Re: Align scores in markup

2015-08-14 Thread Michael Gerdau
; d' e' } \layout { indent=0 } } "with this " \score { { c'''' d'''' e'''' } \layout { indent=0 } } } Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys ava

PianoPedalBracket does not seem to correctly use spanner-interface for property to-barline

2015-08-14 Thread Michael Gerdau
d have a properly ending sustain pedal bracket. Moreover all other spanner in the example behave as expected. Could someone more knowledgeable than me have a look ? If indeed it is issue 1128 then please extend the corresponding issue's description. Last not least there seem to be $75 bug bounty in t

Re: Align scores in markup

2015-08-14 Thread Michael Gerdau
27;'' } \markup { "this should be aligned" \score { \musicA } "with this " \score { \musicB } } %% I don't see any benefit in terms of readability in the version with the custom function. Reuse of score snippets is identical. No gain either. I&#

Re: fret-diagrams.scm:657:42: Wrong type: #f

2015-08-20 Thread Michael Gerdau
tation/usage/troubleshooting Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

OT: Beauty of programming languages (was: Way to flatten nested \include's?)

2015-08-24 Thread Michael Gerdau
orld practicality > defeated beauty, insight, and elegance. :-(] Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. Anybody remembering APL ? THAT is a beautiful language and most likely totally unuseable for the vast majority of today's aspiring programmers :) Kind regards, Michael -- Mich

Re: vertical spacing of rests

2015-08-25 Thread Michael Gerdau
ot exactly as intended. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@

Re: Advanced note column handling…

2015-09-01 Thread Michael Gerdau
eColumn.force-hshift = #1 cis'4. } \\ { \voiceTwo a,2 } >> >> } %% -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Move (arpeggio) tie - visibility of ties

2015-09-04 Thread Michael Gerdau
e) visible ? Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver arpeggiotie-display.pdf Description: Adobe PDF document \version "2.19.26" \markup "default for tie" { \set tieWaitForNote = ##t \stemU

Re: Move (arpeggio) tie - visibility of ties

2015-09-04 Thread Michael Gerdau
> { \set tieWaitForNote = ##t \stemUp \tuplet 3/2 { gis'16 b' -\tweak > minimum-length #15 ~ dis''~ } \stemNeutral 2 } Marc and Phil, thanks alot - problem solved. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on requ

Re: error: need \paper for paper block

2015-09-04 Thread Michael Gerdau
se ? Things I'd change: - your version string is invalid - remove the layout block from inside Hymstyle. I get rid of a whole bunch of warnings and errors when I do so - insert one or two dummy notes in the \score block It all boils down to creating a minimal example. Kind regards, Micha

Re: Extracting voices from score with rehearsalnumbers, repeats, etc.?

2015-09-05 Thread Michael Gerdau
here: [stuff snipped] ... % full score in concert pitch \score { \new StaffGroup % <--- put it here << \altoSax \trombone \guitar \layout {} } [szuff snipped] You really should have a look in the manual. Start with the learning manual. It is time well spend. Kind regar

Re: hide and omit behaviour

2015-09-07 Thread Michael Gerdau
ndo" a a %\omit TupletNumber a-"default again" a a a a a a-"still default" a a } r2 } HTH, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed mess

Re: hide and omit behaviour

2015-09-07 Thread Michael Gerdau
guess the "\once" does not work in this case because it pops the "\omit" off the stack and does not push it back. Not sure pushing things back is part of the "\once" functionality. As I understand "\once" something like "\once \show TupletNumber

Re: what's wrong with \partial

2015-09-07 Thread Michael Gerdau
partial expect a duration (of the partial). You have it inversed. See HTH, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.a

Error when using musicxml2ly - how to proceed ?

