Is there any way to build a chord diagram using the verbose syntax and
use it FretBoards? I didn't see anything in the docs for this. There
are few things that I'd like to try for showing the use of a capo that I
can't do with terse.
Dick Schoeller
Thanks from me too! It is great how effectively this project turns
ideas around. I wish we could do that on my projects at work :-( .
Jonathan Kulp wrote:
Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
I have now completed the changes that you requested and pushed them
to git.
They will show up in the next rele
You might prefer to use FretBoards context in between the ChordNames and
the Staff. That way you will have the fret diagrams taken directly from
your chord choices rather than having to enter the same information twice.
mychords = \chordmode { your chords }
\new ChordNames { \mychords }
Thanks for all your help!
ps. Je suis français, je me suis inscris dans le group fr! ;-)
On Sun, Dec 21, 2008 at 6:23 PM, Richard Schoeller>> wrote:
You might prefer to use FretBoards context in between the
ChordNames and the Staff. That way you w
I've had little luck edit Hebrew (actually Yiddish) in emacs. I do all
of the editing of Lilypond except for the right-to-left markup in emacs.
Then I use gedit with great success for the Yiddish markup. It seems to
keep the directionality things right and saves properly in UTF-8. I am
h the word wrap algorithms. And those seem
correct as well. I can tell you from experience that nested
bidirectional word wrap algorithms can get pretty ugly.
On Mon, 2005-11-14 at 02:09 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Richard Schoeller wrote:
> > Gilles,
> >
> >
y as well. Mozilla still does it wrong;
not quite so badly as it use to, but still wrong.
On Mon, 2005-11-14 at 02:09 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Richard Schoeller wrote:
> > Gilles,
> >
> > I've had little luck edit Hebrew (actually Yiddish) in emacs. I do all
pes to the left. This ends
up being entirely wrong. They are both out of position and overlap.
So... it looks like at least some of the problem is with the rendering
engine and some is with inconsistently executed font metrics.
On Mon, 2005-11-14 at 09:26 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
I can't comment on why it works for me and not for you. When it was
announced that the Unicode support was in there, I tried it and it
As to entering Hebrew in gedit, I use 3 different techniques. If I can
find the name of the song or a similar already entered on the web, I
copy and past
I just looked this with 2.6.4. The Hebrew lyrics do seem to come out
more squished together than the English. I was able to defeat this by
\override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #1
Otherwise, the ordering all seems OK. However, since most of the lyrics
are a nigun I migh
I'd like to weigh in on this one.
My experience is totally contrary to the way this discussion has gone.
The actual entry and correction of the music is a trivial small part of
the time I spend working with Lilypond. I spend much more time in
adjusting the tweaks, especially the choice of line br
You got to this response before I could. If the problem is swap
thrashing, then having 8x the memory to handle a score that is 3x the
pages should be plenty. I had already disabled point-and-click. It
helped. The idea of using the PS output for proofing and going to PDF
only when I hav
On Wed, 2006-05-17 at 13:48 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've upgraded to mingw 2.8.2 ...
Firstly, thanks for the tip about This looks exactly
like what I want ... except I can't find any docu except the example
itself, and cut-n-pasting seems to have no effect :-( (I've
Some things you might want to check out...
1. You really can tweak the margins.
2. In your paper block you can set between-system-padding . I find
that setting to 2 or 3 can sometimes compress things enough, even 1.
3. You might want to look at how much padding you have on any rehearsal
I use the following definition.
markupSA = \markup {
\center-align {
{ \raise #0.2 \box \bold \huge "A" }
{ " " }
{ \musicglyph #"scripts.segno" }
I then place that in a markup. Then tweak the position (center, move up
or down, etc.).
On Thu, 2006-06-29 at 21:44 -0700, Pau
OK, I'm not sure why you wouldn't use the following:
% this makes it center aligned.
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #0
% this puts it on the following system if there is a break.
% if there is no break, it has no effect.
