Re: Help with systemSeparatorMarkup in Latex

2008-02-04 Thread Mats Bengtsson
22:49 +0100 Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: As you may have noticed, the system separators is not the only thing that's not included when you use lilypond-book. Also such aspects as the spacing between the systems is lost. The reason is that every system is typeset as a se

Re: Forcing Piano Staff spacing in 2.11

2008-02-04 Thread Mats Bengtsson
o/lilypond-user -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECT

Re: Error Message

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
m/Gnu---Lilypond---User-f1722.html> at ___ lilypond-user mailing list -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Sig

Re: Tip / trick: making Adobe fonts available to fontconfig

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Werner LEMBERG wrote: However, I still get the following: fonts$ fc-cache -f Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file I'm in /etc/fonts when I issue the command; should I maybe be in some other directory? Hmm. On a linux box I would ask you to run strace fc-cache -f 2>

Re: Scheme: Is there a make-right-align-markup?

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Risto Vääräniemi wrote: One more thing... Does anyone know where the make-center-align-markup and make-column-markup are defined? They are not defined inside define-markup-commands.scm. In fact I (read Windoze search) cannot find them anywhere inside the binary or source releases. I guess they

Re: Help with systemSeparatorMarkup in Latex

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Daniel Tonda wrote: This is as close as I can get to a system separator, but it puts it after every eps file, It is much better though. Now I only have to find a way for the command to put it only after a number of systems have been inserted. The manual actually shows a couple of examples of

Re: My messages don't get through

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
-- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260


2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
need to do with it to make it a MIDI file? Thanks -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 79

Re: Crippled PS/RPM output on RHEL5

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
pdf and ps files of where it looks like good.png with fc7. Any ideas are welcome. Cheers, Ozgur -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology

Re: stopStaff combined with StaffGroup extents barlines

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
er mailing list -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463

Re: Hairpin and Textscript

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Trevor Daniels wrote: ... which shows a bug! The ottava bracket isn't moved no matter what value you specify, at least when I try with the latest 2.11.38 code from GIT. Unfortunately, this means that the exampl

Re: pedal position

2008-02-05 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Valentin Villenave wrote: I don't understand why nothing happens when you set the property on-the-fly such as \relative c''' { c2\pp\sustainDown \override Staff.SustainPedalLineSpanner #'outside-staff-priority = #250 \override Voice.DynamicLineSpanner #'outside-staff-priority = #0 c2\pp\su

Re: Problem with \triangle ##f

2008-02-06 Thread Mats Bengtsson
nt it filled in :) Thanks for your time. -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (

Re: Scheme: Is there a ... - Doc error? & other stuff

2008-02-06 Thread Mats Bengtsson
re is no \center markup command, so there's an error in the documentation. /Mats Risto Vääräniemi wrote: Dear All, I'm sorry if this arrives twice. My Gmail is behaving a bit strangely today. This one is improved a bit from the previous one. On 05/02/2008, Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Re: Fwd: Crippled PS/RPM output on RHEL5

2008-02-06 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ypted message ___ lilypond-user mailing list -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing

Re: Program crashes whenever I start it (not solved yet)

2008-02-07 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ught, do you have another python version installed?/Simon I have the latest version of Python (ver. 2.5) installed. ___ lilypond-user mailing list -- ===

Re: change staff to staff in different context

2008-02-08 Thread Mats Bengtsson
er context. Lilypond always tells me that " cannot change `Context' to `rhTwo': none of these in my family". I think I haven't told lilypond how to find the staff I want it to switch to correctly. I've tried multiple variants but only get more errors. Cheers, D

Re: Dynamics 2

2008-02-08 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ypond-user -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260

Re: bug in bendAfter + grace?

2008-02-11 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ng list -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden

Re: Different vertical dynamics aligning in 2.10 and 2.11 (Was: Aligning "sempre pp" with "p"...)

2008-02-11 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: Thanks a lot for all the different suggestions! Again, this shows the flexibility of Lilypond - there is no one correct solution, but many possible ones. I'm preparing an LSR snippet to highlight all the different approaches. I just sent yet another solution, tha

Re: GDP: index entries for snippets

2008-02-11 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ot the best person to judge whether certain index entries are helpful or not. Neither am I :-) Anyone else? Cheers, Valentin ___ lilypond-user mailing list -- =

Re: Leopard?