2015-09-08 Thread Michael Gerdau
ng -m Machet\ die\ Thore\ weit.xml >Machet\ die\ Thore\ weit.log 2>&1 Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver Machet die Thore weit.xml.bz2 Description: application/bzip musicxml2ly: MusicXML aus Machet die

Re: [OT] gmail: not able to paste code

2015-09-12 Thread Michael Gerdau
t Server VM (build 25.60-b23, mixed mode) I trust you tried a reboot !? Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. __

Re: [OT] gmail: not able to paste code

2015-09-12 Thread Michael Gerdau
gs ? On KDE that occasionally happened to me. I have no experience with Gnome though. That fact that it works via middle-mouse implies that basically the communication infrastructure is working and that somehow CTRL-C and CTRL-V just not trigger the required processes. Kind regards, Michael -- Michae

Re: rest in two voices

2015-09-16 Thread Michael Gerdau
est in the two voices reduced to one rest in the > middle of the staff? > - Can the pitch "a" appear before the pitch "b" ? There are several ways. One would be to change a8 r g r into \once \override NoteCo

Re: Violin notation advice requested

2015-09-18 Thread Michael Gerdau
position and the finger does denote the string indirectly and every violist I know would immediately be able to tell the string :) AFAIA only guitarists (and possibly bass players) think about their strings in numbers :) Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-key

Re: Transpose without collapsing double accidentals

2015-09-19 Thread Michael Gerdau
> > Issue 1009, fixed in version 2.19.0. > > LilyPond 2.19 (installation of which is non-trivial, since it seems to be > only available through Git Have you checked out Of course it is not 2.19.0 but 2.19.27 HTH, Michael -- Michael Ger

Re: Text centralized above a TextSpan

2015-09-21 Thread Michael Gerdau
> Hastening the end of the sketch? ;) For those not knowing this classic, here is a YT link of not too good quality but which does transport the important parts: Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available

Re: How to correctly compile the Messiah from Neuvar's Site.

2015-09-21 Thread Michael Gerdau
> files? Forgive me if I should already know how to do this. I typically > use Frescobaldi to compile all my lily files. Thanks so much! *.ily are by convention files supposed to be included by other ly files. Nothing special about them. you could use any other name (and include that). HT

Re: How to correctly compile the Messiah from Neuvar's Site.

2015-09-22 Thread Michael Gerdau
> > make > > on the commandline and then everything should be compiled. ...which fails as some of us already reported. I then checked out and downloaded the repository from there. That seems to build (using make) out of the box although there are a fe

Re: How to correctly compile the Messiah from Neuvar's Site.

2015-09-22 Thread Michael Gerdau
d too :) Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: How to correctly compile the Messiah from Neuvar's Site.

2015-09-22 Thread Michael Gerdau
from Or just remove using that font (which may or may not change linebreaking). HTH, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___

Re: Compiling Nenuvar Editions

2015-09-23 Thread Michael Gerdau
mails in that you copy only the stuff into your mail, that is somewhat relevant to your issue. There is no need to include msg regarding textspanner when you ask about Compiling Nenuvar Editions. -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys avail

Re: Centering markup between staves

2015-09-25 Thread Michael Gerdau
ith the size of the brace as parameter. We then would need a function to determine the used up vertical space, before that regP function is invoked... Isn't that a tricky one for the scheme gurus on this list ? :) Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys a

Re: Getting an override into a markup function

2015-09-25 Thread Michael Gerdau
ll it does. Why is that so ? Find attached the ly and pdf. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver\version "2.19.27" verticalText #(define-event-function (text) (markup?) #{ -\tweak TextScript.s

Re: multiple TextSpanners per voice

2015-10-02 Thread Michael Gerdau
#x27;s has anything to do > with it.) Just for the record: I'm running 2.19.28 on Linux 4.2.2-1-ARCH x86_64 and see the very same image you posted. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signatu

Re: Percussion Notation

2015-10-06 Thread Michael Gerdau
fferences? i.e. Lilypond scripts and if possible scans of the book examples such that it becomes clear what you mean? Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed mes

Re: error message

2015-10-10 Thread Michael Gerdau
dows.exe 2.19.25 Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user

Re: A title with a transposing note name

2015-10-13 Thread Michael Gerdau
New Roman" } but that doesn't do the trick. Or something like (in the above): ... title = \markup {Sonata in\override some-property \roman \score { ... But again I did not find a working solution. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys av

Re: Variables: multiple use with multiple stanza

2015-10-16 Thread Michael Gerdau
4( f) g( f) e( f e d) c( d c b) a1 } slov = \lyricmode { mifa solfa mifamire doredosi l } slovtwo = \lyricmode { \skip 4 \skip 4 \skip 4 malozakr \skip 4 } \score { << \new Staff << \new Voice = "one" { \kulism \kulism \kulism } >> \new Lyrics = "dr

Fonts used for Lyrics (was: Serpent Publications)

2015-10-20 Thread Michael Gerdau
tepad version). Of course this is just my personal opinion. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ lily

Re: Updating library code

2015-10-23 Thread Michael Gerdau
t that may be just me - more experienced lilyponder might have a different mileage) Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digit

Re: My finances for working on LilyPond

2015-10-23 Thread Michael Gerdau
Luxembourg. You've got to sue them there. Paypal ? No, Never. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. _

Re: Sibelius 7 to LilyPond Conversion!

