Since this seems to be more complicated than anticipated,

> I have now downloaded his entire zip file and am using the code
> suggested by Simon (I think) which is:
> thedoctor818@TARDIS:~/Documents/nenuvar-master/Haendel$ m
> and keep getting the error message:
> make: *** No rule to make target 'Haendel/Oratorio/Messiah'.  Stop.
> I am trying this in the directory: Documents/Haendel
> I also tried this in Documents/Haendel/Oratorio/Messiah but to no avail.

here a full rundown of what I did.

1. I'm on Linux with make installed. Not sure about other OS'es. You
 also need a commandline (bash in my case)
2. I've downloaded the whole zip from
 As of yesterday it was almost 8MB in size.
3. I've extracted this zip. That created a directory nenuvar-master in
 the current directory. I cd'd into it (cd nenuvar-master)
 [it is completely irrelevant where in your filesystem this located
 as everything below nenuvar-master is self contained -- in other words
 nenuvar-master is freely relocateable]
4. Inside .../nenuvar-master I issued
 make Haendel/Oratorio/Messiah
 and that created said score (with some warnings)

All references to files are relative to .../nenuvar-master

I'm pretty sure compiling the score requires LP 2.19.x to compile
out-of-the-box. I'm using 2.19.27. I haven't tested 2.18.2 but would not
be surprised if that fails.

As I already wrote in another mail, you could get a complete list of
valid make targets when you issue (inside ../nenuvar-master)
grep ":" Makefile | grep -v .PHONY | sed -e "s/:.*//"

When you do not get a rather lengthy list (in my case 396 lines) with
targets then you are either not in the correct directory or have
downloaded the wrong file. Or something completely different ;)

Last not least the score requires the scorlatti font.
Either get it from
or remove the \paper block in common/common.ily lines 18-22


PS: Please trim your mails in that you copy only the stuff into your
mail, that is somewhat relevant to your issue. There is no need to
include msg regarding textspanner when you ask about Compiling
Nenuvar Editions.
 Michael Gerdau       email:
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