Hello all! Up until now I have never really dealt with  chords using slurs
and acciaccatura. I can't seem to get it to goto the proper note easily.
When I do there is little to no consistency between how it looks in
reference to the rest of the score. ie. it looks like I had to alter it.

Any help would be great. Below are some things I have been trying. Also I
know that I can change the slur to direction however, I would need the
directions to stay as they are. Since this is how "traditional guitar music
is written"   (slur goes opposite stem direction).


\version "2.18.2"

global = {

\time 6/8

\key c \major


upperVoice = \relative c {


\override Staff.Rest #'style = #'classical

\override Slur #'direction = #DOWN

<e g c>4.^"\"original\"" \acciaccatura d'8 <e, g c>8 <e g b>8 <e g c> |

<f g b>4 g8 g4-0\3\harmonic_"harm." ^"XII" a8\rest |

<g d' f>4.<g d' f>8 <g cis e> <g d' f>\break

<g c e>4 g8 g4-0\3\harmonic_"harm." ^"XII" a8\rest |

<e' g>8 <g e>16 (a) <e g>8 <f a>4 <e g>8 |

<f d>4. <c e> |

<a d> <c e>4 <f, d'>8 |

<c' e,>4 c8\rest s4. \break


<e, g c>4.^"\"try 1\""

% Chord with slur

 <<\new Voice {\stemUp \slurDown \acciaccatura d'8

\hideNotes \override NoteHead #'X-extent = #'(0.0 . 9.0) c8}

\new Voice {\stemUp< e, g c>8 <e g b>8 <e g c>}>> |

% done

<f g b>4 g8 g4-0\3\harmonic_"harm." ^"XII" a8\rest |

<g d' f>4.<g d' f>8 <g cis e> <g d' f>\break

<g c e>4 g8 g4-0\3\harmonic_"harm." ^"XII" a8\rest |

<<\new Voice {\voiceOne\stemUp \slurDown

\hideNotes g'8 g16 (a)}

\new Voice {\voiceTwo\stemUp <e g>8 <g e>16 a <e g>8 <f a>4 <e g>8}>> |

  <f d>4. <c e> |

<a d> <c e>4 <f, d'>8 |

<c' e,>4 c8\rest s4. \break


 <<{<e, g>4.^"\"try 2\""\override Stem.details.beamed-lengths = #'(4.5)<e g
>8 <e g > <e g>}\\{\stemUp c'4.

%\shape #'((1 . 1.8) (0.7 . 2.2) (-0.1 . 2.05) (-1 . 2.0)) Slur \override
Slur.positions = #'(-1 . -2)

%{ \once \override Slur #'attachment-offset = #'((0 . -0.4) . (-0.6 .
-1.5)) \shape #'((0 . 0) (-1 . 1) (-1 . -.05) (-0.1 . 1)) Slur \override
Slur.positions = #'(-13 . -4) \override Slur #'attachment-offset = #'((0 .
0) . (0 . -6))


%\once \override Slur.eccentricity = #-1.0

% This looks ok

\shape #'((1 . 1.8) (0 . 2.2) (-0.1 . 2.05) (-1 . 2.0)) Slur \override
Slur.positions = #'(-2 . -2)

% Done

\acciaccatura d8 \override Stem.transparent = ##t c8 b c}>> |

\revert Slur #'control-points


<<{<e g c>4.<e g>8 <e g> <e g>}\\{s4.\stemUp \acciaccatura d'8 c8 b c }>>


<f, g b>4 g8 g4-0\3\harmonic_"harm." ^"XII" a8\rest |

<g d' f>4.<g d' f>8 <g cis e> <g d' f>\break

<g c e>4 g8 g4-0\3\harmonic_"harm." ^"XII" a8\rest |

% <<{\override Stem transparent = ##t <e' g>8 e16 s e8 %\override
Stem.transparent = ##f <f a>4 <e g>8}\\{\stemUp g8 %g16 (a) g8 s4.}>> |

<e' g>8

% This looks ok

\shape #'((1 . 1.8) (0.7 . 2.2) (-0.1 . 2.05) (-0.1 . 2.0)) Slur \override
Slur.positions = #'(-0 . 0)

% Done

<e g>16 (a) <e g>8 <f a>4 <e g>8 |

<f d>4. <c e> |

<a d> <c e>4 <f, d'>8 |

<c' e,>4 c8\rest


lowerVoice = \relative c {

\set fingeringOrientations = #'(left)


c4. c8 c c |

d4 c8\rest c4\rest c8\rest |

b4. b8 b b |

c4 c8\rest c4\rest c8\rest |

c'8 c c b4 c8 |

gis4. a |

f8 \slurUp e16 (f) d8 g4 g,8 |

c4 c8\rest s4.


c4. c8 c c |

d4 c8\rest c4\rest c8\rest |

b4. b8 b b |

c4 c8\rest c4\rest c8\rest |

c'8 c c b4 c8 |

gis4. a |

f8 \slurUp e16 (f) d8 g4 g,8 |

c4 c8\rest s4.


c4. c8 c c |

d4 c8\rest c4\rest c8\rest |

b4. b8 b b |

c4 c8\rest c4\rest c8\rest |

c'8 c c b4 c8 |

gis4. a |

f8 \slurUp e16 (f) d8 g4 g,8 |

c4 c8\rest s4.





\new Staff = "Guitar" \with {



\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (nylon)"

\override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f


\clef "treble_8"

\context Voice = "upperVoice" \upperVoice

\context Voice = "lowerVoice" \lowerVoice





\context {


\remove "Bar_number_engraver"



\midi {

\tempo 4. = 80


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