Re: stem length-grace note

2004-05-20 Thread Stan Sanderson
O.K.- I didn't look far enough. \override Stem #'beamed-lengths = #'(2.6 2.6 3.2) was offered in the archives in response to another question. I'm fiddling with the numbers and getting results. Stan On May 20, 2004, at 11:13 AM, Stan Sanderson wrote: I'm using lily

Re: appoggiatura and clef woes

2004-05-23 Thread Stan Sanderson
On May 23, 2004, at 5:58 PM, Erik Sandberg wrote: On Wednesday 19 May 2004 18.41, Julien Salort wrote: Hi, I don't understand why the following snippet does not give the desired result. I get two clefs one after the other... This could be considered a bug. You can, however, compare it to the follo

Re: appoggiatura and clef woes

2004-05-24 Thread Stan Sanderson
On May 24, 2004, at 3:56 AM, Erik Sandberg wrote: On Monday 24 May 2004 04.30, Stan Sanderson wrote: Erik- I'm looking for a workaround for another bug reported earlier. Acciaccaturas before 32nd note runs apparently throw off the midi timing. This bug was added to our bug database (& yo

Re: appoggiatura and clef woes

2004-05-25 Thread Stan Sanderson
Stan On May 25, 2004, at 4:23 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote: Stan Sanderson wrote: On May 24, 2004, at 3:56 AM, Erik Sandberg wrote: On Monday 24 May 2004 04.30, Stan Sanderson wrote: Erik- I'm looking for a workaround for another bug reported earlier. Acciaccaturas before 32nd note runs appar

Re: Grace note beams and stems

2004-05-27 Thread Stan Sanderson
On May 27, 2004, at 1:26 PM, Jim Sabatke wrote: Two problems with grace note beams: 1. The beams are way too thick for my use. I can get the single grace note flags really thin, but haven't been able to find what to set for the beams. 2. On a beamed grace note set like g32[ a' d' g], the a' not

Re: Grace note beams and stems

2004-05-27 Thread Stan Sanderson
On May 27, 2004, at 5:45 PM, Jim Sabatke wrote: Stan Sanderson wrote: On May 27, 2004, at 1:26 PM, Jim Sabatke wrote: Two problems with grace note beams: 1. The beams are way too thick for my use. I can get the single grace note flags really thin, but haven't been able to find what to se

Re: Grace note beams and stems

2004-05-28 Thread Stan Sanderson
On May 28, 2004, at 3:12 AM, Mats Bengtsson wrote: With respect to your second question, here is my solution to a similar problem: \acciaccatura {\override Stem #'beamed-lengths = #'(3.6 4.2) af,16[ af']} The upper note was originally hidden in the beam; by adjusting the beamed-lengths, I was

Re: Bunched-Up Staves

2004-06-02 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Jun 1, 2004, at 11:23 PM, Will Oram wrote: I just made the jump from 2.2.2 to 2.3.3. Before, my orchestral score was looking fine on PDF. As many staves that could fit on one page without feeling cramped, were put on one page. With 2.3, there is an EXTREME case of staves overlapping. The way

Re: lilypond in Fink

2004-08-30 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Aug 30, 2004, at 3:33 PM, Will Oram wrote: Is it just me, or are fink's package database listings ( not matching up with fink's mirror servers? I haven't been able to fetch lilypond-unstable .12 and .13 at all. fink keeps insisting

Mac/Safari question-

2005-02-19 Thread Stan Sanderson
somewhat off-topic, but here goes- OS 10.3.8 and Safari- The Documentation Tips & Tricks (and similar) fail to produce graphic output. Only "missing graphic" icons (box with question mark) are shown after each item. Clicking on the box produces the code for the item. Firefox produces the correct

Re: Mac/Safari question-

2005-02-19 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Feb 19, 2005, at 5:01 PM, Chris Sawer wrote: On 19 Feb 2005, at 22:27, Stan Sanderson wrote: OS 10.3.8 and Safari- The Documentation Tips & Tricks (and similar) fail to produce graphic output. Only "missing graphic" icons (box with question mark) are shown after each item. Click

warning message query

2005-03-08 Thread Stan Sanderson
Using 2.5.13 on Mac (courtesy of Matthias) In every piece I've done, I am presented with the warning: Track... programming error: Stencil::moved_to_edge: adding empty stencil. Continuing; crossing fingers I can't determine either the cause or the effect. The output appears as expected. Is there a

slowdown in 2.5.15?

