I did a little more experimenting after last night's message.  It seems
that different fonts behave somewhat differently with combining
characters.  All of the following reflects the behaviors of the fonts
that come with xorg-x11 on fc4.

David font combines correctly but the tropes are slightly to the left in
comparison to the vowels.  This makes it so that they don't collide with
the vowels, but sometimes they collide with the actual character.  For
example, in segol below the segol trope collides with upper stem on the

Aharoni appears to behave similarly to David.

Miriam Mono has both the tropes and the vowels in the same horizontal
position as the consonants.  However, it makes no adjustments for the
presence of 2 combining characters at the same vertical position.  As a
result, the tropes and vowels often overlap.

Miriam CLM pushes both the vowels and the tropes to the left.  This ends
up being entirely wrong.  They are both out of position and overlap.

So... it looks like at least some of the problem is with the rendering
engine and some is with inconsistently executed font metrics.


On Mon, 2005-11-14 at 09:26 +0100, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Richard Schoeller wrote:
> > I just did a little experiment with gedit and it actually handles trope
> > and vowels on the same consonants.  Like the following:
> > 
 <> זָקֵף־קָט֔ן group
 <> גֵ֜רֶשׁ & רְבִיעִ֗י groups
 <> סֶגוֹל֒ group
> > 
> > Interestingly, this must be built into the gnome text widget, because
> > Evolution handles it brilliantly as well.  Mozilla still does it wrong;
> > not quite so badly as it use to, but still wrong.
> Ah; then we have to do some investigation; LilyPond, since also uses the 
> gnome "text widget".
Dick Schoeller

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