2015-10-28 Thread Michael Gerdau
? Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ lilypond-user mailing list https://lists.

Re: Gregorian notation - augmentum problem

2015-10-28 Thread Michael Gerdau
ust one \augmentum in the middle. In a way splitting it there seems the best choice as otherwise you would split in the middle of some "flow". However without the words to be sung to your chant this is just pointless guessing. You could always insert \break where you think a break should

Re: Gregorian notation - augmentum problem

2015-10-29 Thread Michael Gerdau
ybe I just don't understand the usecase. You might want to explain what you are trying to achieve. Possibly then we can find a better solution. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This

Re: strange error message - cannot open .ly file

2015-10-30 Thread Michael Gerdau
ame with utf-8 "禱" when > comply generate the strange error -- no version statement found. > Question: can be be resolved? Or nothing we can do? From your description it seems to be a frescobaldi problem. What happens if you try to compile the LP source on the cmdline ? Kind reg

Re: strange error message - cannot open .ly file

2015-10-30 Thread Michael Gerdau
ame with utf-8 "禱" when > comply generate the strange error -- no version statement found. > Question: can be be resolved? Or nothing we can do? FWIW I can compile all 3 files you attached to your last email on my Linux system using the current stable frescobaldi and LP 2.19.30 Kind

Q regarding best practice with \relative

2015-11-01 Thread Michael Gerdau
omething like a "best practice" w/r to the use of \relative? Or why does this difference exist ? Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digi

Re: Pair of eyes needed

2015-11-02 Thread Michael Gerdau
ast not least the original had another empty bar in both hands. I don't know wether that's part of the original manuscript or just for editorial reasons. If you decide to add that empty bar, use full bar rests R1*3/4. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email:

Re: Q regarding best practice with \relative

2015-11-02 Thread Michael Gerdau
those not interested in making more choices than > necessary. Thanks alot for this rather detailed explanation. Things now make some sense to me and I will eventually make up my mind as to which notation I personally do prefer. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: m...@qata.

Re: Valse des Sylphes - Charles GOUNOD

2015-11-02 Thread Michael Gerdau
es] Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.

Re: Valse des Sylphes - Charles GOUNOD

2015-11-03 Thread Michael Gerdau
eated PDF it seems very much in agreement with the original though I have not done this check against the newest version (only done that with the previous one). Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc

Automatically transforming a FiguredBass line into a sequence of chords ?

2015-11-23 Thread Michael Gerdau
{ "...automatically into this sequence of chords ?" } \new Staff { \clef bass \result } \markup { "(hoping I got it right manually :)" } %%% Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signatu

Re: [Best Practices] splitting and combining choral parts

2015-11-24 Thread Michael Gerdau
tive this is different. I know as a violinist I would want autoBeam on as well :) Find attached my preferences applied to the original score. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver\version "2.19" \language

Re: [Best Practices] splitting and combining choral parts

2015-11-24 Thread Michael Gerdau
ten outweights the disadavantage but I'm happy to agree to disagree. [Note that my whole argument is from a singer's perspective, not an instrumentalist] Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.a

Re: Strange LilyPond crash

2015-11-25 Thread Michael Gerdau
nux x86_64 running a Kernel 4.2.5. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ lilypond-user mailing list l

Re: Unwanted barline. How to get rid of it?

2015-12-26 Thread Michael Gerdau
e partial bar is counted like any other bar). Has there been a change in behaviour somewhere along the way or ist this a (newly introduced) bug in the current devel version ? Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserve

Re: Notation snippets

2015-12-27 Thread Michael Gerdau
%\omit Staff.TimeSignature > } > > } > > \hspace #2 > > } > } 1. I don't really understand what you are trying to achieve 2. Your code does not compile on my system. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: m..

