Re: Lilybin

2012-10-04 Thread Trevor
ane.comp.gnu.lilypond.**general > Subject: Re: Lilybin > > Hi Martin, > On 22/09/12 23:24, Martin Tarenskeen wrote: > >> >> When will be updated to use lilypond 2.16 (stable) >> or 2.17 (devel) ? >> >> Lilybin is layered on LilyPond and is no

Re: Experimental Web-based Lilypond Editor

2012-02-01 Thread Trevor
Yes, it's very likely your firewall is crippling it. I'll see if I can tweak some things to make it work from behind a firewall. On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 4:53 AM, Helge Kruse wrote: > >> Let me know how it works for you! > >> > > It doesn't work here. I tried Internet Explorer 9.0 and Firefox Porta

LilyBin on GitHub

2013-05-27 Thread Trevor
I finally got around to throwing the code for LilyBin up on GitHub: I want to rewrite it soon, mostly to improve the front-end, but I think I'll also rewrite the server in Go. If you're good at javascript, you may be able to help some. Users: please create

Re: LilyBin on GitHub

2013-05-28 Thread Trevor
Thank you for reminding me Federico. I added a LICENSE file (MIT license) to the repository. On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 5:49 AM, Federico Bruni wrote: > 2013/5/28 Christian Andersson > >> On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 8:37 AM, Trevor wrote: >> >>> I finally got around to th

Re: point-and-click from PDF viewer to lilypond editor

2015-06-15 Thread Trevor
Not that it'll help your particular workflow, but somebody might be interested to learn that LilyBin now does point-and-click. On Sat, Jun 6, 2015 at 1:40 AM Federico Bruni wrote: > Hi all > > Does anybody here use point-and-click from an external PDF viewer > (either Evinc

Re[2]: Merging note heads with different pitches. Bug?

2020-02-19 Thread Trevor
#x27;ve not investigated how to remove the unwanted natural. Trevor -- Original Message -- From: "Knute Snortum" To: "Mark Stephen Mrotek" Cc: Sent: 19/02/2020 22:32:42 Subject: Re: Merging note heads with different pitches. Bug? Well, it works

Re[3]: 2.21.1 change of behavior of \compressMMRests?

2020-05-04 Thread Trevor
/msg00212.html so it did apparently affect some users adversely. Trevor

Re[2]: ties between voices

2020-06-29 Thread Trevor
e A1 Built-in templates in the LM). It greatly simplifies what needs to be written. It's worth a look if you've not used it. Trevor

Re: grammar in LilyPond

2020-11-17 Thread Trevor
Freeman, you wrote 17/11/2020 17:35:47 I would like to understand better how names are used LilyPond? For example, when Capital letters are used, "-", ".", "_", &c. in variables and functions, &c. I read this sum place, but i can not find it. If someone knows a referans, please tell me?

Re[2]: how to move a clef horizontally

2020-12-25 Thread Trevor
explanation is here: Scroll down to find it. Trevor

Re: 2nd stanza lyrics cont.

2021-04-21 Thread Trevor
vocal music. I used them all the time to prepare music when I was leading a small choir. Worth a look. Trevor -- Original Message -- From: "Stephane Krims" To: "" Sent: 21/04/2021 18:49:42 Subject: 2nd stanza lyrics cont. Thank you Remy a

Re[2]: \compressMMRests, compressEmptyMeasures or \compressFullBarRests?

2021-11-14 Thread Trevor
\compressMMRests was intended to be used: { \compressMMRests { \m \m } } Trevor

Re: SATB.Ly template and putting lyrics below the staff

2022-03-09 Thread Trevor
Hi Colin, you wrote 08/03/2022 00:39:10: I've just discovered Trevor Daniels' system, and huge kudos to him! I've tweaked a bit by adding \consists Merge_rests_engraver to a Layout variable, but I'm wrestling the lyrics a bit. By default, they come out aligned

Re[2]: feathered beam calculations

2018-12-21 Thread Trevor
"Reggie" wrote 21/12/2018 19:10:12 \relative c' { \override Beam.grow-direction = #LEFT \featherDurations #(ly:make-moment 2/1) c32[ d e f g f e f d f g f d e d f] c4~c | c1 | } My CODE has no errors. And yet the 2/1 does NOT space out any notes at ALL it's just normal beamed notes wit

Re: Problems defining markup function to draw lines.

