
I just looked this with 2.6.4.  The Hebrew lyrics do seem to come out
more squished together than the English.  I was able to defeat this by

    \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #1

Otherwise, the ordering all seems OK.  However, since most of the lyrics
are a nigun I might be missing an ordering thing in there (all those li
li li's start to look and sound the same).  BTW, this might work better
with a different font.  I am not convinced that the font metrics are all
that good for the Hebrew characters in the default sanserif font.

Another thing I see is the same problem that I have had with markup.
There is a real oddity with text segment placement with mixed
directional text.  So the title displays badly because No. 2, overlaps
with L'cha Dodi.  The poet also displays badly because of the comma in
the middle.  The comma is taken as left to right between 2 segments of
right to left.  Yuk!  On the other hand the subtitle displays just fine
because it is all one direction.

What I do to work around this is to break the markup into separate
segments in a \line specifier, like so:

title = \markup { \line { "No.  2" } { "לכה דודי" } }

To take care of the comma you also need to manipulate the intersegment
spacing of the markup.

I have not yet tried out 2.7.*.  So I don't know whether this is better

I have included a tweaked version of this just to demonstrate the
improvements that can be had.

BTW, pretty melody.  Though I like more energetic nigunim for Kabbalat

Another BTW, Evolution's text editor started to get really confused
about directionality with all this mixed Hebrew and English.  So if this
comes out wierd...


------------------------------ cut here ------------------------------

        title = \markup { \line { "No.  2" } { "לכה דודי" } }
        subtitle = \markup { "ניגון פון גערער חסידים" }
        poet = \markup { \line { "גענדליש לאדז" } \hspace #0.0 ","
\hspace #0.0 { "אויפגענומען פון ג" } }

        composer = " "
        meter = "Moderato"
        opus = ""
        arranger = " "
        instrument = ""
        dedication = " "
        piece = ""
        head = ""
        copyright = ""
        footer = ""
        tagline = ""

#(set-global-staff-size 16)
#(set-default-paper-size "a4")

melodynotes = {
    \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #1
    \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
    \time 2/4
    \key d \major
    \clef treble
    \repeat volta 2 {
        a'8 fis' b' a'16 g' |
        fis'8 a' a' d'' |
        a' fis' b' a'16 g' |
        fis'8 a' a' d'' |
        a' fis' b' a'16 g' |
        fis'8 d' e' d'
    \alternative {
        {e'16 fis' g' fis' e'8 b' | a'2}
        {e'16 fis' g' fis' e'8 a' | d'2}
    \repeat volta 2 {
        a'8 fis' b' a'16 g' |
        fis'8 a' a' d'' |
        a' fis' b' a'16 g' |
        fis'8 a' a' d'' |
        a' fis' b' a'16 g' |
        fis'8 d' e' d'
    \alternative {
        {e'16 fis' g' fis' e'8 b' | a'2}
        {e'16 fis' g' fis' e'8 a' | d'2}

\book {
\score {
    \addlyrics {
טרי לי לי - לי טרי לי לי  לי ל כה דו - די לק ראת כ לה
טרי לי לי - לי טרי לי לי  לי  פני ש בת נ קב ־ לה פני ש בת נ קב ־ לה
        tri li li - li tri li li li l' cha do - di lik rat ca lah
        tri li li - li tri li li li pnei sha bat n kab - lah pnei sha
bat n kab - lah
    \layout { }

\score {
    { \melodynotes }
    \midi {
        \tempo 4 = 72

------------------------------ cut here ------------------------------

On Mon, 2006-01-23 at 09:24 -0800, Aaron Mehl wrote:
>  Hi all,
> I notated a song with lyrics which are crunched together.
> The code is below.  I gather most of you won't be able to read the
> hebrew, but I would guess the same behaviour happens sometimes with
> english.
> The original song has all the eight notes and sixteenth notes with
> flags. While this may infact solve the problem, I don't like reading
> music with flags only, I find my eyes like beams.
> So is there an easy (I mean easy) way to make this look nice?
> I read about the possibility of setting the note value for spacing. Is
> this the way I should be going.
> I have many songs to set so if it requires some tweak I would probably
> want to put it in a variable, right.
> I hate to say this since I HATE Finale, but they had a feature which
> applied to the notation different spacing defaults.
> I haven't touched Finale in ages but it was as I recall, beat spacing,
> note spacing, measure spacing.
> This would be a great feature to notate a piece and on the command
> line:
> lilypond -s beat mysong.ly
> lilypond -s measure mysong.ly
> maybe even with the ability to make the spacing apply to a range of
> measures.
> Aaron
> --------------------------------------------------------
> \version "2.7.15"
> \header{
>         title = " No.  2 לכה דודי "
>         subtitle = " ניגון פון גערער חסידים "
>         poet = "אויפגענומען פון ג, גענדליש לאדז "
>         composer = " "
>         meter = "Moderato"
>         opus = ""
>         arranger = " "
>         instrument = ""
>         dedication = " "
>         piece = ""
>         head = ""
>         copyright = ""
>         footer = ""
>         tagline = ""
> }
> #(set-global-staff-size 16)
> #(set-default-paper-size "a4")
> \score {
>  {
>         \set Staff.midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
>         \time 2/4
>         \key d \major
>         \clef treble
> \repeat volta 2 {
>         a'8 fis' b' a'16 g' |
>         fis'8 a' a' d'' |
>         a' fis' b' a'16 g' |
>         fis'8 a' a' d'' |
> %5
>         a' fis' b' a'16 g' |
>         fis'8 d' e' d'}
>         \alternative {{e'16 fis' g' fis' e'8 b' |
>         a'2}
>         {e'16 fis' g' fis' e'8 a' |
> %10
>         d'2 }}
>  }
> \addlyrics{טרי לי לי - לי טרי לי לי  לי ל כה דו - די לק ראת כ לה טרי
> לי לי - לי טרי לי לי  לי  פני ש בת נ קב ־ לה פני ש בת נ קב ־ לה
>                                                   }
>         \layout {
>  }
>         \midi {
>                 \tempo 4 = 72
>         }
> }
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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