2005-03-11 Thread Stan Sanderson
Mac OS 10.3.8, Lilypond 2.5.15 (thanks to Matthias Neracher) I have noticed a dramatic increase in the time to process a lilypond file compared to 2.5.13. A piano piece of 193 measures takes just short of 9 minutes to process (lilypond on a 1 GHz G4 iMac with no other apps running. Th

2.5.18 bar line thickness error(?)

2005-04-12 Thread Stan Sanderson
Mac OS X, 10.3.8, Lilypond v. 2.5.18 through Fink I have been coding a number of Bach chorals as brass quartet pieces. I am using a staff group arrangement. With version 2.5.18, the bar lines between staves is slightly thicker than the bar line within the stave. The difference is especially evid

Re: wrong font

2005-04-14 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Apr 13, 2005, at 1:31 PM, Sean Reed wrote: hi, i managed to install 2.5.18 on macos 10.3.8 today but the font for the dynamics is wrong (looks like just a large typical monaco or something). any suggestions what i missed or how i can reinstall it? thanks, sean Sean- I found other appearance p

raised/not-raised doc error(?)

2005-04-15 Thread Stan Sanderson
On page 205 of Ch. 9, pdf Lilypond documentation for v. 2.5.19, a "trick" is given for raising markup text. It appears, as it has in previous versions, that the "raised" example has a null space ("") rather than an empty space (" "). If so, it would explain why (at least in the pdf version of t

italic lyric help?

2005-04-27 Thread Stan Sanderson
Using Lilypond 2.5.20, Mac OS I am setting a piece with alternate lyrics. I would like the alternate in italics. The archive appears to have one (old) message regarding this but the proxy filter at this location for whatever reason blocks the message. The Tips & Tricks, Regression Tests, and of

italic lyrics solved

2005-04-27 Thread Stan Sanderson
Using Lilypond 2.5.20, Mac OS 10.3.9 Problem: song with 2 versions (not verses) of lyrics (i.e., 2 songs using the same musical setting). I wished to print one version in regular text and the other version in italics (underneath the first, using \lyricsto). Solution for italic text- alternatete

set staff.instrument broken in 2.5.23?

2005-05-10 Thread Stan Sanderson
Was using v2.5.23 on Mac OS 10.3.9, have reverted to 2.5.22-2 I believe I saw a posting about this but have not found it in the archives. Pieces which typeset correctly using v2.5.22 do not display instrument names when typeset with 2.5.23. e.g., \set Staff.instrument = \markup { \column { "Trum

instrument name bug 2.5.24

2005-05-12 Thread Stan Sanderson
Instrument names are still missing from 2.5.24 (see regression tests, e.g.). I'm stuck with 2.5.22 until it is fixed. I did not see this on Han-Wen's list of things to fix prior to 2.6. (OS 10.3.9 and no dynamics font problems!) Stan ___ lilypond-user

Re: Music Glossary - 1.64 Concert Pitch (2.12.2)

2009-04-04 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Apr 4, 2009, at 1:42 PM, Stan Sanderson wrote: On Apr 4, 2009, at 12:32 PM, Henning Plumeyer wrote: Therefore, by definition, all blown > musical instruments will have a fundamental frequency of 2L. Hi, not quite: clarinets sound an octave lower than you would expect when you reg

Home brew & Frescobaldi (Mac)

2013-05-14 Thread Stan Sanderson
Don't want to complicate things, but has anyone had any success installing Frescobaldi using Homebrew (as an alternative to MacPorts) or iinstalling the Windows Frescobaldi package (on Mac) using Wine? Thanks, Stan ___ lilypond-user mailing list lily

Re: Home brew & Frescobaldi (Mac)

2013-05-14 Thread Stan Sanderson
On May 14, 2013, at 3:37 PM, flup2 wrote: > Hello, > > The last time I tried Homebrew, I wasn't able to compile PyQT. Thus I didn't > go further. > > I didn't try Wine yet > > Philippe > Thanks. I installed the Wine Mac binary and used it to install the Frescobaldi Windows package and als

Re: LilyJAZZ

2015-08-23 Thread Stan Sanderson
> On Aug 23, 2015, at 6:56 AM, BB wrote: > > I tried LilyJAZZ as it was published (about 2013 ?) but never got it to run > properly. > > > My actual atempts with a testcode from >

Re: OT: Beauty of programming languages

2015-09-12 Thread Stan Sanderson
Briefly- Age: 75, using LilyPond since 2003, many Mutopia submissions which others have updated. Most challenging project (2003-2004): Joseph Archer's parlor piano transcription of his "Alice, Where Art Thou?." Mutopia was my example and teacher back then. I'm a retired physics teacher, frustrat

