hello out there,
I am a LilyPond novice and just getting familiar with it.
But one question is there which does not seem to
be answered in a satisfactory way:
How do I insert a tempo indication such as Allegro,
Adagio and the like above the beginning of the staff?
I'd be very grateful if anyb
Hello all,
I need to typeset a lied (voice/piano) where temporarily the time
signatures change from 4/4 for both parts to 2/4 for the voice and to
6/8 for the piano and back to 4/4 again.
In the NR there is a nice example how to achieve this with equal
measure lenghts for the different time signat
Thank you very much for this step-by-step guide. I followed the
instructions, and now I can also write Lily files on my mobile. Not the
most comfortable thing, but very useful for little things on the fly
anyway! With a Bluetooth keyboard it's certainly much better, but for a
first try I really use
This is not about a Lilypond problem, strictly speaking, but it is
related indirectly, and since here there are very many LilyPond users
around here, I also hope to address at least a couple of Frescobaldi
users here with an unanswered question, hoping that someone can solve
this for me:
I am local
question, but I can say that the better place to
> ask
> it would be either the Issue tracker in the Frescobaldi project on
> Github, or via the contact adress included in Frescobaldi at Help-
> >About.
> Hope that helps!
> Simon
> On 26.09.23 21:51, Hajo Baess
Dear all,
I wonder how you can "talk" LilyPond into moving a dashPlus symbol
above a slur. Without any tweaking it always puts the dashPlus under a
slur, whereas if you replace the dashPlus by a \trill command, the
trill symbol is always placed above the slur.
If I move around the slur like this:
Hello LilyPond users,
I wonder if there is a possibility to define a custom bar length, thus
for once cancelling LilyPond's automatic insertion of bar lines.
I have a complicated measure here with quite a bit of markup to
accommodate in one bar. I have worked out a solution which is maybe
good en
t does not
change, and I wonder how I can take advantage of the command.
SpacingSpanner? uniform-stretching? But how exactly? For my LilyPond
knowledge at the moment this goes too deep under the hood...
Am Dienstag, dem 16.01.2024 um 09:50 -0800 schrieb Aaron Hill via
LilyPond user discussion:
> On
Hello all,
I am typesetting a piece where the violin plays in a different tuning.
Of course you have to indicate the tuning before the music starts. I
would like to implement this with the \incipit command, if possible,
but there is one downside: you get your notes in the incipit with
mensural not
This works for the note heads, but if there happen to be accidentals
around (in my project this is the case), they remain mensural style. Is
there another override for this, too?
Am Mittwoch, dem 24.01.2024 um 16:14 +0200 schrieb YTG 1234:
> > I have tried an override ( \override
> > Staff.NoteHea
That 'manual' solution is absolutely good enough for my purpose.
Furthermore it is easy to understand and to modify if necessary. I'll
adopt it for my project.
At any rate: thank you all for your very valuable advice and hints. I
already suspected as well that \incipit is hardcoded to mensural sty
Hello all,
Maybe I am missing it alltogether or it does not exist or it is to hard
to find for me:
I am looking for a keyboard shortcut in Frescobaldi enabling me to
toggle between editor and music view, so I do not have to click with
the mouse.
I just can't find it. I have tried all kinds of pos
> Regards
> On 2/12/24 15:36, Hajo Baess wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > Maybe I am missing it alltogether or it does not exist or it is to
> > hard
> > to find for me:
> > I am looking for a keyboard shortcut in Frescobaldi enabling me to
s not surprising -
> Frescobaldi is after all a code editor; that it assumes (!) one would
> always want the code visible makes sense to me.
> Regards
> On 2/12/24 15:36, Hajo Baess wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > Maybe I am missing it alltogether or it do
Hello all,
I look for a way to force LilyPond to show the same time signature
again, although there is no change - just as a reminder. I could not
find anything in the NR and in the Snippet Repository.
Grateful for any suggestion how to achieve this.
) } \repeat unfold 3 { e' ( c g
> ) }}
> \time 6/4 f8 d' cis4. d8 d2.
Could it have something to do with the scaling applied before?