2018-12-22 Thread Trevor
ressive-marks#expressive-marks-breathing-signs Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Make dynamic script with long text

2019-01-10 Thread Trevor
-- Original Message -- From: "Andrew Bernard" To: "lilypond-user Mailinglist" Sent: 10/01/2019 12:12:19 Subject: Make dynamic script with long text Using make-dynamic-script generally works well for me. But now I need to have "pp e cresc...". This is all well and good, except I would

Re[2]: Make dynamic script with long text

2019-01-10 Thread Trevor
Apologies, I rattled the previous reply off too quickly. This is what I'd mis-remembered: ppecresc = \tweak DynamicText.self-alignment-X #LEFT \tweak DynamicText.extra-spacing-width #'(0 . -10) #(make-dynamic-script ppecrescText) Trevor -- Original Message -- From: "

Re[2]: Make dynamic script with long text

2019-01-11 Thread Trevor
understanding of the internals and the LM was the result. Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Springs and rods

2019-01-18 Thread Trevor
this would eventually be fixed (and so the need for documentation obviated) it has never been documented properly. Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Tie minimum length

2019-01-18 Thread Trevor
st. It must be set like this: \override Tie.details.min-length = ... However, it doesn't do what you expect - it merely feeds into the length penalty. To specify a minimum length for the tie you should use minimum-length, as you discovered. This is defined in the spanner-interface,

Re[2]: Use of \vspace and \hspace

2019-01-20 Thread Trevor
.8.2 looks like the obvious place. Trevor ps Nice to see you active on LilyPond again! ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re[4]: Use of \vspace and \hspace

2019-01-20 Thread Trevor
Valentin, you wrote 20/01/2019 18:12:07 On 1/20/19, Trevor wrote: "Text markup introduction" in Section 1.8.2 looks like the obvious place. Well, not exactly. As the introduction to "Formatting text", it describes what markup mode is, but not _where_ or _why_ markup

Watch indicator

2019-01-23 Thread Trevor
Hi list Some time ago someone on the list posted some postscript (I think) which drew a pair of spectacles as an indication to a choir to watch the conductor. I've tried to find it again, but can't. Does anyone have a pointer to it

Re: Please test new lilypond installers

2019-01-29 Thread Trevor
Looking good! Many thanks to David, Knut, Urs and all those involved in generating this release! Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Fw: Re: text block as spanner

2019-01-31 Thread Trevor
a solution. Kieren? Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re[2]: Slur with left and/or right arrow head

2019-04-19 Thread Trevor
rride Slur.details.arrow-left = ##t \override Slur.details.arrow-right = ##t \override Slur.details.arrow-left = ##f \override Slur.details.arrow-right = ##f ? Trevor -- Original Message -- From: "Thomas Morley" To: "Aaron Hill" ; "Lukas-Fabian Moser"

Re: How to proofread?

2019-11-30 Thread Trevor
nd, I listen to the Midi and finally I print it and play it through carefully on a piano. HTH, Trevor

Re[2]: Beam issue

2023-09-23 Thread Trevor
This preserves the normal beaming of quavers as Gould recommends except for this situation. Trevor -- Original Message -- From "Jakob Pedersen" To Date 23/09/2023 20:17:15 Subject Re: Beam issue Hi Raj I don't know why Lilypond does what it does, but

Re[2]: edition-editor usage

2017-12-26 Thread Trevor
any ideas what I might be doing wrong? Trevor -- Original Message -- From: "Jan-Peter Voigt" To:; "Mason Hock" Sent: 24/12/2017 10:19:48 Subject: Re: edition-editor usage Hello Mason, it is possible to use \shapeII with the edition-engra

Re: Holes in spanners for tall notes

2018-01-01 Thread Trevor
e note stick up over the volta? Yes; this override prevents the spanner from taking part in the outside staff ordering: \version "2.19.80" { \override Score.VoltaBracketSpanner.outside-staff-priority=##f \repeat volta 2 {R1} \alternative { {a4 a

Re: \new Dynamics spacing

2018-01-06 Thread Trevor
it in the 2.18 manuals here: Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re[2]: Re-direct write processes in Frescobaldi?