Re: does not save file automatically after "run" lilypond "

2015-12-30 Thread Michael Gerdau
th Linux and Windows and never encountered that problem. I guess it has to do with either your particular lilypond file (would need that for verification), or a general problem with you LP/frescobaldi installation. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available o

Re: how to produce this symbol?

2016-01-09 Thread Michael Gerdau
> attaching a png of some sort of glissando or downward run. Does anyone > know how to produce it in lilypond ? Does help ? Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public key

Re: Compressing percent repeats.

2016-01-22 Thread Michael Gerdau
umentName = "Inst 1" } > \soloInstrumentOne > \new Staff > \with { instrumentName = "Inst 2" } > \soloInstrumentTwo > > } > > \markup\italic "Solo score:" > \score { > \new Staff

Re: Compressing percent repeats.

2016-01-22 Thread Michael Gerdau
g how to properly read these compressed bars. In any case: Nice function and thank you for sharing it. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. _

Re: Controlling hairpin length

2016-01-23 Thread Michael Gerdau
Dear Harm and David, I find this whole thread rather helpful and have just copied the consolidated example as of Harm's last post into my personal snippet archive. Thank you guys, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keys

Re: Bar number moves down inexplicably

2016-01-31 Thread Michael Gerdau
taff_collecting_engraver } } % HTH, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ lilypond-user mailing list lil

Re: Four Part Piano Staff

2016-02-02 Thread Michael Gerdau
ion/web/tiny-examples HTH, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@g

Q re LSR snippet 744

2016-03-19 Thread Michael Gerdau
tion like so: (eat (markup #:concat (wd hyphenreplacechar (cadr wds))) (cddr wds))) but that did not change anything visible. At this point I'm stuck and need the deeper understanding of someone more knowledgeable w/r to music functions. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau

Re: Q re LSR snippet 744

2016-03-19 Thread Michael Gerdau
ng too stupid to understand the logic then :) > You need to look into the 'articulations of lyrics to find the hyphen. > Then the rest works again. > > I've fixed it in LSR > Thanks a lot. Looking at the code it's all clear now.

Re: Q re LSR snippet 744

2016-03-19 Thread Michael Gerdau
written version. Best wishes, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Moving Copyright Notice

2015-05-05 Thread Michael Gerdau
#'header:copyright However the OP's version \on-the-fly #part-first-page \fromproperty #'header:copyright works likewise. Are '\' and '#' exchangeable or why do both versions seem to work ? Best wishes, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-key

Re: How many lilypond users are there?

2015-05-12 Thread Michael Gerdau
to see whether is works here. Best wishes, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond

non-greedy regexp don't seem to work

2015-05-21 Thread Michael Gerdau
t;) 1) $2 = "ä" scheme@(guile-user)> ,q I checked the same regexps in Perl and there both results are the same. Am I overlooking the obvious or is this a bug ? Best wishes, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

Re: non-greedy regexp don't seem to work

2015-05-22 Thread Michael Gerdau
reedy regexp are indeed supported. See which directly references Regular expressions used in Emacs which do support non-greedy regexp. This is misleading if not an outright documentation bug. Does an

Re: Possible bug, attempting to use non-latin characters in verse

2015-05-26 Thread Michael Gerdau
Best wishes, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is a digitally signed message part. ___ lilypond-user mailing list https://l

Re: beaming problem

2015-05-29 Thread Michael Gerdau
you in advance! > >> > >> Regards > >> Haipeng You may wish to look at and possibly also at King regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at

Re: with clef & italics

2015-06-12 Thread Michael Gerdau
do would help. > 2. How to include italicized > notes with the text (e.g. "Cantor" or "T. P.") Thanks much! Again I'm not sure I understand what you are after. Could you try to create an image to show it ? Best wishes, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email:

Q: How to resize a VaticanaVoice Staff ?

2015-06-15 Thread Michael Gerdau
nip -- snip -- snip --> The "normal" Staffs are resized as desired while for the VaticanaVoice only the neumen are resized. How do I resize the rest as well ? Best wishes, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signatu

Re: Q: How to resize a VaticanaVoice Staff ?

2015-06-15 Thread Michael Gerdau
ride Staff.StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep 5) \clef "vaticana-fa2" \music } % the same procedure for a "normal" Staff \new Staff { \clef "treble" \transpose c c' \music } \new Staff \with { fontSize = #5 \override StaffSymbol.staff-space = #(magstep

Re: Q: How to resize a VaticanaVoice Staff ?

