Lilypond error on starting for the first time

2006-04-10 Thread Robert Blackstone
Opened 2.8.2-4 for the first time today. Saved the opening file, chose Compile > Typeset file , as instructed, but received "unexpected" error message: "(OSError: [Errno 8] Exec format error)" What can I do? Computer: Apple Powerbook G4, OS 10.4.5 dragged to Applicat

Vertically centering a song text.

2015-12-02 Thread Robert Blackstone
Dear List, Could anybody help me (a newby) with the following issue: I am setting a song, vocal line and keyboard, with two sections, the first of which has two verses, the second only one, as in the ME, copied, and slightly modified, from

Re: Vertically centering a song text.

2015-12-04 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi, Ref.: “" > On 3 Dec 2015, at 04:28 , tisimst wrote: > > On a related, but side, note, I wrote a post a while back about a way to deal > with vertically centering lyrics with the help of a music function. Anyway, > it may be helpful to someone: > >

Re: Vertically centering a song text.

2015-12-04 Thread Robert Blackstone
“Vertically centering a song test.” Best regards, Robert Blackstone > On 3 Dec 2015, at 03:02 , William Marchant wrote: > > In the example snippet quoted below, there is a line: > skipFour = \repeat unfold 4 { \skip 8 } > > I have found this useful on its own, and have saved

LilyPond latest unstable

2015-12-19 Thread Robert Blackstone
blems. Best regards, Robert Blackstone ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPond latest unstable

2015-12-19 Thread Robert Blackstone
eems to be solved. Though I have no idea why different extractors yield different results. Thanks for your help anway. Best regards, Robert Blackstone On 19 Dec 2015, at 20:10 , Jacques Menu wrote: > > Hello Robert, > > This works fine for me on OS X 10.11.2: > > menu@m

Telemann's "Strich"

2015-12-20 Thread Robert Blackstone
Dear list, I’m working on a bilingual edition of Telemann’s Singe-, Spiel- und General-Baß-Übungen, a very nice little tutorial consisting almost entirely of songs with a figured bass line and a written-out realization. In the bass lines Telemann sometimes adds short straight lines parallel wi

Re: Telemann's "Strich"

2015-12-20 Thread Robert Blackstone
ike slurs, and in some of his songs one can find them both, curved and straight slurs, apparently for the same purpose, judging from his realization. Best regards, Robert > On 20 dec. 2015, at 12:52, Richard Shann wrote: > > On Sun, 2015-12-20 at 12:44 +0100, Robert Blackstone w

Re: Telemann's "Strich"

2015-12-20 Thread Robert Blackstone
On 20 Dec 2015, at 14:36 , Richard Shann wrote: > Is this piece in IMSLP? > > Richard > Yes, the whole tutorial can be found in,_Spiel-_und_Generalbass%C3%BCbungen,_TWV_25:39-85_(Telemann,_Georg_Philipp) Robert ___ li

Re: Telemann's "Strich"

2015-12-21 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Andrew, Decapitated arrows as stiff slurs. Why not? Perhaps I would like to try it, some day. (But as a LilyPond newbie there are many more urgent things I have to learn now.) But also I have to decide whether or not to copy Telemann's Strich in the modern version. That depends on whether

Re: Telemann's "Strich"

2015-12-21 Thread Robert Blackstone
On 21 Dec 2015, at 09:43 , Andrew Bernard wrote: > How about this: > > \version "2.19.33" > > { > \clef bass > \time 3/8 > c8 a, gis, > \stemUp a,8 \stemDown a^\markup { \draw-line #'(4 . -1) } g > } > > Andrew > Beautiful! Many thanks. Robert___

Unwanted barline. How to get rid of it?

2015-12-23 Thread Robert Blackstone
\clef bass \key c \major \time 6/8 \repeat volta 2 {\partial 8 c'8 c4. c | c c | c r4| } c4.~ c \bar "|." } } __ Thanks in advance for any advice, B

Re: Unwanted barline. How to get rid of it?