2008-02-11 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Graham Percival wrote: On Mon, 11 Feb 2008 13:52:49 + (UTC) Roberto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: There isn't a OSX 10.5 version available yet, right? Correct. Well, that's not the full story, as Graham knows. See

Re: Aligning "sempre pp" with "p"...

2008-02-11 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Kieren MacMillan wrote: For the record, why can't #:right-align be made to work inside the dynamic markup without sidestepping the collision mechanism? Actually, it turns out that you can. The horizontal placement of a textual dynamic indication is determined by the X-offset property, which

Re: Aligning "sempre pp" with "p"...

2008-02-11 Thread Mats Bengtsson
___ lilypond-user mailing list -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems

Re: Divisi lyrics

2008-02-12 Thread Mats Bengtsson
nic voices warning: unterminated hyphen; removing Many thanks for any help. I'm really enjoying using Lilypond! Peter -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 S

Re: feta fonts

2008-02-12 Thread Mats Bengtsson
g list -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 84

Re: override Stem beamed-lengths

2008-02-12 Thread Mats Bengtsson
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I'm new here and new to lilypond, but I read the posts from a few years ago about tweaking the stem lengths of beamed notes. The posts deal with earlier versions. Whenever you find a solution in such an old post, try to figure out the version number it was written for

Re: feta fonts

2008-02-12 Thread Mats Bengtsson
The following code is both simpler and provides the list in the .log file if you run in Windows: \version "2.10.0" #(map ly:message (ly:otf-glyph-list (ly:font-load "emmentaler-20"))) /Mats Mats Bengtsson wrote: Right, the list in the appendix of the on-line version isn

Re: file structure (hierarchy)

2008-02-12 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Walter Hofmeister wrote: Hi Werner, I have made a quick search for \skipBar and have not been able to find it. Where did you find it? Did you try to use the search function available at the bottom of It's certainly a useful setting to know about, at least if you're type

Re: file structure (hierarchy)

2008-02-12 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) wrote: See the attached image for a simplified structure definition of a score block. Nice! I don't agree with all details, though. Well, \set is a music expression, namely a music property definition. What is good to remember is that there is 3 kinds of outp

Re: Defining extra glyph-name

2008-02-12 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ypond-user -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL

Re: suggestion for LM 5.1.3

2008-02-13 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Andrew Hawryluk wrote: *** start draft text *** In large projects, you can combine several reusable variables to make a single staff of music. For example, if three trumpet lines have the same dynamics we could create a single variable that holds only the dynamic indications separated by skip

Re: file structure (hierarchy)

2008-02-13 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Andrew Black wrote: What is the status of the GDP manual - does it contain the whole documentation, some of which has been rewritten? Yes, as far as I know. The following sentence from this section is helpful : Some people put some of those commands outside the \score block – for example,

Re: file structure (hierarchy)

2008-02-13 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ut may be clearer. Bert -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46)

Re: pitched skips

2008-02-13 Thread Mats Bengtsson
M.v.Strien wrote: Hi list, I'm working on a lilytracker, which is basically a tracker like it's described here: but then without playback, samples etc. It's for me the best of 2 worlds: drag/drop until eternity in visual tools and low-level programming

Re: Divisi lyrics

2008-02-13 Thread Mats Bengtsson
. Your continued assistance is most gratefully appreciated! Peter -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46

Re: file structure (hierarchy)

2008-02-13 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Trevor Daniels wrote: Maybe this would be a good place to introduce the idea of conventions or, better, best practice in laying out a score. I would also recommend using a simultaneous contruct after \new Staff as another useful habit to cultivate. Why specifically for Staff? For StaffGroup/

Re: font errors but still output both on XP and Leonard (Macosx 10.5.1)

2008-02-13 Thread Mats Bengtsson
0.33 So for now, the lyrics has to be constrained to english only I hope and pray someone will solve this problem soon, since we can't all be linux users... /Marcus Käppi -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing

Re: Divisi lyrics

2008-02-13 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ic as in the example above... Your continued assistance is most gratefully appreciated! Peter -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute o

Re: Beaming question

2008-02-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
stinfo/lilypond-user -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax

Re: fermata and text (markup) on/above one note

2008-02-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
^\markup{ % with or without next line - hspace seems to be "saved" space, % where nothing else will be printed % \hspace #2 "(1.)"} } } ___ lilypond-user mailing list http://lists.

