Hi Malte,
Thanks for your reply. 
First of all I apologise for the "not-minimalness" of my snippet. I just copied 
the last two bars of the piece I am transcribing into a little test file, that 
I thought was sufficiently minimal.

Unfortunately the minimal example you sent me gave me the same result as my 
problem-snippet: the top note of the final chord in the upper staff, still did 
not connect to the arpeggio in the second voice. 

Fortunately I found a solution in 

To include a single note in an arpeggio adding

 \new Staff \with { \consists "Span_arpeggio_engraver"      
 connectArpeggios = ##t }

is needed

This also solved my other problem, i.e. that  in my score the final chords were 
not arpeggiated at all.

Thanks again. 

Best regards,
Robert Blackstone

On 8 Jun 2018, at 15:02 , Malte Meyn <lilyp...@maltemeyn.de> wrote:

> Hi Robert,
> please always try to give a minimal example. This could look like this:
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.19.81"
> \new PianoStaff <<
>  \new Staff \with {
>    connectArpeggios = ##t
>  } <<
>    {
>      a''2\arpeggio
>    } \\ {
>      <a' e''>\arpeggio
>    }
>  >>
>  \new Staff {
>    <f f'>\arpeggio
>  }
> >>
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Note that I used { } \\ { } for polyphony here. You should do this too or use 
> \voiceOne and \voiceTwo instead of \stemUp and \stemDown, because \voiceXXX 
> changes not only stem directions but also other stuff in polyphony.
> Am 08.06.2018 um 13:46 schrieb Robert Blackstone:
>> 2 The testsnippet  does produce the arpeggio's but I do not know how to 
>> connect the arpeggio's in the individual staves staff without connecting 
>> them across the staves. I played with the various " \set 
>> Staff.connectArpeggios"-options in the snippett but none of them gave me the 
>> desired result.
> As one can see at the Internals Reference 
> (http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/internals/arpeggio_005fengraver) 
> the Arpeggio_engraver lives in Voice contexts. That’s why arpeggios don’t 
> span multiple voices as a default behaviour.
> You could move that engraver to Staff context. But that would lead to two 
> problems/questions:
> 1. Now *all* arpeggios in the Staff span *all* voices. You probably don’t 
> want that in most cases.
> 2. What about that connectArpeggios thing? There seems to be an engraver at 
> PianoStaff level that listens to that property and connects “Voice arpeggios” 
> to “PianoStaff arpeggios”.
> Indeed there is such an engraver: The Span_arpeggio_engraver, see Internals 
> Reference 
> (http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.19/Documentation/internals/span_005farpeggio_005fengraver).
>  There you’ll see that it lives in PianoStaff contexts. That’s why \set-ting 
> Staff.connectArpeggios has no effect in the snippet above. But you can add 
> this engraver to Staff level too: Just add the line
>       \consists Span_arpeggio_engraver
> before
>       connectArpeggios = ##t
> in the \with block in the code above.
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