2015-12-23 Thread Robert Blackstone
2:56 , Phil Holmes wrote: > - Original Message ----- From: "Robert Blackstone" > > To: > Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2015 11:47 AM > Subject: Unwanted barline. How to get rid of it? > > >> Dear all, >> >> In one of the pieces that I'm p

Re: Unwanted barline. How to get rid of it?

2015-12-23 Thread Robert Blackstone
> > On 23 December 2015 at 11:47, Robert Blackstone > wrote: > Dear all, > > In one of the pieces that I'm presently typesetting there appears, near the > end, after a repeat, a barline that should not be there. (See the MWE below) > > How

Re: Unwanted barline. How to get rid of it?

2015-12-23 Thread Robert Blackstone
On 23 Dec 2015, at 13:23 , Thomas Morley wrote: >> > > No. If you spell out the repeat you'll see it directly: > > \relative c { > \time 6/8 > \partial 8 c'8 c4. c | c c | c r4 c8 | c4. c | c c | c r4 | %% <- missing 8 > c4.~ c \bar "|." > } > >> More importantly, this is what the origin

Re: Unwanted barline. How to get rid of it?

2015-12-23 Thread Robert Blackstone
On 23 Dec 2015, at 13:44 , Chris Yate wrote: > Just checked. As I said -- you may want another partial bar > >\relative c { >\clef bass >\key c \major >\time 6/8 > > \repeat volta 2 {\partial 8 > c'8 > c4. c | > c c | > \pa

Snippet: Vertical brace spanning several lyrics lines [addition]

2016-01-06 Thread Robert Blackstone
Dear list, I found the snippet: "Vertical brace spanning several lyrics lines" ( and It works perfectly "out of the box" for three lyrics lines as in the snippet, but it took me quite some time to get it to work

Superscript in \markup environment

2016-02-05 Thread Robert Blackstone
l 5ths can be tolerated but these could have been avoided by contrary movement." "The same goes for parallel 8ves." } %end left-align } %end Column } } % end fill-line } %end markup %%% Thanks in advance for any advice. Kind regards, Robert

Re: Superscript in \markup environment

2016-02-06 Thread Robert Blackstone
so pointed out the possibilities to fine-tune the result. Ref.: "Why adding music, when you ask about toplevel markup?" It was just part of a testfile. Not functional. My apologies. Best regards, Robert On 5 Feb 2016, at 20:18 , Thomas Morley wrote: > 2016-02-05 19:53 GMT+

Re: Superscript in \markup environment

2016-02-06 Thread Robert Blackstone
Dear Joram, Thank you for your help. I had already tried \concat { "5" \super "ths" } but it did not work. I see now that this code must be outside the pair of quotemarks containing the "normal" text, a condition I wasn't aware of. I'm glad you also pointed out the possibilities to fine-tune t

Re: Superscript in \markup environment

2016-02-06 Thread Robert Blackstone
es to fine-tune the result. Thanks again. Best regards Robert On 5 Feb 2016, at 20:19 , Abraham Lee wrote: > Robert, > > On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 11:53 AM, Robert Blackstone >>> wrote: > Dear list > > The LilyPond-project that I'm

Re: Super and sub

2016-02-07 Thread Robert Blackstone
with LilyPonds own accidentals and perhaps the BC-font.) Best regards, Robert Blackstone On 6 Feb 2016, at 20:58 , Noeck wrote: > Dear all, > > in a recent question on this list [1] about \super in markup text, all > three replies suggested to tweak the vertical position of super

Re: Super and sub

2016-02-07 Thread Robert Blackstone
Dear David, Thank you very much. Perfect. This is what I had hoped for. I needed some time to find out how to insert "real" LilyPond accidentals instead of your "♯" but I think I can manage that now. (Just curious: What is ♯? Not the normal #.) Best regards, Robert Black

Re: Centering a musical example and reducing the vertical space betweenexample and text

2016-02-09 Thread Robert Blackstone
0 > HTH. > > Cheers, > Pierre > > > 2016-02-09 13:57 GMT+01:00 Phil Holmes : > Something like this:? > > \markup > > \fill-line {\center-column { "Some text"} } > \markup \fill-line {\center-column { \score { c''1 } } } > \markup \fill

Re: Centering a musical example and reducing the vertical space betweenexample and text

