Re: PDF portfolio of 2.19.25 docs

2015-08-11 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Hi paul You can convert the pdf and it will work in linux - I posted how a while back (convert it to ps then back to pdf) - without the indexing or you can d/l acroread 9.5.5 was the last linux version i think (not sure since I never use it) search acroread 9.5.5 linux download Stephen

Re: Guitar Chord Chart - Align Fret Diagram with Chord Names and Notes

2015-08-20 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Sorry you can comment out %\fill-line %\concat I used them as a markup with several chords. Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Guitar Chord Chart - Align Fret Diagram with Chord Names and Notes

2015-08-20 Thread Stephen MacNeil
and % \halign #-13 it's to early Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Guitar Chord Chart - Align Fret Diagram with Chord Names and Notes

2015-08-20 Thread Stephen MacNeil
on wrote: > Thanks. Read your message after I posted a solution on the forums. I > will take a careful look at your solution. I am satisfied with the one I > posted though. Need to finish this project, so I can do some actual > recording. > > -Tone > > > > On

Re: Guitar Chord Chart - Align Fret Diagram with Chord Names and Notes

2015-08-20 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Hi tone I tested your code on 2.18.2 (doesn't compile) and on 2.19.24 (looks NOTHING like what you have) I think the first issue I would solve is - why? why does it not look correct on other versions. I only mention it because all your work could become useless once you upgrade. As a side note t

Re: Tablature - Hiding Tied Notes

2015-08-21 Thread Stephen MacNeil
I have used (forced) tab only a few times when typesetting for people that are slow or can't read. So i don't understand. Isn't the "tied-to note" always hidden? in fact I had to do a nasty trick just to get it to print. something like. \version "2.18.2" << \new Staff { \relative c' {c2~c4 d~d

RE: Tablature - Hiding Tied Notes

2015-08-21 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Sorry perhaps you mean on a line break. in that case you can do \version "2.18.2" << \new Staff { \relative c' {c2~c4 d~d e~e f~\break f2 g} } \new TabStaff{ \new TabVoice{ c2~c4 ~| d e~e f~| \once \override TabStaff.TabNoteHead.transparent = ##t f2 g| } } >> Stephen ___

RE: Tablature - Hiding Tied Notes

2015-08-22 Thread Stephen MacNeil
hi mike1951 As i said i only used tab for setting up certain functions - and only looked at full-notation once - i think. So I have absolutely no idea what you are after or what it should look like. My knowledge on tab is limited to perhaps only a few days of experimentation. Perhaps someone famil

Print Double Percent Repeat inside a markup

2015-08-28 Thread Stephen MacNeil
how is % inspired by: \version "2.18.2" percentRepeat = \markup { \combine \translate #'(0.2 . 1.5) \draw-circle #0.22 #0 ##t \combine \translate #'(1.8 . 0.5) \draw-circle #0.22 #0 ##t \rotate #90 \tran

RE:LilyPond crashes on \musicglyph #"space"

2015-08-29 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Starting lilypond 2.18.2 [Untitled]... Processing `/tmp/frescobaldi-t71lRI/tmpBr7KhM/' Parsing... Interpreting music... Preprocessing graphical objects... Finding the ideal number of pages... Fitting music on 1 page... Drawing systems... Layout output to `'... Convert

Re: stacking whole notes of different size

2015-08-31 Thread Stephen MacNeil
\override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #.65 works but you would have to create a new voice i believe. Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: stacking whole notes of different size

2015-09-01 Thread Stephen MacNeil
2 } > \new Voice \with { fontSize = #-3 } { > \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #0.15 > \voiceOne b'1 | h! | cis | d~ | 1~ | 1~ | 2 > } > >> > see attached picture. >Marc Stephen On Tue, Sep 1, 2015 at 1:21 AM, Marc Hohl wrote: > Am 31.08.2

Re: stacking whole notes of different size

2015-09-01 Thread Stephen MacNeil
wow Harm that looks really nice. Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Centering markup between staves

2015-09-24 Thread Stephen MacNeil
or \override TextScript.Y-offset = #0 Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Getting an override into a markup function

2015-09-25 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Hi Harm you can still d/l acroread up to 9.5.5 also Foxit Reader Goes upto 6400% Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