2015-06-15 Thread Michael Gerdau and then modified that without really understanding what I'm doing. Things are much clearer now. Thank you very much, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at pub

Missing \new Voice in output of musicxml2ly

2015-06-21 Thread Michael Gerdau
>> ... (i.e. removing the \context Staff block and creating a Voice instead of using the Voice context) creates the score I'd like to see. Is this a bug in muxicxml or am I doing something stupid ? The example xml file has removed 42 bars by manual editing for brevity. The same problem

Re: Missing \new Voice in output of musicxml2ly

2015-06-22 Thread Michael Gerdau
om the musicxml file (both attached to the initial mail) does create an error when processed with lilypond. I'm using 2.19.21. Best wishes, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: This is

Re: Printing movement titles in page header

2015-07-09 Thread Michael Gerdau
ns to "piece" inside the score block) in the header. Currently you see e.g. on page 2 the string "Part 1" which is set outside the score block. Best wishes, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request

Re: chorus staff then hymn

2015-07-22 Thread Michael Gerdau
w Staff << \new Voice { { g' g' g' g' } } \addlyrics { "Verse 1" } \addlyrics { "Verse 2" } \addlyrics { "Verse 3" } \addlyrics { "Verse 4" } \addlyrics {

Re: ANN: Frescobaldi 3.1 has been released!

2019-12-27 Thread Michael Gerdau
st asking before I embark on that journey) Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

\hideNotes removes dot from 4.

2020-01-07 Thread Michael Gerdau
7;{ f4 g << { a4.( g8) } \\ { a4.( g8) } >> } \score { \musica } \score { \musicb } - snip - snip - snip - snip - In the first example it looks as if the a' is "4" when indeed it is "4.". The second example correctly shows the "." Is this a bug or am I d

Re: \hideNotes removes dot from 4.

2020-01-07 Thread Michael Gerdau
wo and keeping Dots" \score { \musicd } Both c) and d) seem to do what I want. Besides personal taste: Is there a reason to prefer one over the other? My gut feeling opts for d) as that provides proper stem direction when the music is transposed. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerda

Re: Hairpin position

2020-01-11 Thread Michael Gerdau
Hi Paolo, I don’t understand your request. How do you want the hairpin repositioned? Possibly an image to illustrate might help. Kind regards, Michael Mobil gesendet > Am 11.01.2020 um 01:14 schrieb Paolo Prete : > >  > Hello, > > given: > > {{ > a'\p\< a' a' a'\ff > }} > > ... how can I

Re: Ambrosian Chant Notation

2020-01-12 Thread Michael Gerdau
Bar_engraver" \hide Stem } \context { \Voice \override Stem.length = #0 } \context { \Score barAlways = ##t } } } I've also stopped using the because too many (for my liking) things get switched off. I use a private version that only includes some of the attributes of But that is probably a matter of persona taste. and instead Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

Re: Distance of a grob from its reference point

2020-01-16 Thread Michael Gerdau
pic has given me the impression that you had a view on how things would/should work inside LP and are now struggling with the revelation that at least \offset isn't as deterministic as you expected it to be. Of course this impression may be totally wrong. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael

Re: Viewing PDF output

2020-01-31 Thread Michael Gerdau
e the amount of space > each note head takes (everything should be the same, regardless of length)? That's a different question and not easily answered in one sentence. You have read the Notation Manual on horizontal spacing and the many options available to influence that? Kind reg

Re: Exited with return code -1073741819

2020-03-04 Thread Michael Gerdau
I run it on Windows as is I have the same problem. However it works w/o problems in the Windows Linux SubSystem. I'll send you the PDF and also the long list of complaints/errors reported by LP in a separate mail to not fill the list archive. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau e

Re: Exited with return code -1073741819

2020-03-05 Thread Michael Gerdau
of the top of my head I'm not sure about the details. There was a thread on this list that should be in the archives though. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

Re: version 2.18.2 - incorrect bar numbers with full measure rests

2020-03-18 Thread Michael Gerdau
> My understanding of "full measure rests" is, it covers the full measure based > on the time signature. Thus R1 is sufficient for a measure that is in 4/2 > time. That understanding is wrong. A full measure rest has a duration like normal rests, thus you will have to scale it according to y