2016-02-09 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Phil, Thanks for your response. But no, this is not what I meant, at least not in this simple form. Meanwhile I have received enough feedback to keep me busy for some time and I expect, from what I have seen, that my problem will be solved. Thanks, again. Best regards, Robert On 9 Feb 201

Re: Centering a musical example and reducing the vertical space between example and text

2016-02-09 Thread Robert Blackstone
-02-09 13:43 GMT+01:00 Robert Blackstone : > > Here is an example of what it looks like now. > > No isn't. > Because I'm not the only one on this list filtering inline-images per > default, I'd recommend to attach them. > It's quite tedious to get the i

aligning an arrow

2016-02-14 Thread Robert Blackstone
tem a \unset fontSize g } \bar "||" \new Voice {\voiceTwo \stemDown { e4 \set fontSize = #-4 \once \hideNotes d^\markup { \combine \arrow-head #Y #DOWN ##f \draw-line #'( 0 . 2) } \once \hideNotes d \unset fontSize c } |} >> \bar "||" } }% Thank

Re: aligning an arrow

2016-02-14 Thread Robert Blackstone
\combine > \arrow-head #Y #DOWN ##f > \draw-line #'(0 . 2) > } > > Cheers, > Pierre > > > > 2016-02-14 12:38 GMT+01:00 Robert Blackstone : > Dear all, > > In the following example I would like to lower the arrow above the third bar >

Re: aligning an arrow

2016-02-14 Thread Robert Blackstone
separate voices, and put all my voiceOne > music in one variable and all my voiceTwo in another: much easier to read ... is in all respects far more elegant and it produces what I need. Thanks for the lesson. Best regards, Robert Blackstone

How to diminish the vertical space underneath a musical example

2016-02-15 Thread Robert Blackstone
} % End score \markup { \column { \line {Other comments in the original language.} } \hspace #14 \column {\italic { \line {The same translated into some other language.} }} }% End markup %<--- Thanks in advance for any help. Best regards, Robert

Re: How to diminish the vertical space underneath a musical example

2016-02-16 Thread Robert Blackstone
in my "toolbox". Thanks again. Best regards, Robert lackstone On 15 Feb 2016, at 18:28 , Federico Bruni wrote: > Il giorno lun 15 feb 2016 alle 17:52, Robert Blackstone > ha scritto: >> What can I do to diminish the vertical space between the score and the next >&g

Re: How to diminish the vertical space underneath a musical example

2016-02-16 Thread Robert Blackstone
mething. I really do not know where to insert it. But it does not matter at the moment. Thanks again. Best regards, Robert Blackstone On 15 Feb 2016, at 21:39 , Klaus Blum wrote: > Hi Robert, > > > Robert Blackstone-3 wrote >> What can I do to diminish the vertical spa

Re: How to diminish the vertical space underneath a musical example

2016-02-17 Thread Robert Blackstone
I'll play with it a but more. Thanks again. Best regards, Robert On 16 Feb 2016, at 22:10 , Thomas Morley wrote: > 2016-02-16 13:34 GMT+01:00 Robert Blackstone : >> Hi Klaus, >> >> Thanks for this tip. Indeed these are all very small score blocks and >> insert

Notes or chords sustained with a pedal

2019-12-21 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Robin, I tried some of the procedures I found on , the thread you advised me to look at but they did not help me very much. So I tried to develop

Re: Notes or chords sustained with a pedal

2019-12-22 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Aaron, Mark, Kieren and Rutger, Many thanks for your solutions for my “Laissez vibrer”-problem. I’m very impressed by your "LilyPond -creativity”. Introducing my notes into your examples works perfectly. Unfortunatly, introducing your codes into my scores either does not change anything, when

Re: Notes or chords sustained with a pedal

2019-12-22 Thread Robert Blackstone
bin Bannister wrote: > > Robert Blackstone wrote: > > > > I’m presently transcribing some piano-scores in which schords, > > sustained with a pedal are notated in a way had not seen before > > (see screenshot). > > Referring to that original screenshot, sure