RE:TuxGuitar Export

2015-09-30 Thread Stephen MacNeil
any should work if use convert-ly I use 2.18.2 actually what i do is get guitar pro files (he writes in it) from a friend. Use tuxguitar to convert to lily then update with convert-ly in 2.18.2 HTH Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@g

Re: left pointing note heads

2015-10-01 Thread Stephen MacNeil
or %% % Stem Ri = { \once \override Stem.extra-offset = #(lambda (grob) (if (eq? (ly:grob-property grob 'direction) right) '(0 . 0) '(1.168 . -.05))) % rotate head \once \override NoteHead.rotation = #'(-58 0 0) } % Done %%% { c'' \Ri c'' } Stephen

RE:guitar scale diagram - change root

2015-11-20 Thread Stephen MacNeil
using the snippet given you would change the order and add the correct position number eg ((5 3) (5 5) becomes ((5 3) (5 2 5) and the 5 is the new scale position -- so the root on 3rd fret (c) is before the second (b) % cpenta= \markup\scale-diagramm #'((5 3) (5 5) (4 3) (4 5) (3 2) % (3 5)


2015-11-23 Thread Stephen MacNeil
\override Score.MetronomeMark.padding = #5 \tempo "Mod. fast Bulgar" 4 = 110-115 HTH Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

RE: Reversing order of colliding noteheads?

2016-01-28 Thread Stephen MacNeil
How about %% \version "2.18.2" timeKey = { \key c \major \time 4/4 } tenorPart = { \voiceOne r2 e'8 \shape #'((0 . 0) (0 . 0.8) (0 . 0.8) (0 . 0.1)) Tie c'4. ~ | \once \override Voice.NoteColumn.force-hshift = #.6 c'4. r8 f'2 | } leadPart = { \voiceTwo

RE:Bar number moves down inexplicably

2016-02-03 Thread Stephen MacNeil
as a workaround you can add \override Score.BarNumber.Y-offset = #3 \score { \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff << %% add \override Score.BarNumber.Y-offset = #3 %% \clef treble \global \new Voice { \ss } >> \new Staff << \clef treble \global \new Voice { \aa } >> \new Staff << \clef "tr

OT: Aligning upbows and downbows

2016-02-12 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Hi David I would just like to point out that in guitar music, the capo now acts as the open position. Therefore we write as if there was no capo at all. This makes it easy for sight reading. As a professional guitarist I have only came across a few scores written in what I would say an incorrect w

Re: Fingerings get crushed if key is removed. Bug?

2016-02-26 Thread Stephen MacNeil
or add \override Fingering.add-stem-support = ##t HTH Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help with fonts from a blind user

2016-03-08 Thread Stephen MacNeil
This assumes one has a file manager that is a GUI (it's hard to do this in say midnight commander or xterm) for those without you can cd to your lilypond directory and put the fonts there. I use cd /usr/local/lilypond-current/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/fonts/ ls otf svg HTH ST

Re: Help with fonts from a blind user

2016-03-08 Thread Stephen MacNeil
that said i don't even have icons so. Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

RE:I'm not smart enough to figure out the math for this.

2016-03-09 Thread Stephen MacNeil
\relative c' { \time 4/3 \cadenzaOn c4 c c \bar "|" c c c \bar "|" } HTH Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Piano_Tab notation; how to disable clef and key engraver?

2016-03-09 Thread Stephen MacNeil
\omit Accidental \omit Clef HTH Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Fonts from the former

2016-03-26 Thread Stephen MacNeil
I don't think I read any where that Abraham was making the fonts "proprietary" .. I do believe he said "Some fonts are becoming commercial". And proprietary doesn't necessarily mean closed source. Although in most cases it does, because proprietary software if modified holds ownership "usually" wit

Re: Orientation of notes in chords

2016-03-26 Thread Stephen MacNeil
This is common in guitar music (upper note left). So I asked this same question some time ago found here I did look at But it didn't work as I needed so I ended up with %

Re: Orientation of notes in chords

2016-03-27 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Hi Andrew as I said it was a long time ago. bit i just played with it a few seconds. to see if I could remember. first take the following code top = \relative c' { e,16 \displaceHeads #'(-.8 1 0) \adjustStem #'(2 . -2) g, \displaceHeads #'(-.05 .8 0) \adjustStem #'(1.5 . -2) d, c, }

How to get swing feel from dotted notation?

