Dear all, I have typeset a small example from a theoretical work of Lorenzo Penna. It has 2 sections, each consisting of three bars separated by a double barline. The time is 4/2 and bars 1 and 2 contain mostly half notes. In each section the final note is a \breve. The problem is that Lilypond gives these single final notes the same horizontal space as the four halfnotes in the first two bars.
My client does not like it and wants these final bars shortened to at most half their present length with the \breve centered. Can anybody tell me how I can realise this? I tried \set Timing.measureLength = #(ly:make-moment 1/2) and that works but it spoils the result by inserting three empty bars which I do not know how to get rid of. (The law of preservation of misery in full action.) Thanks in advance for any advice. Best regards, Robert Blackstone