Re: Notes or chords sustained with a pedal

2019-12-23 Thread Robert Blackstone
; > > > Am So., 22. Dez. 2019 um 11:52 Uhr schrieb Robert Blackstone >>>: > Hi Aaron, Mark, Kieren and Rutger, > > Many thanks for your solutions for my “Laissez vibrer”-problem. > I’m very impressed by your "LilyPond -

Re: nudging a note

2019-12-31 Thread Robert Blackstone
. a16 g8. fis16 g2~ | g8. g16 fis8. e16 fis2}>> } HTH Best regards, Robert Blackstone > On 31 Dec 2019, at 07:09, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote: > > Hello to All > > Please provide some suggestions/alternatives for the positioning of the first > note of the

How can I shorten the space for a final single note

2020-02-21 Thread Robert Blackstone
Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 1/2) and that works but it spoils the result by inserting three empty bars which I do not know how to get rid of. (The law of preservation of misery in full action.) Thanks in advance for any advice. Best regards, Robert Blackstone

How can I shorten the space for a final single note?

2020-02-23 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Pierre. Harm and David, Many thanks for your help. Three different solutions for my problem is a precious gift. They all work but I do need some time to understand your codes. They are so totally different from mine. I use TeXShop as my editor but that should not be a problem. I made for m

Re: How can I shorten the space for a final single note?

2020-02-24 Thread Robert Blackstone
David. Best regards, Robert Blackstone > On 23 Feb 2020, at 11:31, Pierre Perol-Schneider > wrote: > > Hi Robert, > > Le dim. 23 févr. 2020 à 10:45, Robert Blackstone <>> a écrit : > [...] > Many thanks for your help. Three d

Re: How can I shorten the space for a final single note?

2020-02-24 Thread Robert Blackstone
regards, Robert Blackstone > On 23 Feb 2020, at 11:31, Pierre Perol-Schneider > wrote: > > Hi Robert, > > Le dim. 23 févr. 2020 à 10:45, Robert Blackstone <>> a écrit : > [...] > Many thanks for your help. Three differ

Re: figured bass in staff context

2020-03-09 Thread Robert Blackstone
shift = #x” or “_\markup {\line {\concat { \dynamic f }\italic { rit. } }}” In TeXShop it is also very easy to find the beginning and end of slurs. If you’re interested I can send you privately my score of Telemann-SSGb-13-Die_vergessene_Phyllis. Best regards, Robert Blackstone > On 8

Re: Your Bespoke Lilypond Environment

2020-04-07 Thread Robert Blackstone
and paste it into TeXShop. It needs a few tricks to get correct barnumbers. I can send you an example of one of my —_ly.tex scores if you like. Best regards, Robert Blackstone PS.I don’t understand your question: "What's your DX?” I have no idea what a DX is? > On 7 Apr 2

A weird spacing problem

2020-06-03 Thread Robert Blackstone
piece. No problems until bar 46 - and after bar 49 unti the end (bar 55 ) I’ve no idea what could have caused this. And I’ll be very grateful for any suggestion. Best regards, Robert Blackstone

Re: A weird spacing problem

2020-06-03 Thread Robert Blackstone
ainly not a MWE but it works for me and it shows the problem. It also shows that its origin does not ly in the previous bars.Thanks again for your interest. Horizontal-spacing-problem_ly.tex Description: Binary data Best regards,RobertOn 3 Jun 2020, at 14:14, Valentin Villenave <valen...@vil

\set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 4/4

2020-10-04 Thread Robert Blackstone
console I sometimes have the impression that I am punished for that. Fortunately, things usually go well. Thanks again. Best regards, Robert Blackstone

Re: \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 4/4

2020-10-04 Thread Robert Blackstone
\time 3/2 \override = #'single-digit” still started without a TimeSignature. I have no idea what the cause may be. But I will not yet give up. Best regards, Robert Blackstone > On 4 Oct 2020, at 13:15, Robert Blackstone wrote: >

Line breaks not working despite using \break

2021-03-15 Thread Robert Blackstone
score. Does any of you know another way to force a line break? I’m using TeXShop on my Mac. Usually "\break" works perfectly. Thanks in advance for any advice. Best regards, Robert Blackstone