Re: fermata and text (markup) on/above one note

2008-02-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Trevor Bača wrote: On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 8:41 AM, Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: Hi Werner, > I don't understand, why the \hspace #0 influences the raise As I understand it, the \hspace defines the height of the entire markup box --

Re: fermata and text (markup) on/above one note

2008-02-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Trevor Bača wrote: OK, I was confusing dynamics and text scripts. For text scripts this baseline alignment is very cool. But for dynamics what I'm actually looking for is *center* alignment in the vertical direction (rather than *baseline* aligment). In other words, in Kieren's example above,

Re: fermata and text (markup) on/above one note

2008-02-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Trevor Bača wrote: On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 8:41 AM, Kieren MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: Hi Werner, > I don't understand, why the \hspace #0 influences the raise As I understand it, the \hspace defines the height of the entire markup box --

Re: fermata and text (markup) on/above one note

2008-02-14 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Quoting Trevor Ba?a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: At the risk of belaboring the point, I'm having trouble understanding *why* this works. Here's an absolutely minimal example: %%% TURNING ON Y-EXTENT %%% \version "2.11.39" \layout { ragged-right = ##t } \new Staff { \override DynamicLineSpanner #'

Re: fermata and text (markup) on/above one note

2008-02-15 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Valentin Villenave wrote: 2008/2/15, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: To understand why, you have to understand what the default setting of DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-extent does, namely to calculate the actual extent of the included dynamics indications. Then, once this has

Re: GDP: info about controlling direciton / placement

2008-02-15 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ared to go with #1 instead -- but I want the docs to be consistent. Either they all have such examples, or none. Cheers, - Graham ___ lilypond-user mailing list -- =====

Re: fermata and text (markup) on/above one note

2008-02-15 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Trevor Bača wrote: To understand why, you have to understand what the default setting of DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-extent does, namely to calculate the actual extent of the included dynamics indications. Then, once this has done, the placement of the full DynamicLineSpanner is det

Re: Doing \score { <<...>... } and \context Staff << .... >> in scheme?

2008-02-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: ... Also, how can I create a staff in scheme? A staff is no music expression, is it? Finally a question I can answer, or rather that LilyPond can answer for you. Just use the \displayMusic function. For example, run LilyPond on the following example and look at

Re: TimeSignature as fraction: gap between numerator and denominator

2008-02-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ution? Greetings Werner ___ lilypond-user mailing list -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engineering

Re: Problems with several parts, movements

2008-02-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: My other problem comes from the fact that if I give multiple "piece" names in the \header section, only the last one is printed for all of them. You need to add a separate score for each piece, and in each of these scores, you can set the piece to something

Re: GDP: info about controlling direciton / placement

2008-02-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Graham Percival wrote: The advanced term is "grobs", but I'd rather avoid that here. For some reason I prefer "controlling direction" instead of "controlling placement", although I can't give any reason for this. I'm not fully convinced that everybody will understand what "directions" ref

Re: Fermata

2008-02-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: Am Freitag, 15. Februar 2008 schrieb Victoria: Is there a way to do a fermata? I've spent upwards of 2 hours looking in the tutorial and just can't find it, if it's there. Also, if

Re: convert-ly seems not working

2008-02-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Ledocq-Boccart wrote: Hi, I'm managing converting a * from 2.7.18 to 2.10.33 * is stored in "C:\...\Lilypond\usr\bin". It's not a good idea to use this folder as your working directory! Please see for an

Re: getting tuplets using midi2ly

2008-02-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ing list -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engineering Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM

Re: GDP: What term do you use? (redux)

2008-02-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson _______ lilypond-user mailing list -- ===

Re: Marks under the staff

2008-02-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Reinhold Kainhofer wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Am Montag, 18. Februar 2008 schrieb Simon Bailey: that is what graham was suggesting. try the following snippet. all of this information can be found in the NM, section (Text Marks), redirected from section1.2.

Re: Two simultaneous staffs partially ina score.

2008-02-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
stinfo/lilypond-user -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engineering Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Ema

Re: shift accidental in chord

2008-02-18 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi Damian, Just to confirm... are you looking for \version "2.11.38" { \set Staff.extraNatural = ##t beses' bes' } i.e., to correct a previous accidental on the same note in the same bar? If not, please give a good reason for having both accidentals but no "split st

Re: space system problem

2008-02-19 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ond-user mailing list -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engineering Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-10

Re: Several issues transcribing ancient notation (clefs, noteheads, spacing)

2008-02-19 Thread Mats Bengtsson
till wrote: 2. There is a lot of threads here on the list. You can play with all sorts of spacing but nothing is yet really convincing. The most simple workaround appears to be to scale all note durations to a singe duration, eg. 1/8, which can be achieved by appending the note duration: a\bre

Re: Doing \score { <<...>... } and \context Staff << .... >> in scheme?