Re: Questions - Modern Chant Notation

2015-10-29 Thread Stan Sanderson
> On Oct 29, 2015, at 2:38 PM, Karen Billings wrote: > > Hi All, > > I've be working on converting a Gregorian chant from 4-line notation to > 5-line modern notation for service use, and I've stumbled across two problems: > > 1. Lilypond does not seem to be able to determine line length any

Re: Install problem

2015-11-20 Thread Stan Sanderson
Re: Frescobaldi, my appreciation increases with every use. Even though I've been using it since Davide L. provided the files on MacPort, most of my use is at the elementary level. This explains how I accidentally discovered the "quick insert" capability just a day or two ago. I had seen it in th

Re: alternative problem in repetition

2016-01-26 Thread Stan Sanderson
> On Jan 26, 2016, at 11:35 AM, Marcos Press wrote: > > Hi list!, > Can anyone try these and tell me why does lilypond eliminate the second > alternative? > My output said that there are more \alternatives than repetitions, but thats > not true. > > \version "2.18.2" > > \relative a'' { > \

Re: alternative problem in repetition

2016-01-26 Thread Stan Sanderson
try again... David provides one possibility, and here is another. You have one alternative, but it appears you intend to create two voices. the << >> brackets are missing. \alternative { << { a2. } \\ { a2.~ | a2 r4 } >> } ___ li

LilyPondTool and Mac OS settings help?

2010-02-20 Thread Stan Sanderson
Macintosh OS 10.5.8, LilyPond 2.13.12, LilyPondTool 2.12.894 I find LilyPondTool to be very helpful. However, my commands settings for the plug-in have never achieved the ability to use it fully. For example, "convert-ly" produces an error message indicating that python is not found. In l

Re: LilyPondTool and Mac OS settings help?

2010-02-21 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Feb 21, 2010, at 9:22 AM, Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote: Stan Sanderson wrote: Macintosh OS 10.5.8, LilyPond 2.13.12, LilyPondTool 2.12.894 I find LilyPondTool to be very helpful. However, my commands settings for the plug-in have never achieved the ability to use it fully. For

Re: fonts on OSX and 2.13.34

2010-09-28 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Sep 28, 2010, at 12:11 AM, James Bailey wrote: Has something changed with the way fonts in 2.13 work, custom fonts aren't loaded. \version "2.12.2" \markup \left-column { \line { How razorback jumping frogs level six piqued gymnasts. } \line { \override #'(font-name . "Times Italic") {

Re: What's with WebLily? Registration working

2010-10-07 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Oct 7, 2010, at 4:24 AM, weblily wrote: Hi Gordon, thanks for your sending me the requested information. I was able to reproduce the problem. The registration for new users was broken. I did not notice that because it has been working fine for registered users. Now registration is worki

Re: What's with WebLily? Registration working

2010-10-07 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Oct 7, 2010, at 11:53 AM, bart deruyter wrote: Hi, I just registered today, to test it myself. The mail will probably be in your spam folder, that was the case with me. grtz, Bart You were correct. I had not waited long enough when I previously checked the

frescobaldi macports broken after update

2014-01-17 Thread Stan Sanderson
Davide, The last “port self update” and “upgrade outdated” appear to have broken Frescobaldi’s Music View on both my OS 10.6 and 10.9 machines. There is only a gray screen displayed in the Music View window. Frescobaldi-devel is installed on both machines and has been working well prior to th

Re: frescobaldi macports broken after update

2014-01-17 Thread Stan Sanderson
> On Jan 17, 2014, at 6:30 PM, Davide Liessi wrote > 2014/1/17 Stan Sanderson : >> The last “port self update” and “upgrade outdated” appear to have broken >> Frescobaldi’s Music View on both my OS 10.6 and 10.9 machines. There is only >> a gray screen displayed

Re: frescobaldi macports broken after update

2014-01-23 Thread Stan Sanderson
Davide, Once again, many thanks for your support of Frescobaldi through MacPorts. Stan > On Jan 23, 2014, at 6:35 AM, Davide Liessi wrote: > > 2014/1/18 Davide Liessi : >> I'll let you know when the patch will be commited. > > The patch is now in MacPorts. > Enter in the Terminal > > sudo po