Trouble with my Piano-Scores

2021-06-14 Thread Robert Blackstone
} } 5% Can any of you see what is wrong here and what must be changed to make it work? BTW, I always work with TeXshop -3 61’LilyPond app \version "" Thanks in advance for any help. Thanks in advance Best regards Robert Blackstone

dynamics and pedal as separate "voices"

2018-11-02 Thread Robert Blackstone
ixed” style and occasionally the “bracket” -style but again I have no idea how I can make “\new Dynamics = "pedal" \pedal” do it. Thanks in advance for any advice. Best regards, Robert Blackstone ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-

Re: dynamics and pedal as separate "voices"

2018-11-02 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Kieren, Many thanks for your advice. This is a new LilyPond-terrain for me and It will certainly take me some time to implement it. Best regards, Robert Blackstone On 2 Nov 2018, at 14:24 , Kieren MacMillan wrote: > Hi Robert, > >> For my pianoscores I use a "dyna

Horizontal shifting of chords

2019-02-04 Thread Robert Blackstone
surreptitiously changing the "time" of the last 2 bars from 4/2 to 6/2 and add a hidden whole note to the end of the penultimate bar and to the beginnig of te final bar but nothing changes. Has anybody a suggestion or advice? Thanks in advance. Best regards, Robert

Re: Horizontal shifting of chords

2019-02-04 Thread Robert Blackstone
texample. But I will definitely save it in my collection of LilyPond testfiles Thanks again. Best regards, Robert Blackstone On 4 Feb 2019, at 09:23 , Malte Meyn wrote: > > > Am 04.02.19 um 08:59 schrieb Robert Blackstone: >> Hi All, >> I have been transcribing a piano p

Re: Horizontal shifting of chords

2019-02-04 Thread Robert Blackstone
ilyPond website, one has to be familiar with items such as "Score.Barline" and operations such as "break.visibility". Thanks again. Best regards, Robert Blackstone On 4 Feb 2019, at 09:52 , Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote: > \version "2.19.82" > > \new

Re: Horizontal shifting of chords

2019-02-05 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Andrew, Thank you for your reaction. I can understand that you did not understand why I wanted to centre the final chord. I was thinking of the perectly centered final rests, and if the last bar had not contained a \breve chord but a rest R1*2 would have produced it. I thought that such a th

LilyPond 64-bit version for a Mac

2019-03-02 Thread Robert Blackstone
. Best regards, Robert Blackstone ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: LilyPond 64-bit version for a Mac

2019-03-02 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Karlin, Carl and Michael, Thanks for your prompt reassuring response. I will now first test LilyPond on my other rather old and slow Mac, running on High Sierra. If that works I will upgrade mij MacBook. Thanks again. Best regards, Robert Blackstone On 2 Mar 2019, at 19:13 , Karlin

Re: LilyPond 64-bit version for a Mac

2019-03-03 Thread Robert Blackstone
, but after a few minutes it produced an impeccable pdf. What surprised me was that the processing time on this extremely slow iMac was about the same as on my MacBook. Best regards, Robert Blackstone On 2 Mar 2019, at 21:45 , Mark Probert wrote: > > Hi, Robert. > >> >

Re: \acciaccatura collision

2019-03-18 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Martin, The easiest way I can think of is \stemUp for the “main notes”. But maybe this is undesirable in the context of your score. Best regards, Robert Blackstone > On 18 Mar 2019, at 08:02 , Martin Tarenskeen wrote: > > > Hi, > > the following example: >

Re: How to get more measures on one line?