2016-03-30 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Hi Colin Sometime ago I came across a file on the net... not sure where. It was written by Johannes Rohrer I believe. Anyway all you do is \include "../" % location of file #(load "../swing.scm") % location of file and it will play the midi in swing and example is on my site

Slur and acciaccatura in chords

2014-10-27 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Hello all! Up until now I have never really dealt with chords using slurs and acciaccatura. I can't seem to get it to goto the proper note easily. When I do there is little to no consistency between how it looks in reference to the rest of the score. ie. it looks like I had to alter it. Any help

RE:Slur and acciaccatura in chords

2014-10-27 Thread Stephen MacNeil
well I think this is the best I can do \version "2.18.2" \relative c'{ \time 6/8 <<{ \voiceOne \stemUp <\tweak Flag.transparent ##t e g>8}\\{\voiceTwo \slurDown \stemUp \shape #'((0.2 . 0) (0 . 0) (0 . 0) (0 . 0.3)) Slur \override Slur.positions = #'(0 . 0) \acciaccatura d'8 c }>> | } \rel

Re:Slur and acciaccatura in chords

2014-10-28 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Hi Abraham and Rale, thanks for the reply. As a classical guitarist I can say the function that Abraham mentions (Can slurs be made to start/end on arbitrary chord notes?), would be ideal. perhaps a work around on the tie function. Something like this would also work. I think. \acciaccatura d'8 c

Re:tie and slur problem

2014-10-28 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Good pint Urs however that only works for outside notes, also I wanted the direction to be opposite the stem as in traditional classical guitar. So it doesn't work. also what happens when the slur is to a note in the middle? as in the examples I just sent. here is a quick example http://d29ci68

Re:tie and slur problem

2014-10-28 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Sorry Urs I thought that was to me as the tittle is similar. my apologies ___ lilypond-user mailing list

[no subject]

2014-10-28 Thread Stephen MacNeil
I understand that however you still can not control what note it goes to. \slashedGrace b8_( 4 ) How would I indicate to have the slur attach to the 'a' note? >And, until there is a >better solution, you may have to tweak the shape of the slur to go to >the correct note (say you wanted to go t

RE:Slur and acciaccatura in chords

2014-10-29 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Hi Abraham, Thanks for all the help. I do like your code it works really nice. As for the voices >And just so you know, the << { ... }\\{ ... } >> implicitly applies >\voiceOne and \voiceTwo, so those are unnecessary. I did realize that however i read a post somewhere saying that if you explici

RE:Slur and acciaccatura in chords

2014-10-31 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Hi Abraham thanks for your help Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re:Lilypond 2.16 and 2.18 incompatibility for \relative

2014-11-05 Thread Stephen MacNeil
As already said 'sed' is your friend. Also I always keep my binaries eg. "" for just such reasons. I just install in another path. And use it on files I was working on prior to the upgrade. I believe they can be found here.

RE:Vertically centering refrain lyrics?

2014-11-06 Thread Stephen MacNeil
I play with that stuff now and then, although not my main thing. Anyway this was my solution Stephen \version "2.18.2" \header { title = "Whiskey in the Jar" copyright ="©Stephen MacNeil 2014" } source = "" piece = "" tagline = "&q

#(set-global-staff-size 40)

2015-01-31 Thread Stephen MacNeil
I would like to increase the staff however when i change #(set-global-staff-size 40) my tagline gets bigger. How can i overcome this? thanks ___ lilypond-user mailing list

RE:strange phenomenon from guitar bends snippet Vol 145 issue 124

2015-02-16 Thread Stephen MacNeil
I noticed in a past post Vol 145 issue 124 you were trying to remove tab from the guitar bends. Anyway I don't ever use tab myself and modified the ily file so there is no tab. if you still need it or find it helpful here it is. Let me know if it was helpful or if you found a better solution. chee

RE:strange phenomenon from guitar bends snippet Vol 145 issue 124

2015-02-17 Thread Stephen MacNeil
it was pointed out that i posted the modifications of the old definitions.ily. I think the only changes since then have been aesthetics -- and mainly to the tab portion of which, in this case since it's gone makes no difference. anyway here is the new file with the changes. modified version of ...

RE:How to increase the distance between systems?