2018-02-18 Thread Trevor
efits far outweigh the dangers - just make sure you make frequent backups of anything critical, just as you would with any other type of drive. Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Lyrics "polyphony"

2018-03-20 Thread Trevor
A B C << { D e -- f g } \new Lyrics \with { alignBelowContext = "LyricsA" } { \lyricsto "upper" { E -- F G } } >> C G } \score { << \new Staff \new Voice = "upper" \notesA \new Lyrics = "Lyri

Re[2]: Slurs do not work with Larsen articulations

2018-04-25 Thread Trevor
terest or became discouraged by the battles required to force changes through the system. Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re[2]: How do I use \tag?

2018-07-15 Thread Trevor
'a \melody Hopefully this works in 2.18 too. Trevor -- Original Message -- From: "Pierre Perol-Schneider" To: Cc: "Lilypond-User Mailing List" Sent: 15/07/2018 13:39:55 Subject: Re: How do I use \tag? Hi, Does this help ? \version

Re[2]: How do I use \tag? (lyuser: message 5 of 20)

2018-07-15 Thread Trevor
From: To: Sent: 15/07/2018 15:19:54 Subject: Re: How do I use \tag? (lyuser: message 5 of 20) Hello Trevor bla = -\markup { Bla } melody = \relative c'' { c4 d e f ^\bla c4 d e f ^\tag #'a \bla % (1) } \keepWith

Re[2]: \textLengthOn in polyphony and over MultiMeasureRests

2018-07-30 Thread Trevor
Urs, you wrote 30/07/2018 11:07:44 Hm, I thought I finally had the solution, based on ideas from an earlier post by you and the one by Trevor: \new Staff \relative { << { \override Staff.NoteColumn.X-offset = 10 c''2 c

Re: Proprietary Software term

2018-08-18 Thread Trevor
locked-in? -- Original Message -- From: "Urs Liska" To: "lilypond-user" Sent: 18/08/2018 10:53:32 Subject: Proprietary Software term Hi, I'm pulling my hair because I don't manage to find a certain term to use in an abstract. We've talked about the issue over and over again, but

Re: LilyBin embedded [WAS: New LilyPond website]

2017-02-20 Thread Trevor
I'm primarily responsible for LilyBin. A year or so ago, Timothy Gu (copied) and I got LilyPond running in AWS Lambda, which should be able to handle plenty of traffic. I get 266,667 seconds of free computation time per month from Amazon. We used 38,094 seconds in January for 18,398 requests, meani

Reduce LilyPond installation disk size

2017-02-22 Thread Trevor
To run LilyPond on AWS Lambda for LilyBin, I need to upload a zip file containing the LilyPond executable and assets, and it must be no larger than 50 MB. Recent versions of LilyPond unstable are about 52 MB zipped (zip -r9). Are there any large files in the installation directory I can delete with

Re: Reduce LilyPond installation disk size

2017-02-22 Thread Trevor
--symlink helps a lot! Down to 34M. Thank you. On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 11:59 AM Alexander Kobel wrote: > Hi Trevor, > > On 2017-02-22 11:31, Trevor wrote: > > To run LilyPond on AWS Lambda for LilyBin, I need to upload a zip > > file containing the LilyPond executable and a


2017-03-20 Thread Trevor
It's not hard to hit LilyBin from the command line, but the interface isn't great. Try curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"code": "% LilyBin\n\\score{\n\t{\n\t\t\\repeat unfold 120 { c4. d e f }\n\t

Re: lilybin php script (was: Re: (fwd))

2017-03-23 Thread Trevor
Keep in mind that the pdf and midi files aren't kept on the server for long; they're deleted, I think, after 24 hours. On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 9:56 AM Martin Tarenskeen wrote: > > > > On Wed, 22 Mar 2017, Sven Axelsson wrote: > >> You can already do that. just use lilybin -d with a .midi extens

Re: change measure's width

2008-05-16 Thread Trevor Daniels
Score.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 2 1) c4*2 c c c Lily's internal book-keeping will allow as fine an adjustment on the spacing as you like, eg \set Score.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 1375 1000) c4*1375/1000 c c c Note, though, that this will also affect the midi output. Trevor - Ori

