jEdit editor on your computer, open it, go to "plugin manager" and > install the LilyPondTool plugin. Once you've installed it, create a > new (empty) .ly file, save it, and the Li

Re: Two bars - 3 voices.

2007-07-18 Thread Peter Terpstra
Valentin Villenave in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : >> Yesterday i've been working all day on that tool. >> The syntaxes i have already in .vimrc. > > You have to configure LilyPondTool for better results: > in jEdit, go to "Plugin>Plugin Options>LilyPondTool>General" and > change the path to LilyPond bi

Re: Two bars - 3 voices.

2007-07-18 Thread Peter Terpstra
Valentin Villenave in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : > % Created on Tue Jul 17 11:40:46 CEST 2007 I used this one and get confused again. ~~ start snippit staffClassicalGuitar = \new Staff { \time 4/4 \set Staff.instrumentName="Guitar 1" \set Staff.midiInstrument="acoustic guita

Re: Two bars - 3 voices.

2007-07-19 Thread Peter Terpstra
Valentin Villenave in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : > That's because ... Okay, many thanks for all your answers! I'm getting used to the lilypondtool (it still has some errors), its a nice and very helpful tool. Kind regards, Peter -- mail

Re: Compatibillity lilypond - noteedit and other quetions.

2007-07-19 Thread Peter Terpstra
Peter Terpstra in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : > warning: can't find property type-check for `noAutoBeaming' > (translation-type?).  perhaps a typing error? "\set Voice.noAutoBeaming = ##t" should be "\set Voice.noAutoBeaming = ##f" "\set

Re: Compatibillity lilypond - noteedit and other quetions.

2007-07-19 Thread Peter Terpstra
Mats Bengtsson in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : > Since NoteEdit generates LilyPond code corresponding to > an old version of LilyPond, you have to upgrade the syntax > using convert-ly (see the manual for details about using > convert-ly). That does not help, but thanks for your answer. P. -- mailto

Re: Compatibillity lilypond - noteedit and other quetions.

2007-07-19 Thread Peter Terpstra
Valentin Villenave in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : > > > It's in active development and one of its goals is to be fully > compatible with LilyPond. Interesting ... P. -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing lis

Re: Compatibillity lilypond - noteedit and other quetions.

2007-07-19 Thread Peter Terpstra
many clashing note columns b a4 g | fis2 g | \break % 5 warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns b a4 g | fis2 g | \break % 5 warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns b a4 g

Re: Compatibillity lilypond - noteedit and other quetions.

2007-07-19 Thread Peter Terpstra
any clashing note columns b a4 g | fis2 g | \break % 5 warning: ignoring too many clashing note columns \stemUp e'2. fis4 | g2 a | % 3 Layout output to `'... Converting to `test.pdf'... ~~~End Kind Regards, Peter -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Compatibillity lilypond - noteedit and other quetions.

2007-07-23 Thread Peter Terpstra
Peter Terpstra in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : > [ cut : errors ] *All* the errors are solved by copying the notes in a modern setup!! That was easy :-P Peter PS: does anyone know how to prevent lilypond from making a .ps file?, i only want the midi and the pdf. Kind Regards, Peter -

ps and pdf (was Re: Compatibillity lilypond - noteedit and other quetions.)

2007-07-24 Thread Peter Terpstra
Valentin Villenave in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : > There was a discussion about that a few months ago; maybe we should > talk about it again... Thanks to an emailed answer i have the `-ddelete-intermediate-files' option. This option is now used by default. >

textSpanner again.

2007-07-25 Thread Peter Terpstra
tax error, unexpected NOTENAME_PITCH c2\startTextSpan b c\stopTextSpan a Layout output to `'... Converting to `tmp.pdf'... error: failed files: "" ~~End Why??? And how do i solve this? Kind Regards, Peter -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ___

Re: textSpanner again.

2007-07-25 Thread Peter Terpstra
Martial in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : > the  syntaxe  changed in 2.11.. Ah, and wher do i find the documentation for the stable 2.10. ? Or is there a stable version of 2.11 coming soon? Thanks you very much for your answer! P. -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] __

right align?

2007-07-25 Thread Peter Terpstra
Dear Readers, \header { title = "Old dance" subtitle = \markup \tiny \italic { \right-align { "From \"Jane Pickerings lute book\" " } } } But the tekst stays in the center, what could be a solution? Kind Regards, Pete

Re: right align?

2007-07-25 Thread Peter Terpstra
Tao Cumplido in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : > you just have to add an empty string which will be on the left edge of the > page. Thank you very much! P. -- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ lilypond-user mailing list http://lists.gnu.

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