> On Jan 26, 2016, at 11:35 AM, Marcos Press <tdy.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi list!,
> Can anyone try these and tell me why does lilypond eliminate the second 
> alternative?
> My output said that there are more \alternatives than repetitions, but thats 
> not true.
> \version "2.18.2"
> \relative a'' {
>  \time 6/8
>  \repeat volta 2 {
>   << 
>    { a8-.-- g-.-- r r4 fis8-.-- | fis8-.-- e-.-- r r4 d8-.-- | d2. }
>   \\ 
>    { fis8-.-- e-.-- r r4 e8-.-- | d8-.-- cis-.-- r r4 b8-.-- | b2. }
>   >>
>   a2 d8 e | a2 a8 b | e,2. | g4 fis g |
>  }
>  \alternative {
>   { a2. }
>  \\
>   { a2.~ | a2 r4 }
>  }
> }

David provides one possibility, and here is another.

You have one alternative, but it appears you intend to create two voices. the 
<< >> brackets are missing.

>  \alternative {
>   { a2. }
>  \\
>   { a2.~ | a2 r4 }
>  }

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