Re: Custom lyric extender

2008-05-16 Thread Trevor Daniels
The lyric extender is actually drawn as a long thin box with rounded corners. AFAIK there is no easy way to replace this with any other sort of symbol, but maybe someone can prove me wrong. Trevor - Original Message - From: "Peter Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To:

Re: question about multiple choir staff's in one system

2008-05-17 Thread Trevor Daniels
Hi You have correctly used << .. >> round the staves within each ChoirStaff, but you have not placed << .. >> round the several ChoirStaves. You get errors in the first attempt as LilyPond does not permit sequential ChoirStaves. The second attempt works because everything is now simultaneous

Haskell module design [was Re: *.mid vs *.midi]

2008-05-19 Thread Trevor Daniels
rickier to use. Is this an offer to write the code necessary to incorporate the Haskell module design into LilyPond? If not, why discuss it? Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Small crescendo documentation improvement suggestion

2008-05-19 Thread Trevor Daniels
Interesting! In versions 2.11.44-1 and 2.11.45-1 on Windows I find exactly the opposite - the first example produces a dotted line, the second produces a solid line. I can't try 2.11.46 as it has not yet been released for Windows. Trevor - Original Message - From: "

Re: grace notes in TimeSig

2008-05-22 Thread Trevor Daniels
Stefan The mechanism used for timing means you have to include matching dummy grace notes in all parallel contexts. If you make the following change I think it will work as you want: dreiviertel = { \time 3/4 \grace {s32 s s} % matching grace timing #(override-auto-beam-setting '(e

Re: grace notes in TimeSig

2008-05-23 Thread Trevor Daniels
nerate one based on your example. Trevor 2008/5/23 Trevor Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Stefan The mechanism used for timing means you have to include matching dummy grace notes in all parallel contexts. If you make the following change I think it will work as you want: dreiviertel = { \t

Re: rests position in otherwise empty measure.txt

2008-05-25 Thread Trevor Daniels
sts in the 2.11 Notation reference, which applies pretty well to 2.10 and is much improved. Trevor - Original Message - From: "Bill Mooney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2008 6:39 AM Subject: rests position in otherwise empty measure.txt I am preparing

Re: PDF tutorial for offline viewing

2008-05-28 Thread Trevor Daniels
click on Learning Manual. Right at the top of the resulting page is a link to the pdf version. It is intended to be read sequentially. Enjoy! Trevor - Original Message - From: "Benedict J. Yappy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 11:37 AM Subje

Re: "header", "layout" and "paper" blocks as variables...

2008-06-02 Thread Trevor Bača
n do this: ### BEGIN ### \include "" \include "" \include "" % real .ly input % goes % here % ... ### END ### Just in case that's what you were actually after ... Trevor. On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 7:30 PM, padovani &l

Re: Context creation

2008-06-03 Thread Trevor Daniels
can be really puzzling! (The inner set is shorthand for \sequential { ... }, a command which is never required to be stated explicitly.} \score { { \new Staff = "mycontext" \relative c' { c4 d e f g2. } \context Staff = "mycontext" \relative c' { g'4 g f

Re: Algorithm to calculate tuplets?

2008-06-03 Thread Trevor Bača
fficulty: Nauert, P. (1994). A theory of complexity to constrain the approximation of arbitrary sequences of timepoints. Perspectives of New Music, 32(2):226–263. Though when it comes to quantization I've never been able to shake the following, nagging question: if you need to quantize at the

Re: 2008 Community Choice Awards; call for votes

2008-06-06 Thread Trevor Bača
I've done likewise on Sourceforge ... Trevor. On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 7:57 AM, Oscar van Eijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hi All, > > has launched the 2008 Community Choice Awards for the > best open source project. > > I'm involved in severa

GDP: Renaming NR 3

2008-06-07 Thread Trevor Daniels
Titles and headers Controlling output MIDI output Would this be better? What might this be called? Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: numérotation, chiffre de chaque mesure / numbering of each measure

