like this?

\version "2.18.2"

\header {

title = "Whiskey in the Jar"

subtitle = ""

composer = ""

instrument = ""

% arranger = ""

opus = ""

style = "Folk"

copyright = "©Stephen MacNeil 2014"

source = ""

piece = ""

tagline = ""


global = {

\key c \major

\time 4/4


\paper {

% page-count = 1

top-margin = #5

bottom-margin = #8

system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #25

%{ score-system-spacing =

#'((basic-distance . 12)

(minimum-distance . 6)

(padding . 1)

(stretchability . 12))



chordNames = \chordmode {


 s4 c1 s a:m s f s c s c s a:m s f s c s |

g s c s a f c2 g c2.


% Replace brace150 by whatever between brace0 and brace575 that is of a

% suitable size.

leftbrace = \markup {

\override #'(font-encoding . fetaBraces)

\lookup #"brace150"


% In some versions earlier than 20.10.20, the argument to \rotate was

% erroneously treated as radians instead of degrees, i.e. #3.14 was

% needed instead of #180

rightbrace = \markup {

\rotate #180



firstverse = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = "1."

As I was go -- ing ov -- er the Kil -- ma -- gen -- ny moun -- tain.

I met with cap -- tain Far -- rell and his mo -- ney he was coun -- ting.

I first pro -- duced my pis -- tol, and then pro -- duced my ra -- pier.

Say -- ing stand and de -- li -- ver, for you are a bold de -- cei -- ver,
with your


secondverse = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = "2."

I coun -- ted out his mon -- ey, it made a pret -- ty pen -- ny.

I put it in my poc -- ket and I took it home to Jen -- ny.

She swo -- re that she loved me, that ne -- ver would she leave me,

but the devil take that wo -- man, for you kn -- ow she tric -- ked me ea
-- sy


thirdverse = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = "3."

It was early in the morn -- ing, be -- fore I rose to tra -- vel,

up ca -- me a band of foot -- men and like -- wise cap -- tain Far -- rel.

I first prod -- uced my pis -- tol, for she stole away my rap -- ier,

a -- nd I could -- n't shoot the cap -- tain so a pris -- oner I was ta --


fourthverse = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = "4."

Now some men they like drink -- ing and some men they like fight -- ing.

And some men like to he -- ar, the sound of the cannon ball roar -- ing

Me, -- e I like slee -- p -- ing spe -- cial -- ly in Jenny's cham -- --

But here I am in pri -- son, here I am with a ball and chain ye -- ah


fifthverse = \lyricmode {

\set stanza = "5."

As I was go -- ing ov -- er the Kil -- mag -- en -- ny moun -- tain

I met with cap -- tain Far -- rell and his mon -- ey he was count -- ing.

I first pro -- duced my pis -- tol, and then pro -- duced my rap -- ier.

Sa -- id stand and de -- li -- ver, for you are a bold de -- cei -- ver,
with your


lyricsfrombrace = \lyricmode { \markup { \rightbrace ring }

dum -- ma do dam -- ma da

whack for the dad -- dy 'ol

whack for the dad -- dy 'ol

there's whis -- key in the jar


 \markup { \vspace #1.5


 melody = \relative c''{

\partial 4

\tempo 4 = 180


g4^ \markup \bold \box "Verse:" |

e g g a |

g e2 d4 |

e a a b |\break

a e2 g4 |

a a a a |

c8 c4. b4 a |

g g c b |\break

a e2 g4 |

e g g a |

g e2 d4 |

e a a b |\break

a e2 g8 g |

a2 a4. b8 |

c4 c b a |

g g c4. b8 |\break

a g4. e4 c |


\bar "||"

d ^ \markup \bold \box "Chorus:" d8 d d d c4 |

d1 |

a'4\rest e e4.d8 |\break

e4 g g2 |

a4\rest a a4. g8 |

a4 b c4. a8 |

g4 e d e |

c2. |

\bar "|."




\new ChordNames \chordNames

\new Voice = m \melody

\new Lyrics \lyricsto m \firstverse

\new Lyrics \lyricsto m {\secondverse \lyricsfrombrace }

\new Lyrics \lyricsto m \thirdverse

\new Lyrics \lyricsto m \fourthverse

% \new Lyrics \lyricsto m \fifthverse


\layout { }

\midi {

\context {


tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 180 4)



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