Python shouldn't be involved at all when you just run plain LilyPond.
(For lilypond-book, convert-ly, midi2ly and a couple of other utilities
bundled with LilyPond, Python is used. The LilyPond installation includes
a full Python interpreter as well, but normally it shouldn't be any problem
also if you have some other Python installation on your machine).

I cannot recall having heard about any similar problems in Windows.
It's almost impossible to guess what is the problem, without further information.
What you can do is to start a command prompt (Start menu -> All programs
-> Accessories -> Command prompt) and try the following:

- Run the command
 If it works correctly, it should say something about "Usage:" and list
 a number of options that are available for the command.
- If the previous didn seem to work, you can run the command
lilypond --verbose > C:\lilypond.log 2>&1
 which hopefully should produce a text file C:\lilypond.log, with printouts
 from the lilypond command. Send a copy of this file to the mailing list.

- If, on the other hand, the first test seemed to work OK, you should make
 a similar test on a real .ly file, i.e. use a command like
cd Desktop\
 to change directory to the map where you have your .ly file and then run
lilypond --verbose > C:\lilypond.log 2>&1
 to get the log file.


Bryan Previte wrote:
Simon Dahlbacka <simon.dahlbacka <at>> writes:

Just a random thought, do you have another python version installed?/Simon

I have the latest version of Python (ver. 2.5) installed.

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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
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