Re: frescobaldi macports broken after update

2014-02-13 Thread Stan Sanderson
Davide, I first verified that Frescobaldi (-devel) would load if a file was clicked and files were set to be opened by it. Frescobaldi loaded but did not load Following re-installation of Frescobaldi (-devel) as you suggested, clicking on not only runs Frescobaldi

Re: ANN: Frescobaldi 2.0.14

2014-03-07 Thread Stan Sanderson
Thanks and happy birthday Wilbert and once again, thank you Davide! Stan > On Mar 7, 2014, at 3:14 AM, Davide Liessi wrote: > > 2014-03-07 0:00 GMT+01:00 Wilbert Berendsen : >> Frescobaldi 2.0.14 has been released in the wild! > > ... and is now available in MacPorts! > > To upgrade 'sudo por

dot placement with staff switch

2014-03-12 Thread Stan Sanderson
I’m stuck as to how to correct the placement of the dot in the code and attached example. Changing stem direction leaves the dot under the line, rather than above. I’d be grateful for a suggestion.version "2.19.3"\language "english"global = {        \key f \major        \time 4/4}fHSr = { \once \ov

Re: dot placement with staff switch

2014-03-12 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Mar 12, 2014, at 4:18 PM, Pierre Perol-Schneider wrote: > 2014-03-12 21:46 GMT+01:00 Stan Sanderson : > > I’m stuck as to how to correct the placement of the dot in the code and > attached example. > > \once\dotsUp c2. > > HTH, > Pierre Thank you! Aggh, it

Re: [Frescobaldi] Frescobaldi on MacPorts?

2014-03-14 Thread Stan Sanderson
Davide, Many thanks for your efforts. > On Mar 14, 2014, at 4:45 AM, Davide Liessi wrote: > > 2014-03-14 0:46 GMT+01:00 Davide Liessi : >> At the moment MacPorts' trac is still inaccessible to me (and >> apparently not only me >>, so I c

Re: ANN: Frescobaldi 2.0.15

2014-03-17 Thread Stan Sanderson
Thank You All! On Mar 17, 2014, at 3:43 PM, Davide Liessi wrote: > 2014-03-11 17:19 GMT+01:00 Wilbert Berendsen : >> Frescobaldi 2.0.15 is out. > > ... and is now available in MacPorts. > > Best wishes. > Davide > > ___ > lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Mac testers needed for Frescobaldi!

2014-04-22 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Apr 22, 2014, at 7:57 AM, Davide Liessi wrote: > 2014-04-22 14:42 GMT+02:00 Davide Liessi : >> A user reported the following error when changing the background color >> of the source window. > > That user reported that after closing and reopening Frescobaldi also > he could not reproduce the

Re: Mac testers needed for Frescobaldi!

2014-05-05 Thread Stan Sanderson
On May 5, 2014, at 4:08 AM, Davide Liessi wrote: > Except for these, the application bundle was working correctly on all > machines. > If Wilbert agrees, I think that starting with the next version > Frescobaldi will be distributed also as a downloadable self-contained > Mac application bundle!

Frescoibaldi wizard

2014-05-14 Thread Stan Sanderson
Previously, the Score Wizard tool created a window on top of Frescobaldi’s window. Now, using the same version of Frescobaldi (2.0.15) the window is created (hidden) beneath the main Frescobaldi window. I first thought the tool wasn’t responding to my call for it but when I decided to check whic

Re: Frescoibaldi wizard

2014-05-14 Thread Stan Sanderson
Sorry for the omission. Macintosh (hence direction to Davide) OS 10.9. The wizard has also always appeared on top for me. Now, to use it, I must call it and then move the Frescobaldi window enough to allow me to click on it. However, further investigation led me to the conclusion that the proble

Re: lyric problems with latest development version(s)

2014-10-01 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Oct 1, 2014, at 7:34 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote: > Hi, > > Is anyone else finding that melismas are not working in >= v2.19.14 as they > did in <= v2.19.13? > Specifically, ties seem to no longer force melismas. > > Thanks, > Kieren. I went straight from 2.19.13 to 2.19.15, and haven’t n

Re: Big Music Font Update

2014-10-28 Thread Stan Sanderson
Yes, impressive work! If using Frescobaldi (I can only speak for the Mac version), one can install the fonts in the System/Library/Fonts file and access them by setting the path in Frescobaldi's Preferences. This works around the need to reinstall when updating LilyPond to a new version. At l

Re: A pause in 3/4 measure

2014-10-31 Thread Stan Sanderson
R1*3/4 ? HTH Stan > On Oct 31, 2014, at 5:42 AM, Dr. Bernhard Kleine > wrote: > > I am very astonished that a full pause in a 3/4 measure is four quarters > long. How to note then a full pause? > > Bernhard > ___ > lilypond-user mailing list > li

Re: Problem with ChordNames

2014-11-16 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Nov 16, 2014, at 12:25 PM, Patrick or Cynthia Karl wrote: > I am using LilyPond 2.19.15 on a mac running OSX 10.10 (Yosemite). > > The following snippet (from section 2.7.2 Displaying Chords of the Notation > Manual): > > \version "2.19.15" > > \new ChordNames { > \chordmode { >c2 f4.

