> >> I am needing help correctly compiling Handel's Messiah from the
> >> following
> >> website:
> >> 
> >> http://nicolas.sceaux.free.fr/index.php/2009/06/20/40
> You can use the convert-ly option -f "2.13.8" if not all ly and ily files
> have a \version statement. On the commandline it is possible to convert
> many files in one run. (And there are many files in that source!). Maybe
> one of the commandline gurus here can come up with a commandline to
> recursively convert all the .ly and .ily files that are hidden in the
> Messiah directory in directories and sub-sub-sub-directories?

From inside the directory where you extracted the zip invoke

find Messiah -name "*.*ly" -type f -exec convert-ly -f "2.13.8" -e {} ";" 
>convert-messiah.log 2>&1

[the above is one line]
and all files will be converted. However there remain a few files
that require manual intervention (see the created logfile)

> The Messiah score is compiled using a Makefile. If you have GNU make
> installed on your system, just go inside the "Messiah" directory and type
> make
> on the commandline and then everything should be compiled.

...which fails as some of us already reported.

I then checked out https://github.com/nsceaux/nenuvar and downloaded
the repository from there.

That seems to build (using make) out of the box although there are a
few warnings.

Kind regards.
 Michael Gerdau       email: m...@qata.de
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