2015-02-18 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Do mean like this ? \version "2.18.2" \paper { system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #25 } \score { << \new StaffGroup << \new Staff { c'1 e'1 \break g'1 b'1 } \new Staff { d'1 f'1 \break a'1 c''1 } >> >> \layout { indent = #0 ragged-right = ##t %\override Staff.VerticalAxisGroup

RE:Right brace problem

2015-02-23 Thread Stephen MacNeil
like this? \version "2.18.2" \header { title = "Whiskey in the Jar" subtitle = "" composer = "" instrument = "" % arranger = "" opus = "" style = "Folk" copyright = "©Stephen MacNeil 2014"

Re: Moving a markup

2015-02-26 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Both suggestions worked for me. I tend to put things in a separate file as definitions/variables etc. I just like it clean to see what I am doing (especially in large scores). Like %% \version "2.18.2" pos = \markup \concat { \large \bold { "Un poco Pi" \char ##x00F9 " lento, " }

markup of a group of eighth notes

2015-02-27 Thread Stephen MacNeil
how would i do this with the flags attached? \markup {\halign #-11 \raise #.6 \note #"8" #UP \raise #.6 \note #"8" #UP \raise #.6 \note #"8" #UP \raise #.6 \note #"8" #UP } thanks Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list https://l

Dynamics with Capitals

2015-03-04 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Hey I have been doing dynamics with capitals like \version "2.18.2" \relative c'{ 4_\markup{ \halign #1.3 \lower #4 \italic \fontsize #1 \bold FF} _\markup {\concat \halign #.8 {\dynamic m \italic \fontsize #1 \bold F}} c d bes4 d f a_\markup \halign #0 {\concat {\dynamic s \italic \fontsize

RE: Ex Book

2015-03-04 Thread Stephen MacNeil
like this? \version "2.18.2" \header { title = "Bass riffs" opus = "" tagline = "" } % font \paper { #(set-paper-size "letter") top-margin = #5 bottom-margin = #8 ragged-last-bottom = ##t print-all-headers = ##f % system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #25 oddFooterMarkup = \marku

RE:Stem length at a fixed height

2015-03-05 Thread Stephen MacNeil
How is this \version "2.18.2" myMusic = \transpose c c, { \key ees\major \tag myStaff { ees8 ees16 f f f aes8~ aes4 aes8 g16 f } % => here's a workaround, using brackets, but gives warnings: \tag myTab { ees8 ees16 f f f aes8~ aes4 aes8 g16 f } } \score { \new StaffGroup << \new Staff

Re: Beam subdivision

2015-03-10 Thread Stephen MacNeil
\version "2.18.2" \relative c'' { % this should be all you need % if you use \once you can aply it any time \once \set subdivideBeams = ##t \set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/20) \tuplet 5/4 { % no square brackets needed e,32 c' bes e d bes' g d' d, aes' } % without \tuplet 5/4

Some things that make life easy for me

2015-03-10 Thread Stephen MacNeil
These are some basic hacks that make my life easier. Lots are borrowed and modified for guitar, or what I needed it for. Things could be better I know. Just Thought I would share some things I tend to use.

Re: Some things that make life easy for me

2015-03-11 Thread Stephen MacNeil
wow that Is great. thanks very much. Stephen Thanks for sharing your work. Regarding the tuplet bracket/slur Harm did a remarkable tool here: With the settings I'm using it goes : \version "2.18.2" printTupletBow = { %% Use slur-stencil

Re: Copying metronome marks to multiple \StaffGroup's

2015-03-11 Thread Stephen MacNeil
You could always do a markup ? tpo = \markup { {\bold Allegro \hspace #1 \concat { \lower #.25 ( \small \raise #.25 \note #"4" #UP } \hspace #.5 { = 90 \raise #.5 \musicglyph #"scripts.tenuto"\concat{ 120\bold )}} } } \relative c' { \clef "treble" \key c \major \time 4/4 \tempo "Allegro"

Re:Tweak Down causes extra space

2015-03-12 Thread Stephen MacNeil
How is this \version "2.18.2" \language "english" daCapo = { %\once %\override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #RIGHT \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #0 \once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible \tweak direction #

RE:building pairs in music functions

2015-03-13 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Is this the idea? \version "2.18.2" rotateBracket = #(define-music-function (parser location input) (pair?) #{ \once \override HorizontalBracket.bracket-flare = $input #}) \relative { \rotateBracket #'(2 . 4) b\startGroup b\stopGroup } \layout { \context { \Voice \consists "Horizo


