Hi Evan,

For what it’s worth.
Since I am not yet an experienced user of “regular’ tweaks, I would have used a 
different solution to this problem, i.e. moving the Markup texts to a second 
voice with hidden notes.

I give you my solution here but I have to warn you that I never use \relative 
c’  but always absolute pitches:

 \time 3/4

   R1*3/4 |
   ef'4-._"(du talon.)" r8 bf'-. bf'4-. | 

   << {ef'4-.  g'2_>   %_\markup{\italic "dim."}   \fermata  }  \\ { 
s4\hideNotes d''4_\markup{\italic "dim."} d''8^\markup{\italic "long"} s8} >>  |

   R1*3/4 |

Best regards,

Robert Blackstone

> On 23 Jun 2019, at 21:59 , Evan Driscoll <eva...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So first, thanks again for the people who replied to my last questions.
> Now I've got a problem with a measure that is too busy where I want to space 
> some things out. I'm pretty new to this level of fine tuning, and still 
> trying to figure things out. Here's the relevant section:
>  \language "english"
>  \relative c' {
>    \time 3/4
>    R1*3/4 |
>    ef4-._"(du talon.)" r8 bf'-. bf4-. |
>    ef,4-.
>    g2->
>   _\markup{\italic "dim."}
>   \fermata
>   ^\markup{\italic "long"}
>    |
>    R1*3/4
>  }
> What I would like to do is put the "long" to the right of the fermata. I 
> could tweak it over there with extra-offset, but that would leave the 
> fermatta as-is, and I'd prefer that it's automatically placed, once "long" 
> has been moved out of the way. What should I do to make this happen?
> Evan
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