Am Freitag, dem 19.04.2024 um 17:44 -0700 schrieb Knute Snortum:
> On Fri, Apr 19, 2024 at 4:31 PM Hajo Baess wrote:
> > He
> = 9/8
> \scaleDurations 2/3
> {\repeat unfold 3 { f8 ( c a ) } \repeat unfold 3 { e' ( c g
> ) }}
> \time 6/4 f8 d' cis4. d8 d2.
Could it have something to do with the scaling applied before?
Am Freitag, dem 19.04.2024 um 17:4
s that the time signature will not be displayed (its stencil is
> set
> to false). Either remove it, or if you need it for some other reason,
> prefix with \once.
> Regards,
> Mark
> At 10:13 on 20 Apr 2024, Hajo Baess wrote:
> > This time w i t h sc
r "|."
it works as expected. It really seems to have something to do with the
scaled rhythms - that is my guess.
Unfortunately my exact situation is not covered in the NR - at least I
could not find anything.
Am Samstag, dem 20.04.2024 um 06:01 -0700 schrieb Knute Snortum:
> On
\bar "|."
> }
If you just type "\time 3/4" at the end for instance, you won't get
your time signature shown. At least this prodecure is completely
unintuitive, I think.
Am Samstag, dem 20.04.2024 um 14:02 -0700 schrieb Knute Snortum:
> On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 1:3
/4 there was no 3/4 again, although I had written "\time 3/4", and
I could not figure out why.
Am Samstag, dem 20.04.2024 um 16:06 -0700 schrieb Knute Snortum:
> On Sat, Apr 20, 2024 at 3:02 PM Hajo Baess wrote:
> > I have messed around with this little lab specime
much for your helpfulness. It's always satifying for both
sides if you can say afterwards: 'case solved'.
Am Montag, dem 22.04.2024 um 07:42 -0700 schrieb Knute Snortum:
> On Mon, Apr 22, 2024 at 3:32 AM Hajo Baess wrote:
> > > Is there a reason you are wr
Would it maybe make things a bit easier to leave the whole MacOS
business aside and take care of the Linux-specific stuff first? And
what actually about Windows - out of curiosity. I myself am a Linux
user (Mint), and so far Frescobaldi is still running flawlessly.
And - another question out of cu
Hi all,
There are various alternatives around at least for Linux users, but
there will certainly be different ones available for the Mac users as
well. And who knows: maybe Frescobaldi will survive after all. And if
it may stop working one day, it is good to know that at least you are
not complete
And while you are about to extend the 'Easier Editing' section: maybe
for the Mac users in particular one might want to add the combination
of TeXShop/LaTeX and Skim/Preview. I had a Mac until about 12 years ago
when I started to use LilyPond. That was on Mac OS 10.4, before I left
the Apple univer
Thank you for the good news! And of course another big Thank You to
everyone who made this new version possible.
Can't wait to test-drive it...
Am Sonntag, dem 21.07.2024 um 22:31 +0200 schrieb Jonas Hahnfeld via
LilyPond user discussion:
> We are proud to announce the release of GNU LilyPond 2.2
curve would
certainly be too steep for a beginner. At least I'd expect so.
All the best
Hajo Baess
Am Donnerstag, dem 16.01.2025 um 11:04 +0100 schrieb Federico Bruni:
> Il giorno mer 15 gen 2025 alle 14:13:30 -08:00:00, Knute Snortum
> ha scritto:
> > On Wed, Jan 1
rences: in version 4.0.0 the underpinnings have been
ported to higher versions of important components - see attached
screenshot. This gives me hope that Frescobaldi is still alive...
All best
Hajo Baess
Am Mittwoch, dem 15.01.2025 um 15:46 +0100 schrieb Mats-Olof Liljegren:
> Hi!
Hello all,
yesterday I updated my Frescobaldi flatpak from the flathub beta
channel. when I launched the flatpak, I saw (to my surprise) that it
said 'Frescobaldi 4.0.0' on the splash screen. And when you compare the
information about Frescobaldi 3.3.0 with version 4.0.0, you can see
quite a few d
erman localisation.
Last year I have done this localisation which was almost a complete
rewrite of the older one. Maybe I should look over it again, or should
I better wait until the next version will have been released? What's
your opinion?
All best
Hajo Baess
Am Mittwoch, dem 15.01.2025 um 0
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