
Many thanks for this.

I know nothing of Arabic music, but something
along the lines of your documentation would
be a useful addition to NR 2 Specialist

A couple of points, though:

If the example is copied from the pdf the fancy
quote sign on the two re's has to be replaced
with a straight apostrophe.

And more seriously, it seems that semi-flats
in \key, as shown in the example Semai Muhayer,
are incompatible with \midi {}.  If both are
present the following error occurs in 2.11.49:

Interpreting music... C:/Program Files/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/lily-library.scm:135:5: In procedure ly:book-process in expression (process-procedure book paper ...): C:/Program Files/LilyPond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/lily-library.scm:135:5: Wrong type (expecting exact integer): -3/2

The non-integer varies depending on the
precise key signature.

I guess this is a bug, but as it is rather
obscure perhaps you or someone else could
verify it.


----- Original Message ----- From: "josephHarfouch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 1:50 PM
Subject: Using LilyPond with Arabic music arabic.tex arabic.pdf


Some time ago, I put a question on the forum regarding using Arabic music
with LilyPond, and I got some very helpful advice regarding the notating of half-flats and half-sharps. I have created an "" file based on that
advice, and to add arabic maqams (modes or scales).I also created
documentation of how to use LilyPond with Arabic music which I'm attaching
and I would like to share with others, in the hope of encouraging the use of LilyPond with Arabic music. I would be happy to get feedback to improve this
documentation, and very happy to share it with others, for example if you
think it is useful to make "" part of your product in the future,
and/or to put the attached documentation on your web site, or as an appendix
to your documentation etc.

Best Regards

Joseph Harfouch
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