2008-06-07 Thread Trevor Daniels
See Section "Bar numbers" in the Notation Reference for release 2.11. There are examples there that show you how to do this. Essentially you need to add an override: \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #all-visible Trevor - Original Message -

Re: Renaming NR 3

2008-06-10 Thread Trevor Daniels
Jay Hamilton wrote Saturday, June 07, 2008 2:33 PM Trevor- I wouldn't put concepts and a properties later it's information that's needed in that order of learning to use the program. The ordering of material is certainly important in the Learning Manual, which is desi

Re: accidentals in augmented unisons

2008-06-11 Thread Trevor Daniels
ncil = #ly:text-interface::print \once \override Accidental #'text = #naturalplusflat \once \override Score.AccidentalPlacement #'right-padding = #10 } Trevor - Original Message - From: "luis jure" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "lilypon

Re: substitution with \movement

2008-06-12 Thread Trevor Daniels
ually LM 4 Tweaking output. - Graham Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: minimumVerticalExtent & minimum-Y-extent

2008-06-13 Thread Trevor Daniels
Hi Risto The \addlyrics construct does have its limitations due to relying on the implicit creation of the various contexts, and this seems to be one of them, although I would regard this as a bug. If you specify the contexts explicitly you can use the \with construct, which does seem to wor

Re: 2.11.49 - MIDI (again...)

2008-06-16 Thread Trevor Daniels
then compiles without error and produces a midi file. Don't know if it's exactly what you intended though. Trevor - Original Message - From: "George_" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 4:56 AM Subject: Re: 2.11.49 - MIDI (again...) \v

Re: Phrasing marks are awesome!

2008-06-16 Thread Trevor Daniels
rics. Have I missed something? Trevor - Original Message - From: "Patrick Horgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 2:22 AM Subject: Phrasing marks are awesome! I just found out that if you use phrasing marks, you don't have to put in time exten

Re: clefs not shown

2008-06-17 Thread Trevor Daniels
Stefan Which version are you using? When I try it clefs appear as expected in both 2.11.49 and 2.11.43-2. Trevor - Original Message - From: "Stefan Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "lilypond-user" Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 7:16 PM Subject: clefs not sh

Re: clefs not shown

2008-06-17 Thread Trevor Daniels
Hmm. I find 2.11.47 also produces clefs as expected. Maybe the problem lies elsewhere. If you can't spot anything maybe try upgrading to 2.11.49 in case something in your installation is corrupted. Trevor - Original Message - From: "Stefan Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTEC

Re: clefs not shown

2008-06-18 Thread Trevor Daniels
I should have noticed the problem was in the -second- staff - sorry Stefan :( Trevor - Original Message - From: "Thomas Scharkowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 9:49 PM Subject: Re: clefs not shown I get clefs in the first system (vers

Re: Lilypond and CPU cost, system resource exhaust... (was: Strangeerror causes Lilypond refus...)

2008-06-22 Thread Trevor Daniels
asily fixed. So try commenting out the fontname overrides - that fixed the problem for me - or upgrading to 2.11.49. Trevor - Original Message - From: "hhpmusic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "lilypond-user" Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:02 AM Subject: Lilypon

Re: Is my approach sane?)

2008-06-23 Thread Trevor Daniels
Hi Patrick Yes, a new \score is the easiest way to introduce a different staff arrangement. Trevor - Original Message - From: "Patrick Horgan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Mailinglist lilypond-user" Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 10:45 PM Subject: Is my a

Re: Inspirational Headwords for Chords section of manual

2008-06-24 Thread Trevor Bača
ith figured bass. Anybody got > one they could share? > > IIRC, our "inspirational" guy used to be known as Trevor B. :-) True! But extremely busy ... maybe we can tempt one of the other composers or other interested parties on

Re: syntax question

2008-06-25 Thread Trevor Daniels
Yes, this is in NR 5, which I haven't started yet, so it's out-of-date and full of various FIXME's and TODO's. There are a couple more sections in NR 3 to tidy up before I move on to NR 5. Trevor - Original Message - From: "Graham Percival" <[EMAIL

Re: Using LilyPond with Arabic music

2008-06-30 Thread Trevor Daniels
guess this is a bug, but as it is rather obscure perhaps you or someone else could verify it. Trevor - Original Message - From: "josephHarfouch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 1:50 PM Subject: Using LilyPond with Arabic music http://www.nabb