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'b
This was actually discussed recently... Here is an example from one of
my sources.
chordletterssectiona = \chordmode {
g1 | g1 | c4:6 d4:7 g2 | g1 |
c2:6 c4:min6 d4:7 | g1 |
g1 | g1 | c4:6 d4:7 g2 | g1 |
c2:6 c4:min6 d4:7 |
g2. \notemode { <\tweak #'text #"No chord" g>4 } |
You need to include something like
\context {
\remove "Axis_group_engraver"
\consistsend "Hara_kiri_engraver"
\override Beam #'auto-knee-gap = #'()
BTW, the same problem arises with drum staves.
On Sat, 2004-05-08 at 12:43, Stef Epardaud wrote:
> Hi,
> I hav
I just converted to 2.4 from 2.2 and am trying to figure out how to
recover some of the functionality.
1. In title, etc. in the header block you used to be able to force a
newline with . Now you try to use the markup specifiers but
they don't work quite as expected. If you use \align-
Responses are interleaved below.
Thanks for the quick response.
On Sat, 2004-11-20 at 00:44 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> > I just converted to 2.4 from 2.2 and am trying to figure out how to
> > recover some of the functionality.
> >
> > 1.
I use it to prepare the music for a klezmer jam group. The music that
we play is often only found as a leadsheet in C (usually in a fakebook).
Orchestrations, when they are available, are often in conductor score
form only. So, I am doing transcriptions, transpositions, breaking into
parts and ar
I've been running into some issues with percent repeats and want to see
if there are suggestions.
If you have a line that is completely percent repeats, then
RemoveEmptyStaffContext removes the line. This gets me alot in ensemble
scores where the bass and percussion are repetive and the melody pa
If you are using Linux then gedit works great in combination with the
keyboard switcher applet. It helps if you can either touch type Hebrew
or have a Hebrew key caps.
who has been messing with Yiddish song titles
On Tue, 2005-05-31 at 11:15 -0700, Aaron Mehl wrote:
> Hi all,
> I
2.14.0-1 is the default on Fedora 15 now.
On 06/18/2011 04:51 PM, Steve Taylor wrote:
Hi there,
Hope the user group is the right place to ask a question about
installing lilypond.
I'd like to install lilypond 2.14.1 on Fedora 14 (using Gnome).
Following the method on the lilypond website (d
The normal way of representing this is that the order of the words is
left to right (matching western music notation) but the order of the
letters within a word is right to left.
Not very fun to read when your Hebrew skills are as weak as mine 8^).
On Wed, 2003-06-18 at 18:28, Amelie Zapf wrote:
The example in does not use the new macro (at least in
I'd be interested in examples of how to use that macro. Especially to
see if I can wire it into markup. I'd like to draw boxes around parts
of a text markup.
On Sun, 2003-06-29 at 16:59, Mats Bengtsson wrote
It will box the next molecule. Certainly a quoted string qualifies.
More complicated things can too. For example:
\markup \box \column << { "string 1" } { "string 2" } >>
Will put a box around the whole construct, something like this:
| string 1 |
| string 2 |
What I've found in regard to \tempo is that it either works in the
\score block that is generating the midi or if it is referenced in every
single staff. If you want the tempo to change in the middle of the
piece you have to use the latter approach. I do this by having each
staff include one or m
All of those characters are in Latin 1. Latin 1 is ASCII plus the
western European characters. It has single-byte characters 1-255.
UTF-8 contains those characters too, but in UTF-8 those are 2-byte
characters. There is no need to use UTF-8 to get them.
It would seem to me that making
the sentence should render as follows."
Needless to say, the fact that the letters are in logical order causes
interesting rendering problems. (Can you saw word-wrap? I knew you
On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 00:26, David Rogers wrote:
> On 2004/02/03, Richard Schoeller wrote:
If you insert a \bar "", that will not be visible in the score but will
give you a place to hang your \break.
On Wed, 2004-03-03 at 16:32, Will Oram wrote:
> I'm not on the lilypond list for the time being, due to the volume of
> virus spam I've been getting. If you respond please don't forget to
The box code does expand the size of the enclosed object. Depending on
alignment and placement within the markup, this can move the contents of
the box a little. However, the size only changes by the thickness of
the lines. I had to go back and look. It's been a while.
When you put a circle ar
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