2019-06-17 Thread Robert Blackstone
to be some error further down the line which prevents it. BTW, I do not use Frescobaldi and so do not use its score wizzard. HTH Best regards, Robert Blackstone > On 15 Jun 2019, at 23:20 , Mia Heaton wrote: > > So i'm trying to write out some music, and everything is spac

Re: Help with tweaks

2019-06-24 Thread Robert Blackstone
italic "dim."} d''8^\markup{\italic "long"} s8} >> | R1*3/4 | } Best regards, Robert Blackstone > On 23 Jun 2019, at 21:59 , Evan Driscoll wrote: > > So first, thanks again for the people who replied to my las

A spacing problem

2019-07-04 Thread Robert Blackstone
the piece I’ve been working on it happens 4 times. (See screenshots) I have carefully checked the note durations in each bar and there seems to be nothing wrong with any of them. What can I do to avoid or remedy this? I’ll be very grateful for any advice. Best regards, Robert Blackstone

Re: A spacing problem

2019-07-05 Thread Robert Blackstone
g and/or some line breaks. The remaining one has resisted my efforts till now. Best regards, Robert Blackstone > On 4 Jul 2019, at 13:58 , Ben <>> wrote: > > On 7/4/2019 7:45 AM, Robert Blackstone wrote: >> Dear all, >> >> Pre

Re: A spacing problem

2019-07-05 Thread Robert Blackstone
and/or displacing line breaks.) Anyway, thanks again for your interest in my problem. Best regards, Robert Blackstone > On 5 Jul 2019, at 10:22 , Andrew Bernard wrote: > > Hi Robert, I know this is like computer phone support asking you if the modem > is plugged in and tur

A Staff.TimeSignature problem (for me)

2019-10-09 Thread Robert Blackstone
tures invisible. But my problem is in the first bar of the three sections: How do I get C and C barré at the beginng of these sections? Thanks in advance for any advice. Best regards, Robert Blackstone ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gn

Inserting a few bars with a 3-staff PianoStaff into a normal 2-staff PianoStaff

2019-10-16 Thread Robert Blackstone
bit to reach the right-side margin. The result is a sort of indentation in the wrong place. Probably the player would not care but from an aesthetic point of view it is unacceptable. Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestion. Best regards, Robert Blackstone

Re: Inserting a few bars with a 3-staff PianoStaff into a normal 2-staff PianoStaff

2019-10-16 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Kieren, Thanks for your reaction. I could not imagine a MWE for this problem. But I can tell you what my “trick'’ is and I can also send you the whole file. It is Federico Mompou's Prelude No. 9. It begins with 16 bars in normal 2-staff PianoStaff on 4 systems. Then follow 4 bars in 3-staf

Re: quetion about slur in the "<< .... \\ .....>>"

2018-01-30 Thread Robert Blackstone
<< {\stemDown a,2. ) } \\ {\slurUp a4 \rest \stemUp e4 a8 ( [ g8 ] } >> | % V1-2 << { s2. } \\ { fis4 ) d4 \rest d4 \rest } >> | % V1-3 } I hope it also works for you. Best regards, Robert Blackstone On 30 Jan 2018, at 09:13 , mosea che

Re: quetion about slur in the "<< .... \\ .....>>"

2018-01-30 Thread Robert Blackstone
an occasionally it is better to write two separate voices and combine them into one staff in the score. I hope this will save you some time. Best regards, Robert Blackstone On 30 Jan 2018, at 09:49 , mosea chen wrote: > Thank you. Well done. It would take some time to understand the gramm

Re: quetion about slur in the "<< .... \\ .....>>"

2018-01-30 Thread Robert Blackstone
in a single staff. Maddening. Best regards, Robert Blackstone On 30 Jan 2018, at 10:56 , Thomas Morley wrote: > 2018-01-30 9:01 GMT+01:00 mosea chen : >> >> Hi, >>I found it difficult to engrave the staff as the fingure: >> >> >> the "s

Piano staff notes across both staffs, another problem

2018-02-09 Thread Robert Blackstone
dvice? Thanks in advance. Best regards, Robert Blackstone ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Piano staff notes across both staffs, another problem

2018-02-09 Thread Robert Blackstone
ze it. Thanks anyway, Best regards, Robert Blackstone On 9 Feb 2018, at 13:29 , Andrew Bernard wrote: > Hi Robert, > > It would be unusual to glue stems together as you are suggesting, if I > understand what you want correctly. To use the crossStaff construct the stems > ha

Inserting a verical space, or an empty line, between two markups attached to a note.

