> If you are willing to help, you do not need to mess with the lilypond
> code. You can just annotate somehow the PDF, and I'll fix the code.

I'm not that used to editing in PDF, therefor I will give measures as
of the PDF:

I have found one missing note:
in Bar 169 in the left hand there is missing a c'2. in the chord

The following remarks are more a matter of taste thing:
you have left out quite a few advisory/cautionary accidentials, mostly
for grace notes, that appear in the original:
Bar 38 gis'' grace right hand
Bar 41 cis'' grace right hand
Bar 43 cis'' grace right hand
Bar 49 d''8 right hand (in Bar 43 you have this natural)
Bar 49 cis'' grace right hand (same as in Bar 43)
Bar 76 cis''4 right hand

I'm aware these accidentials/naturals aren't strictly required. However
some may help clarifying the intention.

Bar 121: the cresc hairpin starts 1 quarter note earlier than the original
Bar 124: the decr hairpin ends 1 quarter note earlier than the original
Bar 134: the decr hairpin ends 1 quarter note earlier than the original

For both decr hairpins you could just not end them explicitly (i.e remove
the \!)

I would use whole measure Rests in Bars 157-160 in the left hand by
replacing the r2. with R1*3/4

I would prefix the tie between Bar 162/163 with a '_' to force it

Bar 200 the natural in front of the second b''4 could be removed.

Last not least the original had another empty bar in both hands. I don't
know wether that's part of the original manuscript or just for editorial

If you decide to add that empty bar, use full bar rests R1*3/4.

Kind regards,
 Michael Gerdau       email: m...@qata.de
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