Re: Remote Ensemble Playing

2020-03-28 Thread Michael Gerdau
Did they play live? And if so, what software/setup had been used? It doesn’t say so in the comments. Kind regards, Michael

Crash with bars-per-line-engraver as of LSR snippet id=838

2020-04-08 Thread Michael Gerdau
3 and 2.20.0. However on 2.19.83 the crash happens later, i.e. it can process a larger number of bars. Before I'm reporting a bug could others please verify that I'm not doing something stupid? MWE is attached. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-ke

Re: Crash with bars-per-line-engraver as of LSR snippet id=838

2020-04-08 Thread Michael Gerdau
r linux. > > Does that also happen with David Kastrup’s "bar-keeper" engraver? > <> Thank you for that suggestion. I had saved the code back then but forgot about it. Unfortunately it crashes likewise f

Re: Strange error from \new Voice

2020-04-09 Thread Michael Gerdau
Replace \addlyrics... by \new Lyrics \lyricsto „SI“... Kind regards, Michael Mobil gesendet > Am 09.04.2020 um 15:03 schrieb Bernhard Kleine : > > I have the following extract from Mendelssohn Bartholdy. I noticed that > the parentheses in measure seven were not respected and the text was > w

Crash due to internal memory limits (?) in lilypond (was: Crash with bars-per-line-engraver as of LSR snippet id=838)

2020-04-10 Thread Michael Gerdau
able w/r to the way lilyponds internals work explain what is happening and if/how this can be avoided? For my practical case I can split my rather large music file into chunks and combine the fragments later outside of LP, but IMO this should not be required. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Strange error from \new Voice

2020-04-10 Thread Michael Gerdau
\new Voice = "SII" { \voiceTwo \SopranoVoiceII } >> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "SI" { \VerseSopranoVoiceI } >> That's what's documented under the link that Joram already provided. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Running convert-ly on WIndows

2020-04-16 Thread Michael Gerdau
Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

Re: Using shortVocalName for stanza numbers on every system

2020-04-20 Thread Michael Gerdau
Why don’t you insert another \set stanza = "2." In front of the second "Should" ? Kind regards Michael Mobil gesendet > Am 20.04.2020 um 16:14 schrieb Benjamin Bloomfield : > >  > I've been using shortVocalName to engrave stanza numbers at the beginnings of > systems, but I'm running into

Re: Using shortVocalName for stanza numbers on every system

2020-04-20 Thread Michael Gerdau
ggestion. I would do that if I knew where the system breaks > were going to occur ahead of time. I put the line break in the example code > just to simplify it and demonstrate the problem with very little code. > > Benjamin Bloomfield > >> On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 10:23 AM Mi

Re: Identify included files

2020-05-22 Thread Michael Gerdau
>> Big deal. I won't ask what's in voiceTrombone.ily. > > A variable declaration. You know - EXACTLY THE SAME as C programmers > often stick in .h files ... I don’t think that’s correct. For one according to my understanding LP has no variable declarations whatsoever, only definitions. For t

Re: Regexp Functions

2020-06-08 Thread Michael Gerdau
Hi! I find your description difficult to understand. Maybe you could provide an set of examples showing exactly what you wish to be modified into what. Apart from that your problem sounds as if it is trivial when using non greedy regular expressions. As Aaron already wrote you need expressions

Re: Regexp Functions

2020-06-09 Thread Michael Gerdau
ic reference? I personally really like the perlre manpage. It is THE reference for all Perl Regular Expressions from which many other current regexp engines are derived. Kind regards, Michael -- Michael Gerdau email: GPG-keys available on request or at public keyserver

Q: Irregular alternate repeats and MIDI

2020-07-17 Thread Michael Gerdau
score { \unfoldRepeats \musicII \layout { } \midi { } } \markup "Of course I could enforce it manually" \score { { \body \voltaI \repeat unfold 3 { \body \voltaII } \body \voltaIII \bar "|." } \layout { } \midi { } } \markup "How should I change \musicII to en

Re: text under barline

2020-07-24 Thread Michael Gerdau
Just out of curiosity (and because I moved from LP to Gregorio for all things Gregorian): What exactly is it that you miss in Gregorio that you hope to achieve with LP? The provided example chant is easily typeset in Gregorio and I‘m not aware that it is possible to achieve an acceptable result

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