2018-02-26 Thread Robert Blackstone
an empty line between “Rome” and “Mars 1934”? As a kind of emergency solution I inserted a dot, so it now looks like this: m. d. dessus . Rome Mars 1934 More or less OK, but I would prefer the horizontal space. Thanks in advance for any advice. Best regards, Robert Blackstone

Re: Inserting a verical space, or an empty line, between two markups attached to a note.

2018-02-26 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Andrew Thanks for your advice. Your code certainly inserts vertical spaces, but too many and too wide. Setting \vspace #0 does not change their width. I tried several other potential tweaks but in the end I accepted what you can see in the left screenshot. Not bad compared with the original

Re: Inserting a verical space, or an empty line, between two markups attached to a note.

2018-02-27 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Torsten, Thank you very much. This does help, or better, it neatly solves my problem. (I had never used, or even read about, "baseline-skip" so this is also a very useful contribution to my LilyPond education.) In your PS you wrote that you don't know the original page layout. That is hard

Re: Inserting a verical space, or an empty line, between two markups attached to a note.

2018-02-27 Thread Robert Blackstone
hem. Best regards, Robert On 27 Feb 2018, at 14:43 , David Wright wrote: > On Tue 27 Feb 2018 at 10:13:18 (+0100), Robert Blackstone wrote: >> Hi Torsten, >> >> Thank you very much. This does help, or better, it neatly solves my problem. >> (I had never used, or eve

Problem downloading latest version.

2018-03-23 Thread Robert Blackstone
. Best regards, Robert Blackstone ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problem downloading latest version.

2018-03-23 Thread Robert Blackstone
Thank you Phil. It worked. Best regards, Robert On 23 Mar 2018, at 10:14 , Phil Holmes wrote: > ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Problem with \ottava #-1

2018-04-01 Thread Robert Blackstone
>> } %%% Does anybody know, or suspect what could be the cause of this aberration? Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestion. Best regards, Robert Blackstone ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problem with \ottava #-1

2018-04-01 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Andrew, Hi Malte, Many thanks for your quick reply and for the help. First of all my apologies for my "not-minimai"-example. I just copied and pasted a bar from the real work, for sometimes my ME's do not show my problem. A bit of laziness too, I confess. But here my "not-minimai"-example

Re: First steps in Lilypond

2018-04-08 Thread Robert Blackstone
and set iin LilyPond. It needs a few tricks but on he whole I found it fairly straightforward. What exactly is your question about " this slur problem " in this fragment? Best regards, Robert Blackstone ___ lilypond-user mailing list

An unusual feature request concerning FiguredBass

2018-04-28 Thread Robert Blackstone
e anything but error messages, as expected Has any of you done or seen this double BC line? Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestion. Best regards, Robert Blackstone ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: An unusual feature request concerning FiguredBass

2018-04-29 Thread Robert Blackstone
late in the evening --- I send you this provisional reply. I will come back to the matter as soon as possible. Thanks again. Best regards, Robert Blackstone ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: An unusual feature request concerning FiguredBass

2018-04-29 Thread Robert Blackstone
s1*8 }\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Bass" \new FiguredBass \with { \override VerticalAxisGroup.nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing = #'((basic-distance . 0) (minimum-distance . 0) (padding . 0.5) (stretchability . 5)) } \figuremode { < Tonal >2 < _ >2 < _

Re: An unusual feature request concerning FiguredBass

2018-04-29 Thread Robert Blackstone
messages told me. Since I expect that more scores like this will be coming my way I have saved the skeleton as a template. Thanks again. Best regards, Robert Blackstone On 29 Apr 2018, at 19:06 , Kieren MacMillan wrote: > Hi Robert, > >> Whatever I tried, it stubbornly kept &qu

Another Figured Bass problem

2018-04-30 Thread Robert Blackstone
rasing the \ in the pdf. Doable but maybe not worthy of LilyPond. Is there a better method? Thanks in advance for any advice. Best regards, Robert Blackstone ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Another Figured Bass problem

2018-04-30 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Malte, Many thanks. It is what I needed. (I think it should be in the Snippet-collection.) Best regards, Robert On 30 Apr 2018, at 11:03 , Malte Meyn wrote: > > > Am 30.04.2018 um 10:42 schrieb Robert Blackstone: >> Dear all, >> In the Lilypond documentation it is