Re: Text fonts

2014-11-20 Thread Stan Sanderson
I note that the full name for Vollkorn Condensed Regular is (according to Font Book) “Vollkorn,” which is the same as the full name for Vollkorn Regular. How does the style sheet distinguish between the two versions? Stan On Nov 20, 2014, at 8:24 AM, tisimst wrote: > I'm afraid I don't entir

Re: can't understand beaming

2010-11-19 Thread Stan Sanderson
Arno- I believe your timing is correct, however the dotted eighth followed by the sixteenth note is what triggered the beaming in your first measure. The second measure would have the same beam pattern if the same rhythm was used. However, since that is not what is intended, you could f

Re: can't understand beaming

2010-11-19 Thread Stan Sanderson
oops, that should have been 2.13.35. However, I've since installed 2.13.39 and forcing beams as I suggested fis8 ([ e8 )] a8 ([ a8 )] b8\> ( ais8\! ) does produce the desired pattern. Stan On Nov 19, 2010, at 6:44 AM, Stan Sanderson wrote: Arno- I believe your timing is correct,

handbell sample source

2011-03-16 Thread Stan Sanderson
In September of 2009 Stephen Corey posted a template for handbell music having the ability to color note heads automatically. I think I saw some discussion about special symbols used with handbell music, but little else. It would be very helpful (to me, at least) if a short example of a c

Re: Tie collision with note

2011-03-19 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Mar 19, 2011, at 9:30 PM, Nicholas Moe wrote: I am working on engraving an organ piece, César Franck's Cantabile. In the LH in mm. 16–17, the middle voice is tied, but the tie collides with the notes in the upper voice. Ideally, its shape and position should match the tie in the upper voice,

Re: Tie collision with note

2011-03-20 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Mar 20, 2011, at 1:21 AM, Nicholas Moe wrote: That makes the tie how I want it, but I need to shift the middle notes to the right in the second measure to show that they are their own voice, whilst keeping the stems up. How could I do that? Nick I understand. How about this (thanks, JEdi

Re: Tie collision with note

2011-03-20 Thread Stan Sanderson
d2\( f e2 e\) } } %- Best, Nick On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 11:30 AM, Stan Sanderson wrote: On Mar 20, 2011, at 1:21 AM, Nicholas Moe wrote: That makes the tie how I want it, but I need to shi

possible bug, 2.13.60

2011-04-21 Thread Stan Sanderson
I was updating a score from 2.13.52 and found a problem. \header { texidoc = "beaming problem" reportedin = "2.13.60" } \version "2.13.60" % on Mac OS X \paper{ raggedright = ##t } \score { \relative c'' { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff { \time 3/4

Re: ANN: J. S. Bach - 371 Chorals à 4 voix + Etudes d'anamorphoses: les différentes versions d'un choral.

2011-07-20 Thread Stan Sanderson
Phil, Many thanks for your contribution. The PDF file looks great on an iPad and is much easier to carry around than my printed copy. The source files will be helpful as a "good practice" coding reference. Stan On Jul 20, 2011, at 4:48 PM, Phil Hézaine wrote: > Hello list, > > An updated ve

Re: Basic LilyPond Cheat Sheet

2011-09-12 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Sep 12, 2011, at 12:42 PM, "Phil Holmes" wrote: > - Original Message - From: "Helge Kruse" > To: > Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 6:21 PM > Subject: Re: Basic LilyPond Cheat Sheet > > >> Am 12.09.2011 14:39, schrieb Reinhold Kainhofer: >>> Dear all, >>> Sometimes it can be very u

Mac g4 OS Leopard?

2011-09-12 Thread Stan Sanderson
I downloaded Lilypond 2.15.11, Darwin ppc for Mac OS. I am running OS 10.5.8 on a PowerBook G4. The icon after decompression indicates an incompatible application. I looked for system requirements or a bug report but could not find anything applying to the current development version. Version 2.

