gedit places the vowels correctly inside, above or below the consonants.
I haven't tried any text that contains trope (let alone trying trope and
vowels in combination).  As far as I can tell, gedit also renders the
combinations of r-to-l and l-to-r text correctly.

BTW, gedit has to deal with the word wrap algorithms.  And those seem
correct as well.  I can tell you from experience that nested
bidirectional word wrap algorithms can get pretty ugly.


On Mon, 2005-11-14 at 02:09 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Richard Schoeller wrote:
> > Gilles,
> > 
> > I've had little luck edit Hebrew (actually Yiddish) in emacs.  I do all
> > of the editing of Lilypond except for the right-to-left markup in emacs.
> > Then I use gedit with great success for the Yiddish markup.  It seems to
> > keep the directionality things right and saves properly in UTF-8.  I am
> > using 2.6.
> > 
> > The main thing that I have not gotten to work are the combining
> > characters.  Unlike Hebrew, which is technically correct without the
> > vowel markings, Yiddish requires the vowels.  When I have tried to
> > include them, Lilypond places them as though they are separate
> > characters.  They should actually be placed in the same character
> > location as the preceding character.
> does this work correctly with gedit?
Dick Schoeller

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