2015-03-14 Thread Stephen MacNeil
can I curve a line? \draw-line #'(1 . 1) Thanks Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: PDF portfolio of 2.19.17 docs

2015-03-18 Thread Stephen MacNeil
it did not work Just an ADD :) so I converted it to ps -- works perfect (no links) then converted it back to pdf (works 100% links and all!!!) that being said I have no idea what it should look like but to me it's perfect! cheers Stephen ___ lilypond-

RE: Shorten hairpin

2015-03-19 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Does this work for you? \version "2.18.2" \relative c'' { 8\< q q q\!8 q q q } \relative c'' { \once \override Hairpin.X-offset = #1.35 \override Hairpin.minimum-length = #5 8\< q q q\! \once \override TextScript.layer = #2 \once\override TextScript.staff-padding = #3.4 \once\override

RE: Shorten hairpin

2015-03-19 Thread Stephen MacNeil
actually you don't need \once\override TextScript.vertical-skylines = #'() so \relative c'' { \once \override Hairpin.X-offset = #1.35 \override Hairpin.minimum-length = #5 8\< q q q\! \once \override TextScript.layer = #2 \once\override TextScript.staff-padding = #3.4 8 _\markup \with-

RE:Shorten hairpin

2015-03-19 Thread Stephen MacNeil
or \override Hairpin.minimum-length = #5 lol so \relative c'' { \once \override Hairpin.X-offset = #1.35 8\< q q q\! \once \override TextScript.layer = #2 \once\override TextScript.staff-padding = #3.4 8 _\markup \with-dimensions #'(2 . 7) #'(0 . 0)\with-color #white \filled-box #'(-1

Re: Shorten hairpin

2015-03-19 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Yes it was a hack, however this might look better and in a dynamics part it should work stephen << \relative c'' { 8 q q q } \new Dynamics { \once \override Hairpin.X-offset = #1.35 % \override Hairpin.after-line-breaking = #shorten-hairpin s4.*89/90\< s\! } >> On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 2:


2015-03-19 Thread Stephen MacNeil
if you use linux you can do for i in ... ; do ; done ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: musicxml2ly

2015-03-19 Thread Stephen MacNeil
ml2ly --nd --nrp > --npl --no-beaming -m --language=english for f in *.xml > > Craig > > > > On Fri, 20 Mar 2015 at 06:58 Stephen MacNeil > wrote: > >> if you use linux you can do >> >> >> for i in ... ; >> do ; >> done >> >

rendered pdf files

2015-03-23 Thread Stephen MacNeil
the files when i compiled on my linux box render a more compressed look then those on my friends windows? same file both have 2.18.2 why? ___ lilypond-user mailing list

RE: rest placement in multi-voice piano staff

2015-03-24 Thread Stephen MacNeil
you can specify a placement for the rest by indicating a note\rest. in this case i used g8\rest hope that helps stephen \include "" pianoVoiceOne = \relative c' { 2 } pianoVoiceTwo = \relative c' { s1 } pianoVoiceThree = \relative c' { \stemDown g8\rest a fs [ d ] \stemUp b gs

accent diminuendo

2015-03-27 Thread Stephen MacNeil
when composers wanted to create an accent (before the notated accent symbol) they used diminuendo over just one note. this however in Performing practice leaves the question did they mean an accented note or a note that quickly diminishes, or perhaps both. as performance practice becomes more stand

Re: accent diminuendo

2015-03-27 Thread Stephen MacNeil
different ways: once as an > articulation, once as a dynamic script. You also see the line-widths of my > long-accent-markup and the default hairpin in comparison. > > HTH, Simon > > Am 27.03.2015 um 19:03 schrieb Stephen MacNeil: > > when composers wanted to create an acce

RE:Moving tuplet number

2015-03-30 Thread Stephen MacNeil
you could just make One \relative c''{ % make sure they are the same size \once\override TupletNumber.X-offset = #(lambda (grob) (+ 5 (ly:tuplet-number::calc-y-offset grob))) \once\override TupletNumber.Y-offset = #(lambda (grob) (+ -1.2 (ly:tuplet-number::calc-y-offset grob))) \tuplet 3/2 {c

string variable for markup

2015-03-30 Thread Stephen MacNeil
how would i get the input string to attach to a markup? eg \version "2.18.2" acdy = \markup \pad-markup #.5 \halign #-1.3 { \combine \draw-line #'($str . .5) \draw-line #'($str . -.5) } The idea is to be able to assign a length $str thanks Stephen ___

RE:Padding inside \bracket markup?