2008-02-19 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Nicolas Sceaux wrote: A score is a Score :-) Not if you want to attach a \header, \layout or \midi block to it, though it seems that Han-Wen has just added some support for doing that. /Mats ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: getting tuplets using midi2ly

2008-02-19 Thread Mats Bengtsson
effect --duration-quant=DUR With DUR=16 I get something acceptable (triplet of 8th are rendered as triplet of 16th , while--allow-tuplet=8*2/3); if DUR=8 notes of triplet are rendered as 4th. Best regards Charlie Mats Bengtsson a écrit : Don't have too high expectations on what mi

Re: TimeSignature as fraction: gap between numerator and denominator - solution

2008-02-19 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Werner wrote: (My opinion: That should be default layout.) The opinion of the main LilyPond developers is to use hand-engraved scores by the main German publishers as the inpiration when deciding on the layout, see for example

Re: Measure repeats, phrasing slurs and dynamics

2008-02-19 Thread Mats Bengtsson
} Is there a way to to this, having the phrasing slur span 2 measures and the cresc hairpin printed in the second measure? Thnx in advance, Oscar ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Starting up lilypond (install)

2008-02-19 Thread Mats Bengtsson
t file. -- γγγ ___ lilypond-user mailing list -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Schoo

Re: tempo marking fuction

2008-02-21 Thread Mats Bengtsson
org -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engineering Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM

Re: Error about paper block?

2008-02-22 Thread Mats Bengtsson
mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email:

Re: Repeats

2008-02-22 Thread Mats Bengtsson
, please? Ralph ___ lilypond-user mailing list -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engi

Re: Repeats

2008-02-22 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Also, could we find a better term than "Measure repeats", so that it covers also \repeat percent 4 { c4 }. I think we used to have the title "percent repeats" in some old version of the manual, but I'm not sure if that rings a bell either, for most readers. /Mats Ma

Re: GDP: NR 1.1 comment

2008-02-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Quoting Till Rettig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: Hi, I just noticed that the staff contexts of the examples in are PianoStaff. In 1.6 there is only mentioned GrandStaff. Which one is the preferred one to be used? I would mention both in 1.6, but I think we should develop guidelines which con

Re: Full bar rests in multi-voiced piano scores -- question and a suggestion

2008-02-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ond under other kinds of music typesetting. I am watching for those kinds of issues and will mention them as I find them. This is the first of those issues. cheers, and thanks David ___ lilypond-user mailing list http://li

Re: Full bar rests in multi-voiced piano scores -- question and a suggestion

2008-02-25 Thread Mats Bengtsson
where these problems are covered. The >rest issue I've asked about is one of the ones that have troubled me >currently. The piano section is small, but so much of the complexity >of writing it is covered elsewhere in Lilypond under other kinds of >music typesetting. >

Re: GDP: \articulation and -\articulation

2008-02-26 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ilypond-user mailing list -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engineering Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-100 44

Re: where is the local documentation?

2008-02-26 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ypond-user -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engineering Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Ema

Re: GDP: \articulation and -\articulation

2008-02-26 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ne) or below (for \voiceTwo) the stave. /Mats Arvid Grøtting wrote: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: There's one particular aspect of controlling directions that's specific for articulations, namely that each separate articulation has its own rule for

Re: strange warning

2008-02-27 Thread Mats Bengtsson
lilypond-user mailing list -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engineering Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

Re: \book output file name

2008-02-27 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Anh Hai Trinh wrote: I'm having two \book blocks to produce a full score file and parts file. Is it possible to suffix each book output filename specifically, instead of the generic "-1", "-2", etc. ? --AT I figured I should factor out the common stuff and putting the \book block into

Re: Text script below spanner?

2008-02-27 Thread Mats Bengtsson
See section "Vertical collision avoidance" in the 2.11 manual. /Mats Rune Zedeler wrote: Rune Zedeler skrev: \relative c'' { f^\< g^"Flying!" c f\! } ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Text script below spanner?