Mac OS 10.5 ppc & Lilypond?

2011-09-13 Thread Stan Sanderson
I'd really like to know if my trusty PowerBook G4, running OS 10.5.8, is now fated to only run earlier versions of Lilypond. 2.15.11 won't run; 2.15.8 does. This is a second post as a copy of the original never arrived in my mailbox. Stan ___ lilypond

Re: Mac OS 10.5 ppc & Lilypond?

2011-09-13 Thread Stan Sanderson
Thanks. I will recheck the list setting. Looks like Bugreports will see this twice! Stan On Sep 13, 2011, at 11:21 AM, Xavier Scheuer wrote: > On 13 September 2011 18:05, Stan Sanderson wrote: >> >> I'd really like to know if my trusty PowerBook G4, running OS 10.5.8

Re: Mac OS 10.5 ppc & Lilypond?

2011-09-14 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Sep 13, 2011, at 11:57 PM, Colin Campbell wrote: > On 11-09-13 10:29 AM, Stan Sanderson wrote: >> Thanks. I will recheck the list setting. >> Looks like Bugreports will see this twice! >> >> Stan >> >> On Sep 13, 2011, at 11:21 AM, Xavier Scheuer wr

2.15.11 on PPC

2011-09-20 Thread Stan Sanderson
Lilypond 2.15.11 for Mac OS X PPC downloaded from the site appears to contain an incorrect binary. When decompressed, the application icon is covered by a circle and slash. If I look at the package contents, navigate to the Lilypond binary and attempt to execute it, the following me

Re: 2.15.12 on PPC (was 2.15.11)

2011-09-21 Thread Stan Sanderson
I had the problem described below with v. 2.15.11, and also 2.15.12-1. My last post should have referred to that version. Sorry about the confusion. Stan On Sep 20, 2011, at 9:59 AM, Stan Sanderson wrote: > Lilypond 2.15.11 for Mac OS X PPC downloaded from the site > appe

Re: maxosx support for 10.4 to 10.7, test binaries

2011-09-26 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Sep 26, 2011, at 12:31 AM, Graham Percival wrote: > There are darwin-ppc and darwin-x86 binaries here: > > > There is one report that the x86 version fails to work on 10.5.8, > which seems odd since I would have expected more complaints if > that was the case. I

2.15.13 fail on darwin x86

2011-09-27 Thread Stan Sanderson
iMac x86, OS 10.5.8 V 2.15.13 fails with the same error report as 2.15.12. v 2.15.8 was the last version to run on my machine. Stan ___ lilypond-user mailing list

2.15.14 will not run on Mac x86

2011-10-10 Thread Stan Sanderson
Sad to report that LilyPond v 2.15.14-1 fails to run on my iMac. Error report follows below. As previously reported, v 2.15.8 is the last version to run successfully. The previously suggested workaround was not effective. Process: LilyPond [285] Path:/Users/ssanders/Desktop/Li

Re: 2.15.14 will not run on Mac x86

2011-10-12 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Oct 11, 2011, at 10:59 PM, Colin Campbell wrote: > On 11-10-10 08:19 AM, Stan Sanderson wrote: >> >> Sad to report that LilyPond v 2.15.14-1 fails to run on my iMac. Error >> report follows below. >> As previously reported, v 2.15.8 is the last version t

Re: 2.15.14 will not run on Mac x86

2011-10-12 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Oct 11, 2011, at 10:59 PM, Colin Campbell wrote: > On 11-10-10 08:19 AM, Stan Sanderson wrote: >> >> Sad to report that LilyPond v 2.15.14-1 fails to run on my iMac. Error >> report follows below. >> As previously reported, v 2.15.8 is the last version t

Re: 2.15.14 will not run on Mac x86

2011-10-16 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Oct 16, 2011, at 4:49 AM, "Phil Holmes" wrote: > "Stan Sanderson" wrote in message > >> Sad to report that LilyPond v 2.15.14-1 fails to run on my iMac. Error >> report follows below. >>

2.15.18, Mac x86

2011-11-12 Thread Stan Sanderson
(ref Bug 1943) Get Info on v. 2.15.18 reports v. 2.14-2 after expansion. It still does not open under OS 10.5.8, x86. Stan ___ lilypond-user mailing list

2.15.18 on Mac ppc

2011-11-12 Thread Stan Sanderson
Ref bug 1943 On Mac OS 10.5.8 ppc (PowerBook G4), v.2.15.18 appears to be fully functional and reports the correct version number under "Get Info." Files compile and render as expected. Stan ___ lilypond-user mailing list https:

Re: Handel's Messiah -- question about finding which ly file runs the whole shebang

2012-01-16 Thread Stan Sanderson
... and please don't think that, despite earlier comments, you are the only OS X LilyPond user out there! Stan On Jan 16, 2012, at 10:57 AM, wrote: > Many thanks, Mike! > > "" wrote: >> On Jan 16, 2012, at 5:50 PM, wrote: >> >>> Well, the OS X version I have of l

Re: Mac OS X package up for testing

2012-01-21 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Jan 21, 2012, at 11:24 AM, Hans Aberg wrote: > On 21 Jan 2012, at 14:55, wrote: > >> Thanks to the work of Christian Hitz and Graham Percival, there is a new >> 2.15.26 package for Mac OS X available on my website: >> >>

Re: Experimental Web-based Lilypond Editor

2012-02-01 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Feb 1, 2012, at 5:32 AM, Helge Kruse wrote: > 2012/2/1 trevordixon : > expected, and it will probably crash and be down at times. I've only tested > it in Chrome 15 and Firefox 9. It should work in Internet Explorer 9 or 10, > but will almost certainly not work in IE8 or earlier. > > > Let m

Re: Experimental Web-based Lilypond Editor

2012-02-03 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Feb 3, 2012, at 7:28 AM, Kieren MacMillan wrote: > Hi all, > > This is a pretty amazing prototype! Congratulations and thanks to all > involved. > Has anyone tested this on an iPad or other tablet? Just curious. > > Cheers, > Kieren. > ___ > lily

Re: Roadblock MacOSX 10.4 for release of LilyPond 2.16

2012-02-04 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Feb 4, 2012, at 5:07 PM, David Kastrup wrote: > James Worlton writes: > >> On Feb 3, 2012, at 10:30 AM, James Worlton wrote: >> >>> On my PPC 10.4 machine Lily 2.15.26 was the last one that ran (the >>> GUI) without problems. I am not near my machine now, and so I can't >>> test if 2.15.27

Mac info.plist problem

2012-02-18 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Mac OS X x86, LilyPond 2.15.30-1 would not run after expansion. A problem was reported with the Info.plist file. Upon examining the file (via: View Package Contents) I found a missing "". All runs well after adding it to the info.plist file. I found the missing command by comparing the "bad"

Re: Mac info.plist problem . Issue 2338

2012-02-27 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Feb 18, 2012, at 2:50 PM, Stan Sanderson wrote: > On Mac OS X x86, LilyPond 2.15.30-1 would not run after expansion. A problem > was reported with the Info.plist file. > > Upon examining the file (via: View Package Contents) I found a missing > "". All runs we

Re: Mac info.plist problem . Issue 2338

2012-02-27 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:36 PM, Colin Hall wrote: > > On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 11:14:43AM -0600, Stan Sanderson wrote: >> On Feb 18, 2012, at 2:50 PM, Stan Sanderson wrote: >> >>> On Mac OS X x86, LilyPond 2.15.30-1 would not run after expansion. A >>> prob

Re: Mac info.plist problem . Issue 2338

2012-02-28 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Feb 27, 2012, at 7:49 PM, David Kastrup wrote: > Stan Sanderson writes: > >> On Feb 18, 2012, at 2:50 PM, Stan Sanderson wrote: >> >>> On Mac OS X x86, LilyPond 2.15.30-1 would not run after expansion. A >>> problem was reported with the Info.plist fi

Mac OS X 10.5.8 x86

2012-03-05 Thread Stan Sanderson
For what it's worth, LilyPond 2.15.32 works for me "out of the box" on x86, 10.5.8. No modifications to files were required. Stan ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Mac OS X 10.5.8

2012-03-10 Thread Stan Sanderson
I can confirm that LilyPond 2.15.33 loads and correctly compiles my code on both ppc and x86 platforms running OS 10.5.8. Stan ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Help needed creating a Mac OS X installer for Frescobaldi

2012-03-22 Thread Stan Sanderson
Stan On Mar 22, 2012, at 4:09 PM, Rodolfo Zitellini wrote: > I can give this a try. I tried using py2app on frescobaldi but it had > some issues and I didn't have time to sort them out. > > Rodolfo > > On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 5:29 PM, Wilbert Berendsen wrote: >> Hi all, >> >> Unfortunately

