Did you search for "Comment" in the index of the Tutorial?
However, you are right that it seems to be missing in the NR,
where it also should be included for completeness.


James E. Bailey wrote:
Maybe I'm still sleepy (it's early), but I'm not finding the section on comments in the new documentation. Specifically, something that deals with http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.10/Documentation/user/lilypond/Working-on-text-files#Working-on-text-files but in the documentation for 2.11. I realise is hasn't changed, but since I only ever download the current docs, it's just slightly more of a hassle to have to go to the website for it. (I just did a search for the word "comment" both in the pdf I downloaded and the "all in one big page" version of the 2.11 documentation).

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