Thanks for the quick response!
Graham Percival wrote Thursday, July 17, 2008 9:37 AM
On Thu, 17 Jul 2008 09:17:31 +0100
"Trevor Daniels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
NR 3.5 MIDI output
I think 3.5.7 is unnecessary. Just add ", in any MIDI player which
supports pitch bending" to the item in 3.5.2.
I included this because the only mention of microtones
in NR 1/NR 2 (AFAICS) is rather buried in Note names in other
languages, with no heading to @ref to. Maybe now that
we have a section on World music it could be replaced by
a @ref to something there, but there's nothing suitable
yet. Happy to do as you suggest as soon as there is a
suitable section on microtones elsewhere which I could
@ref to.
I'm not certain if we need a separate subsubsection for instrument
names. Why not merge that with 3.5.3?
Agreed it is too short to remain on its own, but
it doesn't really belong in a section about \midi.
Maybe merging it into 3.5.1 would be better?
I'm not certain about the order of .2 and .3. IMO, there's three
parts of MIDI:
- basic setup (including tempo and instrument name)
- what's included in MIDI
- special cases (\unfoldRepeats, dynamics)
OK, I'll swap them over. I agree it would be better.
- Graham
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