2008-02-27 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Rune Zedeler wrote: Rune Zedeler skrev: Perhaps we should think about a better name for that section. Or at least, add a "see also 5.5.5 Vertical collision avoidance" from Text scripts. I think that would do it, actually. Then, you should add the corresponding links from all oth

Re: Fingering inside staff

2008-02-27 Thread Mats Bengtsson
, -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: publish separate drum exercises in one pdf file

2008-02-27 Thread Mats Bengtsson
ismaehkloa wrote: I am transcribing my daughter's hand written drum exercises into lilypond. I'd love to be able to have each week's exercises on one pdf page. I am working in windows and have problems running lilypond-book (I think). It shouldn't be any problem. However, you can also do the

Re: Midi problem

2008-02-28 Thread Mats Bengtsson -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engineering Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (

Re: Additive time signatures

2008-02-28 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Kurt Kroon wrote: (I'm not sure if one can extend this last one in LilyPond to more complex examples, like when the numerator is an additive expression, and the denominator is a single digit, e.g. (3+2+3)/8.) I was mistaken ... it *is* possible to extend the syntax (which seems completel

Re: GDP: NR 1.1 comment

2008-02-28 Thread Mats Bengtsson
lilypond-user mailing list -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engineering Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (

Re: Scheme variables and chordmode

2008-02-28 Thread Mats Bengtsson
I D G+ e++> h! y- -END GEEK CODE BLOCK- ___ lilypond-user mailing list -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Sign

Comments in GDP, Was: comments

2008-02-28 Thread Mats Bengtsson
_ lilypond-user mailing list -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engineering Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-100

Re: again: funktionsbezeichnung

2008-02-28 Thread Mats Bengtsson
lt; h d f >1^\markup { D \hspace #-2.5 / \super 7 } You can adapt the negative horizontal space between the letter D and the slash. Marc -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engineering Royal Insti

Re: again: funktionsbezeichnungen

2008-02-28 Thread Mats Bengtsson
number "7"? ___ lilypond-user mailing list -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engineering Royal Institute of Technology (KT

Re: Additive time signatures

2008-02-28 Thread Mats Bengtsson
nd-user mailing list -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engineering Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

Re: shifting whole measure rest

2008-02-28 Thread Mats Bengtsson
mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing School of Electrical Engineering Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden

Re: GDP: \articulation and -\articulation

2008-02-28 Thread Mats Bengtsson
'd do it in the same paragraph as the formula link to "controlling direcition and posiitons". Cheers, - Graham On Tue, 26 Feb 2008 09:54:41 +0100 Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: There's one particular aspect of controlling directions that's sp

Re: pedal bracket too short

2008-02-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson
} \score { \new PianoStaff << \new Staff = "rechts" \rechts \new Staff = "links" \links >> } ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Problems defining a BraceStaff

2008-02-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson
- ___ lilypond-user mailing list -- = Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing

Re: Problems defining a BraceStaff

2008-02-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson
= #'SystemStartBrace }", it all just works. And putting the line containing "\alias" to end of the context doesn't help. What am I doing wrong? I can't help but think it must be fairly simple... Thanks in advance! Yours truly, John Zaitseff -- ==

Re: pedal bracket too short

2008-02-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson
. Reinhold, can you take a look? /Mats Stefan Thomas wrote: I use version 2.11.38 Is the problem with the vertical position of the pedal-bracket also solved in the newest version? 2008/2/29, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>: Please always tell w

Re: Problems defining a BraceStaff

2008-02-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson
John Zaitseff wrote: In the end, I came up with the following, which seems to work for me: \layout { \context { \GrandStaff \name "BraceStaff" \type "Engraver_group" The previous line can be remove since it's already included in the definition of Gra

Re: lilypond and mac under leopard -- the simple solution!

2008-02-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Ivo Bouwmans wrote: I asked for a link on the Lilypond download page, just to avoid problems like Claude is experiencing, and I don't know why no link has been made yet... Does the development team have any objections to my LilypondScript? Please let me know! The problem is rather that nobody

Re: GDP: \articulation and -\articulation

2008-02-29 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: 2008/2/26, Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: These are both valid: { c'2-\accent c'2\accent } Should we keep the - version in the docs at all? Does it really add anything (especially since most people use the plain \ version) ? It's necessary for

Re: Chord changes under voltas?

2008-03-02 Thread Mats Bengtsson
.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user -- ===== Mats Bengtsson Signal Processing Signals, Sensors and Systems Royal Institute of Technology SE-100 44 STOCKHOLM Sweden Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463 Fax: (+46) 8 790 7

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