Re: Another Figured Bass problem

2018-04-30 Thread Robert Blackstone
; the #3 stayed on the top line. I used the method just given by Malte Meyn. Best regards, Robert Blackstone On 30 Apr 2018, at 11:36 , David Kastrup wrote: > Robert Blackstone writes: > >> Dear all, >> >> In the Lilypond documentation it is shown how to stack B

Re: Another Figured Bass problem

2018-04-30 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Torsten, A nice alternative method, one that requires some extra concentration but works well. Thank you very much. Best regards, Robert On 30 Apr 2018, at 12:51 , Torsten Hämmerle wrote: > Hi Robert, > > How about simply flipping the stacking direction? > > \override BassFigureAlignme

Re: Another Figured Bass problem

2018-05-01 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Harm, Thank you for this enormous collection of possibilities and code for displaying BC-figures. I may not live long enough to put all of it in practice but for my present purpose it is more than sufficient. On the topic of Figured Bass in LilyPond I still have some other desires, to be for

Re: Need someone testing XML file in Finale and Sibelius (and Dorico)

2018-05-05 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Urs, This is what your file produces with Finale 2024.5, on a MacBook with OSX 10.9.5. 05-beam_Finale_2014_5.pdf Description: Adobe PDF document (I should have compressed it a bit.) Best regards, Robert Blackstone > Hi, > > I'm trying to add support to python-ly for ex

Problem with arpeggio's

2018-06-08 Thread Robert Blackstone
before I encountered this problem. 2 The testsnippet does produce the arpeggio's but I do not know how to connect the arpeggio's in the individual staves staff without connecting them across the staves. I played with the various " \set Staff.connectArpeggios"-options in the

Re: Problem with arpeggio's

2018-06-09 Thread Robert Blackstone
n arpeggio adding %% \new Staff \with { \consists "Span_arpeggio_engraver" connectArpeggios = ##t } %%% is needed This also solved my other problem, i.e. that in my score the final chords were not arpeggiated at all. Thanks again. Best regards, Robert B

Re: Interactive PDF Link to Notes in Preview

2018-07-12 Thread Robert Blackstone
this latter Mac and found that they all worked perfectly. So it seems that it is no reason (yet) to strike off MacOSX from the list of platforms we need to support. Best Regards, Robert Blackstone On 12 Jul 2018, at 10:11 , Werner LEMBERG wrote: > >>> Sadly, I can not use

How can I make a markup-text with a concatanation of italic text and the \sustainOn symbol?

2017-01-22 Thread Robert Blackstone
ign "sempre 2" with \sustainOn? Thanks in advance for any advice. Best regards, Robert Blackstone ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How can I make a markup-text with a concatanation of italic text and the \sustainOn symbol?

2017-01-22 Thread Robert Blackstone
2 Jan 2017, at 11:40 , Simon Albrecht wrote: > On 22.01.2017 10:36, Robert Blackstone wrote: >> I am presently re-engraving a number of almost forgotten piano pieces. >> One of them has under the first bar of the LH staff the text: "/sempre 2 >> Ped/", Ped being th

Re: can't move note columns in both voices at beginning of a bar

2017-01-29 Thread Robert Blackstone
Hi Stefan, Maybe I misunderstood what it is you want. Anyway, with \new Staff { \transpose c c' << { \First \First } \\ { \makespace \Second \makespace \Second } >> } the c in the first bar is also moved. Best regards, Robert Blackstone On 28 Jan 2017, at 18:16 , Ste

Re: can't move note columns in both voices at beginning of a bar

2017-01-29 Thread Robert Blackstone
forget "my" tweak please. And sorry for the noise. Best regards, Robert On 29 Jan 2017, at 09:38 , Robert Blackstone wrote: > Hi Stefan, > Maybe I misunderstood what it is you want. Anyway, with > > \new Staff { \transpose c c' << { \First \First } \\ {

How to draw a slur above beamed notes with their stems up.

2017-01-29 Thread Robert Blackstone
| % 137 } As one can see, the usual tools don't work here and I have not been able to find something that does work. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance. Best regards, Robert Blackstone ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond

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