oops, that should have been 2.13.35. However, I've since installed 2.13.39 and forcing beams as I suggested

fis8 ([ e8 )] a8 ([ a8 )] b8\> ( ais8\! )

does produce the desired pattern.


On Nov 19, 2010, at 6:44 AM, Stan Sanderson wrote:


I believe your timing is correct, however the dotted eighth followed by the sixteenth note is what triggered the beaming in your first measure. The second measure would have the same beam pattern if the same rhythm was used. However, since that is not what is intended, you could force beaming for the first two pairs:
fis8 ([ e8 )] a8 ([ a8 )] b8\> ( ais8\! )

and it should work.

Note that I am answering while using 2.11.35, but I don't think things have changed that much. Apologies if I'm wrong.


On Nov 19, 2010, at 6:15 AM, Arno Rog wrote:


Since the algorithms for beaming have changed I encounter all sorts of
incomprehensible behavior. I'm using 2.13.39

Yes I've read the manual, I've tried every piece of code,
tried the LSR, etc...

Why is the beaming for the two following measures different??
And how do I correct it?

PartPTwoTwoVoiceOne =  \relative fis'' {
        \clef "treble"
        \key d \major
        \time 3/4
        e8 ( d8 ) cis8\> ( b8 ) a8. ( g16\! ) % <-correct beaming
        fis8 ( e8 ) a8 ( a8 ) b8\> ( ais8\! ) % <-incorrect beaming

\score { \PartPTwoTwoVoiceOne }

I hope someone can point me in the right direction, it is driving me

Thanks in advance,

Arno Rog

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