2015-03-31 Thread Stephen MacNeil
what about \override Score.TextScript.padding = #3 or \override Score.TextScript.Y-offset = #-3 Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: string variable for markup

2015-03-31 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Thanks for putting on the path Mark! This is my solution thus far to a sizable hairpin for accent dynamics acdy = #(define-music-function (parser location str) (number?) #{ -\markup { \pad-markup #.5 \halign #-1.2 \combine \draw-line #`(,str . 0.7) \draw-line #`(,str . -0.7) } #} )

change notehead side

2015-04-01 Thread Stephen MacNeil
I would like to change the notehead side -- I would prefer it default however a workaround is cool too. I noticed you can do it with dotted \override Staff.NoteCollision.prefer-dotted-right = ##f however I would like to do it with none dotted - something like \override Staff.NoteCollision.prefe

guide / shift finger

2015-04-03 Thread Stephen MacNeil
i just redid my guide finger if anyone is interested \version "2.18.2" 5 #(define (fingering-event? m) (and (ly:music? m) (music-is-of-type? m 'fingering-event))) gf = #(define-event-function (parser location num str fingering) (number? number? fingering-event?) (let*

RE:Using lilypond examples in an essay or text document

2015-04-04 Thread Stephen MacNeil
I would suggest just write the document in lilypond... that's what i do. HTH Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Shortening hairpins

2015-04-08 Thread Stephen MacNeil
I needed a solution as well and wrote this. I find for my needs it works wonders. acdy = #(define-music-function (parser location str) (number?) #{ -\markup { \halign #-1.2 \combine \draw-line #`(,str . 0.7) \draw-line #`(,str . -0.7) } #} ) \relative c' { c ^\acdy #-4 c d^\acd

RE:Introducing some 'path' drawing tools

2015-04-15 Thread Stephen MacNeil
wow very nice work pierre!! Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

RE:Bad extent estimation causing too much vertical spacing

2015-04-16 Thread Stephen MacNeil
in that example i would use \paper { system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #20 } Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: (hypothetical) Availability of LilyPond engravers

2015-04-16 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Hello Urs, Me as well Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Replacing TupletBracket with Slur

2015-04-16 Thread Stephen MacNeil
you can tweak it more -- it's adapted from what i use I also use tupslurU when i need them on top tupslurD = { \override TupletBracket.stencil = #ly:slur::print \override TupletBracket.direction = #DOWN \override TupletBracket.thickness = #3 \override TupletBracket.positions = #'(-4 . -3.5)

Re:Do we really offer the future?

2015-04-20 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Well after reading many responses to this question I thought I would give my own. I think first one must answer Why do publishers use other programs? Who submits to publishers? Why do users use other programs? Why do publishers use other programs? Obviously there was typesetting before compu

RE:auto force accidentals

2015-04-20 Thread Stephen MacNeil
take a look here HTH Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Slur and tie

2015-04-21 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Urs and Joram not sure about how you intend this excerpt to be "personal" etc. However in the past composers often indicated ideas through different ways - different groups of sixteen notes etc. to show phrasing, articulation etc. again i don't know the piece or the context so a rule of thumb is

RE:Roman Numeral placement

2015-04-21 Thread Stephen MacNeil
add something like this at top I = <>^\markup \pad-around #1 \halign #-2 \concat{\italic {I \lower #.5 \pad-around #.2 \super 7}} ii = <>^\markup \pad-markup #1 \halign #-2 \concat{\italic {ii \lower #.5 \pad-around #.2 \super 7}} iii = <>^\markup \pad-markup #1 \halign #-2 \concat{\italic {iii

RE:Roman Numeral placement

2015-04-21 Thread Stephen MacNeil
actually if i like I = <>^\markup \raise #2 \pad-around #.2 \halign #-2 \concat{\italic {I \lower #.5 \super 7}} ii = etc. then add roman = { \I s1 \ii s1 \iii s1 ... } then in each just add \roman fmajortreble = { \keychangevisual \key f \major \break \roman 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 } T