Re: Downloading the install file

2008-07-01 Thread Trevor Daniels
I get the same problem. It seems the download host ( is down. It doesn't respond to a ping. Trevor - Original Message - From: "Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 6:47 AM Subject: Downloading t

Re: Some Midi Output Problems

2008-07-09 Thread Trevor Daniels
arks in the midi \score block. Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Custom noteheads and chords

2008-07-09 Thread Trevor Daniels
variable, so this might not be quite the answer you want. Trevor - Original Message - From: "Eric Knapp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "List lilypond-user" Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 10:27 PM Subject: Custom noteheads and chords Hello, With the help of a r

Re: Custom noteheads and chords

2008-07-10 Thread Trevor Daniels
The example in section 4.6.5 of the Learning Manual might be a good starting point. Trevor - Original Message - From: "Eric Knapp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 5:19 AM Subject: Re: Custom noteheads and chords Music functions? Ah, ha!

Re: Y-coordinates don't work in offset function

2008-07-11 Thread Trevor Daniels
Jonathan Try \version "2.11.51" fingerOffset = #(define-music-function (parser location offsets) (pair?) #{ \once \override Fingering #'extra-offset = #$offsets #}) % \fingerOffset #'-0.2 #'-0.3 % moves fingering .2 spaces left and .3 down \relative c''' { \override Fingering #'

Re: Some Midi Output Problems

2008-07-11 Thread Trevor Daniels
ng a music function is described in Section 6.1 of the 2.11 docs. Be prepared for a long haul, though :) The example in 6.3.3 shows the sort of thing you might need. Trevor - Original Message - From: "grick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Trevor Daniels" <[EMAI

Re: Chord Names — seen but not h eard?

2008-07-11 Thread Trevor Daniels
Better late than never! You can try removing the Note_performer, like this: \midi { \context { \ChordNameVoice \remove Note_performer } } Trevor - Original Message - From: "99% Perspiration" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2008

Re: Creating Chorded Notes

2008-07-12 Thread Trevor Daniels
tion (ly:make-duration 1 0 1 1) 'pitch (ly:make-pitch -1 0 0)) Trevor - Original Message - From: "Eric Knapp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "List lilypond-user" Sent: Saturday, July 12, 2008 3:36 PM Subje

Re: nopc -- Proposed Predefines

2008-07-14 Thread Trevor Daniels
Personally, I always compile with p&c, except for final output, for which the command-line method is the simplest method to temporarily disable it. This would be fine, but some users are not familiar with the command line. Those that use the command line can simply ignore

Re: nopc -- Proposed Predefines

2008-07-14 Thread Trevor Daniels
Valentin Villenave a écrit, Monday, July 14, 2008 7:25 PM, 2008/7/14 Trevor Daniels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Two good points. So why do we need \pointAndClickOn? John Mandereau (whom I've just met with) has just given me an example of a case where one would need a \pointAndClickO

Re: nopc -- Proposed Predefines

2008-07-14 Thread Trevor Daniels
and I have no intention of learning to use another just so I can turn off point and click. It is silly to suggest it. Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: nopc -- Proposed Predefines

2008-07-14 Thread Trevor Daniels
lypondtool. Perhaps you should try it before recommending it. Cheers, - Graham Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: nopc -- Proposed Predefines

2008-07-15 Thread Trevor Daniels
html, css, javascript, python, php, scheme too? All of which I use. Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: nopc -- Proposed Predefines

2008-07-15 Thread Trevor Daniels
ty with it, which I can't spare just at the moment. Actually, the feature I miss most is folding, which it has, especially if it can fold texinfo subsections etc (?), so when I get a spare afternoon I'll give it another whizz (I tried it 15 months or so ago and failed to make it work properl

Re: \tag can't follow \lyricsto

2008-07-15 Thread Trevor Daniels
itly, whereas {} does, so the command fails without the {}. However, this seems a poor structure for an input file, as it is quite unclear whether the tagged line should generate a new staff, generate a new voice, or be part of "dirge". So, not really a bug, just a bad input file. Trevo