Re: Help needed creating a Mac OS X installer for Frescobaldi

2012-03-22 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Mar 22, 2012, at 4:09 PM, Rodolfo Zitellini wrote: > I can give this a try. I tried using py2app on frescobaldi but it had > some issues and I didn't have time to sort them out. > > Rodolfo > > On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 5:29 PM, Wilbert Berendsen wrote: >> Hi all, >> >> Unfortunately I don'

Re: Help needed creating a Mac OS X installer for Frescobaldi

2012-03-25 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Mar 25, 2012, at 8:37 AM, Rodolfo Zitellini wrote: Hi All, I did some quick and quite dirty esperimenting with cx_freeze, and I should have something more or less working which I'd like to test on other systems: this was compiled on macos 10.7.3 intel w

Re: Help needed creating a Mac OS X installer for Frescobaldi

2012-03-25 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Mar 25, 2012, at 4:54 PM, ole wrote: Am 25.03.2012 um 20:04 schrieb Rodolfo Zitellini: On Sun, Mar 25, 2012 at 6:45 PM, Stan Sanderson wrote: On Mar 25, 2012, at 8:37 AM, Rodolfo Zitellini wrote: Hi All, I did some quick and quite dirty esperimenting with cx_freeze, and I should

2.15.35 report

2012-03-28 Thread Stan Sanderson
LilyPond v. 2.15.35 compiles existing source files correctly on both PPC and x86 platforms running Mac OS X 10.5.8. Stan ___ lilypond-user mailing list

v 2.15.36 on Mac OS

2012-04-07 Thread Stan Sanderson
I can confirm that LilyPond v. 2.15.36 on both x86 and PPC platforms running OS X 10.5.8 correctly compiles previously coded files. Stan ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: tie to note inside double backslashing voicing

2012-04-09 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Apr 9, 2012, at 8:13 AM, Janek Warchoł wrote: > On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 11:27 PM, trandrusiii wrote: >> >> Hi. The problem I am having now is different. When I attempt to add a hairpin >> decres the spacing of my entire piece gets corrupted. I've attached a >> screencap to illustrate. I would

Re: Frecobaldi 2 Mac OS X install guide

2013-06-05 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Jun 5, 2013, at 7:49 PM, Andrew Bernard wrote: > Greetings, > > On 6/06/13 10:13 AM, Tim McNamara wrote: >> Installing Frescobaldi remains one of the singularly frustrating interludes >> of my computing life. I cannot figure out how anyone gets a damned thing >> done using Linux/BSD with a

Re: Frecobaldi 2 Mac OS X install guide

2013-06-24 Thread Stan Sanderson
On Jun 6, 2013, at 5:35 AM, Andrew Bernard wrote: > Yes, but Mac OS X Darwin does not use apt as far as I know, only Debian and > Debian derived systems such as Ubuntu and Mint. > > As a result of this thread, I have decided the need is there for a macports > bundle for frescobaldi, one that i

Re: frescobaldi on mac

2013-08-16 Thread Stan Sanderson
I've been trying to get up enough courage to attempt it again on a new (Mac) machine running OS 10.8.4, using Mike's instructions. Previously I attempted to install on an OS 10.6 machine using homebrew, followed by MadPorts, but I believe my long-time use of fink and an incomplete removal of ho

Re: frescobaldi on mac

2013-08-16 Thread Stan Sanderson
Success report. OK, I have installed Frescobaldi and apart from the midi, it appears to be working as advertised. I started with a "fresh" MacBook Air running OS 10.8.4, i.e., no previous Fink, HomeBrew or MacPort installs. I followed the instructions on the Frescobaldi Mac OSX install guide p

Re: frescobaldi on mac

2013-08-16 Thread Stan Sanderson
Update- Re: fresh install on OS 10.8.4 following the recipe linked to the Frescobaldi page on a "clean" machine. XQuartz previously installed but no previous MacPorts, Fink or HomeBrew installs. Frescobaldi is working well, but I was having problems with MIDI. I now believe it was due to the s

Re: frescobaldi on mac

2013-08-20 Thread Stan Sanderson
Davide- As far as I know, I have a working Frescobaldi install (OS 10.8.4) after following Philippe's instructions, except that lyric hyphenation generates an error message. I am curious as to whether it works in your installation. Thank you for the work you have done to make this valuable tool

Re: a few questions

2013-08-27 Thread Stan Sanderson
Note that the closing ">>” were cut off from the end of the example in the email. Stan On Aug 27, 2013, at 12:40 PM, Tim Roberts wrote: > similar to this: > > upper = \relative c' { ___ lilypond-user mailing list https://lists

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