RE:Roman Numeral placement

2015-04-21 Thread Stephen MacNeil
here you go CUT \version "2.18.2" \header { title = "Root Position 7th Chords" composer = "Lance James" } harmonies = \chordmode { c1:maj7 d:m7 e:m7 f:maj7 g:7 a:m7 b:m7.5- \break f1:maj7 g:m7 a:m7 bes:maj7 c:7 d:m7 e:m7.5- \break bes1:maj7 c:m7 d:m7 ees:maj7 f:7 g:m7 a:m7.5- \

Re: Roman Numeral placement

2015-04-21 Thread Stephen MacNeil
attach a much cleaner version (attaching is preferrable since nothing may be messed up on the way). > > HTH, Simon > > Am 21.04.2015 um 23:13 schrieb Stephen MacNeil: > > here you go > > CUT > > \version "2.18.2" > > \header { > &

Re: Roman Numeral placement

2015-04-22 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Harm , Thomas Morley and others I like to follow the discussions even if I don't understand/need something because I usually learn a lot and sometimes even adapt some ideas or code into something I can use later. In this thread I was amazed that the scheme created could interpret the chords!!! I t

Re: Roman Numeral placement

2015-04-22 Thread Stephen MacNeil
On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 2:00 PM, David Nalesnik wrote: > Hi Stephen, > > On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 12:24 PM, Stephen MacNeil < >> wrote: > >> Harm , Thomas Morley and others >> I like to follow the discussions even if I don't understand

Re: Roman Numeral placement

2015-04-22 Thread Stephen MacNeil
pose c b {\chrd} } \new Staff { \clef bass \multipleTransposes { c } { \key d \major \multipleModalTransposes \diatonicScale \transpose c c,, \chrd } \bar "|." } >> \layout { \context { \Staff explicitKeySignatureVisibility = #end-of-line-invisible printKeyCancellatio

Re: Do we really offer the future?

2015-04-22 Thread Stephen MacNeil
Hey Calixte what a great idea it made me think. what about sed? >>Or have a script/feature/tool that automatically counts measures : it would be able to put bar numbers in comment, and with another script we could say delete/comment/whatever measure n to m anyway I tried a few examples and used %

Re: Do we really offer the future?

2015-04-22 Thread Stephen MacNeil
well you need to 1. remove the space with sed, so music % 1 becomes %1 also I added "a" at the end so it wouldn't get confused ie. %1 will also remove %10 %100 etc 2. since you used it after measure one sed can only delete measures after -- so 2 on you could just input %1x in the files where you

RE:Guitar: Bend-release-bend

2015-04-24 Thread Stephen MacNeil
like this ? \bendOn \bendGrace e8(f8)(e8) (g4~)g2 | \bendOff \bendOn e8 (f)(e)(g~) g2 \bendOff if not have an example? %% cut \version "2.18.2" \include "definitions.ily" \paper { indent = 0 } \layout { \context { \Staff \override StringNumber #'stencil = ##f \overri

Re: Guitar: Bend-release-bend

2015-04-24 Thread Stephen MacNeil
sely what I was looking for! Thanks a lot man! >> >> On Sat, Apr 25, 2015 at 3:50 AM, Stephen MacNeil < >>> wrote: >> >>> like this ? >>> >>> \bendOn >>> >>> \bendGrace e8(f8)(e8) (g4

[no subject]

2015-04-24 Thread Stephen MacNeil
i thought i sent you something showing how to move it anyway not sure where you want it, but do it like this HTH Stephen Description: Binary data ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re:Fixing overlapping notation

2015-04-24 Thread Stephen MacNeil
sorry forgot the subject stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

RE:odd behavior with acciaccatura in 1st position

2015-04-24 Thread Stephen MacNeil
remove global Stephen ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: What is the problem with "\relative"? (Was: Do we really offer the future?)

2015-04-26 Thread Stephen MacNeil
it looks like you shortened \transpose not \relative but i like it "I may use it" thanks Stephen octave = #(define-music-function (parser location octaves music) (integer? ly:music?) (_i "Raise or lower @var{music} by a nubmer of @var{octaves}.") (make-music 'TransposedMusic 'element (ly:m

curved line following HorizontalBracket and bendafter

2015-04-26 Thread Stephen MacNeil
2 questions 1. if i draw a line how can i make it so it always moves to the upper/lower portion onto a specific part of the staff regardless of were it starts c or c' or c'' etc 2. i modified HorizontalBracket and bendafter so how do I make that line/curve follow the distance of the (bracket/benda

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