Re: \tag can't follow \lyricsto

2008-07-16 Thread Trevor Daniels
Nicolas Sceaux wrote Le 15 juil. 08 à 21:02, Trevor Daniels a écrit : Roman Stawski wrote << \new Staff { \new Voice = "dirge" { c''1 } } \lyricsto "dirge" \new Lyrics { Whoops } \tag #'harmony \new Staff { a'1 } >> OK, I see what you a


2008-07-17 Thread Trevor Daniels
always, see the GDP docs at the GDP website: Trevor ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: GDP: NR 3

2008-07-17 Thread Trevor Daniels
Thanks for the quick response! Graham Percival wrote Thursday, July 17, 2008 9:37 AM On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:17:31 +0100 "Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: NR 3.5 MIDI output I think 3.5.7 is unnecessary. Just add ", in any MIDI player which supports pitch be

Re: GDP: NR 1.5 Simultaneous, second draft

2008-07-17 Thread Trevor Daniels
o, but there's huge swaths of material that I don't know -- or even worse, material I *think* that I know, but I'm actually incorrect. Absolutely! I keep finding my misconceptions have occasionally crept into the docs. We really do need the real experts to review this new material.

Re: Still confused about context vs. new

2008-07-18 Thread Trevor Daniels
5.1.2 Creating contexts, although this section has not yet been reviewed in GDP so maybe it could be improved. Let me know to what extent it helps you. In any case I'll bear your comments in mind when I get to that section. Trevor - Original Message - From: "Patrick Horgan&quo

Re: GDP: NR 3

2008-07-18 Thread Trevor Daniels
Graham Percival wrote Friday, July 18, 2008 1:28 AM On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 11:10:11 +0100 "Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Graham Percival wrote Thursday, July 17, 2008 9:37 AM > I think 3.5.7 is unnecessary. Just add ", in any MIDI player which > supports

Re: GDP: NR 1.5 Simultaneous, second draft

2008-07-18 Thread Trevor Daniels
Francisco Vila wrote Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:35 PM 2008/7/17 Karl Hammar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Ex1: << { \A } \\ { \B } >> creates TWO new voices, which get you into problems when doing \lyricsto, where Ex2: << { \voiceOne \a } \new Voice { \voiceTwo \b } >> \oneVoice only creates ONE new

Re: GDP: NR 1.5 Simultaneous, second draft

2008-07-20 Thread Trevor Daniels
briefly the explicit creation of multiple voices to the techniques listed in Single-staff polyphony. Trevor - Original Message - From: "Francisco Vila" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2008 12:00 AM Subject: Re: GDP: NR 1.5 Simultaneous, second draft

Re: Spurious time signature

2008-07-20 Thread Trevor Daniels
This is a known limitation of grace notes. See the Known issues and warnings section in Grace notes in the 2.11 Notation Reference for a solution. Trevor - Original Message - From: "Thomas Ruedas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Lilypond mailing list&qu

Re: Spurious time signature

2008-07-20 Thread Trevor Daniels
Sorry, I see you're still using 2.10. The situation is exactly the same, but in the 2.10 documentation the warning and solution are in section 6.5.7 Grace notes under Bugs. Trevor - Original Message - From: "Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Thomas

Re: strange error -beam and tremolo

2008-07-22 Thread Trevor Daniels
Seems to work ok in the latest development version, 2.11.52, so I guess you're using an earlier version. The development version is now at least as stable as 2.10, so it might be worth upgrading, although you will need to run convert-ly on your files. Trevor - Original Message -

Re: combine music, merge noteheads

2008-07-22 Thread Trevor Daniels
Try \partcombine {\stemUp \sopone} \soptwo This should do what you want, at least for this simple example. Trevor - Original Message - From: "Germain G. Ivanoff-Trinadtzaty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: "Lilypond users" Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 4:34 PM Sub

Re: Tie control-points delete another tie

2008-07-24 Thread Trevor Daniels
8 . 2) (13.5 . -1.2)) fis4. ~ fis4 a8 } \relative c'' { d4. ~ d4 e8 d4. ~ d4 e8 } >> \new Voice { \stemDown \relative c'' { a8 a16 a a8 a a a a8 a16 a a8 a a a } } Trevor - Original Message - From:

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