I have (just completely accidentally, with a little help from the
Breeze theme color scheme) discovered a keyboard shortcut for switching
back and forth between the editor and the Music View. I think that it
is undocumented, and strange it is, too. Here it is:

 * from editor to Music View: press CTRL+TAB 5 times or until the Music
   View scroll bar is not greyed out any more. In Breeze for example,
   it turns light blue. The editor scroll bar turns grey at the same
 * from Music View to editor: press CTRL+Shift+TAB 5 times or until the
   editor's scroll bar is no longer greyed out, but Music View's is.

This is a crazy thing, but it seems to work...

No mouse needed.

Am Dienstag, dem 13.02.2024 um 13:24 -0600 schrieb Guy Stalnaker:
> I do not see such a toggle or any system call in the Key Shortcuts 
> preferences that seems relevant. And perhaps that is not surprising -
> Frescobaldi is after all a code editor; that it assumes (!) one would
> always want the code visible makes sense to me.
> Regards
> On 2/12/24 15:36, Hajo Baess wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > 
> > Maybe I am missing it alltogether or it does not exist or it is to
> > hard
> > to find for me:
> > I am looking for a keyboard shortcut in Frescobaldi enabling me to
> > toggle between editor and music view, so I do not have to click
> > with
> > the mouse.
> > 
> > I just can't find it. I have tried all kinds of possible candidates
> > to
> > no avail. Is someone here who happens to know?
> > 
> > Thank you for pointing this out to me...
> > 

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